The ‘World Record’ Pub Crawl attempt

I’m not going to cunt the bloke doing it, he seems to be doing it to raise awareness for visiting your local (a nice idea).

It’s the concept of visiting 51 pubs in 24 hours and consuming at least 125ml of any drink in each pub, to claim the world pub crawl record. Yes, he’s drinking pop or juice and not having a pint of beer in each.

Sorry, but for me, you can’t call it a pub crawl world record if you’re not downing alcoholic drinks in each pub.

Now, if he’d necked a pint of beer in each of the 51 pubs in one night, and lived to tell the tale, then I’d be impressed.

Since when have pub crawls been associated with drinking soft drinks?

Fuck off!

This ‘world record’ is gay as fuck!

News Link

(I suspect this is down to a ruling by the World Record governors, so as not to encourage excessive alcoholic drinking for record attempts etc. – Day Admin)

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks

65 thoughts on “The ‘World Record’ Pub Crawl attempt

  1. He is a fat faced fuck.
    He either has enormous hands or that is the smallest beer that I have ever seen.

    His feeble attempt is a bit like entering one of those eating competitions, but instead of stuffing huge numbers of hot dogs down your neck, you see how many vol a vents you can nibble.

    The man is a disgrace, and probably a homosexual.

    The type that has 2 sips of weak lager and then keeps rushing off to the bog.

  2. Its for a good cause so good luck to the soft cunt..
    Used to have a great pub crawl in Stockport,
    Was loads of pubs!
    Seem to remember CAMRA printed a pub crawl tea towel of Stockport.
    Dont hear young people mention pub crawls now?
    To busy taking photos of themselves to do anything worthwhile like a pub crawl.

    • Many a good night spent in the rain trudging round Stockky. Always seemed to end up in Yates wine bar with one of those manky Blob drinks. Happy Days!

    • I got arseholed in Stockport the other week. Around 12 pints in various pubs. Then I got on the wrong train home. Glorious place.

  3. If you want a real hairy chested, farts and B.O. pub crawl, ending up as pissed as a fart and with undercrackers in technicolour – there is just one name on everyone’s lips. It is not a very nice name but it does describe:


    • That sack of rotting haggis only drinks the finest wines that we bought for him.
      Coronary soon I hope.

    • DarkKey@
      It does look like Ian Blackford!
      Probably whining the English should pay for his ale.

  4. Feeble. Even lager, a definite softies’ drink, would’ve sufficed. Not Australian or American lager though. They’re for bufty boys.

  5. 125ml isn’t even a quarter of a pint so I don’t know what that no neck wanker in the picture is doing. Must be a pint of his own piss I reckon.
    Anyway pubs and pints will soon be a thing of the past. We can’t have the working class meeting up in such venues and talking to each other. They might stray off the topic of Strictly Gays Dancing and Eastkabulbenders and realise they are being nicely fucked over.
    Do the yoot understand the concept of a “pub crawl” these days? Why bother with all that when you can just snort some shit up your hooter?

    • The youth are either frantically snorting b grade powder or sitting in overpriced trendy bars drinking cocktails complete with lip implants waving their vax passes about via an app on their phones.

      We’re fucked.

      • Don’t get the lip implants thing.
        Along with the caterpillar eyebrows.
        A woman’s idea of beauty!
        They look like escapees from Madame Tussauds.

  6. Brilliant nom.

    Pub crawling was a fine and worthwhile pass time for young men. Got you out and about in the community and helped sustain local businesses. It was a particularly good way to start the weekend after a long hard week at work. Didn’t see much of the rest of the weekend, obvs. A pint in each hostelry was usually the rule with 12 to 14 stops on average. Brilliant. I guess I could manage no more than four or five nowadays, and then have to have a long nap!

    I guess pansy lagers, fruity hairdressers’ drinks, cocktails and such shit, along with sports themes and family friendly ambiences in ‘bars’ have ruined the whole thing.
    The soppy cunt in the nom is just conforming to how the public health nazis expect him to behave. – keeping people safe and such wank. Can’t really blame him, I suppose. Virtue signalling has replaced a good night out.

    Goof morning, everyone.

  7. Every generation compares and contrasts.
    For example.
    My son is up at 5 in the morning and off to his electrician apprenticeship.
    He gets home anytime between after 5 and half 7.
    His weekend is spent catching up on sleep.

    When I was his age, (that sounds so flat capped mentality and patronising), I was doing the following.
    I was up at quarter to 6, and off to do a 12 hour shift.
    I would get home around half 7.
    Sometimes I would pop out to a friend’s, but mostly I would stay in.
    On a Friday, my shift would be 8 until 5.
    I would get home, have tea, get a bath, then head out.
    I would be generally out Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night.
    On a rare occasion, I would push it to a Thursday and Monday night as well.
    That was in the mid nineties, where I felt for a young person, there was loads of decent paid work, and plenty of money to be had.
    Running a car didn’t require a robbery of Fort Knox to pay for the insurance.

    In no way, shape or form am I putting my son down in this comparison.
    He works hard unlike other Instagram obsessed wankers his age.

    My two elders, plus similar age children from other families, don’t do clubbing and pubbing.
    Fair play to them I guess.
    They are more about saving for a car, house, clothes, holidays, etc.

    Different times and different generations.

    • Fair play to your children but I think you’ve hit on the crux of the difference there. They are saving up to fulfil basic life goals. They are the least materially well-off generation to date (though the babies being born now are well and truly fucked) despite the abundance of pretty things they can buy.

      That they’ve no time for frivolities is a disgrace. The only kids I see in pubs these days are the ones pulling pints.

  8. As someone who organises about five pub crawls a year, this cunt wouldn’t last five minutes on one of mine. At least 10 pubs in a session, sometimes more and at least one pint in each.
    This cunt may as well have visited 51 Starbucks.

    • 51 gay bars would’ve been about right.
      If you’d only drunk 125ml of anything in one of our pub crawls, you’d have got your head kicked in for being a hom.

      • I’m currently anaesthetising a 3 week old pulled gluteus medius (cycled 16 miles yesterday and walked 5 with almost no problems but hurts like fuck to climb the stairs, get out of the armchair or even turn over in bed) and I’ve kicked off the morning with 125ml of vodka with an equal amount of lemonade, since pain killers do fuck all, and I will be repeating this at regular intervals during the course of the day. I don’t recall ever having gone on a proper pub crawl, or maybe that’s the point, but a pint in every pub would be a minimum. In any case, be aware that I have no idea what bollocks I will come up with during the course of the day, and if I offend anybody – tough shit snowflake.

      • Just in case anybody thought I was complaining (I am), my point was that anybody who thinks that 125ml of beer constitutes a drink in a pub, as part of a pub crawl, or anything else, ought to put that into perspective alongside what ‘normal’ people may have just as a quick drink. If some cunt poured me a 125ml glass of wine, I’d be pissed off, punch them and never speak to them again.

  9. That cunt in the photo definitely does look like Blackford. The most revolting and ignorant thing to come out of Scotland since the Stuart dynasty.
    Or Alan Brazil.

  10. Bloke seems genuine enough, doing his bit for charidee. It’s just that the rules are a bit Micky Mouse to be honest.
    I’m surprised the BBC reported it though, seeing as he’s white. If it was a dark key, it’d be described as a groundbreaking worlds first etc etc and be a top news story. (Behind anything to do with strictly come mincing obviously)

  11. Can’t see that the budgie-supping wanker is helping Pubs by drinking an egg-cup full in each one.

    It’s not a Pub-crawl unless it ends up with your photo featuring prominently on the “Northumberland Pub-watch” scheme’s posters,a Court order to pay compensation,a ban from every mini-bus hire Company in the County and an article in the local paper headlined…” Rugby Club apologises…..”

      • Ah,yes…that brings back some memories….Wooler, 1998,I believe. My ill-judged attempt to in the Mr.Kipling French Fancies baking contest at the local Women’s Institute….if only I’d left it a few years later they’d have no option but to accept my claims to be a Wimminz…still,at least I managed to peek up a few skirts as the uneducated harridans stamped me into submission.

      • Well, you look damned saucy and more convincing as a bird than Elton John’s marriage to Renate Blauel or Greta Cuntberg’s insistence that she’s not a Down’s.

    • Exactly, a pub crawl is about getting pissed, playing up and performing irresponsible Ill-judged acts of juvenile fuckittery. Otherwise what’s the fucking point?

  12. Is this another Captain Tom wannabe?

    It’s a nice gesture I suppose, but a lot of charities are turning woke, and are getting decided more picky about how the donated cash is distributed.(Help an Afghan etc.)

    • Excellent point. You have to be careful about which charity you are contributing to these days.
      For example, if it’s the RNLI water taxi service they can kiss my arse and fuck right off.

  13. Wow, he’s a looker-sort of bloke who stares at your attractive wife!
    “Master-Blaster runs Barter-town”

    “Two piss heads enter, one man heaves”


    I remember the annual torchlight procession in Kendal:

    37 pubs-half a pint in each?
    Fuck that.
    Did it in my youth.
    Now, I’d rather have a quiet night at home-music, single malt and a good shag?

  14. The late, great Oliver Reed created a pub-crawl in his hometow, called “The Wimbledon Run” when there were eight pubs in a roughly circular layout there (I think there are only six now) and whoever drank their pint in each fastest and made it around the circuit first was the winner.

    (1-minute video)

    “Mick Miggs” is a a great name. RIP, Ollie.

  15. Perhaps he’s just going to have glass of milk and an iced fairy cake in each venue?
    Can’t really call it a pub crawl, but family friendly hostelry crawl doesn’t have the same ring to it.

  16. When living in Birmingham 40 years ago, my mates and I used to do the “Harborne Walk”, which was basically visiting every single put along the High Street in Harborne, South West Brum.

    We would attempt this at least once a month at the ripe old age of 16. We only had about a coupe of quid in our pockets each, but collectively it was enough buy a round a drinks in each boozer.

    I don’t think I managed more than 8 pubs/pints during those 2 years of trying; a couple of other mates only managed about 4 before bailing. But there were 2 others who could drink like whales and would often compete between themselves, completing all 13 pubs with ease, and even manged to revisit 6 more.

    Both of them are now dead – one from alcohol poisoning, the other hit by a drunk driver, of all the ironies.

  17. Too fucking old now for pub crawls. I can still do em but it takes 2 days to recover.
    My lad does the railway ones where you stop at stations with bars. Looks quite appealing.
    In Cheshire (Lymm) there was a bus timetable in a group of pubs and a mini bus going around pub to pub. Keeps your driving license safe.
    When I used to do them drinking real beer my arse would be like the Japanese flag next morning.

  18. … used to love a pub crawl. I wasn’t great at it but weirdly enjoyed the process of drinking until you could take no more. One of the best/worst ones that I attempted was Brigg … local rozzers told us to never come back as a result of the fallout. We were working in Scunthorpe at the time … now there’s a place that’ll stay in my mind forever. Those were the dayzzzzz …. ??????????

  19. I can never understand why cunts have to perform such ridiculous stunts for charity.
    Why don’t they actually physically help the people they are trying to raise money for. Then people would be more happy to give them money instead of standing on your head for three days or jumping off the Clifton Bridge FFS

  20. Whoops, ignore that last comment.
    I obviously wasn’t paying attention.
    I thought it was a charity booze up .
    I’m going to have a lie down now

  21. I dont tend to bother with the local pubs anymore, its all open plan, football, horse racing, cricket, execively camp faggots, students, out of control kids, shit food, usually shit beer, landlords who are cunts, music to loud, you cant even sit outside for the fag smoke…..fuck me i must be getting old, but when i used to be able to find a corner, enjoy a beer and conversation that i can hear over the general din, those days are gone and so will the local pub before long, its a shame but inevitable, times have changed and the muzzies dont like them…..

  22. Cunt should have done a smoothie juice bar crawl then – fucking soft drinks. Guinness World records should have a stipulation that the challenge only stands if you’re smashed and can’t walk.

  23. So he’s not drinking beer? What the fuck is he drinking then apple juice?!

    There should be certain qualifications in order for it to be a genuine pub crawl no lower then 4% abv stuff like that etc

  24. We did the Circle Line back in the eighties. A drink in a pub nearby each tube station. Failed near the City as we were too scruffy.
    I can’t be arsed to move a hundred yards down the road of I’m sitting in a nice boozer these days.

    I presume this so called pub crawl would have got the support of the Covid nazis when they suggested reopening pubs but soft drinks only.

  25. We used to indulge in ‘Pressure Run’ pub crawls as a youth, and on one occasion managed 16 pubs, drinking a half in each, in 1hr, 54min.
    Did the same route a week later (Friday, 13th July, 1990), and got the time down to 56min.
    All done before 8pm, and then we went on the piss.
    Never been beaten, bets have been lost, and pretenders hospitalised trying to break our record – which will stand forever anyway, as most of the ‘closely packed’ (five were located next to each other) pubs visited are now gone.
    I still have, somewhere, the list of the pubs, with ETA, ATA, with notes/comments.

  26. If the soft cunt had had 51 bottles of newcy brown on his so called pub crawl then I would applaud him, although he would’ve been crawling by the time he got to the 6th or 7th pub
    Leave the drinking to proper blokes you weak as piss cunt
    Now FUCK OFF

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