The Sexist ‘Wimminz Rights v Trans Rights’ Debate

It strikes me that the whole ‘wimminz rights v trans rights’ row is inherently sexist. This (no weak pun intended) is a bit of cunt.

I mean, think about it. Those currently engaged in this topic of burning interest to the nation always couch their remarks in a certain context, slant the discussion in a certain way. It’s all about ‘Woman; Female. Adult. Human.’. Or not.

It’s about whether only ‘biological’ women menstruate. It’s about whether ‘biological’ women alone possess a cervix. Sir Keir Hardie reckons that ‘it’s wrong’ to say that only women can possess a cervix. Actually it’s factually CORRECT you cunt, unless it’s now possible to get an implant on the NHS.

It’s about whether or not women’s spaces, such as changing rooms and toilets, are sacrosanct to ‘biological’ women, or should be available to ‘trans’ women. It’s about whether ‘trans’ women should be free to compete in women’s sports.

Well, I’m fucking ticked off about the blatant sexual discrimination being shown towards men with regards to the manner in which this debate has been framed. It’s time for some redress, it’s time for some demonstration of equality. It’s time for the ‘men’s rights v trans rights’ question to become part of the discourse.

So come on blokes, what say you? I’ll kick things off. I think only ‘biological’ men have a prostate. I think only ‘biological’ men produce sperm and can ejaculate. I’ve got nothing against any woman who wants to live as a man, but I’ll have no truck with the ludicrous notion that PEOPLE can shoot a load.

Again, anyone going to a gym needs to change, take a shower, take a leak. But are you comfortable with the notion that the ‘geezer’ standing next to you in the urinals might be pissing through a surgical construct?

I’m sure you’ve got a point of view on the subject guys, but it ain’t getting aired. I repeat; the whole tenor of the debate is sexist. No doubt the likes of Stonewall and Kweer Charmer won’t like it, but I’m here boldly to state that ‘only men have a prostate’.

Forget the Covid disaster. Put aside the crisis within the NHS. Put aside the fuel and immigration crises. Resolving the ‘men’s rights v trans rights’ issue is the number one priority for the government and nation today.

‘Man; Male. Adult. Human.’.

Nominated by: Ron Knee

58 thoughts on “The Sexist ‘Wimminz Rights v Trans Rights’ Debate

  1. Penis? Check. Prostate? Check. Uterus? Nope. Vagina? Nope. Straight? Definitely.
    That makes me a Hetero cis-normative binary male.
    Fuck off.

  2. So called ‘trans men’ have cervixes.

    But ONLY because they’re biologically female.

    Everything is broken.

    • We’re having cervix for tea tonight.
      Cervix an chips.
      Bit of gravy natch…

    • Don’t worry Fiddler, don’t you say up there you are thirty years behind the rest of the country? Transgenderism in Northumberland is the local weirdo wearing his wife’s panties to the pub on a Saturday night.

  3. In the blue corner representing feminism, Ursula wearing blue dungarees and a mohawk weighing in at 16stone 3pounds.
    In the red corner representing transpeople is gorgeous George.
    Wearing hotpants and glitter top this former miner weighing in at 17stone.
    For the heavyweight title of WBC Victimhood.
    I want a nice clean fight no punching below the belt,
    No clinching, no cervix, no sense of dignity.
    12 rounds or a knockout,
    Come out fighting at the sound of Abba.
    Good luck to you both…..

  4. It’s all getting far too fucking complicated for me these days.

    I just file the whole lot under “attention seeking deviants”.

    • I need a bit of attention. I am sick of being heternormative. I want to become Transqueer.

  5. All I want to know is which are the fuckable, and who are the non touchers. It very difficult to know these days

      • Let’s face it Mis – take that Laurel Hubbard for instance. It can call itself whatever it wants, hell – the sporting authorities can classify it however they want. But if it leaves its DNA at the scene of a crime, the police will be looking for a fucking BLOKE.

  6. The asshole looks kinda like a cervix. Maybe in a male it can be dual function? Still a male can’t grow a baby in his/her/their colon? Is it fair that women have 2 cervix then?
    Fuck it I need to get to work.

  7. Any geezer can become a bird, it’s easy. You just phone 999 and put in your order.
    It’s called the emergency cervixes.

    Homophobes. ?

  8. If a man decides he wants to wear lippy and a nice frock, good luck to him but he ain’t no woman.
    If a woman wants to grow a beard and wear a nice suit good luck to her but she ain’t a man.

    End of discussion.

  9. Its very noticeable how its trans women who are nearly always at the centre of these shitstorms over the use of female toilets and participation in women’s sports. Almost as noticeable as the complete lack of pushback from so-called feminist celebrities, politicians and media cunts.

    • So many slebs want to get on the ‘trans women are women’ virtue-signalling trip it seems to me.
      Time to redress the balance. If some female Jemina wants to call herself James I couldn’t give a fuck. I just don’t ‘him’ expecting me to share ‘his’ delusion, or the sauna with me.

  10. There’s only 3 categories – straight, gay and attention-starved fucking bellends with no father figure.

  11. I used to have a prostate until some cunt surgically removed it as it was riddled with cancer. Bastard took my nerve bundles that control erections too.

    It got worse, hormone therapy gave me a nice pair of tits and a fat middle aged woman’s body. The radiotherapy dabbled with the nerves controlling continence.

    I self identify as an unlucky cunt whose sex life was prematurely terminated at too early an age. Still breathing so grateful for small mercies.

  12. Wimminz and transbumders. Fucking cunts the lot of them.
    Steer clear of them all for an easy, happy life.

  13. I’d like to think that someone is making this crap up, just for the fun of seeing how high my blood pressure can go before I have a stroke, but I know they’re not. I just wish they were.
    Been for my long delayed blood test today. I’m relieved that I got through it without fainting, still feel a bit of a poof for getting so worked up.

    • Glad you’re ok Jeezum ?
      I won’t have a prostate examination in case I find I like having a blokes finger up my ricky.
      Thats how it starts.
      Next thing im skipping down the yellow brick road wearing pearls and a wedding dress.

      • To be honest I enjoy it, long as it’s the wife’s or my GP’s finger (the GP’s name is Anne, by the way).

      • Im scared I’ll like it Ron!
        Get a stalk on.
        Constantly round the doctors while he plays hook a duck up my hoop.
        Some roads are best left untread..?

      • If you can find a woman who knows what she’s doing you WILL like it Miserable. Trust me, you’ll blow a fuse.

      • Seriously Mis, contemplation of it is more traumatic than the actual event. My two exams were by Helen and Karen. Maybe book a slot with a female GP?

  14. I’ll make this easy for all involved.

    Women should shut up!

    Blokes that believe they are women should behave like women and shut up!

    Women that think they are blokes are actually women and should shut up!

    Non binary cunts who don’t know what they are but definitely ain’t men should shut up!

    Piece of piss.

  15. Today I have decided to identify as James Corden’s sweaty left arse cheek.
    Tomorrow I may be a Xerox printer.
    This is entirely normal and acceptable and you should all respect my choices and never, ever view me as a pretentious, mentally ill cunt requisite of a swift visit to Uncle Terry’s oven.

    • It’a a good question CC, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a satisfactory answer to it.
      Can a female trans actually be given a clit surgically that can experience appropriate sensations? Can a surgically constructed penis achieve an erection?
      I think we should be told…

  16. Point of order on the nomination:

    Wimminz can ejaculate.
    I once had a Spanish girlfriend who played havoc with my black cotton sheets and Duvet. Or the Dark grey set u alternated them with.

    After a particularly lengthy session, the following morning, my fitted bottom sheet resembled a Jackson-pollock, done in a blackboard in chalk.

    I decided it was easier to get a new girlfriend, than different bedding?

    • I had a girlfriend that cum dead easy CG.
      At first I liked it, but the novelty soon wore off.
      Fuckin slug trails everywhere!
      Squirt at the slightest thing,
      Im used to finishing first!!?

  17. Sick of hearing about a miniscule percent of the population. Chick’s with fucking dicks, fuck off freaks.

  18. One of today’s “Lotus Eaters” uploads on YouTube, had a compilation of Transbenders, at the Labour Party conference, whinging about the daily abuse they suffer and calling for more tolerance, whilst simultaneously calling for Rosie Duffield and any who supported her, to be removed from the party.

    Sums up 2021 and these cunts, in particular.

  19. As the weathergirls once sang, ‘feminists, are bringin’ it on themselves’.

    They started this gender confusion business in the eighties.

    Fuck ’em.

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