Tony Blair [23]

Emergency cunting. Tony Blair (WAR CRIMINAL)

If this man was not already the biggest cunt that these shores has ever produced and we have produced a first 11 that would give any nation a run for their money, then this promotes him to captain and life president

This pile of shite spends his days lecturing and posturing to us peasants about how we should behave, how we should live and what we should pay, meanwhile sir cunty with a little bit of chicanery avoids £320,000 tax and keeps the readies for himself and his family of cunts

Don’t forget he is worth £60 million so this is his equivalent of our loose change. However to a school it’s ten teachers to a hospital it’s a kidney machine to a council it’s care for the elderly.

Pile on in the comments.

Nominated by: Cuntsince1066

Additional details provided by: Komodo

A little more on Harcourt Ventures, the Blair’s property front, here:

It may be that Harcourt Ventures was not the company involved in buying the Harcourt Street property for the Blairs, as it was named after the address. Oldbury Residential, formed to handle Cherie’s Northern property portfolio in 2014, seems a more likely candidate.

Apologies, but Blair is my specialist subject.

99 thoughts on “Tony Blair [23]

  1. For England’s sake, I pray that a hardcase who has terminal cancer does his level best to murder Blair and his bitch wife.
    Cosmically, it proves there’s no god, no justice and no karma.
    This fuck has not only ruined our beloved country by flooding it with dark skinned spongers, he literally has the blood of hundreds of thousands of people on his hands.
    How he can not commit suicide through the guilt of what he has achieved is beyond me.

    • Thomas:

      Blair is a “cat’lick”, therefore several “male fairies” & “sour farters” and all his sins have been absolved.

      The fucking Cunt of Cunts?

  2. Remainer cunt extraordinaire with an even bigger cunt for a wife; ‘Terrorists have rights to.’
    Get to fuck!

  3. Their hypocrisy knows no limit.

    It really is do as I say, not as I do, self-serving cunts, both of them.

    • Yep. I’m surprised to learn that this is only the cunt’s 23rd time of cunting.
      Definitely deserves to be awarded IsAC’s ‘National Cunt@ status.

      • Yes. He is the Grand Poo-bah of cunts, the Universal champion;
        Tony Blair: the patron saint of Cunts.

      • IsAC was founded back in the mists of time with some fed up cunter typing ‘Tony Blair is a cunt’.

  4. Is anyone even mildly surprised? Blair’s a for everyone else socialist. Some are more equal than others, like the vast majority of socialists.

  5. When you are walking through your local town centre and you feel like you are in Bucharest, Eritrea, or Islamabad. When your local pub of many years is no longer open. Whenever you see more military graves than at any time since World War II. When your local Doctors/Dentist/School/Town Hall is ridiculously overrun by foreign cunts demanding special treatment and interpreters… Always remember, it is all down to one man…

    Satan Blair. The biggest cunt of the last twenty years.

  6. Im with Thomas on this one. Catastrophe never falls on the cunts that deserve it most. Blair really is in the category of SuperCunt.

  7. Why is this creature and his raddled ‘wife’ still breathing oxygen?

    Maybe Icke was right all along and it’s really a shape shifting space alien lizard thing.

    We need a terminator type time machine in order to go back to 1997 to hunt down any kill the creature.

  8. A total fucking misanthropist.
    Total lack of remorse-still thinks he was doing “Holy” work.

    Those Tory posters in the run up to the 97 general election-“New Labour / New Evil”, showing Blair with eyes “from the pit”-how prophetic were they?

    That is how I think of Blair-an imp from the pit?

  9. Tip of the iceberg. The City boys have been laundering trillions into offshore accounts for decades, for corporate clients and private individuals, secret service people and the like.

    Blair can suck one. But he’s small fry.

    • Say what you like about Tony,
      But he’s got a lovely smile!
      Always smiling,
      Some of you dour fuckers should take a leaf out of his book!
      Anyway, a complete sociapath.
      And hated by both the Left and Right.
      His son has elipsed him in terms of wealth!
      No shit.
      His sons a right grabbing cunt too.

      • Makes old phony Tony look like a fucking pauper. A four story £6.4m Marylebone townhouse? You peasant! All his old cronies have been killed off, Gaddafi, Saddam, business opportunities drying up. Cameron had a go at dodgy dealings but got caught out first time, fucking amateur.

      • I think I read that Euan B Liar is worth £M160.
        Of course, I am sure he got it all by hard work…
        Freeview has been up and down like Angela’s knickers all week, and just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, HSBC (monumental corporate cunt) have collaborated (yes, the very word, like people collaborating with the Nazis) with that walking-turd-cunt, Richard E I Addio; the resultant advert is even longer and more putrid than the last one.
        Sorry for slightly hijacking the thread, but B Liar, HSBC and EI Addio on the same evening…I am going outsider with my old service Luger, I may be gone some time.

    • Check out this documentary on the City. Well produced and gives credence to the idea that nuking London would probably be in humanities best interests.

      “The Spiders Web – Britains Second Empire”

  10. He also still receives high-end security that tax-payers fund. I can’t remember the exact amount per year, I think it’s over £250,000 per year for police to escort him around Blighty, not sure if he gets security overseas. Former prime ministers are also entitled to an allowance of up to £115,000 a year to cover the costs of their public engagements. Blair still claims those shekels. So he has cost us £5.11 million over the past 14 years just so he could flounce about freely in first class without being molested or kidnapped. That money could have been used to clone Ant AND Dec. Those two won’t live forever and we need our Saturday night entertainment after the 2050 Apocalypse.

  11. Probably the biggest rat in a giant barrel of the festering vermin.
    A criminal and a traitor.

  12. He’s worse than you think.

    More, much more on Blair, the dictators he deals with, the billionaires he crawls to, and the dog he married, here. Runs from 2015 to 2019.

    There are a couple of references to Harcourt around March 2017.

    @ Cunty Gordon: Pretty sure he does get UK-funded security when abroad. Also a permanent police detail on his London pad(s) and South Pavilion, in the country. Difficult man to shoot, I’m afraid.

    • I’d rather he was kidnapped and made to admit his crimes on video then made to live as a tramp in Clapham Common.

    • Maybe these famous “toilet-rats”, allegedly the size of cats, will come up through his U-bend if he goes for a crap at night. I can’t wait to see illicit photos of his mangy corpse with a load of vermin feasting on it.

  13. Doesn’t everyone think that some cunt, with a cunt wife, whose got a fucking fortune which is enough to live in indolence for several lifetimes, should shut their fucking yap before the Fraud Squad, the Ethics Committee et Al start investigating them? Also, maybe relocate somewhere without an extradition policy!
    Fuck off!

    • It’s not in the nature of narcissistic sociopaths like Tony to shut their fucking yap.

      When they’re not in the spotlight they begin to shrivel up and die. If the MSM told him to get lost he’d be brown bread within a month.

  14. I stood by John Smith’s grave on Iona and thought, “if only”. We ended up with a smarmy smirking cunt.

    • Smith would have sold out like all the rest.

      Besides, his judgemént wasn’t exactly sound, he considered Blair to be the bees knees, promoting him to Shadow Home Secretary no less.

      If he’d lived to be tested in office people probably wouldn’t now be so dewy-eyed at his passing.

      • I think probably you are right RTC but the best thing in John Smith’s tenure was when he was arguing with John Major across the despatch box. I used almost to feel embarrassed for Major as he was conspicuously outclassed by a far superior intellect.

      • True, Arfur, but Major was far from being the sharpest tool in the box, only a notch or two above Corbyn.

      • Shadow Home Secretary…
        Fucking ironic, considering that B Liar doesn’t have a shadow.
        Creepy cunt.

      • Fair comment RTC, it was a low bar. Occasionally he is still interviewed on Radio 4 about some matter of moment and he speaks slowly and portentously as if passing on great wisdom. He obviously sees himself as some revered elder statesman. It amuses me.

  15. For dogs sake, admin, try and give us sausage fingers/ keyboard incompetents 10 secs to edit.
    I’m fucking fed up, it’s autocorrect mostly. That &amp business upset me, until I saw it on other posts. Mock away, I try to post cogent, pithy & to the point remarks.

  16. Carol Caplin will have a few tales to tell I bet ! This slimey piece of shit ( I refer to Lynton ) needs a visit from some rough blokes for a country walk. A few DF 118 and a pocket penknife should just about do it.

    • Wonder if he ever gets the chance to pop in the public toilets nowadays?
      Bit high profile now.
      Hard to suck a stranger off through a glory hole in a cubicle while bored special branch stand around outside.
      Those simple pleasures eh Tony?
      Miss out on them when super rich eh?

  17. Breath Air , if you hate Tony Blair breath air if you hate Tony Blair breath etc. There you have it all life on earth that rely upon air hates Tony Blair. Massive Cunt.

  18. Always remember Reg Keys. His lad Tom was one of the Red Caps slaughtered by a baying mob inside a police station in Iraq. A terrible, horrible unnecessary death along with all the other lads and lasses in that phoney war. Just after the death of his son Reg said “Would Tony Blair send any of his kids to Iraq”. We know the answer to that one. Fuck off Tony and your clothes hanger gobbed wife.

  19. ?We took advice from that deceiving snake
    He said don’t worry it’s a piece of cake
    And sent us swimming in a burning lake
    Now we’re abandoned here for heaven’s sake.?

  20. Richard Littlejohn was on Tony and Cherie’s case years ago over their property dealing shenanigans. That was way back when Tone was still halfway through his tenure as PM and nothing came of it. Nothing will happen this time either. Nothing sticks to Teflon Tony. Misleading parliament on Iraq, the “suicide” of Dr David Kelly, F1 and Bernie the gargoyle, all swept under the carpet to save establishment blushes. And I’ve only mentioned a few of the things he could have been constitutionally or legally done for, let alone the disastrous multiculturalism experiment or devolution. What a cunt!

  21. Off-topic, but Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp and one or two other SM sites have been offline for a couple of hours worldwide, and everyone has dived onto Twatter going into meltdown.

    So fuck the petrol shortages, covid, recession etc, the world is now in panic as they can’t access their page!

    • When Tony was born there was a storm that sunk 5 fishing boats, all hands were lost.
      A church ashore was hit by lightning burning to the ground,
      It was a thousand years old.
      That same evening crops withered all over the south of England and a mr D.wickes a farmer from Gloustershire swore it rained blood.
      Up in the north of England and wales sheep and cattle miscarried, and some say goats rose up on their back legs and danced a waltz widdershins.
      He isnt just a cunt.
      Hes beyond that.
      Hes evil incarnate.
      Wherever he walks flowers wither and birds stop singing.
      Hes a cloven hoofed grinning diabolical emissary from Lucifer.
      And when he dies they should drive a flaming sword through his heart and bury him under a public shithouse.

    • Oh dear, how sad, never mind!

      My favorite saying, ever. Should be chillesed in stone.

  22. Yeah – been reading about these Pandora papers and the allegations.

    Money attracts cunts of all types, like dirty flies round a cows arse – doesn’t matter what party you belong to.

    What beggars believe (if these leaked files are to be believed) is the sleaze at the top – dodgy businessmen under investigation buying property in London. Rich A-rabs flashing their money about like it’s monopoly money. The Government must have known about some of the dirty dodgy foreign cunts but still took their donations. Usual typical day at the top for these soggy biscuit cuntwits.

    Fuck all of them.

    • Dirty dodgy cunts & our pristine, snow White government being in collusion, perish the thought ( said Froggie, as he dreamed on his lily pad)

      Do they think we all have an IQ of 59?

    • The government knows all right. Watch the documentary I linked above. The corruption is endemic to the City of London, and has a revolving door back-scratching culture between politicians, accounting firms, lawyers, bankers, spooks, and the City Corporation itself.

      I bet the Queen knows too.

      • The Big Chunky Cunty on September 16, 2021 at 12:39 pm said:

        She is the largest landholder on Earth. 66(.6?) Billion acres. Some Saudi is in 2nd place with 6 billion acres, so by far she holds the most.
        The value of that land is incalculable.

        As posted in the nom below:

      • Really. You’re going to blow up the fact I misplaced a fucking decimal point.

        Fuck off.

      • We need the professional opinion of our own inhouse (vast) landowning Northumbrian aristocrat.

      • Btw, there are only about 37 billion acres of land on the surface of the planet, and even if the Queen personally owned all of the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the rest of the Commonwealth, etc, that would still only amount to 6.6 billion acres.

        The idea that the Queen personally owns a sixth of the entire surface of the earth is so far from being sensible or reasonable as to give an insight into what could possibly be going wrong with people who assert such idiocy. Think lack of education and a tendency towards hyperbole…

        It’s like saying Putin* owns all of Russia, or that Biden owns the entire USA, ffs.

        * Could be true in Putin’s case.

      • Chunky @ 9:30 am – if only it was just a misplaced decimal point!

        But how do you explain your claim that “Some Saudi is in 2nd place with 6 billion acres”?

        Either way, the Queen does not personally own anything like 6.6 billion acres, as I explained above.

        So fuck off yourself.

  23. How he gets away with it is just unreal. He is the slipperiest eel going.

    What a cunt!

  24. No mention of the Blairs on radio four regarding these papers, they were more interested in some Russian sounding cunts who’d donated money to the Tory party. Of course they should be reporting it, but giving their golden boy a free ride by not reporting on him and his ghastly wife?
    Biggest British cunt in the last 100 years. By far.

  25. A professional cunt, theresa the appeaser is only marginally better than this reptile in my eyes though. I would like gouge his eyes out and dump him in iraq.

  26. If I ever stumbled upon this Cunt and his dog I would instantly turn into Pete Sutcliffe on steroids who is excited about his new Hammer purchase.!

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