Ffs, just seen this national treasure on the Beeb brekky show this morning saying the great unwashed should have rationing imposed on them to save the planet, like during the war.
No meat, two ounces of butter etc, in the same interview blowing smoke up the Queens arse like I’ve never seen before… but the best bit was, she made a bit of a slip when she said she’d been around the world looking at poor folk who only had two bottles, one for WINE , ooops.
What a complete twat…!
Nominated by: John morlar
(Is this the same rich old trollop who spent most of the 70s-00s wining and dining at posh London restaurants and jetting round the world for holidays and photo-ops? – Day Admin)
And talking of mad vegetables, there’s Animal Rebellion and their latest stunt, courtesy of Jeezum Priest
I’m sorry. I tried to go two weeks without doing a nomination, but this is just too priceless.
Animal rebellion – AR
Insulate Britain – IB ( otherwise known as insulate my house for free, but that’s not so catchy)
LGBTPXYZ – not sure, but it’ll come out in the wash.
Fuck me, if I wanted alphabet spaghetti, I’d have bought a tin.
Wasn’t she the one who proposed the awful Garden Bridge idea?
Not quite, she promoted her mate, some architect cunt, to sell the idea to the Jellyfish when he was Mayor. Somehow 10 mill of taxpayers dough disappeared……..no fucking Bridge, cancelled by Suckdick. One of Boris’s last scams as Mayor. Not in the same class as the Olympic Stadium fiasco but that one is now well and truly buried and covered over in concrete.
The money would have been better spent repairing Hammersmith Bridge.
money would be better spent electrifying the beach at Dover and then beckoning the dingys to come ashore
How dare the plebs enjoy a little of the high life I’ve been enjoying for 75 years?
Time to invoke the spirit of Paris, 1789. Where’s Robespierre when you need him?
gonna be hard job to off that head, the make-up on her face and neck has been on there for decades it must be like concrete, need a new blade in the guillotine
And yet she’s been fronting several travel guide shows in recent years. Flying about the globe first class every other week.
Lives in a home similar to Clarence House. Wonder what her carbon footprint is that place? (sorry for ‘Hello’ link it’s what came up when I googled her home)
What a hypocritical old tart. Mind you’d, I’d have given her one when she was in her prime (about 90 years ago). And come on her face afterwards.
Fuck off.
In her prime, she was a buck-toothed, small chested ostrich with a minge you could hide a badger in?
lol minge, that takes me back to the 70s
It’s the same with all the older idealistic old cunts. One foot in the pine box and they know the measures they propose won’t effect them for long, or with enough cash, at all.
Fuck off, you silly old bag.
Exactly. Keith Olbermann in the USA had a similar outburst recently blasting those who refuse to get vaccinated and tried to have a pop at Joe Rogan too.
They are past it, trying to stay relevant, and lashing out at people in anger because the hole in the ground beckons. They’re a sinking ship and they want to take others down too.
on the hilarious side, that lefty american cunt gavin newsom had the jab in public…did the usual bla bla …and it gave him bells palsy …lmfao, fucking cretin is being hidden from the public now for 2 weeks while they try and cure him of his lopsided face
I think we should just ban everything, starting with fucking luvvies ?
It’s strange how all these well off’s seem to know so much about everything.
agreed, can we start with emma thompson and greg wise and their pet chimp, then madonna the spunk bucket and her pet chimp, then move on to stephen fry, the fat smarmy cunt with a bedroom like a plaster’s radio, the list of luvvies is endless
I have never liked her travel shows.
Everywhere she went was too, too beautiful and everyone she met was so, so lovely.
She never said it like it is……
‘This place is a fucking shit tip and the locals are smelly, soap dodgers’.
Is it Jakarta or Manila where they live by scavenging in the landfill for clothes and plastic?
‘Too, too beautiful’
Silly old kaaahnt.
if we didn’t send them our shitty leftovers they’d still be running around naked, none of these countries has the ability to look after themselves
Can’t stand the fucking old Whore…that breathless ( I wish the bitch was) voice grates like fingernails down a blackboard. Still imagines that she’s attractive even though she looks like a Mummy ( and is probably the same age) from ancient Egypt. Was involved in pushing for some stupid fucking new bridge in London with that fucking Moron,Boris Johnson,that wasted millions. Was in that fucking dreadful comedy programme with Jennifer Saunders and has been living off it since. Travels around the fucking globe making programmes where the highlight of her commentary is a wheezed ” Oh,wow”. Constantly harps on about ” the swinging sixties” when,I’m guessing she was already in her fucking sixties.
Fucking old trout wants dipping in wax and putting on display in Madame Tussaud’s..it’ll be the most lifelike she’s looked in 50 years.
Dried-up.cobweb-fannied, crumbly old Pisspot.
????? That made me laugh Dick.
Same here this end
The “Rothmans rasp” I believe that voice is called Dick, I personally don’t listen to any globetrotting cunts and Soylent cunts, they all have a vendetta against country folk, that’s why country folks are always made the scapegoats!
Plastic arsehole too. Allegedly.
Hope she’ll be my first DeadPool win.
Joanna Lumley’s Trans Siberian Adventure (2015)
Joanna Lumley’s Japan (2016)
Joanna Lumley’s Postcards (2017)
Joanna Lumley’s India (2017)
Joanna Lumley’s Silk Road Adventure (2018)
Joanna Lumley’s Hidden Caribbean (2020)
Joanna Lumley’s Unseen Adventures (2020)
She can get fucked lecturing every other cunt on climate change shite.
Mind you, I’d have definitely slapped her around the face with my nob when she was in her prime.
That’s the utter irony isn’t it?
On the other hand, ‘the common people’ should think twice about their holiday in Magaluf, where Lummocks wouldn’t be seen dead.
Keep your head down and your fucking posh, luvvy gob shut, you old bat.
Her travels shows are just showing people where they could go if they could afford it, or now it’s more like so they aren’t allowed to go.
The Lucas butch wants a frequent flyer levy, if you take more than one flight the price bumps up, so that’s the plebs put firmly in their place while the rich and famous carry on flying as much as they like, not very green ?
She reminds me of a reanimated corpse. Fucking hideous bitch.
Thanks to rising levels of plant food otherwise known as CO2 all yealds of all crops are going up ,all over the planet.
Don’t think that this is some crazy idea that has sprung out of the addled brain of this posh old slapper. There are plenty of green, wokie, soysucking types with the same idea. They’re not promoting rationing, as yet, but jacking up the prices so that only they can afford it and us plebs have to settle for a bowl of rice and some raw carrots. Children in schools are being brainwashed with this green shit as we speak.
Don’t forget peasants…….it’s all for your own good, to save the polar bears, to save the planet.
Now fuck off and hug a tree and don’t argue with your betters.
My dearly departed dad was on the same holiday as her in 87. Somewhere in India, didn’t know until we went through his photos…..
I am sure the good people of Aldershot, now renamed “Nepaldershit”, thanks to the many thousands of Nepalese who “own” the place, will be delighted to see this saggy old cuntfinder on another moral crusade.
*saggy old cunt
It was reported that inside a bus in Aldershot someone had written; “When Joanna Lumley dies we’ll throw a party”.
….and another thing:
If the rumours are true, is having a plastic arse valve, due to having medical grade cocaine administered rectally, using an erect cock as the carrier, good for her “green credentials”?
Afternoon CG…I was just thinking about that…her plastic arse!
Seems weird though…I’ve never heard of anyone else doing coke that way, have you?
I wonder if Barrymore had coke on his knuckles when he went elbow deep in that naïve Lubbock fellow?
I like to picture Ms Lumley, frantically pulling down her incontinence pants and scrabbling with a tap-a bit like a wine box of liquid shit?
The smell must be fucking horrific ?
Afternoon Thomas-did you have a satisfactory luncheon??
*If the rumours are true…
Well yes thanks. I also just had a home-baked “special” flapjack (made from my personally grown finest) which is just starting to kick in…
And yourself? Will you be partaking of a beverage this afternoon/evening?
Reminds me of that fun scene in ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ where Leo DiCaprio’s blowing coke up some bird’s arse through a little tube. Supposed to lead to faster absorption into the body I think, like some medications.
As for the plastic valve bit; blimey, is such a thing even medically possible?
Katie Price has one already on account of her sleeping with hundreds of men, the old scrotter.
Katie Price has a “cat flap” fitted, so Harvey doesn’t wake her up?
Single malt for me Thomas-nectar of the Gods?
Stevie Nicks from Fleetwood Mac also (allegedly) likes her arsehole dusted with the old marching powder…
I would have joined the queue to administer that, to a “prime” Stevie Nicks?
I wonder if she uses a onesie with a back flap https://www.amazon.com/Functional-Buttoned-Bodysuit-Jumpsuit-Sleepwear/dp/B08PVVGDPY
Afternoon CG.
I remember reading about that in Viz some years ago. ?
In classic “Viz” vernacular, I imagine the benefit of La Lumleys plastic drainpipe, is a lack of “tagnuts” & “Winnits”.
Ps: afternoon Cuntalugs?
All these climate cunts are getting on my tits. Face up to it, the world is totally fucked and nothing can be done about it until China, Russia and India immediately cut CO2 emissions.
I think I’ll open another bottle of beer.
The world is not fucked, by CO2 anyway. As I’ve said before on these hallowed pages, it is of little to no consequence to the climate except for its impact on the size of the biosphere. It’s not called plant food for nothing – it literally is and as satellite data show, the earth is becoming greener, deserts are shrinking, the amount of land available for agriculture is increasing, and the yields per hectare are increasing all thanks to the dreaded CO2, but you don’t hear about this on the BBC. Of course this is bad news for elites because there is no profit or control in abundance. You have to hand it to the cunts that devised this scam to actually tax the basis of all life (carbon) and regulate it’s supply. Can’t have those plebs thriving in a garden if eden like paradise.
Water vapour is the main greenhouse gas and that is limitless in supply.
With that all said, the world is fucked by the climate scam and the associated chicken little ‘the sky is falling’ hysteria, but it’s all a confected, man-made problem (but not man made in the way they claim).
Her pretty face has gone to Hell, which is where she’ll soon be sucking cocks, hopefully.
Does she have an offspring to whom we could say:
? Afternoon Mr Cunt Engine. She has a son:
His grandmother is currently sucking cocks in Hell.
Do the Peacefuls sit around worrying about the fucking planet?…..about the rights of poofs, trannies, Wimminz etc. Are any of them fucking vegans?
No they just sit there, grins on their faces, biding their time.
They know how weak and pathetic the Infidel is. They are arriving by the boatload every day. The likes of Lumley with her fame and wealth mean nothing to them. Just another Kaffur.
Nope they just have five or six kids each, which really helps the climate ‘problem’.
Bitter old cunts who refuse to die with dignity are fucking obnoxious. You’ve had your whole life to reach a point of humility, acceptance, and hope for those who will out live you. But instead they are resentful and jealous, and don’t want to see others living better than they did.
It’s a great reflection of the neurotic selfishness that society generates in people. Especially her generation who have lived the most opulent lifestyles in the entire history of mankind! Ridiculous.
Fuck off and die with some grace you crusty cunt.
Wizened old hag! Never liked her, the stuck up bitch. Bono in fucking drag telling the little people to go without while enjoying the worlds riches to the full.
Be warned though cunters, this’ll be the next big thing. A manufactured shortage of meat leading to meat duty so the little people can only eat it once a week. If they want to play that game, there won’t be a rabbit, pigeon or deer for miles around where I live I promise you.
Bono in drag?
I’m sick oh hearing from NIMBY twats telling me how to live my life. I had people telling me what to do at school and still have people telling me what to do at work. I need a fucking rest from it in my free time. When is somebody going to have the fucking bottle to say on tv “the problem is overpopulation”. Africans having 8 kids even though there fucking starving, Muslims having 7 kids and let’s be fair indigenous white trash having 6 kids. Limit people to 3 kids. Fucking hell, isn’t 3 enough? And if Bono opens up any more, a foot is going through my TV and sending that over cunt ‘The Edge’ the fucking bill.
She’s more precious than Gollum’s ring.
I wish more raddled old Knightsbridge whores would take action to save the planet.
And as I trudge across the muddy fields the 8miles to the ecobenefit office to register for my allotment of soy bean curd and hemp shoes and I see a private jet pass overhead,
I can salute!
And as the vague memory of what bacon tasted like and what pride in being your own man fades,
I can rest easy knowing Lumley and ilk are on pheasant and fresh salmon.
Burn the old haridan
I reckon this old mole has seen more cocks then Katey Price. Not a record to be proud of.
I wonder if this climate change fanaticism has something to do with the fact that London is below sea level and should sea levels rise, the London will by and large become known as London Under Thames.
Some of the worst affected areas would be Kensington, Chelsea, Hammersmith
All that real estate would become worthless due to flood damage.
Atlantis Under Thames has a nice ring to it don’t you think.
I’m looking forward to it. The shore lapping at the bottom of my drive, with Caribbean summer temperatures.
I will have been dead for about 1000 years but i’m still looking forward to it.
I wonder if Big ears is still banging her, he’s not fussy about wrinklies, he banged that 3 degree of beastiality back in the day and that thing would turn most blokes gay