Horizon Parking & ASDA

Now I have been using ASDA for some time and by virtue of a blue badge get to park for free.

Asda employ an individual to patrol the car park and issue fines whilst collecting abuse from the general public. So I am not sure why,( cost saving or no one wants to be a traffic warden there)but ASDA have bought in Number plate recognition cameras connected to their pay on exit machines, However disabled parking is still free!

To enjoy my free parking I must take my photo part blue badge to customer services register my car, go back to my car display the photo part and then I am free to shop.
Sounds great until you realise some of us cant walk that well so I am fucked before I do the isles. Mrs B did raise this with one of the roll out staff and was informed that it is the driver who should pop in with the badge, as you can imagine she was gob smacked, I for my part couldn’t be arsed to walk over to him because pain to answer ratio would not be worth it.

So on this one I am going to say that ASDA are a bunch of cunts who did not think that one through did they, Ditto Horizon parking for having such a shit system most car parks have disabled scanners on the machine, type in reg scan badge and leave.

Nominated by: lord benny(not quite deceased, but close)

30 thoughts on “Horizon Parking & ASDA

  1. Any supermarket that charges for parking will be immediately boycotted by me.
    What next, entrance fees at the door?
    Sorry they behave in such a shabby way, Lord B.

  2. Paying to park at supermarket car parks is a scam by car parking cunts.
    They know many people won’t bother to get their parking fee back at the check out and will therefore make money.
    It’s just another scam to fleece the average Joe in the street.
    Fucking Cunt. S.

  3. All part of the drift to making life more complicated and expensive.
    Whether it’s the example in the nom, or reading your own meters, trying to see a doctor, sorting out rubbish for your local authority and putting it in the appropriate bin, tax, tax and more tax, clean air zones, setting up direct debits so you can be fleeced while you sleep, and on and on and on.
    Meanwhile, the filth of the world are welcomed with open arms, and are fed, clothed and housed.
    The way that veterans, the sick and the old are treated in this country is deplorable.
    Years ago, an old chap said to me, ‘ Don’t get old or ill and you’ll be ok ‘
    I didn’t take much notice at the time.
    But he was on the money.
    Good morning.

    • Being 11/11 today there should be a 2 minute silence at 11am.
      I wonder if there will be any protestors out on the streets trying to be utter cunts! (but that’s for another nom)

  4. Personally I opt for home deliveries. Far less hassle, and I don’t have to put with noisy chav cunts in supermarkets, or kids running around and screaming their heads off.

    Moreover, I don’t fancy being coughed or sneezed on by some dopy arse who couldn’t be bothered to put their hands to their mouths.

    If supermarkets start charging for parking (to save the planet probably), they can fuck off seeing me through their doors.

    I’ve come to realise, the older you become the less tolerant you are of society in general. And visiting the supermarket is one such example of mixing with a right bunch of cunts both in terms of customers and in some cases supermarket staff.

    In any case if Greta gets her way we’ll all be eating grass in our designated caves come 2030

    • I like a home delivery, it does take the hassle out. However, I find that supermarket pickers tend to pick things going out of date soon.

      The worst for home delivery was Ocado who turned up with things out of date next day or the day after, cunts. I rang them up and said what the fuck was that – everything goes off within 2 days? Never used them again.

      Asda is a horrible shopping experience. Bright luminous green livery that makes you want to puke. They can fuck off just for choosing that colour.

  5. I wish they’d start fining the useless, gormless cunts that can’t put a vehicle between two static fucking lines and leave it looking like the fucking thing’s been abandoned after a police chase. I’d cheer the fucker as they issued tickets, then.

  6. Private car parking firms can fuck right off, they can fine me all they want, it’s not a fine it’s a charge, I have had lots of them, I just bin them when I get them, they are unenforceable, not paid any of them years ago

    • Agree. Me too. You start to get loads of letters that imply threats and fines, but it’s all bullshit. I don’t know off anyone, and couldn’t find anywhere in an internet search, that had got to court. It’s just scare tactics. By the way, I’m thinking of starting a website called “fiscal r@pists” which will identify cunts like asda who are trying to rinse the general public.

      • They can do because they are cowboys, they just can’t clamp your car etc. What they do is put in their T&Cs that it’s private land and you agree to this. They issue fines and then if you don’t pay it doubles etc etc. Then they pass it to a debt collection agency and they take it to court and then you end up with a CCJ. The courts will rule in their favour if all warnings have been provided etc. Since these mudslimes have taken over ASDA I bet that has something to do with it. Probably connected to one of their vast legal scamming practices fleecing old and vulnerable people. I just hope they don’t ever get access to DVLA systems. Although this has happened in the past. They should have to take it to court and provide evidence to bring a civil case and if they lose, will cost them thousands this is why sometimes they don’t pursue it.

  7. What a mess.
    A cheap and nasty mess.

    The “Big 4” supermarkets are outright cunts.

    Morning all.

  8. Fake a seizure as you near the Customer Services desk to register your ticket….go the whole hog…attack of Tourette’s, flailing arms and legs and finally, as the piece de resistance..piss yourself. After “recovering” from your attack brought on by the stress of their ridiculous system…sue the Cunts.

  9. Completely unrelated to the nom,but might cheer you up?

    Old bloke used to work with my dad told him,
    While in the army serving in Egypt,
    If you ran over a Arab and killed him youd be fined £12.

    If the arab lived youd have to support him.
    So if they did run over a Arab theyd reverse just to make sure.

    Happier simpler times…

    • MNC it’s the same here in certain parts of Asia, especially Indonesia. As you say, if you squash them flat it’s just a one off fine. Disable them and you pay for the cunts and their fucking family forever!

  10. The Big Four will probably have designated free parking for:-
    The Middle Classes (but only from the posh end of London)
    Everyone else other than You Know Who

    And the “You Know Who” will have to park on the perimeter of the carpark and pay the kind of prices you see at airports.

    All part of the levelling up

  11. A commercial center near me decided to introduce paid for parking.
    They had barriers where you were to take a ticket which would be swiped at any of the check outs in the 100 or so shops for an additional euro on your bill.

    The barriers lasted a week.

    Overnight, parking meters appeared along the roads next to a popular beach.
    A few nights later they were all chopped up by helpful locals using angle grinders.

    There are few traffic cameras here, but the ones we have are all spray painted so that they don’t work.

    Fuck paying fines, and fuck paying extra to shop.

  12. Lord Benny, thinking further about your case I think I would contact the chief executive at ASDA informing him of your difficulty with his system. I would further suggest that you send an old fashioned letter in an envelope, first class, signed for, to him personally as emails are screened by his PA and often simply deleted. As one thing they fear is bad publicity it’s likely an underling would be given instructions to sort it.
    Our younger daughter has a blue badge and it’s great when it works. She has on several occasions received demands for money from the vultures at private parking companies. In every case they have been sent a snotty and sarcastic reply and no money.
    Airports and blue badge scanners were mentioned above. We discovered the hard way that they don’t work at Stansted and had to pay a fat fee to escape.
    She has also had the experience of being approached by a council traffic warden when sitting in her car in Milton Keynes and being told: “You don’t look disabled to me”. He received a short answer.

    • If that traffic warden is still employed in that capacity, she didn’t go far enough.

      An old mate of mine, at the time a DCI who had recently suffered an horrific back injury through a high speed car crash, resulting in him being a blue badge holder. (For several years).

      Sainsbury’s started putting “Illegally parked” stickers on vehicles parked in the disabled bays, that weren’t displaying their badges.

      Sticking these great big, bright stickers, across windscreens-which required a solvent, to remove.

      He had a large 4×4 and he came out of the store to see a parking divvy, about to “sticker” his windscreen. He shouted at the guy-and warned him that under several acts, he would be breaking the law-and would incur the cost of having his car valeted.
      The guy just laughed and carried on applying a sticker.

      Next thing, my mate had him face down on the bonnet, arm twisted behind his back and “arrested” the over-officious cunt!
      I was there and couldn’t believe my eyes!
      Very calmly, I was asked by my mate to get the manager, which I did.
      Long story short: that chap who was stickering the car, lost his job-as the blue badge was clearly on display.

      My mate received £200 compensation, plus they paid to valet his car, at a local high-end detailer.

      That system was scrapped, with immediate effect-supermarkets hate bad publicity.

  13. It’s all about getting the gen pop out of ‘personal transport’. The age of totally unrestricted vehicle use is coming to a definite end. I happen to agree with ANPR as it fucks the ability of shit heads to do whatever they want whenever they want. Just get stuff delivered … takes the arse ache out of the equation … shopping is for cunts. Accountability is the name of the game nowadays and what was considered basic rights and freedoms (which of course they are not because it effects everyone) are now under intense scrutiny. You’ll note that HS2 and simiilar (other proposed) schemes are here to stay because they’re considered the way forward once all the road pricing, congestion charging, parking levies, restricted access and ULEV schemes have ripped the contents of your bank account apart. Air travel is next … make the most of it cos unrestricted air travel will become a thing of the past. LOL … the millennials/Z gen are fucked … glad it ain’t me. Fuck ’em bunch of cunts.

  14. The supermarkets in my area give 90 minutes or 2 hours free which is fair enough, if you can’t get round the shelves in 90 minutes then you are a cunt.

    If I am in there more than 15/20 minutes i have either collapsed and died or there is a particularly fine arse that needs some studying ?

    • I agree. However I think I deserved a medal for a two hour stint in TK Maxx with the missus. I then bailed and went to the pub.

      • I had to go to an Ikea store to get a small side table.
        I foolishly took my Mother & cousin for the ride out as they wanted a browse…..
        ……. 4 and half hours later…..

  15. Lord Benny-have you tried a different supermarket?
    Is Sainsbury’s much more expensive than Asda?

  16. Do some more digging into Horizons original owners. I’m sure their is a backhander somewhere there. Off the books obviously.

  17. A well deserved cunting for ASDA. Big supermarkets are corporate cunts.

    If I may, I will add a cunting for TESCO in a related issue…

    I have an Aldi and TESCO store near me. Aldi is close to the main road and TESCO set back. You have to turn off the main road and drive down toward the Tesco store and past Tesco’s petrol station.(land owned by Tesco)
    You then have to wait at a give way sign to queue behind shoppers LEAVING the TESCO car park to drive back up towards the main road to gain access to the ALDI store and their car park ! I also blame the local council for approving Tesco’s planning.
    If the situation were reversed, could you see the Corporate cunts at Tesco stand for shoppers visiting their store to have to queue in an Aldi car park ? I’d be livid if it was my store.

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