But What if Labour…. (23)

The “but,but..Jeremy Corbyn…but,but imagine if Labour got in” Brigade.

Here’s some fucking news for you…We have had a Tory Govt. for over a decade and just fucking look around you…uncontrollable (apparently) immigration, out-of-control Govt.spending,pie-in-the-sky Green policies, pay awards for all-and-sundry, basic necessities such as heating going through the roof,dodgy contracts to “friends of the Govt.”,breakdown of Law and Order, too frightened to tell Public sector workers to get back to the office…and on and on.

I’m not saying that Labour would have been any better but I am saying that people should stop trying to convince themselves that Conservative=Good, Labour=Bad.

It’s as bad as the people who always vote Labour because “my father and grandfather did”.

Fuck the whole rotten rump…they’re all the fucking same.

Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler

83 thoughts on “But What if Labour…. (23)

  1. They are all the same.
    Makes me laugh this loyalty to the Conservatives,
    Theyre the fuckin enemy as much as labour!!
    In fact at the moment I hate them more than Labour.
    That pale spastic in Downing street needs to go,
    Emission charges!!
    Green energy
    Get in your private jet you turk cunt and just fuck off.

    • The albino Turk cunt is too busy being up to his sweaty nuts in guts with that buck toothed bint to be capable of doing anything productive for this country.
      Apart from fuck it over.

      The fat bastard

  2. I’ve always seen the voting choice as a toss-up between death by terminal cancer or a bullet in the head.

  3. May not have been much better, but couldn’t possibly been any fucking worse, the country is becoming a laughing stock, and boris is a total waste of fucking space, Starmer may be fucking dull, but at least he is intelligent and doesn’t stick his mates in the house of Lords to obtain a free holiday or ten

    • Boris MUST be as fucking THICK as pigshit; surely anyone would realise that freebie holidays from minted mates would piss off the electorate big time. Moreover it isn’t the first time politicos have been similarly caught out.
      Used twenties in an anonymous buff envelope, please, to…

  4. Great nom DF

    This appalling shower of shite and it’s so called opposition are proof indeed, that it really doesn’t matter who you vote for – the government basically gets in.

      • Morning Jack,

        It’s from the Bash Street Kids school disco.
        Cuthbert Cringeworthy (Gove) is throwing some shapes on the dancefloor.

      • I always assumed Teacher must have cheated on Mrs Teacher with some Bash St tart. Cuthbert looked way too much like Teacher to be from anyone elses loins.

    • He just hasn’t come out yet. He’s been very quiet. Perhaps he’s a regular down Aberdeen harbour?

  5. You need to remember that most of these people have come up though publicly funded careers where money isn’t earned but taken. This cash just sloshes around until one of them trousers it and looks for more….just look at what’s gone on this week with the politicians voting to kick out rules which mean they can’t roll in even more dirty wealth.

    Councils, the NHS, government and other publicly funded bodies waste cash so fast that a well run private company would be astonished…I have seen it with my own eyes.

    The difference between Labour and the Conservatives? well one likes to pretend to give money to the poor while pocketing it themselves and the other just stuffs their banks full and don’t give a fuck.

    • There’s a revolving door culture in London between government, accounting, law firms, intel and the like. It’s one giant cesspit of corruption.

      How else are we still the financial capital of the world? We don’t actually make or do anything! It’s all about dirty money.

  6. I think we’d be better off with the nutters in the Labour party in charge.

    Diane Abbot for Chancellor. Claudia Webbe reinstated and made PM. Corbyn Minister for Defence. Greta Thundercunt made Minister of Climate Change. Minister of Open Borders, David Lammy.

    We’d be bankrupt in weeks, honkies would be being rounded up and thrown into ‘anti racism’ patrol vans. Corbyn would disarm us completely and the Bat Munchers would invade. We’d all be forced to live in caves by Greta (she wouldn’t of course, she’s too important for that). Lammy would let in 200 million illiterate Africans and peacefuls from Afghanistan, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Somalia and Iran.

    We need accelerationism. People aren’t awake yet. That can keeps getting kicked down the road.

    Well let them all see their futures quickly, so we can end this woke bollocks for good.

    Vote Labour and wake cunts up.

    • That’s the philosophy of the fanatic and the madman.

      Still, worth a punt at this stage.

  7. Which is why I am never voting as they are all pigs at the trough oink oink oink little piggy.We are indeed a laughing stock as Doris is only interested in himself.We are up shit creak.

  8. And the reason the Tories don’t control immigration (not can’t, there is a big difference), is because so many of the cunts are involved in the construction/property game. Either on the board or sponsored by the cunts.

    If the demand remains ridiculously high and the population becomes bigger and bigger, then these cunts are quids in.

    I will never vote Tory again unless the put an Enoch in charge. About as likely as Gareth Wokegate wearing a swastika and getting his players to ‘Seig Hiel!’ at England’s next match.

  9. Excellent nom. Dick… excellent.

    No way could I have voted Conservative at the last election with a degenerate chancer like Johnson as leader. Or Labour, for that matter, with a Britain hating terrorist sympathiser like Corbyn in control.

    Would have voted Monster Raving Loonies had they been standing. As it was I spoiled my ballot paper with a few choice words for all three major parties.

    If there’s no-one standing who you consider worthy of your vote, SPOIL YOUR BALLOT PAPER!

    It’s the only way to go right now, imo.

    • Damned right RTC. Last local election I wrote “ALL LIARS” in black marker on my ballot card.

  10. Military coup.
    Might as well give it a go.
    Have a Lord Protector.
    No border in the Irish Sea.

  11. It’s even more galling because they’re doing the opposite of Conservatism; at least Labour don’t pretend to be anything other than dařkıe and p00f-loving commies.
    We fine gentlemen on ISAC could do a miles better job of being Conservatives and sort out the country in a couple of years:
    Responsible capitalism, bankers and politicians jailed, imm0s repatriated onto transport planes at gunpoint, intentionally jobless council scum made to work or starve, piece of piss!

  12. Just saw on the BBC News website that John Major has described No. 10s handling of the Paterson shambles as ‘disgraceful ‘.
    The only thing I hate more than current politicians is has been politicians.

  13. All as bad as each other. With no viable alternative in sight I cannot justify the point of voting anymore; you get the same old same old a few catchy phrases then it’s back to bollocks as normal. To me the state of the immigration system sums up the problem 21,000 plus dinghy riders so far this year. That’s a lot of housing, medical care, free schooling and all the other stuff. Not in tented compounds on MOD land but in hotels complaining they want to go home for fucks sake cos they don’t like being confined.
    Putting all the care costs etc on local councils most of whom have nae pot to piss in.
    School complaining to their council because hordes of the fuckers are harassing female pupils the list goes on and this is just one aspect of our totally useless government.
    No real difference between any of them regarding lack of common sense, greed, power we have a homogenised mass with cunt written through it.

    • Oh indeed import filthy rubbish out of greed.
      I always thought it was because they are all self serving cowards.
      I forgot about the astonishing level of greed.
      Only briefly mind.

  14. Great nom. I’ve voted for both colours in my lifetime, and they’re all in it for themselves. Be it vanity, wealth enhancement or a good old fashioned power trip.
    This blind allegiance to one colour or another is just madness. My local council has been Tory for donkeys years and in recent times has overspent catastrophically on vanity projects and landed itself with a huge deficit. It’s answer to this was to try to get our council tax raised above the allotted level, which was refused by central government. Therefore it has gone on a vindictive campaign of raising parking charges, fucking up bin collections and selling off parkland and leisure facilities. Everybody’s outraged. But will they vote a different colour at the next elections? Will they fuck! Labour can’t be trusted!
    And therein lies the root of the problem.

  15. Spot on cunting Dick!

    MPs are a bunch of self-serving, duplicitous, hypocritical cunts and none more so than Boris Fucking Johnson. He doesn’t even bother to pretend to be doing the right thing and just blatantly goes about doing whatever it is that suits him without even a passing thought for public opinion. It must come from his days at OxBridge. The Conservative Party is now like one giant Bullingdon Club for him.

    There has been a history in this country, as you rightly say, of voting for the “least worst option”. The thing is, now, the least worst option no longer exists.

    Why do we need over 600 of these parasites sucking on the public teat and bleeding it dry? I’m convinced we don’t. MPs are like traffic lights in a busy town. If they weren’t there the traffic would flow freely.

    Short of a revolution, which ain’t gonna happen, things aren’t going to change but for fucks sake don’t support any of these wastes of skin by voting for them. Vote “none of the above”?

  16. Brilliant nom, Mr F-F.

    Fucking sick of all of the bloated, entitled, lying fucking fucks that run the country into the fucking ground for their own vanity’s sake. Tory cunts, Labour cunts, Lib Dem cunts, Green cunts, SNP cunts. All CUNTS. Marxists in disguise. Fuck off and die.

    There, that feels a little better.

    Good morning, everyone.

  17. I reckon Putin would make a good PM ?

    I have to confess I voted Conservative because
    1. I would rather eat my own shit that vote Labour
    2. Before the election had a knock on the door from some pushy momentum cunt, which didn’t go well and had a visit by the then Conservative candidate himself which was a much better conversation.
    3. My local Conservative MP is pushing for an inquiry into the grooming in Bradford, there is no way a fucking Labour cunt would do that.

    I have written to my MP a couple of times and each time had a reply by post on commons letterhead, all I got from the previous Labour MP was an email telling me to fuck off.

    Next election it may well be a spoilt ballot.

    • Theres no real opposition party in British politics.
      Theyre all fuck variations on the flavour of shite.
      No party id vote for.
      Woebetide any doorknocking chancer come election.
      I hope they can outrun a dog and hurdle a country cream artisanal gate.
      Hundreds of years they’ve taken the piss and got away with it.
      When the wind finally changes I hope these cunts a accountable for their piracy and treachery to this country.
      I hope the gallows bow with the weight of Westminster rats,
      And the dinghy scum paddle back to France in fear.

  18. Excellent cunting DF, with the Labour party you know where you stand, anti rural, anti British and pro gimmergrant, at the moment the Tory party is copying their style, hopefully the jellyfish will be ousted and replaced with some WHITE and BRITISH, so none of the front bench need apply, bunch of cunts!!!!

    • I think the “History Debunked” fella on youtube did a thing about the amount of ethnics in the cabinet. They’re all doing a great job – Patel, Kwarteng……I despair.

      • I’ve watched a lot of his stuff and am always pleasantly surprised that his channel hasn’t been taken down…

  19. Tories, Liebour, LibDums and to a lesser extent the Greens – you’d need an electron microscope to differentiate their party policies these days.

    At one time you knew exactly what each party stood for, but now its just a pick ‘n’ mix of ideas from other parties all rolled into one big fat “fuck you” to the party faithful!

    Since when have the Tories ever been interested in green issues, diversity, uncontrolled immigration and a forest load of money trees? Thatcher would be spinning in her bin liner had she been around to see how wet the Tories have become compared to her tenure!

    But the fact is, Boris doesn’t give 2 fucks because there’s still 3 more years of government before he has to go begging to the electorate again. And by then of course the damage will be set in stone with his half-baked policies, as well as a totally bankrupt Treasury. But he won’t care because he, and Starmer will probably see the twilight of their political careers sitting on their arses, farting and generally falling asleep all day long in the House of Decrepit Old Cunts.

    Vote Tory – get Green
    Vote Labour – get Marxist
    Vote LibDumb – get Communist, with a bit of Marxism thrown in for good measure.
    Vote Green – Get Totalitarianism over everything you do, eat, drink or say.
    Vote for a party remotely right of centre – Get a prison sentence and instant cancellation

    • And on top of all of this, I’ve got a Villa crisis on my mind. Where’s my fucking Glenfiddich? Oblivion is the only option…

      • The days of Big Ron, Dean Saunders, Dalien Atkinson and Paul McGrath must seem like Halcyon days.

        Good morning Ron

      • Poor Villa. Although a gunner, I have a soft spot for many of the other PL teams. If it wasn’t bad enough, you used to have Cameron “supporting” you (although I expect he’s never been to a game since). I used to love the competitiveness of th eold 1st division – absolutely spoilt by cash (also feel sorry for Norwich). Fond of the old days when a team like Swansea could go from 4th div to wining the 1st div in successive seasons. I like my team to win, but most of all, I like to see a proper game – equally matched and proper fucking tackling.

        rant over

    • What worries me is that people will get so fed up that they will conssider voting libdem again. Dog murdering bastards.

  20. Face it chaps, we’re fucked.

    No alternative at the next election but to get out a big thick marker pen and scrawl “ALL CUNTS” on the ballot paper.

  21. Here’s a Wiki link of British MPs who have been convicted of various offences (most noticeably expenses). So received custodial sentences, some suspended. Either way, it proves what selfish duplicitous cunts they really are, and yet we’re expected to place our trust in them come election time.

    Also pisses me off during Prime Minister’s Question Time. and everyone calling each other “Honourable” or “Right Honourable” – what a load of ironic wank that is!


    • A sobering read Techno.

      Just imagine the number of cuntwipe MP’s who have gotten away the stuff we know nothing about!

      A fine nom Fiddler.

  22. I live in a labour fiefdom, where people vote on such issues as the miners strike, and not on the pathetic performance of local government who with that kind of voter mentality can do what it likes and come election day, they’ll get back in.
    I’ve been tempted to vote for independent candidates in the past, but they are mostly egotistical chancers who can’t wait for a spot at the trough, and to tell the little people what to do.
    Spoilt ballot for me next time, ‘not one worthy candidate’ in bold marker pen.
    ‘All cunts’ would be better, but might get binned instead of counted.

    • At the last council elections, I drew a little box at the bottom and put “they’re all cunts” and a tick in it. I’d love to see the face of the little old lady who finds that one. By the way, little known change to the rules in recent years – they no longer declare the number of spoilt papers.

  23. When I talk to your lefty types they always have to bring Karl Marx into the conversation but never a mention of the achievements of his sister, Onya, inventor of the starting pistol….

  24. I like Dick Fiddler, and hold his kindly, well-meaning advice in great respect, but I have to say I disagree with him here. As MNC says they are all the same, but if Dame Kweer had been in charge, you can bet your last thousand pounds that he would have been influenced by the TUC even more than Chris Witless and Patrick Whatshisname under Boris. We would have had to watch our langauge, thanks to PC and SJWs – more worry about whether you can say only women have a cervix , than the vaccination roll-out. The Labour party is really two parties – light blue Conservatives, who dare not admit it (Blair, Starmer, Mandy several back benchers) and the rabid left like Old Mother Rayner, Clive Lewis, Zara Sultana, Richard Burgeon, and they will for ever be pulling in opposite directions – that is no receipe for strong and stable government.

    It ill behoves Starmer to give us lectures on sleaze (Owen Paterson, who at last has done the decent thing). It was a gross error of judgement this week to try to change the goalposts, but has Starmer forgotten that Blair did that numerous times with Keith Vaz, the epitome of sleaze and vulgarity, and Peter Mandelson – indeed, Starmer still uses Mandy as an adviser. He and his rotten party are no better than the Conservatives, and in my humble opinion, a fucking site worse. We have a woke society Starmer & co would make it Extra Woke. Let them keep on with their student politics, the Tories might be bad but the alternative is many times worse for private and public life, being told that we can’t say what we know to be true. The Tories might be in the gutter but they are not yet with Starmer in the sewer.

    I guess my invitation to Fiddler Towers for mince pies and mulled wine is off for this Yuletide – a pity I had some treats for the hounds.

  25. There will be a time in the not so distant future when noms like this and internet criticism generally of politicians and political parties will not be tolerated. Look at how far we’ve slid and how quick in recent years..

    Not that it will matter. We’ll all be forced to applaud parades of blue UN helmets and the unelected Head of the EU region High Chancellor Blair soon enough. You won’t have to worry about elections or politicians again! On the plus side at least the AI Skynet won’t spunk away all your taxes on cocaine and fine champagne.

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