Ed Sheeran (7) “Jingle Jangles” Elton John (13)

And for a little light relief, I offer you two cunts for the price of one.

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Yes, my friends. Fat Reg and that ginger wanker Sheeran, although someone doesn’t seem too happy about someone’s gob flapping about it, so now it’s guaranteed to be number fucking one, and be played in perpetuity like Slade, Wizzard, Cliff, Bing etc in supermarkets.

There’s a reason why supermarkets are mostly single storied. It’s to stop staff killing themselves by jumping off the roof at Christmas.

Nominated by: Jeezum Priest

67 thoughts on “Ed Sheeran (7) “Jingle Jangles” Elton John (13)

  1. BOGOF value there – two despicable cunts for the price of one. Excellent stuff?

    Thinking about it though it’s more like BAMCAGAGCF (buy a mega cunt and get a ginger cunt free)…

  2. As far as I am concerned the ginger twat can reside up fat Reginald’s bottom for life.They deserve each other.Tuneless talentless arseholes.

      • He loves his reflection and still he sees not ,Cunt as more spill their softness on the talent he dose not posses
        He’s a modern day pussy , easily upset and not understanding of the lot.

  3. I doubt if ive ever heard owt by Ed Sheeran?
    Certainly couldn’t name a song.
    Reg? Know that one with Kiki Dee, and that one about the yellow brick road.
    Not a conscious decision.
    Just my subconscious has swerved me away from the boring cunt.
    Like to protect me from the horror.
    Id probably vomit on my boots if I met Sheeran
    Those weird fish eyes of his creep me out.

    • Same. I may have heard one of his songs but I couldn’t associate it with him. Small mercies. It helps to have utterly no curiosity about it.

  4. Fuck me. I can’t think of anything worse than these two cunts not only singing together, but actually recording it!
    I used to joke that supermarkets playing Christmas shit on loop all day every day is tantamount to mental abuse, but I now think I’ve got a valid legal point. I’m not one for litigation, but I’d love to see some shop workers sue some cunt over it.
    As for the gargoyle and the arse bandit, can there not be some sort of injunction issued against the cunts?
    Mind you, could be worse. At least Adele is too fucking self obsessed and miserable to release a crimbo record.

  5. Christmas music is foul. How many times can you hear the same drab beats by Maria fucking Carey? Now these two useless barrels of lard. It’s almost time to have the earbuds in permanently listening to Beethoven or Brazilian Death Metal.

  6. … I hate everything about Christmas … it’s for cunts! However, there is a very special amount of hatred that I have stored up for the music industry that feels the need to bludgeon us from November thro’ December with seriously shit compositions regarded as necessary to bring about seasonal jolliness. You cunts … these offerings really bring out my ‘inner Viking’ … the real fucking ‘berserker’.
    Seriously, you can’t escape this shit even when you’re deployed thousands of miles away in countries that ain’t up for it at all. I have in excess of 20 years that I’ve been ‘away’ over the festive period but still some fuckin retard still manages to find these wretched tunes and a ghetto blaster to get us ‘in the mood’. I don’t think these cunts have appreciated how close to a horrible death they’ve come as the boom box assaults the ears of everyone within a fifty metre radius.

    • I agree, with the exception of having young children in the family, otherwise there is nothing magical about any of it.

  7. Will that self obsessed special needs beanpole “Ladbaby” & his role-poly grinning loon of a wife, be assaulting the British public with yet another pastry based cover version?

    Oh goody?

  8. The Ginger Gargoyle and Fat Reginald might be thwarted in their push for the Christmas No.1.

    Word is, spastique par exellence and all round pain in the arse look at me big gob, Greta Windowlickerberg will be putting her own record out. Either her, or those rapacious ABBA relics will be scraping the barrel with a ‘new’ Christmas ditty.

    I wanted to bang the doors off Kiki Dee when I was a laddie.?

  9. Elton John is worth half a billion nicker.

    The only reason that he would want to team up with the fuck ugly cunt Sheeren is because he thinks that the general public want to hear his music.

    He got that one wrong.

  10. The article refers to Sheeran as “the millennial Lionel Ritchie”. Who is the clueless fucking shit for brains cunt who came up with that bullshit?!

  11. If we can find something for Chris Martin to do it will be the Basic Bugmen’s Christmas Omnibus.

    According to overzealous, lying radio DJ’s, Sheeran’s latest ‘Joker and the Quee(r)n’ has had truckers pulling over in tears.

    Was it the song or being asked to work and sleep in their cab on Christmas day again?

  12. An irresistable bit of cunting.
    Who can possibly turn down the offer of two fucking cunts for the price of one?

  13. What with these two useless wankers releasing a pile of Christmas shit we have the usual Christmas bollocks adverts from the usual woke adverts by John wank Lewis and M&S (mongols & spastics). Only decent Christmas record worth listening too is by the late great Greg Lake.

    • Well said – you can’t beat that great Greg Lake song – or anything
      by Emerson Lake and Palmer !

      • I love ELP Tarkus, Trilogy and BSS are fucking ace albums hard to find a bad song on any of them but I don’t care for Greg Lakes anti Christian-/ anti christmas song I believe in father Christmas

        Its on par with Lennons charity griefjacking “So This is Christmas” song

  14. Ed Sheeran should be burnt alive at Smithfield matket and his head placed on a pike aloft London bridge.
    Declare me rightful King and I will see it done.
    Elton I would buried alive next to Diana princess of Affairs and expensive dresses. Parton saint of not wearing your seat belt.

    • Fat Reg loves a duet doesn’t he?
      Any cunt thats popular he wants a duet.
      Bet hes asked Greta?
      Id of liked to see him duet with kurt Cobain.

      Barrel each.

      • Fat Reg giving David Furnish a “Dirty Bristow” while Ed Sheeran watches through a keyhole with a rictus grin on his face.

        Enjoy that image while you eat your supper MNC.

      • Yeah lovely that Harold.?
        Sheeran has a fisheye lense he looks through.
        The codeyed twat.
        I went wild for tea!!
        Gammon, not fish!
        I break all the rules.
        Im punk rock I am.

  15. There are musicians out there who are absolutely brilliant and genuine talents, but never get any recognition and the likes of Cowell and his cronies don’t want to know. They often end up penniless in soul destroying jobs they hate.

    But Harry Styles puts on his nans floral dress (think along the lines of something Hyacinth Bouquet would wear) and everyone goes into some sort of group wankathon about how stunning and brave he is.

    Just. Fuck. Off.

  16. A lot of fireworks going off tonight, there ain’t no corners to hide in.

    Is it Diwali or summat?

    • It’s Fiddler Fest. ?

      They really need to consider a change of name. If they aren’t careful it might attract the wrong crowd. ?

    • Like fucking Beirut here, cunts each and every one of them. Be the same tomorrow, too. The cuntishness of the chaverati knows no bounds.

      • My dogs having a bad time of it .
        Fuckin pricks.
        Hope some of the cunts are already at A+E .

      • My cats hate the fireworks too.

        What is it about brainless Britscum and their mania to spunk hundreds of pounds on fireworks and then freeze to death while letting them off? Pure unadulterated riff raff…

  17. After the past two years of misery, can’t the government step in here?

    There’s been enough suffering already.

  18. A tuneless, discordant dirge by two talentless wankers is guaranteed to make Christmas even more unbearable. I hope they both get a dose of anal warts.

  19. Isn’t it a strange coincidence how a big news announcement a week or so ago was that Ed had tested positive for Covid almost at exactly the same time his new single was released?

    What a co-inky-dink.?

    I’m not saying he didn’t have it by the way, but it seems a rather strange marketing ploy.

  20. I saw a tribute band last night. A group of Indian lads who do covers of a Scottish band from the seventies.
    Bombay City Rollers….

  21. If Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II cops it between now and Christmas, Fat Reginald won’t be pleased if she steals his thunder.

    Mind you, he could cash in by doing a duet with Megain…

  22. I spent some time in the back of a cop car last night after punching my neighbour for constantly playing his Englebert Humperdinck records at full volume.
    I wasn’t charged.
    The police released me, let me go….

    • Ah the Hump’s ‘Release Me’; the most boring pile of cuntwaffle ever committed to vinyl.
      Your take on it, may I say, is much more entertaining JR.

  23. Christ, what a combination!
    King Kong Vs Godzilla was easier on the eye, and caused less mayhem and misery!

    • I saw it last week fucking horribly disappointing film with Hollywood you except a certain amount of bullshit. King of Monsters was alright but Godzilla vs King Kong was just so stupid the Aztec girl doing stupid handsigns with her ancient foreign language and beings Kong best friend

      The American godzilla films can die in a fire just watch the Toho Japanese original films instead

    • The Egyptian bloke next door but one is in a rock tribute band

      Pharaoh Smith.

      Although hes a bit secretive!
      He covers his tracks.

  24. Ed Sheeran’s eyes are so wide apart it hurts to look at him. Ugh. Hopefully he’ll get hit by an asteroid in 2022.

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