For your Cuntsideration:
Wimminz who make no effort for their menfolk, once wed!
If I had a pound for every male associate who has “bent my ear” about his sex kitten turning into a heffelump-I would be able to purchase an expensive set of in ear earphones?
Some of the words of wisdom, thrown at me, prior to marriage, include:
-careful mate, wedding cake fucking ruins a woman
-put that ring on her finger and her legs will snap shut
-marry em son, an’ the only thing that will suck in the ouse’ will be the oover!
Now we all get old and generally, time is not kind to us physically. However, I have noticed that most women DO get to a point where they let themselves go. It doesn’t take much effort to eat carefully, get a bit of exercise, try and stay “young at heart”.
Am I being too hard on these wimminz? Perhaps as I type this, some wimminz somewhere is typing an identical line about men….
What thinks you?
*I post this misogynistic rant, as it is a subject NOT connected to race, religion or sexuality?
Nominated by: Cuntfinder General
I note that Admin has used a BAME couple to illustrate this nom. How very right on trend, how very woke.
Well done!
(We haven’t quite succumbed to cross-dressing diversity here at Admin Towers just yet. But it will only be a matter of time before Night Admin surprises us all! – Day Admin)
(Anyone who says they saw me in the women’s department of the Oxford Street John Lewis the other week is a filthy liar – NA)
BAME. Theres an acronym thats biased toward the blacks and not the other ethnics. There are very few, if any, AME in advertising or the blackwashing of white parts in film and TV. Could you imagine the tempers flaring, the mental elf issues and shops selling out of 9″ kitchen knives if it became MEAB? Perhaps it should be changed just to court a bit of controversy and piss them off instead of us for a change.
If it became Moslems And Minority Ethnic it would be a bit too close to home.
When I look at that festering compost heap that is the spouse (not up yet, as the weekend soap repeats of “classic” episodes don’t start for several hours yet), the rancid old tart, stuffing herself with chocolates and never doing a hands-turn of work, I begin to think I would have been better off being q ueer and becoming a Labour MP stuffing myself on expenses and young office interns. Get a daily woman on expenses, that or balck up start the Kentish Town connection and pose in my top of the range BMW with my latest hoe.
My only advice is to do like the Middle East potentates do and treat your woman like cattle. Make her put a veil over her gob to keep her quiet.
You could be talking about Ethel.
I have a problem.
You have a problem.
Criss cross.
Savvy ?
Morning, Boggs.
Not a bad idea – I might get mine a niqab for Xmas – she won’t wear it but, with any luck, won’t talk to me for weeks?
It is true that men age like a fine wine, while women age like milk.
Thanks to the internet laying bare wimminz’ natures and undeniable behaviours, any man who is fool enough to get married now deserves everything he gets.
I’m a big fan of feminism! It shows men, especially young men who haven’t yet ruined their lives, what utter cunts wimminz actually are.
I do everything I can to turn my young work colleagues away from marriage, just encourage them to treat birds selfishly and never let the cunts get one over on you, especially in the light of #metoo.
Feminism is also enjoyable because it makes the cunts miserable. Is there such a thing as a happy feminist?
They’re all fat, ugly and self-loathing and within 20 years, I reckon there’ll be an army of middle-aged (currently young) bitches who no man would touch with a bargepole, crying alone with their wine and cats.
Married wimminz are lazy and presumptuous; they never do a lick of exercise and turn off the sex taps after 7 years or two children and then have the gall to complain when their husband (quite rightly) goes off a fucks a younger bird.
Thankfully, marriage rates are in the toilet…hopefully men are wising up and divorce-rape will no longer be prevalent.
They ought to award the most stinking, loathsome, obese, flatuent old boiler an annual “Jess Phillips Award” for the most repellent feminist harridan of the year – to be run at the same time as the Nobels, as few wimmnz ever win that – to be presented by Emily “You, Too, Can Have A Body Like Mine – If You’re Not Careful” Thornberry – the prize being a life size sculpture of Dawn Butler, complete with knickers bespattered by excrement – to make it real, and detachable leather chaps and Doc Mafrtin boots.
(And there goes any thoughts of breakfast. Cheers! – Day Admin)
You could use a hand-held scanner and reproduce a scaled-down model of my ex-wife; it sounds like her to a T!
A guy with Downs Syndrome wanders into a pub crammed wall to wall with top notch snatch….
DS: ‘I’ll bet you I can fuck any woman in your pub’.
Bartender: ‘Yeah right, you a billionaire or something?’
DS: ‘No. I’m a rapist’.
The stereotype fits. Women are fitted with a different logic compass to men. Especially married ones or in a relationship. Sometimes their compass flies off due south when all the evidence points north. At times they are crackers and therefore a Cunt.
‘ For the first six months, you could eat it, after that, you’ll wish you had done ‘
An old blokes views on marriage, to me, many years ago.
It would be far cheaper and infinitely more enjoyable to employ the services of high class prostitutes.
Good morning.
They are all mental and their plumbing never works
Im to much of a gentleman and to gallant to voice a opinion on the ageing of women,
But what I always find weird is those girls who have been pretty fit when younger and still think theyre a irresistible sex kitten,
Despite gaining 8stone and starting to go bald.
Kirsty Ally, she aged faster than soft fruit,
And Diana Dors,
Acted like Marilyn Monroe but looked like Shirley crabtree.
And that Denise Welsh,
Asks like a Cougar, like shes a sexbomb,
But everything about her says “school dinner lady”.
The shameless old slag.
Why do are all the young Mediterranean young birds fit as fuck yet when they hit 30 don a black sack dress and grow a beard?? Pack with the Devils
? Men get cold and women get old….
Where did my post go, Admin?
You didn’t mention sexy married đwąrf wimmin did you, TC?
Apparently that’s a naughty word on WordPress for some reason!
(Not far from the truth actually. Some WordPress edit locking bug issue. Had to delete it. Happens sometimes – Day Admin)
This is how most women work. Once you’re trapped the real alien inside then shows itself. You’re purpose is to provide and to do the chores. Want proof? Watch a woman transform back into a butterfly if going out with the girls or suddenly single.
This is probably why Muslim men can divorce easily. In their culture a woman without a man isn’t in a good place, in our culture women have the whip hand.
For now.
With the coming economical storm, all the female-centred modern crap of society won’t be worth a damn when the lights go out or there’s no food on the shelves.
Then, us men who have prepared will be selling bowls of homemade soup for blowjobs off fit as fuck birds.
At least, that’s how the fantasy plays in my head!
Thomas one left a review!
“I hope his soup tastes better than his cock”
K. price
My normal-sized cock would get lost in any of her repulsive gigantic holes.
I reckon Harvey came out (with almost no resistance) weighing 2 stone!
Men age well…women don’t. Marriages should only last 10 years after which the Man can walk away penalty-free if the woman has gone to seed…which most of them do,particularly if they’ve dropped a couple of benefit sponge children…fair enough if the Man is willing to keep them around to look after the house while his new Tart moves into his bedroom..the old,frumpy woman and brats can move into the garage.
A woman,a dog and a walnut-tree…the more you beat them,the better they be.
… never even tried to work out what motivates women. Pointless exercise … fickle minded critters that flit from one thing to another … they even attempt to cover up their undisciplined, disjointed activities by calling it mult-tasking (a real pet hate of mine). We need a seperate thread for that shit … it requires a special kinda mind to precision plan to have a sequence of complex events come together at a single point in time in order for you to really get it around your fuckin’ neck and ruin every aspect of it. Doing a bunch of stuff badly all at the same time … yeah real skills right there.
I love my wife like I love my kids but my tolerance threshold hovers just on the +ve side of zero so I make sure that my ‘standby’ status is always switched to active.
What’s that saying … Women. You can’t live with ’em and ya can’t shoot them!
Wimminz day they can multitask but men can’t.
Truth is, no one can. It’s just us men are intelligent enough to know it and not try.
‘I’ve been working all day’ she says when you return from actual work. What has she done? Only think it remember-never actually ask.
Well the dishes are soaking-not washed, just soaking. Your white shirts are sitting in the washing machine with a pair of her black tights (not stockings. Tights) and her plan for dinner is to ask you ‘what are we having?’
I’d love to be single again.
Dishes soaking not washed…mega sighhhhh.
She does that so when someone (eg. me) actually needs to use the sink will wash them to get them out of the way.
I’ve taken to taking them out and putting them in the “to be washed“ where they sit for days and days, until I get sick of it and do it anyway.
Ethel wants me to retire.
Then we can be ‘ together all the time ‘
Get To Fuck.
Tell that bitch to be patient. You can be together for eternity when they put your graves next to each other.
She’s a mental.
The first 6 months of marriage you think you could eat it.
The next 30 years you wished you had.
Sorry Jack, just noticed you’d already posted that. Must have missed it
A good point can never be reiterated enough. ?
Morning, Infidel.
Seems like I hit the bullseye with this nom.
An excellent point about divorced wimminz becoming butterflies again?
The wife of an associate, (who left her for another wimminz of the same age-47), transformed from a frumpy, overweight “mousewife”, into a svelte temptress.
I bumped into her and she bent my ear for 10 minutes about what a bastard her husband is.
I interjected with “You look stunning-you really do. Do you think he wouldn’t have strayed if you looked like this?”
She was completely disarmed by this truth. I was 20 years younger than her, I don’t think a mb of her age would have got away with it.
I bumped into her again several months later, where she complained that men of her age were boring and had all let themselves go. The irony.
She was the archetypal “bitter wimminz”.
Back when I was a teenager there was a girl at school who I always had a crush on. I remember seeing her again in a bar when we were in our early 20s.
When I went back to my old town to see my mum earlier this year, I popped into a supermarket to buy her some flowers and saw her again. First time I’d seen her in over a decade.
The years had not been kind. Dowdy and mardy looking, gained a couple of stone. Quite tragic really. She was a real stunner and could probably have been a model back in the day.
I was expecting Jim Bowen to jump out and say ‘look at what you could’ve won!’
There is no benefit to marriage for a man. Any tax breaks you might enjoy are immediately gobbled up and spunked away on shoes.
It’s a state licence for her to hen peck you into an early grave as far as I can ascertain.
Relationships need an aspect of dread and insecurity, on her part. Marriage gives them final security so there’s no need to try and secure your protection any more via blowjobs and nut licks.
Like cars, need to traded in every few years, they don’t last but occasionally you get a classic that still has some gloss with the chassis intact (liz Hurley)
I’d stay away from Hurley after she turned Shane Warne into a fucking Ken doll.
I’m glad I married the nasty piece of work I’m now happy to call my ex wife. She was the main bread winner, and boy did she like to remind me of it. But, thanks to those rings, she had to buy me out of the house, giving me enough to put a tidy deposit on my own house. It was only what I’d put in to the relationship, but I don’t think I would have had as much if I hadn’t been married to the cunt.
At the divorce hearing, the judge was of the opinion that I deserved more money, but I was desperate to get the cunt out of my life as soon as possible, and it had dragged on way too long, thanks to solicitors and fucking estate agents, so I took the initial settlement. Wish I hadn’t now, just to know it would have pissed her off to have a couple of quid more from her.
Reading this nom, I come to the conclusion that I must be the luckiest fucker about when it comes to the fair sex.
The wife is lovely; kind, caring, and at sixty, still a hot little cat who goes like the Bangalore Express with a full head of steam up.
I’ve never figured out what she ever saw in my ugly mug, but for some reason she thinks the sun shines out of my arse. How jammy can you get?
I’ll say it again; I’ll never understand women.
Ron: you are Shorty from that song by Eddie Cochrane-the one who “..had something that can’t be found in books!”.
…and I claim my $5 voucher for Ron Knee’s “How to love the same woman for the rest of your life.”
(IsAC press)
I’ve just come down from doing a bit of tidying in the loft, and there she is, waiting with a cheese and ham roll (touch of dijon), a packet of crisps and a bottle of beer.
Fucking paradise, with an Edinburgh burr.
Good for you Ron! The other silly sods on here haven’t got a clue have they? We’ll also be together until one of us carks it. Get a grip you lot!
And we’ve two adult daughters and I still can’t understand women. But I suspect they understand me.
As a “wiimminz” I am 42 and single, earn my own money, have my own home, and work long hours. I cannot stand women who rely on men/think the world owes them a living/and put the hand out when they have children. I despise women who do fuck all, have children and then divorce and gain the home and big financial settlements. It does my head in. I look after myself, go to the hairdressers, gym, have waxes, and dress nicely. It can be done…
Are you on tinder? Asking for a friend…..?
Ha ha ha?
*Ms Raiders-we love women on IsAC, just despair of “wimminz”.?
Hear hear CG!
Hello Miss Raiders!
Ha ha, no. I’m too classy for that. Lol
After reading Raiders post, is everyone still of the same opinion on marriage.?
I expect men are falling over themselves to get to know you better Raiders.
Fair play to you .
They do try, bless them, but interestingly a lot of men don’t like it when you are quite independent.
It’s taken three goes to get one that looks after herself. God loves a tryer.
I wish to object to this picture. I thought all married couples should be of mixed race. I don’t care if one of them is darker than the other, they are obviously both black, or coloured. Get woke, Admin.
It’s the easiest thing in the world to get married but it’s not a good idea because most women are selfish controlling cunts. They’ll marry you, then give you a dog’s life so you have to get rid of them and lose half of what you’ve got. Fuck that for a game of soldiers.
I find myself being more attracted to slightly older women these days.
Kate Bryan the art historian floats my boat. She knows her subject very well and she makes it interesting. I also think she has quite a sexy voice.
Bettany Hughes and Jasmine Harman for me. I’ve idea why… (o)(o)
Was it Jack Nicholson who said ‘ why don’t I just meet a woman I don’t like and give them a house ‘?
Tired old joke : why do men die before women? answer : because they want to.
‘I have noticed that most women DO get to a point where they let themselves go.’
As I, a few mates and Dave Chappelle have observed, that point seems to be the 35th birthday, when the biological probability of birthing healthy children plummets or they’ve been churning out the brats and turned into Karens on numerous medications.
*most* women. There are some rare examples of some who keep themselves tidy into their fifties.
‘Nobody wants 36-year-old pussy’ – Dave Chapelle.