The London Marathon (3)

This Sunday (3 Oct) my road is going to be closed from 8am to 7pm because of the London Marathon.

This means I can’t drive locally and it’s bloody difficult to even cross the road thanks to crowds of people filling the streets.

I would not have a problem with the London Marathon if the course covered a different part of London and my local roads weren’t blocked to accommodate a bunch of virtue-signalling twats running and walking around in ridiculous costumes.

Also, it’s about the only sporting event the BBC covers these days; in other words, proper sports channels couldn’t give a toss.

Nominated by: Hard Brexit Cunt

61 thoughts on “The London Marathon (3)

  1. The London Marathon has not been the same since Jimmy Savile died.

  2. Another excuse for the BBC to promote a black ‘winner’. No doubt a scrawny sand dweller who spent years running from lions/to food parcels in order to ‘train’ for the event.

    And what is it with the mongs who are running for mother, father, brother, sister, NHS, refugees, charities, or dog knows what – dressed as aliens, deep sea divers or pantomime horses?

    Utter cuntitude.

  3. They should spice it up by releasing packs of hungry dogs at various intervals along the route… I’d definitely watch that.

  4. The only way I would have any interest in this virtue signaling fuckfest, is if it was restricted to attractive wimminz aged 21-50, in skimpy lingerie/naked?

  5. This and Wimbledon are about the only sport the BBC have left and I can’t see them hanging on To Wimbledon much longer. Hardly surprising when they are bunging lorry loads of dough at cunts like Linekunt and £100 mill to June Sarpongo (they love her in the Congo) to tell us what a bunch of raaaaay-sists we all are.
    What’s the betting that this year’s Sports Personality will be littered with BAMEs (and Mr Wokegate obviously)? Linekunt will be pleased, the smug piece of shit.

    • Evening Freddie.

      Saying as the ‘sports personality of the year’ award is chosen by the beeb themselves and not the public, stand by for lots more future cuntish winners that your average Joe more than likely fucking hates.
      (see Lewis Hamilton’s recent “win” for evidence of this)

    • Of course you do know that the half tiddlywink half Romanian pikey tennis player will win Sports personality of the year?

  6. The cockney jog.
    What a way to waste a Sunday.
    Dressed as a banana in a crowd of cunts and the only guarantee is blisters.

    Bag of shite.

    • Afternoon MNC, as Jimmy Savile costumes are banned from my son’s school’s charity fun run, I was quite impressed with myself when I managed to win* a 5k race dressed up as Gary Glitter.

      * I’m joking, of course…I actually only came 3rd…those sequinned platform heels are total bastards to run in.

      • Hehehe ?

        My mate an his missus are obsessive runners Thomas.
        They’ve lost weight like theyve contracted AIDs.
        He tapes up his nipples!
        Apparently it’s common with the jogging community,
        To stop chafed nipples!!
        If I wanted a hobby that involves bandages, plasters, and rapidly losing weight personally id take up heroin addiction.

      • Ho ho, people think I look like I’ve got the AIDS. Or cancer. I’m 5’9″ and weigh less than 9 1/2 stone.
        But I’m simply super-fit, although I do look like a skeleton (with a huge gay moustache).

      • Jesus Thomas!

        Everything has its pros &cons.
        At least if you get locked out you can get in via the letterbox?!

      • “Everything has its pros &cons.”
        You wouldn’t say that if you took a contract at Elton and David’s house and they chloroformed you and tied you to their bumming post by your beard before going to town on you…

      • Eurgh…?
        Elton wheezing with lust his pudgy body quivering with lust at the stealing of my northern botty virginity?!!!

        “Get out the lotion David and bring some poppers and a stepladder!”

        Fat Reg would have to slit my throat afterwards because thats what hed get once the handcuffs came off!

  7. Hmmm….I think I might enter next year.
    I’ll run for peaceful trans remainer rights.
    The BBC camera will literally be glued on me the whole race, guaranteed as the commentators worship me and my righteous wokery.
    I will subsequently get my very own nom on here to…. ?

  8. Have you tried stringing a tensioned cheese wire across the road at roughly neck height? You could perhaps wire it to the mains for greater effect. Fucking virtue signalling wank fest that’s so beloved of the BBC. Yet another reason to hate it.

  9. I heard a bloke on the radio the other day saying his mate was running dressed as a “stormtrooper”. Obviously he meant a stormtrooper from Star Wars but I had a little smile to myself at the thought of some cunt running in jackboots, a brown shirt and cap and a swastika armband. I wonder what the BBC would make of that, the cunts?

    • That would have been great if one of the participants spent 9 hours completing the course, goosestepping all the way, like Basil Fawlty.

    • Can just imagine Miriam Gargoyles being chased along Hendon High St. by a storm trooper.
      BTW, has anyone ever seen a photo of Gargoyles and Wally the Walrus side by side? Though, to be fair, Wally looks like Gargoyles post-Noom.

  10. What’s the problem? You probably can’t get any bloody petrol when the road is open.
    And watch London’s Covid numbers soaring a fortnight later.

    Just a bit more cunt in a sea of cunt, I’m afraid. Cunt is the new normal. ISAC exists only to chronicle the everyday routine…

  11. Too bad they don’t run it like the original. Full Hoplite armour, shield and spear, wait for the times to drop (rather like the Hoplite who ran with news of the victory of Marathon). I hope it was written down though, fancy running all that distance and realising you forgot the message!

  12. Haven’t bothered watching this shitfest, but I was hoping it might have been hijacked by some rabid protest group like XR, IB or some Pride/Trans twats screaming, shouting and gluing themselves on the roads of the marathon!

  13. I was hoping for a militant breakaway branch of cycling nazis.
    And a mass brawl of skinny minnys.

  14. I didn’t check but I’m guessing a dark key skinny cunt from Africa won?

    Must be psychic if I’m right.

  15. But I’d love it if one day an Elvis impersonator won or some cunt dressed as a zebra.

    • Maybe next year go wearing a white hooded suit carrying a can of kerosine, a box of matches, a cross and a noose?

  16. I once took part in a 10k. Finished something like 1,890th. Like a cunt, I was dead chuffed at actually finishing the event.
    My main memory is of two cunts dressed up in cardboard Dalek outfits, and two dollies in ‘Carry On Nursing’ outfits. Gorgeous legs and arses, the pair of them (the nurses, not the Daleks).

  17. Just been down the smoke. It must have been a photo finish : Lots of people on the tube after and they all had a gold medal! Or it could have been a large chocolate…

  18. Did all the fucking arseholes take the knee before the starting gun? Woke wankery at its best. Fucking cunts.

  19. Ah, the London Marathon… Will those lovable equatorial filth be nicking the bottles of water this year?? Isn’t cultural enrichment marvelous?

  20. This cunt fest is the perfect vehicle for the founder members of the gobshite club, namely Radcliffe, Logan,cotter, cram and the raspberry grey for running most of the cunts will walk the 26 miles. Total wankfest

  21. Fuck running for exercise. It’s hard on the knees hips and back. I don’t think our bodies are built for that unless it’s for a purpose like fight or flight for reasonable distances. 26 miles?! Fuck that! If your nipples are bleeding something is wrong.

    • Damned right…as a keen runner myself, I’ve been running for 30 years (aged 49 now) and have made a point of only running 15-17 miles a week split into 3 outings (never more than 7 miles).
      Any more than that will fuck your joints and thicken the walls of your heart.

    • Wasn’t. Involved today. I’m guessing the fee wasn’t enough for the greedy little cunt, and anyway ,he’s too busy flogging toothbrush’s cunt

  22. All they had to do to guarantee a record breaking time was say the winner gets a full tank of gasoline. To ensure an Ethiopian win, the grand prize should be a McDonalds Happy Meal!

  23. Yep, another dark key won – will probably blend in now in London and immigration will be like, ooops, we lost him – can’t send him back.

    Always a dark key who wins, must be used to running away from da police back home.

  24. Even if a lot of these runners are monomaniacal bores, (as with cyclists and gym bunnies) i can’t agree to this cunting as its normal cunts ‘having a go’, even if they do have to link it cancer charities etc. (As with all of these efforts, why not just give tge charity the mobey and run for ypur own satisfaction?)
    It would be like cunting the southern combination football league.

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