A cunting please for the dishonest anti-British lawyers, and the great ignorant left wing bastard citizens that prevented 33 African criminal cunts to be deported yesterday.
Only 4 of the old lags left. One of those smug, self satisifed lawyer bastards even twisted the knife by claiming it was wasting the tax-payers money.
Well, if it hadn’t been for him and his sort, we could have cleared out 37 pieces of criminal shit rather than just 4. Who are the stupid ignorant cunts who sign these petitions::
Nominated by: W.C.Boggs
Blame Anthony & Mon’ Cherie B’liar and chums.
I do?
Yes the cunts Blair have turned the world to shit. Both have smarmy piss taking grins.
Middle East in chaos, Irish terrorists walking the streets grinning, army vetrans hounded to death, Scotland and Wales 3rd world dictatorships…..
And a man with a majority of 80, could so easily have corrected the matters.
It may have an 80 seat majority, but is not a man.
I don’t..we’ve had 10 years of Tories promising to cut down on illegal immigration and it has just got worse and worse…what’s their plan this week…ship them off to Albania,who have said they don’t want them?…turn the boats back in The Channel,which even a landlubber like me could see was fucking ridiculous?…pay the French who have nothing to gain by keeping the Filth?…
Blair might have started it but the ” Take Back Control of Our Borders” mob haven’t exactly covered themselves in glory.
Afternoon Lord Fiddler.
You socialist, anti-social, socialite, you!!
Not getting at you,General…I think it’s just that I’m so fucking disillusioned with the current bunch of incompetent windbags who promise so much and yet deliver so little.
Me-too, my Lord.
Which is why every cunt needs to stop blindly voting Tory.
They exacerbate the problem because a lot of the cunts (Tory MPs) rent out loads of properties they own, or are on the board of big construction firms/sponsored by such firms.
In essence, they make money with housing costs going up and up due to scarcity/supply and demand.
I’d have more respect for the cunts if they admitted this, but they bang the drum of ‘getting tough on illegal immigration’ but do the opposite.
They usually start banging that drum a lot louder just before a general election. They’ve had 11 years to sort this shit out, and all they’ve done is talk tough, do fuck all, and make themselves a few quid while taking everyone for mugs.
Well, they can fuck off. The country is fucked anyway, so we might as well let the lunatics at Labour take over.
We need an Enoch, but instead we’ve got a bunch of cunts. All the same more or less.
The Tories will never get my vote until they get an Enoch type who’s first words are, ‘We’re not having any split arses, gaylords or dark key types standing for us. Try coming here on a banana boat and our Navy will blow you up, you smelly cunts. Get fucked, and I refer to the comments the right honourable gentleman made some moments ago.”
Agreed, in the last election I would done anything to keep Corby out, but now I’ve seen the shower of shite we got instead I say go for it, vote for every independent fruitcake standing or spoil your ballot (obviously don’t actually vote Labour or LD, wouldnt want to encourage the cunts). A few years of Kweer and his crew is the shock the sheep need. If course there maynitbe a country left by then but that seems to be the path we’re on anyway.
We need an Enoch and instead got a Eunuch.
Afternoon all.
The lawyers should not be paid a penny from the Legal Aid that I simply don’t believe these bastards qualify for, the British certainly don’t seem to. If the cunts want a lawyer they can fucking well pay for one or the lawyers can work pro bono, let’s see how quick the self satisfied cunts are to stick their oar in then. It’d be so fucking funny if these lawyers’ daughters were the next ones raped, murdered or given dodgy drugs by this criminal scum.
To cuntybollocks: due to our voting system only Conservative or Labour (possibly with LibDem assistance) can win in 2024. There is no way I wouldn’t vote Conservative because I don’t want to even risk Starmer and his bunch of Fascist wimminz (Harman, Phillips, Rayner, Cresay, Thornberry) and nancy boys, gainig power. Once in, thanks to all the foreign muck in their rubber dinghy’s we would never be free of them again in power, like a bunch of red rats.
Creasy I meant, the old whore who even told Fiona Bruce how to do her job this week – asking a Paki about racism first was apparently racist. Also, she gets her tots out too often in public so her brats can milk her.
Yewman Rites lawyering is like owning a hotel full of dirty dinghy raiders. All rooms are booked up months in advance at full rate ( no Laterooms.com discount for these cunts) paid for by the taxpayer. Any damage, real or imagined, is paid for by the taxpayer no questions asked.
Guaranteed income and fuck all to do to earn it. Politicians looking after their rich mates and racking up the virtue signalling points at the same time. What a fucking scam.
I have a solution to immigration, deportation etc.
Every single person who enters the UK by unofficial routes, or who get to stay after a deportation order, can only do so if they are officially sponsored by one of these woke, smug, self satisfied, middle class pricks.
By sponsored, I mean:
-all costs: food, accommodation, education & healthcare, to be the responsibility of the sponsor.
-the sponsor to bear responsibility for criminal acts: all fines to be paid by the sponsor, if a custodial sentence is applicable, the sponsor to carry the full cost of incarceration. The full cost.
If the criminal act incurs compensation to the victims if the crime, the sponsor to be fully liable for costs.
-if the immigrant commits a crime resulting in eventual deportation/repatriation, the sponsor to be responsible for ALL costs. Plane costs-the lot.
All signed in a legally binding document, on the immigrants point of entry, into the UK.
Let’s see how many Islington lawyer types sign up.
I get where you’re coming from,General, but these human-rights lawyers can only operate because The Govt. is unwilling to change laws which provide loopholes that they,perfectly properly,exploit.
I believe ” Take back control of our Courts” was another Boris mantra…..
That scruffy cunt can’t even take control of his own cock, did anybody seriously believe he was able to ‘take control’ of anything else? The quicker he goes, the better. Sadly I can’t see an obvious replacement. The one thing I know for sure, in 20 years this will be an Islamic country.
He cannot keep his Johnson in his trousers
That dirty filthy offensive word ‘Can’t’ keeps being spouted by the likes of Priti Useless and Bojo. “We can’t send them back cos of their human rights innit”. I believe that they actually won’t and don’t want to, simply because they are terrified of upsetting the left.
I see also this morning that some of the papers are suggesting a rift in the ‘Conservatives’ over immigration. Apparently a survey of MP’s has revealed that 77% of them are unhappy with government handling of the issue. All fab and groovy, but that still means a third of Tory MP’s think it’s ok. These are Conservatives don’t forget, not Labour. We’ve landed ourselves with a blue version of New Labour, led by a deluded, spineless bellend who thinks he can fool people with his pound shop Winston Churchill impersonations and cretinous bonhomie. Who the fuck is going to stand up for Britain now?
The left is permanently fucking upset. It lives for being upset.
If the govt really got tough on the immigration/asylum abuses and actually started to boot out any cunt who should be booted, the votes would roll in. I think most of the country’s sick of this shit.
If they can’t do it with an 80 seat majority, who ever will?
They could if they had a genuine Conservative leader.
Johnson is a fake, a chancer devoid of every quality required to govern this country even remotely competently. Not one shred of principle, integrity, honesty or courage does he embody.
Even his most deluded, sycophantic followers must be having their doubts now.
Nor capability evidently
When the buffoon was elected I thought it would be funny, watching the left apoplectic that the epitome of inbred rich twats was in charge. However it didn’t take long for his fucking banal nonsense to grip my shit, and I literally heave when I hear the cunts voice these days.
I bet to the labour cunts, Boris is the Tory version of Corbyn, someone who can unite the country in abject dissolution.
Fat scruffy overbreeding cunt. Have a vasectomy for fucks sake.
Well perhaps not quite a third. I’m a mathematical fucking retard!
Actually Field Marshall, 23% are okay with it, or a bit less than a quarter. Still, 1% would be too many.
I do think that most people in the country are seething with the daily influx of illegal immigrants, and the Govt’s inability to stop it. In my opinion, this issue above all others will lose the Tories the next election if they don’t get a grip.
I guess the 77% are thinking that way too.
The 80 sear majority will disappear at the next election.
No gimmeegrant should be entitled to legal aid. No gimmeegrant should receive accommodation ( of any kind ) and No Gimmeegrant should receive any benefit of any description.
Those persons harbouring, employing or housing a Gimmeegrant should be deported and stripped of any National Identity they may have acquired, their properties and businesses seized, thei cattle slaughtered and their balls removed.
If it’s good enough for Dubai (and sponsorship works there), then it’s good enough here?
A human rights lawyer swallowed a viagra pill. It made him taller.
With apologies to J R Cuntley, in case you had that one lined up too.
Patel covers herself in shit every time she opens her dumb, irritating enormous mouth. In between her jawing shite and shovelling down half a JCB front bucket of free slop a day I am surprised the relevant maxillofacial bones haven’t worn out. Weak, lazy, cowardly, stupid and at every turn working directly against the interests of the British people – living proof of the danger of hiring traitors on quotas instead of quality.
“It’s the laws” she whines – so change the damned laws!
“It’s their human rights” screech the sanctimonious lefty lawyers – where are the human rights of their victims?
“Under the Equality and human rights act” – so GET RID!
“Under the UN convention” – so GET RID!
Stop paying legal aid, problem reduces – but porky Patel the chav Queen talks a good fight and continues to do NOTHING! ?
I would have a law where anyone entering the UK illegally is automatically banned from claiming refugee or asylum status for life, and any foreign or dual national committing a crime in the UK or against UK citizens is banned from the UK for life, has their citizenship stripped and is returned to the shithole of their choice.
We could start with that American Turk in Downing Street, and he could take Pigtel with him – what a pair of embarrassing fucking clowns they are – but dangerous clowns who are deliberately destroying our Country.
Can’t wait until I am elected – DCI Gene as health Minister, Sir Fiddler as Foreign Secretary and Unkle Terry as Home Secretary with JTC as Minister for the upholding of good British standards!
Splendid Cabinet choices..
Seeing as the media et al are fascinated by stats I propose a new daily bulletin:
The number of cunts that have drowned after the Royal Navy sink their stinking stolen boats.
I am not averse to the RAF joining in if they fancy it.
The 23% who are happy have probably got rock solid seats in cuntholes like Tunbridge Wells. The rest of them are shitting themselves at the prospect of losing their place at the trough.
And they fucking will if this Jellyfish idiot carries on. His act is wearing thin and he doesn’t even appear to be writing his own scripts anymore. They need another Hezzelslime to stab the cunt in the back like they did to Thatcher. Gove seems an unlikely Brutus but he is definitely snide enough.
Yep Freddie, Gove’s the one. He’d stab his own Granny in the back for one of her Werther’s Originals.
Everyone involved in and also profiting from this sickening charade should be broken at the wheel.
Nothing good at all has come from flooding the country with vermin.
Do politicians care?
No they don’t the money grubbing cunts.
For what it’s worth, I don’t think foreign scum should be deported either.
They should be executed.
Starting with those infesting British government, educational institutions and positions of influence ?
You’re damn right CG, I’ve had enough of this tail wagging the dog bollocks from the filth.
Well I am disappointed, this hostile environment that the government adopted make immigrants feel unwelcome…. Ah just slapped myself across the face.
The Government aren’t Hostile enough that is why the cunts keep coming, as for deportations, no legal challenges allowed, no right of appeal, the cunts can appeal from their own shit holes.
The Conservatives will be fucked at the next election but that will inevitably lead to a Labour government which will be even softer. We are fucked.
I get sick of hearing Labour cunts talking about ‘safe and legal routes’ being the answer to the Channel shit show, fucking idiots, all it will mean will twice as many cunts coming here. They have even less idea the Priti Pathetic.
Machine gun them. 24 hours of machine gunning anything in a dinghy when they cross U.K. territory, that will stop it.
Apparently returning them to France is illegal under some 1950’s refugee convention…
Then just return the filthy cunts to somewhere mid Channel with a lot of holes in their dinghies.
Moggie@ – I have my stout vessel “The Black Pig” on standby – when we inva, er, “go on the IAC booze cruise” MNC will be in charge of archery, Sir Fiddler will be in charge of reaving and pillaging, Unkle Terry will be our diplomatic attache and DCI Gene will be in charge of standing over allegedly “dying” Frenchies shouting “there’s nowt up with you, shirking fker”!
I predict a jolly trip!
Black Pig, named after The Flabbotopamus?
Just get 23 and Me sponsored by the RAF and they will soon find their own ilk. Had enough of it. Turning this country into a laughing stock.
Sorry Oldman but the RNLI would have to rescue them officially then.
Vote Tory install Liebour.For the love of God Curry Patel leave.You are truly shit at your job.
Stop fucking about and just put her on a plane! Does anyone seriously believe an immigrant should be in charge of immigration policy? She may have been born here but her parents were de facto refugees, does this not colour her decision making?
I don’t blame the dinghy invaders for heading here, if you see a better life over the horizon why wouldn’t you make an attempt to obtain it?
The immigration mess was created by white middle and upper class politicians and industrialists for political and financial gain.
I think Patel is a bang average politician among hosts of other bang average politicians.
On second thoughts order a feel of planes and put every pro diversity politician on it.
Immigration is one of the more obvious symptoms of politician’s selling the people down the river and it’s a great distraction from the constant buggery they inflict upon us in every area of our lives.
If we are constantly drawn to criticism of individuals we ignore the system that continues to roll over us.
Patel is a useless cunt but what can any Home Secretary do when the hidden agenda is the exact opposite of public policy?
Enoch Powell couldn’t do any better unless the real agenda was to comprehensively overhaul immigration and asylum policy.
Imagine being in charge, by a democratic vote, but you are unable to do anything because your entire work force are cunts who only got a job through a selection process introduced by Tony Blair. If the Tory party gave a shit about anything else but money and power they would do something. They wont and they dont. They are all cunts except for a small number in “red wall ” seat MPs. The Tory party has to go.
The government aren’t in charge, the Civil Service are. Yes Minister wasn’t a comedy, it was a documentary and until the upper echelons of the CS are cleared out, and preferably shot, there will be no change in this country. Mind you, it won’t be long before the CS is run by the peacefuls and we become a Caliphate. Even then the only major change will be the choice of stick your arse up in the air several times a day, or die.
The Palace stays the same, only the guards ever change.
The “establishment” are in charge. Baring a “real” political revolution, they always will be.
New type of hard line Government is needed.
Wash the streets clean, deport Millions of of Nigerians, Eastern Europeans and everything inbetween.
Come down hard on anti social behaviour from our very own chavy white untermensch to a program of deporting Irish travellers and target home bred travellers of course…
Good people are good people irrespective of colour or place of birth.
Kick the cunts out and bring balance back to our country.
The Police are not capable due to woke politics, bring the army in and let’s get weeding the scum out before it’s to late for our society….
And use the dinghy rats and peacefuls as target practice for the Army
Or subjects for medical experiments and product testing.
Priti Patel is to border security what Peter Sutcliffe was to prostitutes safety.
I sincerely hope that the ones who weren’t deported are back inside pending resolution of this legal fuckwittery.
Someone suggested that the recent political wankfest in Glasgow should have been held on a decommissioned North Sea oil platform.
Wouldn’t it be grand if they were used to house all these criminas, failed asylum seekers and illegal migrants.
criminals, ffs.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.
Blair and his bastards fucked everything up after 1997. He used his massive majorities to push through legislation that has destroyed this country and made it a haven for filth, scum and lefty degenerates, to say noting of the shiester lawyers that defend them. He politicised the civil service and filled the polis, armed forces , teaching and medical professions with common purpose drones.
Now Boris was returned with a 80 seat majority and COULD have gone some way to unpicking the unholy mess Blair and his henchmen foistered upon us…. But no. Even with a large majority and piss weak opposition in the HoC it’s all to difficult, apparently. That and the plain and simple fact that the ‘tories’ today are also a bunch of left of centre ‘nu libore’ clones. Two cheeks of the same arse, if you will, this means nothing will get fixed and it will only get worse. Well, Patel will talk a bit more, wank words and tough messages, but in real terms the illegals washing up daily will increase.
There’s no one to vote for now, under FPTP, and as I can see only a coup d’tat or armed revolution will put this country back where it should be.
PS had a begging letter from the RNLI pushed through my letterbox last week. Wiped my arse on it and flung it out in the street. In hindsight I should have reposted it clearly marked ‘return to fucking sender’
That is all. My back still hurts. Get to fuck or jump in the oven.
Until we get
Send the Jellyfish to the oven
Until we get….
Fucks sake Henry Westons…
PPS a family of jig-a-boo’s moved into the neighbourhood a couple of weeks back.
Two young lads of school age looking all smart in their uniforms. Probably aspiring break dancers or footballists or architects…. Or maybe gang members and knife wielders…
Anyhow this weekend the road sign for the street has been graffitied with spray paint… coincidence. Mmmmm.
This fucking country needs to get its thumb out of its arse, get its shit together and start changing some laws.
This government is an absolute shower.
Though the alternatives are much worse.
Any spoilt ballot or independent vote, would just hang parliament and we would end up with a rainbow coalition full of left wing lunacy.
We are damned if we do,- and bigger damned if we don’t.
As long as first-past-the-post remains, we will only ever have a two party race.
Dame Queer propped up by Caroline Lucas and a few other Lefties anyone?
No thanks, Jellyfish or Fishy Tunak will have to do.
“That was a party political broadcast by the ”Cuntservatives”.
I do wonder if the “alternative” could actually be any worse. This, supposedly conservative, government has pissed taxpayers money away at an unprecedented rate, plans to spunk even more of it on ridiculous “green bollox”, sold us BRINO pretending it was Brexit, is increasing taxation, has reneged on manifesto pledges, allows unfettered immigration, and the list goes on and on and on.
The alternative might be cunts but you know they are before they arrive, this lot are “stealthy cunts” – they pretend to be something else to get elected.
High inflation, big government, high taxation, lunatic policies – these things are no longer a threat they are already here.
Plus, a hung Parliament will be like a town where the traffic lights stop working – the traffic suddenly starts flowing because it is no longer being fucked about.
Vote “none of the above”?
This government is an absolute shower.
Though the alternatives are much worse.
Any spoilt ballot or independent vote, would just result in a hung parliament, and we would end up with a rainbow coalition full of left wing lunacy.
We are damned if we do,- and bigger damned if we don’t.
As long as first-past-the-post remains, we will only ever have a two party race.
Dame Q*eer propped up by Caroline Lucas and a few other Lefties anyone?
No thanks, Jellyfish or Fishy Tunak will have to do.
“That was a party political broadcast by the ”Cuntservatives”.
If only!
Apparently Kim Kardashian has just paid for a plane load full to be flighted to, guess where?
The UK!
Thanks a fucking bunch.
(A Nom on that very subject has just been processed and due for scheduling soon. – Day Admin)
she’s smuggling dozens of brown cunts inside that fat arse of her’s
Its about time ppl woke up and realised this plan to replace the white population with browns is not a conspiracy THEORY its a conspiracy FACT, they are flooding us with single males 20-40 with no women to fuck, they will breed us out, the streets are already filling up with fat ugly white girls filling prams with the smelly little browns cunts
Where is Enoch when we need him