The Met office used to call their weather reports ‘The Weather’ – but now its in transition and been rebranded ‘The Weather AND CLIMATE CHANGE’
I filled in the survey, hey it takes about 5minutes so you know bathroom, waiting, hole that needs to be filled, well drained or emptied.
So I was asked ‘how they could improve their site’ – big mistake. Please feel free to add, edit or share your own opinions. Just how much do they know about eccentricity? [not running around naked throwing your life savings into the street] – but how circular or egg shaped the earth goes round the sun? – precession and other essential terms converging on a typical 30 000 year cycle. Most like a big fat zero. Climate since records began? What since T-rex was out of diapers in the cretaceous period (I don’t think), just around the time the titanic was being built getting ready to sink due to perpetual global cooling.
Anyhoo my response was polite and I was thanked:
Not calling yourself climate change, it is a fallacy and more to boot meteorologists are not qualified to make such claims. For example geologists, environmental scientists and geographers are all examples of who are qualified to make such claims. Along with physicists.
Meteorologists read data from computer scientists who make models. These models are generally 95% unreliable after 72hrs. Further to this signing reputable scientists on fake journal articles not conducted by them is fraud. Any self respecting journal would immediately strike an authors name from a journal, that’s how science works.
You however, have an agenda to push so use these ‘questionable sources to push narrative onto the non-understanding’. Please explain why 500yr hot water upwellings sliced off the western antarctic ice shelf prior to industrialisation? Oh sorry did I put urea on your chips and make them unpalatable? Behave yourself.
And please please please do us all a favour stop using bright scorching red for 18C when you used to use yellow at most. Even orange was never used much. We see through your lies and attempts for a new tax.
Thus endeth the labial curtailment
Nominated by: Climatewhat?
The last time the met office was of any use was on the 4th of July 1944 when Captain James Stagg postponed D Day. Today they ridiculous, woke, hysterical wankers calling a bit of weather names and pretending they can predict the climate in 40 years. Cunts.
That’s a very good point – they can’t predict the weather in 4 days time never mind 40 years!
Even that’s optimistic. I’ve lost count of the number of times the forecast is telling me what a nice sunny day it is as I watch pigeons flying backwards in what amounts to a monsoon.
On the radio a few years ago I heard a met office spokesman being asked why their forecasting is so inacurrate.
He went on to unashamedly explain that they usually get it right but that they sometimes get the TIMING wrong….
Yes, you utter fucking bellend, if you say it’s going to be snowy/rainy/windy/hot or whatever, it’s going to be eventually isn’t it?
Incompetent cunts.
Captain Stagg also had to deal with the opposing theories of his meteorological team at the time, just as we have scientists presenting theory as fact today. The difference was, that Stagg listened to both sides and made a professional judgement. Nowadays you must listen the the minority who shout loudest.
I posted similar on the DE last weeks on this matter.
If you visit the Blue John Mine in Derbyshire, you will be able to stand upon an ocean floor of debris, from a tropical sea. The guide will tell you of the geological changes and the changes in the weather over a period of time that predates the birth of that silly little girl with pigtails.
Global warming happens. Live with it.
The idea that man is responsible for climate change, or can do anything significant to change C02 levels is simply a scam to tax cunts until their fucking eyes bleed. Utter bollocks. The Met Office has to go along with the bollocks as it is bought and paid for by the deceivers. It can fuck right off.
That we should not unnecessarily or egregiously pollute the earth is a separate issue and a matter of common sense. It is conflated with the climate change non-issue by XR loonies and marxist nut jobs.
Good morning, everyone.
PS I should have made clear that The Met Office is paid for by the deceivers with our fucking money, obvs. Cunts.
Excellent point well made TTCUS.
Making a huge judgment on a planets behaviour based on the oft quoted “since records began” is a akin to believing that top flight football only started in 1992, or that the spice girls were the first girl band. Mars appears to be a dead planet, but it appears also that this wasn’t always the case. Something happened to it which didn’t involve human interference, and perhaps the same could happen here in the extremely distant future.
The Greta’s and Attenbores of this world harp on about how we shouldn’t have the right to assume this or that, or take our place on this planet for granted. Yet they assume they themselves have all the answers that can redefine the cosmos. The trouble with admitting otherwise though, is that governments like ours would have to find a new, exciting and equally false way of extorting taxes from us. I’ll believe it when they have a proper scientific debate involving both sides of the argument backed by incontrovertible facts. I won’t hold my fucking breath.
This afternoon I’m taking part in the final of the World Weather Forecasting Championship, I’m up against the raining champion….
Interestingly, there are no conversations on overpopulation, and migration effects.
The politicians will not dare raise the problem of overpopulation; it’s much too hot to handle.
I think the idea that “we” (the UK) can halt climate change when the bloody Chinkies are consuming God knows how much coal each day is ludicrous – our contribution is a bit like one piss in the Atlantic.
Whether or not climate change is man made and due to CO2 emissions is completely irrelevant in terms of “UK Net Zero”. Because the UK produces less than China increases its emissions annually and, therefore, the UK stopping emissions can’t possibly make any difference whatever the “science” (“follow the science”=the hallmark of a true cunt!).
What UK Net Zero will do, however, is impoverish every working class family in the UK. Nobody voted for this shite, it wasn’t in the Fake Tories 2019 manifesto, yet still they are pushing it hard, Virtue signalling taken to the extreme and paid for by the long suffering tax payers of this country.
The politic unts will soon be singing their climate change song in Scotland at COP 26. Scotland. That’s the country where councils spend £1mil on electric cars to park up unused because there isn’t any charging infrastructure. Oh what a pity, never mind. Cunts of the first order!
Overpopulation is never mentioned, not sure why, when the growth over the last hundred years has gone from under 2 billion to almost 8 billion.
Stop ignoring the issue if CO2 is the devil.
Good nom. That header the met office use boils my piss. Shove yer climate change horeshit up yer arse.
The met office, so bad even the fucking useless BBC don’t use em for reporting any longer.
Want to know what the weather is doing. Look out a window.
I’ve been fishing the same spots on the coast for the last 40 years. Back in the 80s they told us that if we don’t change our ways, then by the year 2000 sea levels will rise by metres…. Here we are in 2021, a full twenty years after the mythical date and I still have to walk as far to the shore line. Nothing has changed.
Next time it snows, fill a saucepan to the brim with snow, then melt it and see exactly how much water you are left with. Not a fucking lot.
It’s bullshit and Boris Johnson’s misses is a green numpty. That is all get to fuck.
She’s a green numpty who’s married to a treacherous fucking idiot who appears to believe he’s in charge. The sooner he goes the better and although lord knows who will replace him, Winnie the Pooh would beat him on intellectual quality.
Mention of the year 2000 reminds me of how in the 1970s many people were peddling the view that the oil would all be gone by the year 2000. Same scenario applies to the idea we will be driving electric cars; it’s not going to happen.
According to those cunts, planet Earth should look like fucking Arrakis by now.
Still waiting for that ice age they went on about when I was a little ‘un.
Oh, they changed it from freezing to death to burning to death due to global warming.
Oh wait. They changed that too. Now we’ve got to live in caves and say how great power companies are for saying how wonderful they are for making us pay more for less energy – helping the planet of course.
Well I say call their bluff. Let’s go a week without using any fossil fuels. This would include no internet for the woke attention seeking bastards too.
No lights on. Can’t use the car (yes, even an electric one – how do you think they mine the batteries, power some of the electric terminals or power the car factories?) I’ll survive. And at the end of the week, every single one of these pricks will shut the fuck up about this bollocks for good.
Including that fucking attention seeking Swedish mong. She couldn’t handle a week without Twittertards saying how great she is. Not a fucking chance.
Having a steak later (again).
Is it from an emission free cow?
Do you remember Cuntybollocks, a programme on channel 4 in their early days before they went fucking woke, where they set up some cunt who was peddling global warming and questioned him about the fact he had previously published a book warning us of the impending ice age? I certainly do. The look on his face was fucking priceless! I also remember an article by Bernard Levin in the Times (pre-Murdoch) where he suggested the people selling the coming ice age should be required to write a hundred lines; “I cannot with any certainty predict the weather next week; how therefore can I claim I can predict the climate at a later date?”
I don’t recall that, but I have no doubt it happened.
The new one is ‘climate emergency’ and as another counter mentioned, ‘climate literacy’.
We need to agree to live in caves (well, not our ‘betters’ of course) or you’re a retard seems to be the message.
The problem is third world over population and the fact they’re steaming into the west. Cheap labour/globalist votes for the elites.
Competition for labour (and things like benefits, pensions NHS, school places etc) then drives down workers rights and pay/ability to access things like NHS, pensions. And drives up housing prices. But massively increases profits for the big corporations.
Stop the third world invasion of the West and stop employers/champagne socialists from demanding immigrant labour. They demand it to make their lives better (cheap nanny/gardener/barrista/general employee). They do it under the guise of ‘not being racist’ and being ‘caring’.
Fuck off you bullshitting cunts!
You’re in it for yourself (not you Mr Poster, the idiots supporting globalist shite). Just admit it and I might have more respect for you!
Here are some facts for these climate change enthusiasts…….
The Earth is a ball of rock weighing approximately 6.6 billion trillion tons.
It is rotating at a speed of 1,000 miles per hour.
The speed of the Earth’s orbit of the sun is around 67,000 miles per hour.
It is held on a precarious axis of 23.5 degree by the moon.
A relatively weak magnetic field is protecting the Earth’s atmosphere from being stripped away in a millisecond by the effect of the Sun.
And these cunts think that they can save the Earth by boiling less water in their kettles, not flushing the bog so often and insulating their lofts.
A bit futile in my opinion.
Our Politicians are as thick as the proverbial pig shit found upon the streets of our capital. deport London now and save a fortune.
Nobody believes that anybody can save their soul any more but they are willing to believe that the new High Priests of the New Religion can save the fucking planet. Like the religion of the past it’s an excellent form of social control…..the opiate of the masses, as Marx said.
As for Greta…..burn the ??♀️ witch!
The British are responsible for climate change due to the Industrial Revolution according the dough faced prophet of doom. It seems as well as inventing slavery, we have been very naughty indeed.
Spot on again Freddie!
This world population clock makes for interesting reading
We’re approaching 7.9 billion, according to the clock, with over twice as many people being born than dying. So it won’t be long before we git 8 billion cunts on Planet Earth.
Projections for 2030 (Net Zero Carbon deadline), is 8.5 billion, 9 billion by 2040 and probably around 10 billion by 2060
And this is the top ten most populated countries, some of which are shitholes and probably polluting far more Co2 and other shite compared to the UK, as well as fucking up the climate.
1 China 1,446,334,691
2 India, 1,397,315,838
3 U.S.A. 333,460,419
4 Indonesia 277,219,334
5 Pakistan 226,467,622
6 Brazil 214,477,244
7 Nigeria 212,851,480
8 Bangladesh 166,783,415
9 Russia 146,012,878
10 Mexico 130,663,411
And yet the woke cunts like the Met Office, Greta and XR don’t seem to give two shits about these stats, just so long as they can point accusing fingers at the UK and US for the dramatic changes in the weather
I watched (or should I say started to watch) a program about water, it would have been very interesting except for the fact that it was narrated by a fucking Yank tart with a squeaky voice and the most used word was water but after hearing the teeth grating American pronunciation of Water about 50 times I gave up, in hindsight I should have gone to subtitles and turned to sound off.
The part did watch talked about the number of rivers that have been dammed and the effect that had had on the environment is staggering, I can’t remember the exact number of dams across the world but it enormous. The point is that the rapid rise in population has caused severe problems and will continue to do so.
Overpopulation is the root of all evil.
Anything else is just a symptom of the problem.
If I ever come into a substantial amount of money I’m buying a fucking V8 monster of a muscle car and parking it outside Greta’s house revving the engine and wake the cunt up at 3 am !
You need a minimum of six cylinders; anything less is just a shopping trolley.
You want to rev it gently, after making sure you’ve connected a hose from your exhaust to her letterbox.
Deal. Anyone got a spare few hundred thousand quid?
I’d gas every last one of them.
I went for a walk on the hills this morning and it was cold.
When will this warming start?I want some.
Accurate weather records started in 1880.
When we are told that the 20th century was the warmest on record what that means is the average temperatures for that century were higher than the last 20 years of the 19th century.
The 20th century is the only full century that anyone has any idea about.
The hole in the ozone layer was first discovered much later in 1985.
Only 36 years ago.
By observing the size of the ozone layer for 36 years on a 4.5 billion year old planet scientists are predicting the effects for the next few hundred years.
It’s a bit like watching 10 seconds of a football match and then predicting the league champions for the next 500 years.
Actually that is incorrect, weather records were started in the 1700’s but it was not until the 1870’s that a world wide standard was used, meaning more accuracy.
But all your other points are more than valid, That pug-faced cunt on GMB (Laura? Whore climate change Tobin) bleats on all the time about ‘since records began) failing to mention this pertinent point that we only have 150 years of data for a planet 4 billion years old, Now I am no genius but even II can work out that the data we have represents just 0.00000375% of our climates history.
I fucking hate that pig-faced bitch, had to laugh on Twitter when she was called out for flying to Iceland or somewhere to do her weather report and people called her out, her reply was I went business class, erm, you fucking retard, the plane uses the same amount of fuel and produces the same carbon emissions wether you are in 1st class, business or stowed away in the cargo hold – thick bitch.
No wonder she was too dumb to get a Physics degree and turned to being a weather girl – pug-faced little pissmop
They really have learned (the politicals) how to make our existence more miserable by the day.
You need to feel guilty, you are a sinner , you are destroying our environment
So yes it is the new religion.
I preferred the old religion, we didn’t appreciate how good we had it.
“Science” is a word that has lost all meaning these days. Ask any cunt under 30 what the scientific method is. This word has been diluted just like the word “racist” to be used as a political weapon. Concensus and computer models are NOT science. “Follow the science!” they say. I am you cunt! You don’t even know what the fuck science is.
Climatewhat – plenty here to back up your points
Where did God write down the ideal temperature for the Earth then?
And are there no positives to having a slightly warmer planet? Of course there are, but they don’t want to mention them do they.
A good nomination.
I watched some lanky cunt on the TV only last night.
He was whinging about coral reefs and the fact that just a one degree rise in sea temperatures can kill them off.
He didn’t mention that a one degree rise in temperature would enable coral to grow in other parts of the ocean that were previously too cold.
He was in the Maldives.
I first went there some 40 years ago, long before it became a tourist hot spot.
Besides the main island of Male there were only 4 tourist islands.
I had to have a dozen injections to go. There was no desalinated running water, power came from diesel generators and the only thing to eat was fish.
The highest point in the entire island group was 4 meters. That was on the capital island.
After 40 years of doom and gloom predictions about rising sea levels the highest point is still 4 meters.
Not one of the 1,200 or so islands has been lost to the sea and on my last visit a few years ago, the beach on the original island that I visited was just as big.
My observations are as follows –
Earths climate is impacted by in this order of magnitude –
1) The Sun – intensity and no of black spots impact our climate massively
2) The Earths axis – it changes over thousands of years and N Pole position
3) The continental land masses and ocean flows – leads to drier/cooler times etc
4) Volcanism – a lot of activity can lead to a massive cooling phase or ice age
5) Lastly but almost irrelevant is mankind, our impact is probably less than 2% on climate at best, however I do believe in a cleaner environment and less waste its bugger all to do with the long term climate.
Also most of those waiving their arms around saying we must do something are a) politicians who know fuck all b) lefty unwashed mental activist (not scientist) c) Communist types who see this angle to make us poorer and destroy capitalism.
They all can kindly just go forth and multiply.