The Minimum Wage

Dog bless him.
He can feel the Hell Hounds nipping at his ankles.
You heard it here first.

Fuck the minimum national wage, which cunt thought that one up?
I know it’s been around for a while, but surely it’s outlived it’s purpose now, and just become an excuse for bosses to seriously underpay people.

I often take offence at small things, but this is massive, demeaning, devalues skills and needs kicking into touch.

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Nominated by: Jeezum Priest

60 thoughts on “The Minimum Wage

  1. Minimum wage, elf and safety etc means fuck all when you’ve got millions of immos, legal and illegal, who will work for peanuts and sleep six to a room. That’s not to mention the slaves who, of course, only existed when whitey had the whip hand, so to speak.
    But don’t mention this in our wonderfully diverse society because that’s raaaaaaaaaaaay-sist.

    • When they introduced the minimum wage (under Tony.B.Liar?) I thought it was a good thing.
      Still do, I know some cunts like paying some immo £2 a hour, cleaners and fruit pickers etc
      Capitalist cunts who preach diversity and equality as their public image while some umbongo scrubs their shite from around the toilet for £2.
      Fuck that.
      You get what you pay for.
      Ive always paid above minimum wage,
      Its good practice,
      Keeps employees happy,
      Makes them feel valued
      And they turn up for work.
      Obviously not some fuckin foreigners!
      Fuck them!
      Rip them cunts off all you want.

  2. Get rid of all working age state handouts and make the minimum hourly rate £20.
    Use some of the savings on a paramilitary unit that deports cunts.

  3. … LOL the bigger concern is the zero hours contracts that goes with that minimum wage. They’re softening everyone up for the ‘Universal Basic Income’ …
    now that’ll be fun ?

  4. £15 per hour minimum wage.

    Is it really worth paying some cunt £120 for an 8 hour shift for stacking shelves, pulling pints or pushing a mop around?

    And it’s the consumers that will have to pay for this extravagance with higher prices.

    • Right on Art. What happens to skilled job rates when the minimum wage is £15? They all have to be vastly increased to maintain differentials and this would cause raging inflation al la 1970s. Who would that benefit?

      • Good points both, it’s a sad fact of life, and one that is unthinkable to a leftist, that many people simply are not worth £15/hr.

  5. I hate my job and can’t wait for this fucking week to end.
    I work at a bakers and the boss has a promotional campaign going on at the moment and has got me dressing up as a different type of bread every day this week. Roll on Friday….

  6. To be honest, it was much worse before there was no legal minimum. I remember the first part time job I had as a snotty-nosed student, washing pots and pans in a fancy restaurant.

    £1.68 an hour. And it was fucking hard work, with a head chef with a temper worse than Gordon Ramscunt.

    Fucking slaving bastards lol.

    • No white man should be paid less than £10phr.
      The minimum wage shouldn’t apply to immigrants.
      If a heart surgeon was from India or Africa he should get minimum wage maybe,
      But still have to mop the hospital corridors and fill the vending machines.

    • I recall an advert for a night security guard in the early 1990s which offered £2 per hour and applicants had to provide their own dog!

    • You were lucky. My first job (office boy) paid £5.00 for a full 40 hour working week. That’s 2/6d an hour, or 12.5p in new money.

  7. Increase the MW, but that will just stoke inflation through higher costs to the employer, and ultimately the consumer.

    Am not suggesting the MW is a bad thing, but not all employers abide by it. And you only had to look at some of the big corporations who took the piss during the lockdown by claiming furlough payments even though the bosses could quite easily afford to pay furloughed staff out of their own pockets.

    I suppose other rich celebs will start moaning saying they can’t afford MW for their surfs, especially after Brexit and the loss of very cheap labour from the old Eastern bloc.

  8. I blame that pasty-faced bitch Elizabeth I. This socialist shit all goes back to the Poor Law in 1601.

    Tony Blair is a total cunt, obvs.

  9. Although far too many employers now see the minimum wage as the wage they should pay.

    That cunt who owned Wigan FC, JJB and DW Sports was the tighest cunt in history.

    Saw him on the telly saying why the didn’t give pay rises to his minimum wage staff. Profit. Fuck them if they don’t like it get another job was his attitude. He’d have had starving African orphans working for him for 5p a week/18 hours a day if he could’ve got away with it.

    Fair enough in some respects (get a job elsewhere if you don’t like him not giving pay rises), but that’s no way to treat a hard working employee going into their second year (or beyond).

    Tight as fuck. He was well known for it in the North. One urban legend is that he saw a shop assistant with the sole of his shoe hanging off while inspecting his store one morning

    Whelan: “Why the fuck are you wearing those to work in my shop?”

    Shop assistant: “Erm. Sorry Mr Whelan Sir, they fell apart this morning. I don’t get paid until Friday and I only have three quid.”

    Whelan: “Alright lad. I’ll help you out.”

    He then got out a huge fat wad of twenty pound notes. Whelan removed the elastic band from the wad.

    And then gave the lad the elastic band and said “Put that around your shoe. And 20p for that elastic band is coming out of your wages too.”

    • Hahahaha ?
      Id of dropped the cunt.
      Sparked the fat prick right out.
      No need to treat people that way.
      I hope that cunt gets his comeuppance,
      Hope he dies destitute and starving.

      • I think I remember from the documentary about him, that there has been a few suicides from those who’ve had to work closely with him. Including his son in law I think (can’t remember, can’t be arsed checking).
        All alleged etc

      • Know he was a orrible cunt that played up to his image of Scrooge.
        Just walk wouldn’t you?
        …with the contents of the till.

  10. Whatever the minimum wage is the result will be that everybody’s pay will rise by the same proportion.
    You don’t think that train drivers and civil servants and pollies are not going to want an increase. So all wages rise.
    But tax thresholds will not.
    So, kerching, the Chancellor wins again.

  11. I’m no expert in economics but have always believed people should get a decent living wage.
    But am i wrong in thinking that if every employer is made to pay higher salaries then everything has to go up to compensate ? Then employees are back to square one. An awful catch 22

    • Absolutely correct FF. Congratulations you know more than the average economics professor. Most are Marxist cunts.

  12. I remember reading a story about an Indian businessman who ran a clothing factory and paid over the minimum wage and was legit with a his taxes but struggled to find workers because all the sweatshops were paying cash, not charging tax and the immo’s they employed also got benefits. It doesn’t pay to be legitimate and honest these days.

  13. Without the minimum wage some tossers would still be paying £5 ph, wetherspoons, next etc, and the tax credit bill would be off the scale, the higher the minimum wage the better I say

  14. Minimum wage was a pull factor for the hundreds of thousands from Eastern Europe, far more than they could earn in their own countries.

    Post Brexit minimum wage makes sense but it needs to be at a level which ensures work is far more attractive than benefits but doesn’t bankrupt employers and ensure that there is a progression in employment.
    It’s obvious that £15 minimum wage is completely unaffordable, no wonder the looney left are not taken seriously.

  15. If you cunters knew what some of those city financial services cunts earned….

    I remember a conversation with a mate who is a tree surgeon:

    He had quoted £350.00 to reduce a large oak. This would necessitate 3 men on site, 2 climbers and a groundsman and circa £50k worth of truck, chipper and saws.
    The customer moaned like fuck and got the price down to £320.00

    Whilst working there, he learned that this cunt had just received a six month bonus / premium of 1.2 million£. This was mid 90’s.

    These greedy cunts are the sort who do not believe in paying a fair rate for a good job, then moan like fuck when they can’t get a tradesman…..

    • Fiddler charged me double that and the tree came down on our greenhouse.
      Tree felling is a rip off.
      Its just gardening.
      Do it yourself I say!
      Set fire to it first to get the leaves off.

      • No, but he did tread dogshite all through our orangery!
        Artisanal made angora rug binned because he clagged it up.

      • That rug?

        You shoulda sent it to the Repair shop!

        Maybe we’ve found Jay Blades special skill, getting shit out of shitted objects

        Be prepared for the TV crew with a few tears, Tabasco Eyedrops should do it

        For extra value on the same day get Fiddler and his lads back to cut down a large spruce that’s overhanging your sunroom for the cameras.

        That episode should win a BAFTA

  16. You’ll never get rich working for an employer……you’re basically swinging on their tits.

    I got out of that game years ago and have never been better off but it takes a bit of guts to leave paid employment and go it alone.

    I would never go back to working for some other cunt now so minimum wage can be what the fucking fuck it wants and I couldn’t give a shit skid about it.

    • Yeah, and the bosses get loads of low paid minion yes men/women/transgender benders to agree with everything they say and surround their selves with pretty young blonde women.

      I’m no socialist but ill hold myself in an argument if I got a valid point to make. I ain’t no union member either fuck them cunts waste of money.

  17. The advantages of “Employment vs Self Employment”:

    Paid time off
    Sick pay
    A regular wage-enables planning
    The ability to “switch off” from work
    No risk carried

    More money (potentially)
    Autonomy / Agency
    Carry of risk / indemnity
    Ever increasing administration / red tape
    Long hours

    Stress is the big killer!

    • Fair enough but I disagree.

      Paid time off…holiday pay. I can pay myself holiday pay.
      Sick pay…many employers don’t pay this and if you’re not a sickly person it pisses you off when other people use it as holiday.
      Regular wage…yep, what the boss wants to pay you after he has taken his fat wedge.
      Switch off from work…never worked in a job in my industry where I could switch off.
      No risk carried….risk of being fired, made redundant, face not fitting, business going bust, wages not paid etc etc

      As for working for myself…everything I earn minus tax etc goes to me, not some other cunt. If you work long hours change your skill-set and as for stress, I’ve already earned this week what I would working from my old employer and I’m sitting play Resident Evil

      Like I said not for everyone, I know people who would shudder at not having a regular job but I love it.

      • Having done both (employed 6 years / self employed 30), I am firmly in the latter camp.

  18. It’s the cost of living that needs to be lowered. Prices of basic stuff is getting ridiculous and there are rumblings of prices going up big-time in Christmas and into next year. When the minimum wage goes up, the prices of basic stuff goes up. What it really comes down to is buying or renting a house, which is the foundation of your life. This was once easy, but not now. Even people on £30,000 a year can’t get on the ladder for various reasons, never mind people on £12,000. It America it is even worse. I saw a documentary where this highly intelligent and skilled businessman was living in hotels and using public showering facilities because no one would give him a mortgage despite him being a totally upstanding gentleman. Thanks, greedy cunt bankers of 2008-09.

    • “What it really comes down to is buying or renting a house, which is the foundation of your life. This was once easy, but not now.”

      I would dispute that it was ever easy to buy or rent. Maybe in some parts of the country but not the South East. In the 70s even if you worked in London to get a better salary this wouldn’t finance a flat share up there. Most people commuted from the suburbs at great cost. And contrary to popular opinion, especially of the young, purchasing a property was not a walk in the park. Mortgages were hard to come by. I was 26 before I got a shot at my first flat and had to move miles away to do so.

      Fact is Osborne insisted on making qualification for home loans MUCH harder from 2010 because he expected ordinary working folk to take the blame for his banker friends who actually crashed the economy. Banks like the Halifax had to go cap in hand to the government for bale out loans. Now we have to put up with their nauseating tv ads.

      • Yes, I’m exaggerating how easy it was to own a house in the past. It wasn’t easy, but at least if you worked hard and weren’t a total spaz, you could have a nice house for yourself and your family. I hate to bring up Hitler, but he brought in beautiful affordable housing in the 1930s and for every kid you had, your repayments were lowered. It’s the government’s duty to provide a society where solid, warm, safe housing and communities can be had by all. Everything else in life is gravy outside the home. Home is where all the values are fostered and nourished and when that breaks down, it’s a quick road to nihilism and despair.

  19. Why do you think we were sold a lie at the end of WW2 ? “…a land fit for heroes…”
    There were more jobs and fewer people to fill them, and this gave the people the real chance to finally get fair terms, fair pay, and reasonable benefits.

    The Government new the only way to break people power, was more imported wallah’s in vast numbers.

    Divide/fraction and disempower. Bob’s yer uncle

    There will never be any united people in this patchwork of a country, each will seek their own.

    Are there any solutions ? Doubt it. Too fucking late!

  20. I’m against the Minimum wage but if you’re a boss paying a pittance then you’re a cunt.

  21. My first job when I was 15 paid 5 pounds for 2 hours cleaning at the local old fashioned department store

    I took exception to that to be fair and spent a large part of those two hours wanking in the lingerie department

  22. I’m on minimum wage and it’s really getting on my tits lately. Not blowing my own trumpet but I’ve always had a good work ethic but then companies start to take the piss. I’ve basically been doing four peoples jobs lately. Wage increase, bonus?? Have I fuck. Then I get a new gas supplier who’s tripling my payments. Hard work doesn’t get rewarded as it should in this country but brown nosing, arse licking does. Cunts.

    • I get fed up of being told that the average wage in this country is about £33k per year. Masses of us are on nowhere near that. The figure must be skewed upwards by some astronomical salaries.
      When the £33k is quoted on TV or in papers or websites, it is always done in a way that suggests it is all a big success story and why is every cunt moaning about pay in this country – because it is not fucking accurate, that’s why!

  23. If the minimum wage was increased to a living wage, then prices would go up, but then we wouldn’t need to pay so much tax for the bureaucrats to dole out benefits to working people.
    Only losers : the bureaucrats who would need to get a useful job

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