Due to the Pandemic various schemes were introduced, costing billions, to preserve jobs, business and standards of living. These were introduced by the wicked Tories. One benefit increase seemingly at the behest of a millionaire, tax avoiding footballer.
These were all temporary.
But those same wicked Tories are now snatching away these schemes to starve and bankrupt people.
Furlough has finished. It cost £70 billion but seems to have helped some businesses increase profits, dividends and director’s pay.
There was also an extra £20 per week for claimants. Scratch card, tabs and booze sales have benefitted and a certain footballer has benefitted immensely through his ‘Image Rights’ tax avoidance scheme. But the fuckers are snatching this away too.
VAT was reduced to 5% for hospitality but the wicked bastards are imposing a 12.5% rate, increasing to 20% in April. The cunts.
Covid has only cost £317 billion for 2021. Double that when 2020 is included.
When will the magic money tree run dry? When will the handouts stop and who the fuck is going to pay?——
—–The magic money tree. I think it grows on Jezza’s allotment. Or perhaps in one of St Marcus’s Cheshire mansions, where it wont have to pay much tax.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
It’s not real money, it’s printed by the Bank of England in the basement, no one knows if it’s going to bite our arse but if interest rates go up it will.
I understand the need to support business when they were forced to close and workers who weren’t allowed to work.
I can’t understand why universal credit was raised, the layabout cunts weren’t any worse off, sitting on your arse is the same with or without Covid and those in work got furlough.
1 million vacancies, no excuse for people continuing to do fuck all (yes I know there are exceptions)
All the cunts who talk about EU fuckers going home, how do they know, they aren’t counted in and one, the 3.5 million estimate turned out to be nearer 6 million who applied for settled status.
Fuck off hospitality, you have enough cunts here already, don’t need any more.
Oh well, autumn’s here,
And the leaves are falling and the fruit withering on the magic money tree.
Boris has pruned it and feed the soil with bullshit.
But ive a feeling its gotten bark rot?
Or some dog has pissed up it. Probably a dog from Somalia or Eritrea.
The end of the Covid free for all is going to be economic carnage. It will be tough to blame it on Brexit, but no doubt the Lib Dems will try. If the money tree is indeed bare, surely widespread cold and hunger is a small price to pay for saving the NHS?
In the meantime, we have more pressing issues to concern us. All UK pigs will need to be slaughtered as there is no-one to work in abattoirs post Brexit. Not sure I fully understand that, but it is a crisis nonetheless. Fact. Then there is the French threat to ruin the British Christmas. Again, not sure how this will happen but according to MSM it will. Fact.
I suspect the magic money tree resides in Doris the snakes garden
Vote Tory, get Liberal Green.
I see Boris refused to answer the cervix-gate question with any clarity.
#all the same
Because hes a shitehouse.
Like kier.
Like all of them.
They all ride the gravy train in Westminster.
We will end up with an economy similar to Weimar Germany circa 1931 at this rate. And yet they still fritter billions away on vanity projects and foreign aid.
I went for a job where they cultivate bonsai trees. At the interview I was asked, “What do you know about bonsai trees.?”
I said, “Very little”….
Dame Marcus Rashford, the old woman of football has been castigating the government yet again, about the loss of the £20 a week upgrade. He is so eager to get into politics, I can see him becoming a Labour MP and becoming best mates with Lammy and Butler That, or he will replace LInekunt hen his day in th presenters chair is over. BLM innit.
This pm I saw on snews that some dopey university has given Rashford an Hon Doctorate
Being a fucking simpleton I never understand why the BOE doesn’t just buy all the national debt via govt bonds then just press Delete.
I’m sure it’s all very complicated and only important people need to worry about it.
As for dossers getting an extra 80 quid a month for fuck all reason? A perfect illustration that politicians are idiotic vermin.
Let’s see if the Magic Tree falls over and crushes the cunts.
Jellyfish is a fucking useless wanker and his old woman is a fucking scrubber. The opposition should be pissing all over these cunts but they are even less less convincing, a lot less in fact.
We are fucked.
Same shit in the US if not worse. This latest spending spree includes the most Marxist schemes yet. Trillions of dollars are being proposed for the full conversion to a full Marxist state. Magic money tree is more like the goose that laid the golden egg. It’s about to be slaughtered.
The asylum has been completely overrun my Western friends.
Don’t know what you’re all on about….under this Govt we can apparently afford HS2,thousands of illegal immigrants,”green” schemes that will lead the World, to pay unemployment benefits when there are millions of vacancies, a bottomless pot NHS..and most outrageously of all….fucking child benefits..a mere £300 billion for Covid is nothing to a Country as rich as ours.
“Jezza’s money tree”?…Jezza’s magic money tree was a paltry bonsai compared to The Tory’s mighty Oak.
Jezza was committed to spending an extra £500 billion, and that was without Covid! With Covid have been a trillion, minimum.
Apparently ” BusinessGreen said the UK will need to invest an extra £400bn this decade on the way to net-zero”…plus the £100bn for HS2……..
I’m also unsure how you can know what Corbyn would have spent on Covid… I’m guessing that he might not have been quite so generous to big businesses or Pub landlord friends…..
HS2 currently running at £107 billion, projected to be £160 billion when finished, if that ever happens. Call it a round £2 billion.
On the bright side, at least with Corbyn your massive profligate EU farm subsidies would have been safe. ?
They’ll always be safe…farmers are the lifeblood of this Country.
At least Corbyn was upfront about his outlandish spending plans…I honestly don’t remember Johnson mentioning much about his Green plans and their cost pre-election…perhaps he wasn’t so bothered about such issues before his tart gave him his instructions ?
Exactly – ConSocialists!
Did Jezz know what it was on or was he simply committed to spending £500 billion no matter?
It’s like these nitwits who say we should keep throwing money at the NHS and not ask questions. I hope they know how many contractors that money ends up with as part of ‘outsourcing’.
Regardless of the mind boggling incompetence of the past two years, I still wouldn’t want Labour anywhere near the levers of power. And you won’t find anyone who despises Johnson more than me.
I don’t think there’s a fanny-hair of difference between Labour and Conservatives these days….two cheeks of the same arse.
Shaun’s won Dead Pool again. James Brokenshire.
Well butter my arse.
You in the blue oyster already Mis ?
A decent man.
I wonder if the Libs and Labour will decline to contest the by-election.
Hope so. Reform Party could then be in with a chance.
Here’s hoping?
Was reading: Hotels looking after the illegal *@#£ get £270 per person per day from the state. Plus the hotel gets a refurb down the line. All paid by the state on extortionate government terms. In the meantime the cunts piss and shit all over the place. Smoke in and trash the rooms, spit at any local guests. No way this isn’t going to end very badly. The only reason there’s been no terror attacks recently is because of Covid. These cunts are storing it up.
Already they’ve found Taliban in America and the UK. In the hotels. Like there aren’t going to more. No way were they all helping the US/UK armies and no way they won’t be wanting their own interpreters when they get up to no good. All paid from the money tree.
Quite agree with most here. Sitting about with shit in your brains and lead in your arse, pointing to brexit, covid, the existence of marmite as to reasons as why you have been ‘between jobs’ for 14 years, costs as much with or without covid being about. Fuck their £20 uplift.
Did some light research earlier. Say Ivan turns up here from Bulgaria with his wife and two kids, even if he gets a 28k salary job he only pays approx 5300 in Ni and tax. It costs 5k a year to educate a primary age child and 7300 pounds a secondary age. Thats before we talk about the NHS and tax credits.
Now that may apply to working British families as well however I believe that their ancestry entitles them to benefit from that, i’m a racist old fashioned bigot i know.
Alternatively, he comes alone, hogs the affordable housing and sends it all home, so its not returned to the economy.
Is it a labour shortage or is it job vacancies?
Depends if you are anti or pro brexit.
Wages are rising now the conveyor belt of easy whores who will work for nothing has been turned off and tossed into the english channel.
So what if hospitality cant pay minimum wage? Put the money up you will have some employees. Dont moan about no one taking your minimum wage job.
So what if you have to pay £30 an hour for people to bring the harvest in? Why should we all suffer so you can pay £6 cash to albanians to do it?
Bottom line is, if we dont want a shithole to live in, a place with a decent NHS, Police force, roads to drive on, local services, we need to tighten the belts, tighten the borders and everyone needs to get to work. Need a kick up the arse for scroungers of all nationalities and races as well. Were broke
Sajid Javid wrote to me about two weeks ago say I would no longer be asked to shield. The government also haven’t bothered updating the symptoms for delta/India/Lurgwallah variant and letting everyone spread it to their parents and eventually granny, thinking they have a cold. Dr Sue Hopkins has her head in the sand and is not following the ‘science’.
I guess the money really has run dry.