The Permanently Offended

Don’t cause offence. What a fucking Cunt. Just read that Newcastle supporters have been asked not to dress in a Middle Eastern / Arabic way so as not to cause an offence.

Fuck off it’s good to cause offence, it’s thought provoking. I like people that offend me. It makes me think “ have I been a Cunt?”

I am so fucking pig sick of this bollocks. Grow up. Cause offence my arse grow a pair you sack less pussies.

To elaborate further, the media and chat shows constantly carp on about how we should not offend any one.

I say fuck off. If someone says something offensive to me it makes me think “ have I been a bit of a Cunt? “

And sometimes I have therefore I change for the better.

The notion that being offensive is suddenly the worst thing in the world; it isn’t take a look out there; is ridiculous. Killing certain religious cults disease etc far outweigh such nonsense.

Yet being offended is peddled out as being so so bad. Example the fucking clots at nufc and the media for making it a story.

Being offended by the smallest way is a Cunt.

Nominated by: Everyonesacunt

Helpful link supplied by Ron Knee

News Link

46 thoughts on “The Permanently Offended

  1. These days what is offensive is simply a matter of definition and it keeps changing. I was brought up to believe that qu**r was pretty offensive but not anymore apparently. Now the fucking qu**rs have decided they “own the word” and bandy it about all over the place, as in “i’m here and i’m qu**r.”
    “Coloured” used to be offensive but “people of colour” is now the way to go. And don’t get me started on “ni**er.’ Terribly offensive unless you happen to be one.
    It’s all very confusing innit fam? However, I reckon “fuck off out of my face you two bob wokie prick” will get the job done.

    • As an academically-trained linguist and linguistician, I see no difference between coloured and person/people of colour.
      Colour is at the very heart of it.

      • Did you just call me a cunt?! Take that back!!

        Okay, okay, I’m sorry, you’re a person of cunt.

    • I think context is key.

      ‘We’re here and que3r’ is okay.

      ‘Get trapped in a burning car and die you fucking AIDS que3r’ probably isn’t.

  2. Their football team is being offended most of the time by other teams
    Maybe it’s time the losing team is announced the winner so everyone is not offended and all is now great and inclusive of feelings and wonderful and great and I’m so happy daffy

    • I’m offended at the way my team’s playing at the moment. If they went on the offensive now and again instead of arsing around in their own half, they might get a result.

  3. Oh please stop wearing tea towels on your heads as you might offend the homophobic, misogynistic, racist and religiously intolerant owners.

    And want to know what’s wrong with the many things of modern football? Start by sacking the Head of Inclusion.

    • Im easily offended.
      Someone doesn’t mention my hairdo I flounce out sobbing.
      I faint if someone trumps in a waiting room,
      Needing a hanky soaked in essence of violets to revive me.
      I am a member of the EOUK
      Easily offended UK,
      And addressed them on this matter.

      Hello cocksuckers
      Some of you are easy to offend
      Especially them
      The ni9no9s and påkis
      And you tuppence lickers and other mentals.
      But youve got to man up!
      Play the white man.
      Anyway yer soft twats theres tissues at the exits, dab your eyes on the way out.
      See you all in the education camps.
      Sieg Hiel!!

  4. ” If someone says something offensive to me it makes me think have I been a bit of a Cunt? “

    And sometimes I have therefore I change for the better”……… I don’t.

    • Its a dying art form to be honest Dick, people just don’t seem to want to put in the effort to be offensive, not that you really have to try these days.

      • There are very few people who have anything I want or need and they’re the only ones where I watch what I say. Why should I care if some random person who can’t do anything for me is upset by my behaviour?

        Fuck them


  5. It must be a nightmare going to a fancy dress party these days. Are there any costumes you could wear that won’t offend some cunt?
    Personally i’d dress in some late 19th century garb and if anybody asked me who I was supposed to be i’d say “Jack the fucking Ripper, wanna arrest me cunt?”

  6. Superb nom.

    The easily offended were upset when Jess Phillips called Tory MPs scum. I actually admired her for it. Calling a spade a spade (no offence). Only thing I have admired her for, mind. Only time she has been anything other than an utter bag of cunt. That includes her promising to watch her language in future – back to being a total cunt then Jess, love?

    The media and Lib Dems usually lead the line for the spineless dweebs, getting all upset on their behalf. Well I’m not upset. they are wankers. As are the Fatso police who patrol the internet making sure we don’t offend anyone. Fuck off Fatsos, get off your lardy arses and solve some proper crime you mongs. There, that offensive enough for you?

    Fuck the lot of them.

  7. The mobs on social media conveniently forget that offence is always taken, never given. If someone says something which is interpreted as offensive, the person saying it cannot possibly be responsible for knowing in advance the sensitivities of anyone and everyone who might be exposed to their comment. To suggest that they are or should be is utter nonsense.

    You can be sorry you have (inadvertently) offended someone, but should never be sorry for what you actually said if that’s what you think and feel. In a free society you should be able to express what you think and feel – within reason and within the prevailing laws.

    The Nocastle debacle is an almost perfect microcosm of how far we as a society have fallen. The fit and proper Premier League club ownership test is a joke. On paper it might say the Saudi state do not own/run Nocastle United, but the people involved make that a nonsense in reality. NUFC then tell their supporters not to wear head scarves because it might cause offence, despite there having been zero complaints. Then they do a 180 and say it’s OK after all. Crystal Palace fans then have the ‘audacity’ to display a huge banner citing examples of the corruption and abuses of the Saudi regime. Immediately plod get involved and are reported to be “investigating”. Next thing we know, it’s “no further action will be taken”. Hold on….how about apologising for sticking your fucking noses in and offending the Palace fans for suggesting they’d done something wrong or (gasp) illegal?

    The problem with the ‘being offended’ game is the door only swings one way. If you don’t align/identify with the groups/sections of society which the social media warriors and MSM supports, defends and basically eulogises non-stop, then you’re not allowed to be offended. In essence, you don’t matter and you will cow tow to their beliefs and belief systems or face their wrath. This is utterly absurd. Where will it end?

  8. The Toon supporters’ bit of fun get-up has been deemed ‘culturally inappropriate’. I find fat Saudi cunts in Savile Row suits, driving huge Bentleys, to be ‘culturally inappropriate’, woke nutters don’t seem to see the similarity.

    • Easily offended means weak.
      Poor mental health.
      Cant face reality or criticism.
      If hurty words upset you you never became a adult .
      I find the easily offended funny,
      Cant help but goad them further.
      They deserve it
      They encourage it

      They secretly love it
      Their nipples like bullets
      Sat in a puddle of their own excitement.

      • You could be onto something there MNC
        A sort of sadomasochist inflicted mindset
        They luv the punishment secretly but won’t admit to it
        It happened them young cause no one liked them in school
        There the leaders nowadays

      • “They secretly love it
        Their nipples like bullets
        Sat in a puddle of their own excitement.”
        You nicked that from Barbara Cartland! ??

      • I enjoy talking to the Union rep in my office ( there’s not many who can say that these days, I should think) because he likes to go on about the Benders in the office, and calls one very short chap who works there The Hobbit.

      • He’d struggle to get through security wearing a loin cloth and a bone through his nose Belinda.

  9. I enjoy offending people. It’s one of my favourite pastimes, a kind of ‘sport’. If there were no easily-offended, there would be no ‘game’ and life would become meaningless.

    For instance, every time I log-out and block the toilet I scold myself for doing a ‘Stephen’.

    It’s brown and it wont go away.

  10. The word is fear, keep your enemies constantly on guard, make them afraid to do or say anything. Expression of opinion regardless of being offensive or not that disagrees with, usually the woke, agenda will be taken as offence. The net result is that anyone with anything to loose will be fearful of saying anything at all.
    We have seen many examples where jobs and careers have been lost so most people just keep their traps shut and ignore the permanently offended.

    The answer is Fuck Off, no point in challenging these cunts, stating an opposite view, waste of time.
    ‘I want you to use this pronoun’ Fuck Off
    ‘Take the knee’ Fuck Off
    ‘Trans women are real women’ Fuck Off

    I works every time ?

  11. Our national broadcaster have offended me today, I pay my fucking licence so expect a better choice of viewing. I am sure the BBC will get some complaints, which will be ignored, this afternoon, BBC 1 womens football followed by BBC2 womens rugby followed by womens football ???
    Fuck me, they could film a coat of gloss drying and it would be more interesting.

    • Saw some of that shite at pub. Women’s football Man City v Chelsea fucking useless. All for women playing any sport they like but if it’s to be aired on telly then must be billed as a comedy. Pathetic

    • Every time I catch any type of women’s football, I always think it’s part of a’ what happened next’ segment…and I am never disappointed

  12. They can handle you having a different view but what really upsets them,
    Is if you laugh at them.
    Mock them.
    They’ve been laught at before when younger and they dont like it.
    Sneer at their beliefs
    Laugh in their faces
    Dont debate, take the piss.
    Theyll really get upset.

    • It has got very complicated for me. I happened to walk past the BBC building in Bristol yesterday, and there were about 40 odd looking people standing outside with placards and banners.
      When I got closer, I gleaned that there had been some sort of outrage against Trans people by the BBC – allegedly not considering them as women or some nonsense. As I walked past, this person thrust a bit of paper at me. “What’s all this about then?” I asked and was informed aggressively that Real Feminists consider trans women to be real women. ” Well, I have hated the fucking BBC for ages, does that help?” Apparently it did, so I was permitted to pass by. But I must say my mind was boggling for the rest of the day, as I always thought the BBC was automatically on the side of the minority, the smaller the better, in any dispute. They must be up to something ( I mean more than usual!). I did for a laugh have a look at the pressure groups website later in the day and the message board was full of comments like ” I really like wanted to be there guys but my head was like all over the place this morning and I like couldn’t get out of bed”.

    • I agree with your deep philosophical musings mnc, the pussies who have taken over the world have no self awareness or a discernable sense of humour. I recommend Aussie youtuber Isaac Butterfield who likes to (metaphorically) shit all over vegans and other woke cunts for some relief. Take 3 times a day following beer.

  13. The only thing that would offend me would be if someone accused me of being from Sunderland.

    • I get bloody livid if anyone suggests that I’m middle class. They don’t do it a second time.

  14. These woke, lefty cry babies have the back bone and constitution of a jelly fish.
    I’ve got to that age where I don’t give a fuck anymore and little shits like this get both barrels and then I quickly reload while they are still dazed.
    I also make sure all my mates play the same fucking games.

    • The trouble is Mr Claudius there was a time, not that long ago, when cunts like me ( I don’t speak for anybody else) would never have said, or even thought such things. Those days are gone and who made them go away? You can’t keep telling ordinary geezers like us to think and do what the rich fuckers want while at the same time abusing us and telling us we’re are as dumb as camel shit.
      Not this cunt anyway.

      • Yep, and when faggots and Khans have more rights than me, then I became the homophobic intolerant cunt that I am

  15. I’m too lazy to be offended and anybody wanting to upset me has their work cut out for them.

  16. Would almost be funny if one off the Toon army walked into the the directors box at half time yelling “Shearer is good, Shearer is great” before puking Newkie Brown all over the new owner.

  17. I’ve always offended people. It’s my upbringing. My dad’s side of the family are ferociously right wing. I used to be a bit of a liberal but can’t really claim to be since having to pay a yearly tax bill and seeing it wasted on dossers who cry about not having enough money for plastic soldiers on Facebook. What a fucking joke that is.

    The thing is thoughtcrime legislation has already gone too far; the more is introduced the more rebellion there will be until they throw people in re-education camps, kill all of the wrongthinkers or just give up trying to censor adult humans.

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