Oh dear, oh dear.
Fat fuck Ian ‘Bloater’ Blackford, aka ‘The Westminster Windsock’, has opened his gob again and let his belly rumble.
The SNP leader in the Commons is frothing at the mouth about guess what; yes, the damage that being in the Union is causing Scotland. You can write the script yourself; ‘Tory inequities…tax hike…blah…Covid failings…Brexit…burble…’. Not a word about the SNP’s own abysmal record in Scotland, naturally.
Funnily enough however, ‘Bloater’ does have a remedy for the ‘problem’, and you won’t need three guesses. Yes, the SNP wants yet more billions in ‘recovery’ funds, from the UK government it purports to despise.
The Chancellor should tell the cunt to take a running jump, because it doesn’t matter what you do, you can never appease the SNP. Dole out billions and ‘Bloater’ will trumpet about ‘the SNP standing up for Scotland’ from the rooftops. Then he’ll be back moaning again next week. So you might as well give them sod all and let them just whinge and bellyache, which they do constantly anyway.
Blackford and the SNP are about as welcome as a thrombosed haemorrhoid; truly a disease on the anus of the British body politic.
Nominated by: Ron Knee
Imagine no SNP cunts in the Commons, bliss. Give them their referendum.
Give the English a referendum.
Yes give the English the vote and the SNP will surely get their wish of independence.
it’s what they’re really afraid of – because overwhelmingly, the UK will tell them to fuck off.
I really wish they would just have done with it and FUCK OFF.
I’ve just thought of a new telly program:-
“ cooking with MP’s whilst lost in the jungle “
Picture blackford in a giant pot surrounded by Claude Webb Dawn watch her face and Dicko Lammy. With flattbott sipping a gin and tonic waiting for her meal.
That would be a giant hit. It would suit Chanel 4 or BBC primetime as it would fill all the right demographic quotas and see white honky getting his come uppance.
I think it light of Webbe’s suspended slap-on-the-wrists, she should go straight to the wall of cunts, without having first passed go. We need a cunt equivalent of the “Hollywood hand-shake” (what a load of shite that is, but Lady C likes it).
The suspended sentence was a given. I see that the cow’s still going to appeal tho, proclaiming her ‘innocence’.
Given the timescale involved, she’ll still have her snout in the public trough for months, if not years yet.
Labour certainly knows how to pick ’em for Leicester.
And he would cook a treat, on a slow burn all that lovely fat and juices he will be nice and tender, way better than the usual Chicken shack food that Lammy and Diane usually frequent.
Oh and plenty of left overs even with those mouths to feed.
Long pig trotters.
He is an odious arse wipe.
I rather DO hope the Scots get independence, because the Spanish gvnmt will probably kill Sturgeon.
Independence for Scotland would be a wonderful thing because the English taxpayer could cease paying for all the extra benefits the Scots get over the English (like free NHS prescriptions). With North Sea oil to be outlawed by the Net Zero nonsense they will be totally fucked in terms of National Income. If that’s where they want to end up then let them.
A bit like Brexit though it won’t be done properly and we’ll still end up paying for the cunts no doubt. Still, a protest vote is always welcome even if the Elite totally ignore the outcome.
As the SNP and Blackford in particular enjoys being a victim, they should snap up all the black and Asian MPs in Parliament along with the nancy boys and lesbian ladies. That way the BRitish parties would be free of their trouble-making shitty MPs free to get new intakes of honest countrymen (and I suppose, a few women), and Blackford would have a genuine reason for mithering. A win-win for everybody. The fun Blackford will have wrestling with David Lammy in the SNP Heavyweight Wrestling Competition.
No University tuition fees
No road bridge tolls
No prescription charges
Free tampons for the ladies
And all paid for by the rest of the UK
Go and shove a deep-fried Mars bar up your clunge, you fucking lard mountain.
Just ask Blackford about how he is going to get around the Scottish islands on a ferry and what is the SNP policy towards ship building and marine engineering.
Both the BBC and The Scotsman are cheerleaders for Sturgeon and the SNP so I bet it stuck in their throat having to write up the story.
The sooner they fuck off the better. However they will lose a ‘once in a generation’ indyref again which will keep the cunts bellyaching ad infinitum. Kick them out of the union.
A particularly loathsome individual picked by kranky to wind up the HOC and the general population.
Watching him puffing and panting with sweat forming on his chubby little face and he raises the rhetoric leaves me mulling over the question…..
Which comes first for porky pig
Independence or a
Heart attack ?
Hopefully the latter.
As he raises ?
Hey that’s a great idea! Liberals are never happy no matter what you give them so just don’t fucking give them anything.
The SNP are utter cunts.
I fucking despise these economically illiterate, braindead, racist, tartan Nazis.
However, whilst Blackford is definitely a cunt, his cuntitude pales in comparison to uber-cunts Salmond and Krankie.
Fuck the SNP. Anyone who has voted for them should have their head forcibly inserted into the anus of the Loch Ness Monster.
I don’t like them.
Come on CofE, what’s the poor old Loch Ness monster ever done to you?
I want them to win an indy ref.I will laugh until my sides hurt when Brussels tells them to join the back of the queue.Ha ha ha ha ha ha.Bigoted Jock.
I can see why the Haggisbashers don’t want to vote Labour or Tory so why can’t we have an English National Party? Yeah, let’s put the English first like every other bunch of cunts put their mob first. That would make a change…..give the p*ncing cunts something real to moan about. How about that?
Never happen as they would be called out as
Little Englander
Extreme right wing
And nobody’s got the bollocks to do it knowing they would instantly be labelled all of the above……….
shame ?
That’s the dream – ain’t gonna happen though, more’s the pity☹️
Fuck Blackford and his party of bigots. They really are the turd in the shallow end.
Bloater is like one of those wind up toy monkeys that keep bashing the cymbals. He sounds like Donald duck and looks like one of Donald’s nephews. He screams about democracy, whilst ignoring the results of every referendum ever held. He calls himself a simple crofter but is a millionaire who’s profited from arms sales to Saudi Arabia.
He also contributed to the death of Charles Kennedy. Nasty cunt.
Thanks for the information Ruff. I didn’t know anything about the fat fucker, just found him to be a good laugh when he appeared on television. I’ve just read up on him and in future I shall laugh more heartily.
And owns 2 top of the Range Land Rovers, ex-Investment banker, but oh course he is just a simple crofter, nice work if you can get it.
This clip from a few months made me laugh he was fuming because his dog barking in the background made more sense than him.
What’s the story on Bloater and Kennedy, Ruffers?
? Evening Ron.
Evening Ruffers, and thanks.
Christ on a bike, I’ve always regarded Blackhead as a gobshite cunt, but I didn’t know that he was a complete and utter shit with it.
The Natzis like to pretend that there’s is a wholesome, progressive force; ‘civic nationalism’ they call it.
I call it a heart of darkness.
oh ffs ‘theirs is’!
No surprise that the SNP was sympathetic to the Hitler and the Nazis during WWII.
Just read that link Ruff. Now know that he’s way beyond a figure of fun, in fact a double-dyed evil cunt. Thanks again.
The link at 10:14 to the article in the Spectator I meant, but your latest link about the nazi connection is just as interesting. Keep ’em coming Ruff!
All these scots MPs who drone on about independence must be early am on the Buckfast.
Me, personally I would let Scotland fuck the fuck off as long as they agree we can keep watching Still Game.
England should do the decent and moral thing to help the SNP – send them up some architects, engineers and scientists.
We’ve a fucking abundance of the cunts down here.
Great idea:
Give Scotland independence and pay them £3 billion per annum, if they take all P.O.C’s from England.
Rebuilt Hadrians wall.
Great Uncle Addi would be proud?
Billions the fat cunt want?
One cruise missile in tartan will do.
He’s like something out of Harry Potter:
Professor Fattiest Cuntiest.
Give the cunts another referendum I Say.
I know a few Sweaties and none of them voted for it last time and never would again.
If by a pure miracle they won independence we should pull all the Royal Navy out, ship building, subsidises and give them all our peacefulls seeing as Wee Jimmy Cranky loves them so much.
Within 6 months they will be a third world country getting food parcels from Oxfam.
Far bigger political cunts than Blackford about, he’s pretty much a self confessed cunt, the worst are the spivvy gold dealers who turn their back on their supporters while saying “up the RA” for a pound coin!
The biggest cunts are the people who keep voting for these economically illiterate, self aggrandising fuckwits. All they’ve achieved is cultural division. The English will never get a vote on the union because Westminster know full well we’d all say ‘good fucking riddance’. And if wee Jimmy thinks Europe will welcome them with open arms, she’s incredibly mistaken. The french might side with them to piss us off, but the rest won’t.
The problem seems to be that for many in Scotland, indy has become a holy grail; if Krankie grew a toothbrush moustache and stomped around in a brown uniform, these cunts would still vote SNP.
It reminds of that old comment made by a Yank officer during the Viet war; ‘in order to save the country, we had to destroy it’.
That’s what the SNP is surely doing to Scotland.
I’d love to see ‘Bloater’ on The Wall asap, so I’ll probably cunt the fat fuck again before too long, so bear with me.
Build that wall! Build that wall! We have the foundations that Hadrian so kindly started! Let’s send the cunts back to think again!!! I think we should offer to pay 50% of the wall if they promise to take the scousers with them!!( funny scousers when autocorrected was avoiders!!! )
Should be investigated for his expenses this cunt. Always claiming about 200k a year in ‘expenses’, the fucking fat gobby cunt.
Please let the jocks have their independence so we don’t have to have those cunts at the SNP gobbing off in parliament. No more free shit from us you cunts. And here, you can have all our rappers and peacefuls you cunts.
The mere existence of the this fat cunt should be investigated, with a view to establishing an action plan in order to limit damage to the environment.
I think that’s because he is so fucking fat he needs a whole aisle just for himself on the flights to London and back to his humble croft, with a dozen rooms, billiards table and 2 Range Rovers etc. Tough life.
Even accounting for the loony asylum/monkey house of the Labour party, Blackford is perhaps my least favourite MP. I hope he chokes on his pork scratchings.
I doubt even his own mother could love the fat cunt.
Shows that the indy brigade literally will vote for anything with an SNP rosette pinned on it.
A dog turd would get my vote over this fat gobshite.
When does England get the vote to become a separate country…..
Blackford is a 24 carat gold plated, diamond encrusted fat fucking wanker.
An Uber Cunt of epic proportions.
The SNP want to be part of the EU so badly. I suggest we give them some of their EU bretheren they love so much. Start diverting boats full of migrants. Send them around a sea tour of the East coast & drop them off at Sturgeons parliament.
The SNP are utter cunts who can fucking well go drown themselves – the sooner the better.