Claudia Webbe (5) The Card Player

Following on from the recent cunting (This OneDay Admin), this charmless old bag has now played the race card, saying she is “a black woman in a WHITE court” (bit racist innit?) and she knows the “racism and sexism” in the institutions.:

News Link

Is she even a woman? She could be David Lammy in drag – the lipstick and botox and vast quantities of chiggun and Jaffa cakes producing the bloated corpse look is a giveaway

Nominated by: W.C.Boggs

(Due to be sentenced 4th November – Day Admin)


47 thoughts on “Claudia Webbe (5) The Card Player

    • ‘I’m not mad, I’m an MP’.
      Could well be quote of the year.
      Everybody with a brain cell can see through her race card playing to the bottom line; she’s been found guilty of commiting a serious offence in a court of law.
      I’d put money on a suspended sentence verdict for the cunt mind.

  1. As a race card wielding, female person of colour, she doesn’t think she’ll get preferential treatment in a 21st century UK court?
    That just shows how thick and out of touch this horrible bint is.

    They’ll have the red carpet out for her plus channel 4 and the BBC will be frantically working on a documentary all about how hard done to she’s been.

  2. Those who are dissatisfied with a Land of white men, should return to a Land of their own colour. That is only fair. Why should any guest be so rude to criticise their hosts wall paper?

  3. She’s the gift that keeps on giving.
    Thanks for pointing that out, Claudia, I think no one would have noticed, otherwise, you whinging, self-pitying cunt!

  4. She fears facing white mans justice in a white court, maybe she would prefer a sharia court or a Zimbabwean court under Mugabe, a bit of unbiased black justice.

    This is typical of these pound shop Black Labour MP’s, bang to rights but can’t accept it.

    I hope the judge doesn’t hold back and gives her the maximum sentence (unlike the one who virtually let off the Onasanya bitch), maybe being called racist will help his decision.

  5. Labour supports transgender issues, so it would be ironic if she went to a prison where they accepted tranny prisoners to mingle with wimminz prisoners. She might get lucky and end up sharing with a black transformer identifying as a geezer with an 18″ dong!

  6. This cunt typifies the future of this once great nation. She follows in the footsteps Margaret Thatcher, Airey Neave, Tony Benn, Enoch Powell, Winston Churchill, David Lloyd George, William Gladstone, Robert Peel, Benjamin Disraeli, William Wilberforce….Doesn’t it make you feel proud? Fuck off.

  7. Oohh Claudia, if only you got to be sentenced by a real racist.
    Say a big, bearded northern one,
    Whod push for the death penalty ?
    After forty lashes to comply with sharia law, you know,
    For diversity.
    Id also convict your elderly mother for having you,
    Call it whatever?
    Littering, fly tipping,
    Dont care but mark my words shed feel the bite of the whip!!
    Id do it myself.
    So its done properly!
    Shed sing like fuckin Aretha Franklin when I belted her.
    You slippery cunts haven’t a clue about racism.
    Whenever you dont get your own way?-racist.
    But your creating new racists,
    Ones whove had enough of this shite,
    Super racists.
    And you keep pushing, sooner or later we’ll push back…

  8. I will be astonished if this bitch gets banged up. The judge will be slaughtered by the media.
    Best he gives her a suspended sentence and lets her get her beak back in the trough.

  9. Vile, repulsive sheboon woman. Only a complete fucktard would believe that her ‘raciss’ accusations rightly entitle her to a light sentence.

    Threatening to throw acid in someone’s face, black or white, is a serious matter. Acid attacks are a life sentence for the victim. I only hope the judge cuts through her shit and hands her a custodial setence of substantial duration.


    • Perhaps she could inherit the tag that Fiona Onasanya wore after she was released. You know, that other female (maybe), Labour (possibly) criminal (definitely).

  10. This sort of tiresome carry-on really does deserve an object lesson.
    In the England of much more muscular times this sort of rubbish would be broken on the wheel.
    And everyone would be most satisfied.

  11. I’ll be amazed if she gets locked up…women seem to get an easier ride in Court than men regardless of colour…seems to be suspended sentence no matter what they’ve done…here’s one from today…

    I read one recently where some drunken woman had attacked Emergency workers and walked away with a suspended sentence so I really can’t see them locking this trollop up.

  12. Since when has being an MP been a guarantee of sanity? Just look at our chief MP in Glasgow this week, would you honestly describe his words and actions as those of somebody sane?
    Anyway I digress. If this lying piece of shit gets anything less than the maximum the law allows, we’ll have solid proof of a two tier justice system based on skin colour. Her comments about a white court should, in a sane society, bring her in to the realms of contempt of court, but as we don’t live in a sane society it will probably help to reduce her sentence. She and her brief are obviously fully aware of this.
    When all this is over she should be barred for life from ever being in a position of public trust and take on a more suitable form of employment, like selling drugs or fried chiggun.

    • Or selling her body/renting it out per 20 mins.
      She does NOT give me the horn.

      GBNews have got an item on smacking coming up after the break. I wonder if Penny Mordaunt
      is going to do a display?

  13. Big day for the fuck off forehead tomorrow.

    I bet she gets a suspended sentence and then rants on the court steps about ‘da racisms, evil honky and injustices’, before she travels home to her mansion in her chauffeur driven Merc.

    • She should get time though.

      She’s an MP and if an MP calls you and says “You’re getting acid in your fucking face, bitch!” you have to ask, is that more threatening than if the bloke in the chippy says it? Who has more power and influence to pull that off? Cops (top cops) kiss MPs arses. They don’t want to cross them for obvious reasons.

      So I bet the woman who was threatened was genuinely scared every time the doorbell rang, or when somebody was walking towards her on a quiet street.

      For these reasons alone she should have the fucking book thrown at her.

      This is what happens when you put token diversity trash in jobs they don’t deserve.

  14. There is more chance of Oscar Pistorius getting athletes foot than there is of this cunt getting any kind of meaningful sentence….

    • Agreed; but instead the state bankrolled Trevor (banjo) Philips to prosecute and effectively shut down the one political party who actually had such conditional terms of membership!

  15. No way will she go quietly…she’s had a taste from the public money trough and she like…likes very much.

    Just think of all those second hand BMWs, Nando’s dinners and Pandora jewels she can buy on an MPs salary?

  16. They should add a couple of years hard labour just for mentioning that race card shit. Looks like she could do with the exercise … fat arsed POS.

  17. Hate to bring up IQ research again, but…. it does explain a lot. Jews and Koreans are very clever. Some populations are less able. Border collies can play chess, german shepherds prefer ludo, spaniels eat the pieces and terriers fuck your leg when you try to teach them blackjack. All dogs lives matter equally though, except bulldogs.
    Deep or fucking what?

  18. Just spent the best part of an hour on my mandatory training entitled ‘Equality Diversity and Inclusion’.
    You the to answer questions at the end.
    One was that an Asian who didn’t drink alcohol as part of his religion is part of the team. The team are to be invited to an out of hours social at a pub. The ‘correct’ answer is to hold the social somewhere else! There wasn’t an option that said ‘turn up if you want and have a soft drink’. Ffs.
    Maybe he’d feel happier in a non pub environment being threatened with an acid attack with this loony MP.

    • My choices wouid’ve been:

      Would you?

      A: Do nothing. Keep the same venue.
      B: Change venues to a place the Asian worker could attend.
      C: Get everyone to change religion and meet at his mosque for prayers.
      D: Refuse to hire these moaning chippy cunts in the first place. They dodge work, shout ‘racist’ at every opportunity, piss in sinks and shit on bog seats, wipe their shit on cubicle walls, clean their feet in kitchen sinks, don’t use deodorant or soap and smell like camels and try to sue their employer for thousands at some point. Once realised, you should then vote for some cunt who will send all the cunts back.

    • There’s something rotten in Leicester East, first cock (and coke) sucker Keith Vaz MP and now this utter dumb cunt of an ‘MP’, with a spam that would make Frankenstein jealous!

  19. Just heard that it is now OFFICIAL. If you are black, a woman, and an MP, you can get away with absolutely anything you want to in modern British society. This cunt is now able to go back to work as an MP, and although found guilty of harassment, can still represent her constituency. No doubt many of the electors will be dowsed with acid if they take exception to anything someone says. ESPECIALLY if you are black – Teflon!

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