The United States of Cunts

USA Turning Into a Nation of Cunts

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Sadly, a proper cunting for my beloved country the US of A…. for allowing that mongrel, bastard, cunt nugget ginger Harry Hewitt to reside in our fair land. It was bad enough that we had to count his vapid fucking cunt wife Me-again as one of our citizens.

But to welcome him with open arms (and bypassing God knows how many immigration laws) we have become a country of cunts. In fairness there are other reasons pointing to our cuntishness (like electing Joe Biteme and Cameltoe Whoris).

But the ginger Harry thing takes the cake. No offense to my British friends, but I would have put him back on the next plane to the UK if I ran our immigration service.

Last week the two “we want our privacy” media-seeking whores were headliners at something called Global Citizen Live in New York City. I don’t know and don’t want to know what the hell “Global Citizen Live” was as I’m sure it’s just another “look how woke we are” gaggle of celebs lecturing the unwashed about climate change and blah blah blah. It would make my piss boil to even read what this circle jerk fest was about.

Anyway, after our favourite two cunt nuggets lectured the adoring crowd on global warming etc. they had the unmitigated hypocrisy to fly back home to California on a chartered private jet. (Everyone has to save the planet, except us two fabulously famous former royals!!)

What fucking cunts they are, but the focus of this cunting is the fact that the USA is becoming a nation of cunts and a government of cunts for not only letting this ginger live here but worshipfully adoring every utterance he and his publicity-whoring wife speak.

God, I can’t stand it any more!

Nominated by: Boomer Cuntbuster

58 thoughts on “The United States of Cunts

  1. I often wonder if Harry Hewitt and his whore are really naturally as thick as shit, and twice or nasty, or if they take evening classes. America will soon tire of them -honey – Harry and Meg are SO 2021.

  2. If we all just ignored Harry and Me-gain, they would wither on the vine. That’s all I have to say about these two now.

    • I think that we should consider having a moratorium on Harry and Megan until they do something truly mental like fly over here and demand to enter Buckingham Palace to have it out with the Queen. They WILL do something mental like that, it’s only a mater of time. Until then, I humbly suggest no more nominations of these spastics on steroids.

  3. No offence taken BC, no apologies required, just send the ginger twat back where he came from.

  4. Sorry Yank, we don’t want the cunt back. It makes a change for us to dump our trash on somebody else as we’re usually on the receiving end. Just stick the ginger whinger with all those other parasites down on the border, one more won’t make any difference.

  5. That ginger prick is the least of America’s problems…the sea of beaner (America’s version of our påki§) scum invading Texas and Arizona are of far more concern, surely…

    • Please don’t forget the well travelled simians of Haiti.

      They look like excellent future citizens.

  6. What’s the word on the street in America with Biden, Boomer? Heard the Donald is rising in the polls.

    • Cunty Gordon is spot on. Just saw a reputable national survey: Biden approval 38%; disapproval 53%. I don’t think the Donald ever got numbers that low. Our hatred of Joe BiteMe is incredibly strong and well-reasoned. And, yes, the Donald is rising in polls. Though many of us would rather see Gov. DeSantis of Florida take on Biden and/or Harris in 2924.

  7. There is no escape as I’m afraid we are becoming a nation of cunts as well. It’s the way of the world

    • Whaddya mean becoming? … I’ve worked tirelessly all of my life to be the perfect cunt. What’s more I consider 99.9% of humanity to be utter cunts … not quite to my standards but pretty damned close, they’re only just getting to show the reality of that figure right now. 😁

  8. We’ll have him back – sure thing – but it’s traditional for cunts to come to the UK in inflatable dinghies. Stock one up with enough food for the journey then send him on his way across the Atlantic👍

  9. I’m not worried about the 2 former royals raping my wife and daughter or sucking the treasury dry. The invasion from the southern border is flooding us with cunts. Also, the voters who put assholes like Nancy Pelosi, AOC, Chuck Shumer and the like in power are the reason we are a nation of cunts. M & H are mere annoyances compared to a school teacher trying to train a 3rd grader on how to wear a condom. I’ll take M & H over Anthony Fucking Fauci (that beady eyed midget cunt).

  10. We dont want them, you dont want them. As a compromise we should give them to the mid-atlantic ridge.

      • Candace Owens is phoney as fuck. She switched from Demoncrap to Replicunt as a career move. She’s a massive, massive, full-of-shit idiot. Trump loves her because she ticks his boxes for his idea of a patriotic young black woman, but any clued-up person in black community knows that she’s as ridiculous as Trump. I hope that an independent candidate who is calm, smart, witty and humble runs in 2024 and unites America against the government and media. Enough of these wild cards like Trump, Biden, egomaniacs who divide the people. But if Trump becomes POTUS again, it will be hilarious but it will also be ugly and people wanting a quiet life will suffer.

    • The yanks tend to quite like the monarchy, the British pageantry of it all.
      So feel sorry for them that they got this ginger prick and his puddled missus.
      Feel like we’ve short changed them?!
      Sorry doodles but we’ve nowt better to send!
      Unless you want Prince Andrew?
      Hear some are asking for him?

      • Candace Owens is another phoney RINO. She switched from Democrap to Republicunt as a career move. Trump likes her as she’s a useful pawn in his game. Honestly, fuck all these political cunts on all sides these days. They all suck the same Satanic spunk.

    • Candace Owens is phoney as fuck. She switched from Demoncrap to Replicunt as a career move. She’s a massive, massive, full-of-shit idiot. Trump loves her because she ticks his boxes for his idea of a patriotic young black woman, but any clued-up person in black community knows that she’s as ridiculous as Trump. I hope that an independent candidate who is calm, smart, witty and humble runs in 2024 and unites America against the government and media. Enough of these wild cards like Trump, Biden, egomaniacs who divide the people. But if Trump becomes POTUS again, it will be hilarious but it will also be ugly and people wanting a quiet life will suffer.

  11. The irrepressible sea of cunty, leftie wokery is destroying the USA as it is similarly here in the UK.
    Freedom of speech is fine and dandy only as long as it’s politically correct and goes along with the accepted, limp wristed, leftie/libtard progressive school of thought. Dare to call a spade a spade (and not just the dark key euphemism) and one faces immediate ‘cancellation’ from friends, family and colleagues who out of fear of guilt by association, will subsequently distance themselves from you in righteous panic with the celerity they would similarly display in frantically swimming away from a floating shit in a swimming pool.

    • Propagated and enabled by social media👎
      Unplug yourself from the “matrix” and enjoy “true” friends👍

    • You’ve been doing that since 1585, Virginia. It may be helpful to remind you that you still own a piece of Antarctica in regards to the many and varied undesirables stinking up your island. With love Shackles, Swan river colony 1829.

  12. Send him back – you can keep her – and we can retrain him as an HGV driver. Thanks in advance.

  13. I could accept the preaching if the cunts travelled everywhere by bus but they don’t, so they can fuck off!

  14. Boomer maan, you can keep these two self-obsessed, money-grubbing parasites. Hewitt even catches an aeroplane to play Polo.

    Good to see that you can spell ‘favourite’ correctly. 😉

    • They really are a couple of loathsome cunts, and the Yanks are welcome to both of them.
      They make the Kardashians look quite classy.

      • Soon they will begin to despise each other as the realisation of their constant lying and scamming manifests in their conscience. Arrogant, vain, decrptive mooches who probably spend all day reading about themselves and how wonderful they are.

    • Captain: I sincerely respect and realise that British English came first, and then we Yanks made up our own American version. Throughout my career, when I communicated with my British friends I always tried to use “correct” spelling. I was with an organisation that had strong contacts in the UK. In fact, some of my favourite memories are late evening after-dinner witty conversations with my British friends (the wittiness being on their part, and I just took it all in.) No matter what topic we brought up, anything from A to Zed, they were quick with an hilarious story on such topic. I think that is why I enjoy IsAC so much — your sense of humour exceeds that of us Yanks.

      • It’s perfectly natural that the English language evolved differently in countries separated by thousands of miles. Language evolves, period. Unlike many posting here I have no issue with American English.

  15. Wow! Saw the Vid, and Jeez were they hostile to Biden.! Now Boomer….if you could conjure up that kind of reception for Ginge and his cum bucket I think YOU may be honoured with a title ( of your choosing )

  16. There’s only so many times I can get myself worked up about this pair of self-promoting cunts. I’m getting really bored with them now, someone take their Energiser Bunny batteries out and put them in the attic, I beg you.

  17. No offence taken, they’re not well liked here either

    But seeing as you seem to hail from the US, I’ve got a bone to pick with you…

    I thought we’d managed to get rid of Piers Morgan and a James Corden, but no, they’ve washed up over here again.

    Admittedly we owe you one for Tracey Ullman though. Cheers!

  18. The Queen’s Christmas Speech 2021

    Merry Christmas. This year has been tinged with great sadness; I lorst my husband of 500 years blah blah blah. As we gather together and celebrate, remember to think of those less fortunate blah blah blah. I would also like to sincerely apologise to the people of the United States of America for Harry and Megain, whoops, Megan, blah blah blah.

  19. I thought these two cunts were piss poor, having spunked Lady Di’s inheritance and FA cup ears cutting him out the taxpayer funded silver spoon list?

    Fucking private jet. Shame it wasn’t Paris.

  20. Sorry to go off topic but the other day after Battle Royale was mentioned, I took it upon myself to binge The Squid Game.
    Strangely compelling and perfect for the likes of Ginger and her.

    • Netflix has been releasing alot crap lately but Squid game looks pretty interesting I tend to avoid most netflixs foreign offerings but I’ll have to check it out

  21. Attention seeking cunts concidering they left the UK for more privicy, any opportunity to get press, the are just hypocrites, that won’t go away, like tag nuts……

  22. Comedy duo now only good for piss taking material, nothing more, I’m sure the Crankies would have been better at this sort of the than 50 shades of wank…

  23. Surely the ginger haired idiot cannot be that stupid. The cunning whore is just taking the piss and it is only a matter of time before she tells Capt Hewitts son to go and fuck himself. She has to be the the most evil and conniving cunt out there in the modern age.

  24. Has anyone else seen the ATM sex tape that this untalented pair sent to various broadcasting companies / streaming sites in order to secure a contract?
    No wonder his cock looks as if he’s anointed it with peanut butter and her breath stinks to high heaven.

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