Terrestrial TV

It’s very rare these days that I bother with any of the five terrestrial channels. Usually its the wife who might recommend something relatively normal and/or non woke, such as “The Repair Shop” (Although even that has started ticking the usual boxes as of late!)

I also watched some Euro2020 England matches 2 or 3 months back, but that was in the pub and only served as background noise.

There is Freeview/Freeview Play of course, which isn’t really free at all because according to their own website, you still need a TV licence. And by all accounts its quantity over quality, with repeats, soaps, daytime shite, adverts, and other familiar drivel.

I still have my TV licence, and quite often I think about dumping it for good. But I don’t fancy all the hassle from the Craptia goons and a constant stream of pointless “reminder” letters from the BBC.

Fortunately I can afford the licence fee for the moment, so I’ll just let that sleeping dog lie for a bit longer.

However, as an alternative I must say YouTube, and similar sites, have loads of really interesting channels that you can watch online or download and watch offline completely free.

In my case I’ve subscribed to channels like Edd China, Buzzfeed, Spicy Horror, various paranormal/ghost hunting channels, murder mystery channels, photography, DIY, computing and a few others.

All of them have massive playlists of videos that I download using a legal paid-for app, and I can watch them on my TV with no ad-breaks, no trailers, no announcer voice-overs or “what’s coming next”. Just pure entertainment of my own choosing.

Then there’s the other option of a good VPN and torrent sites to choose programmes you want to watch, which includes classic comedies, dramas, films etc. All of which come without ads, no wokeyfuckaboutery or censorship of hurty words/scenes.

It’s no wonder the BBC are so shit-scared of losing its licence because it knows it just cannot compete in the free market against subscription streamers like Amazon, Netflix, Virgin etc, and smaller players such as Tik-Tok, Instagram and You Tube.

I’ve downloaded about 600Gbs of YouTube videos alone over the last few weeks, which will last me for a good few months, with more to come. So much more satisfying watching stuff I want to watch and whenever I want, rather than being told and patronised by those old school cunts from the BBC, ITV and Channel 4/5.

Nominated by: Technocunt

77 thoughts on “Terrestrial TV

  1. N.B. There are currently over 80 free-to-view channels on terrestrial TV. Most of which are way superior to the original five.

    • ‘There are currently over 80 free-to-view channels on terrestrial TV.’

      We need more.
      We need extra terrestrials.

  2. For millennia mankind has done without TV. I can take it or leave it with no impact on my happiness or Fullfillment in life. However some cunts are addicted to the escape that the idiot lantern offers. You can tell by the way they have their house that they fucking live in front of that screen. A recliner with a toilet seat would keep them from ever standing again!!
    I love X-Files.

    • I’m always fascinated when you walk past somebody’s house and it’s as though they’ve got a fucking multiplex screen up on the wall. Bloody nuts.

      • They’re amazing, Ron. The owner must have to go into a neighbours house across the road to fully appreciate the effect.
        Mines a 42 inch, and if I hadn’t won it in a raffle for a fiver, I wouldn’t give it houseroom.
        It’s only just watchable, but I’ll definitely go smaller next time I need one.

      • Cash in on it and buy a smaller one with the money. You can make a tidy profit off that.

  3. Its whatever floats yer boat.
    Ive hundreds of channels and theyre mostly shite.
    I like Colombo, Our Yorkshire Farm, Aussie Goldhunters,
    Mountain men, and Salvage hunters .
    Oh an Curb your enthusiasm.
    Bar that its a documentary.
    Sometimes I can’t find anything and go get a book,
    Maybe a couple of books,
    Then I burn them.

      • I watch Aussie Gold Hunters too Mis and Outback Truckers. What a fucking job that is!

      • My mum is a big fan of judge Judy and her no nonsense approach Ruff.
        Thinks shes marvelous.

      • Yeah LL,
        Ive got to admit a admiration for some of those Aussies and yanks on these shows.
        Saw one bloke who fixed his own snowmobile, his own light aircraft, all in subzero temperatures!
        Then hed go shoot his dinner in the woods.
        I feel like captain Oates walking to Aldi in the drizzle..?

      • Yeah, I couldn’t do it mate. I think I would be driven mad by the bloody flies before the heat got me.

      • His cutlery draw must be bigger than my kitchen!
        But you never know when youll need a gooseberry lance or a ketchup whisk I suppose.?

      • Wow.
        Miles, id break out in a sweat of panic faced with that!
        Wouldn’t have a clue.
        Would you?
        Id copy whoever I was facing and hope for the best.
        Notice theyve not got a bottle of daddies sauce on the table?

        Tight as fuck.

      • Ruff only eats curries and McCain’s Chippy Chips, how much cutlery do you need?

      • Creampuff Manor menu, unreformed since the early 1980s.

        Monday – prawn /chicken vindaloo
        Tuesday – sausages, baked beans & chips
        Wednesday – mince beef masala with broccoli & mashed potatoes
        Thursday – egg & chips /or burgers
        Friday – fish in batter, peas n’ mash, or chicken kievs & cauliflower cheese
        Saturday – spaghetti bolognese
        Sunday – buck rarebit

        Pudding: ice cream or custard with either fruit pie, treacle tart, chocolate sponge pudding, or, occasionally, cheesecake.

      • Sounds damn good to me Ruff, especially if you make it up from the ingredients rather than buy them in. My wife was taught cookery professionally and I’m very aware of how lucky I am. Hardly ever eat convenience foods and she cooks seventies style i.e. on taste not what the health nazis say you should eat. Cooks with wine and butter and cream, not to say there is anything wrong with good plain food. It’s what I grew up on and I’m still here to tell the tale. When I was working my employer had a contract with McDonalds and the best thing about retiring was that I’ll never go in a McD’s ever again.

      • It’s a deal.

        Burgers tonight, you’re invited.

        Bisto gravy laid on in your honour.

        Aperitifs 7:30, dinner at 8.

        Be seeing you…

      • @ Arfurbrain

        The above was for Miserable, but you’re invited too Arfur.

        LL and Willie Stroker will be waitering.

      • Ruff@
        Could you have a word with LL?
        The man’s a absolute shower.
        He had his thumb in my soup last time!
        Whys he all thumbs?
        Was he a professional hitchhiker?
        Dock his pay.
        Mans a ruddy fool…?

      • I love Judy, takes no prisoners.
        I also like cookery programmes, there’s always one on.
        Hairy Bikers are my favourite.

  4. Our Yorkshire farm for the CuntyMorts. Did anyone see thay Alex Scott wokefest on who do you think you are? Nearly ended up throwing something at the screen dozy tart. Getting upset over great great great grandaddy owning 26 slaves?

    I fuckimg laughed my bollocks off.

  5. Techno for this confused cunter, Do you download to the pc or do I get an external hard drive and link that to the pc and download it to that?

    • For YouTube I download to an external hard drive and run a couple anti-virus/malware apps just to make sure they’re clean (not all YT files are during the download process, some of them are hijacked with piggyback trojans depending on what YouTube downloader app you’re using)

      For everything else, it goes to a second external and same again.

      Once all done the whole is leveraged over to my Qnap NAS, automatically reindexed and catalogued, and using Qnap Cloud app I can view everything either at home or wherever.

      Who needs Netflix!

    • I couldn’t watch that, Mr. B, literally couldn’t because I had to verify that I was over 18, ffs, so that’s a no from me.
      I’m so not
      A. Inputting my credit card details or
      B. Scanning my passport or driving licence.
      My mother didn’t raise any fools.

  6. I hardly watch live TV anymore.

    When I do I record the programme so I can fast forward through the woke adverts.

  7. The BBC charge everyone to watch live TV from whatever source, how is that fair.
    If there is a justification for a tax on live TV why the fuck does it only go to one broadcaster, it’s a rip off.

    Scrap the license !

  8. Dump the licence – just stop paying it (don’t bother telling the cunts it’s none of their business if you don’t watch “live TV”).

    I dumped mine over a year ago and it’s a good feeling knowing that I’m not contributing to those BBC cunts.

    I haven’t had a visit from their wankers patrol yet but I would actually welcome telling them to get off my property via my Ring doorbell.

    I have had approximately 30 threatening letters from them though. The content is farcical. I used to open and read them for the amusement factor but I’m bored with them now and put them straight in the shredder.

    The golden rule if you get a visit is to tell them you don’t watch live TV or iPlayer and to please get off your property. Don’t say anything else to them and especially don’t give them your name. They have no more rights than any other cold caller at your doorstep.

    • Good stuff M, just take care tho. Mate of mine in London had one of those Crapita cunts turn up on his step with a fucking copper to back him up, would you believe, so be prepared.

      • Thanks for the warning Ron but I genuinely don’t watch live TV so I wouldn’t have too much of an issue if they were to inspect my detuned TV hooked up to a Roku & Apple TV. However, unless they have a plod in attendance insisting this should happen I shan’t be inviting it. I believe plod would need a warrant so I would ask for that to be shown to my Ring camera before allowing entry. Somehow I doubt plod on a first visit would have such so they can fuck off as well!

        Did I mention I hate the BBC? I hate this Government more and I wish I could get shot of them as easily?

      • Plod has the warrant, the Crapita Cunt has no right of entry at all, he has to wait outside.

      • Causes them more grief if you don’t abd it’s easy to bin the rainforest of letters you’ll get?

  9. ‘Ordinary Telly’ (as my grandfather used to call it) is now a mound of steaming shite. Even the once great Granada is now a load of crap. All the great presenters: Bob Smithies, Charlie Foster, Big Jim Pope, Bob Greaves, and Tony Wilson (RIP) long gone. No more innovative programming like World In Action or great drama like Sherlock Holmes. Currynation Street, of course, became a national joke years ago. The station that once put the BBC to shame is now sadly part of the soulless and vacuous ‘ITV’ brand.

    ITV now mostly just makes crap for chavs and wimmin.

    As for the ‘Beeb’? Their Savile whitewash should be hilarious.?

  10. Trouble on Channel 4. Apparently Rachel Riley hates Anne Robinson, and can’t stand working with the bitch on Countdown. Can’t blame her for that, I suppose. Robinson has always been a fucking cunt. And I’d feel sorry for anyone who had to put up with that four eyed ginger gremlin.

    Oh, and If Rachel needs a errr shoulder to cry on, Norman’s available.?

    • An all women quiz show descends into backbiting and bitching, who would have thought it. Being Black History Month, I thought they might have done an all black panel but since maths, reading and writing are all colonialist and white supremacy, maybe not.

    • Rachel Riley’s tits when pregnant double in size. Saw them the other day, they looked roofers nail bags. ???

    • A few years ago I used to visit Pinewood studios. The parking bay beside the entrance to one of the buildings had a sign in two foot letters; “Anne Robinson only!”.
      If I was so insecure I required such obsequiousness I would feel embarrassed and ashamed.

  11. All any cunter needs for infinite movies:
    Download “Tor” browser (free VPN)
    Get a program called “qbittorrent”
    Use the Tor browser to go to “yts.mx” and click on a movie’s link and it’ll download via qbittorrent.
    I’ve been doing this for years and have never had a single problrm.
    yts.mx has a plethora of proper films from the 60’s to the 90’s, some real rare shit.

    • Sounds good – my son talked me through some of this “BitTorrent” stuff and I watched a few things for free. But of a PITA messing around with a computer though so I just pay Netflix now. I’ve also signed up for a credit card which will give me 6 months free Apple TV + – I’ll milk that and then cancel the subscription?

    • Exactly this.
      A vast library paid for by way of fibre connection.
      Otherwise might as well go back to a dial up Internet.

  12. I get all my views from the telly. White people make up just 6.3 of the English population which is why they make up 6.3 of the people on telly adverts in England.

    • ….and every white person in the country is either married to a dart key/stanley, or is a lezzer/homo…….

  13. Some good stuff on Talking Pictures TV, and I like watching Farage and Colin Brazier on GB News. Apart from that, I just use youtube to view old films, dramas, comedies, all from the golden age of quality tv, when it used to be worth watching, instead of the repetitious, wokefest it’s now become.
    There’s some good commentators on youtube too, the sort who would never be allowed on the Beeb.

  14. I haven’t watched any terrestrial live TV since April 2020.

    I haven’t listened to the radio since before that.

    I watch YouTube, DVD’s and peruse IsAC.

    I have never been happier??

  15. My missus said to me, “You need to have a word with our son. He watches too much porn and we’re getting through a shit load of bog roll.”
    Later that evening I went into his room and said, “Listen mate, you’ve gotta stop all this wanking, you’re gonna go blind.”
    He said,”Dad, I’m over here.”….

  16. I’m still waiting to find out who won that game of noughts and crosses between that young girl with the Alice band and the clown on the BBC test card!

    They’ve been waiting for someone to play the next move for about 45 years!

  17. Forces TV has some golden oldies, and apart from the warning ‘this show is from the 70s/80s/90s and has dialogue of the time’, its not censored at all.
    I hardly ever watch TV, so it’s pretty much easy to dodge the shit, and DVR anything you want to watch so the adverts can be zapped through.

    • Yes, terrestrial TV is crap, but a few weeks back I rented a cottage in Yorkshire which had access to Prime and Sky and Netflix, Seems to me that these paid for channels had loads of ‘box sets’ of stuff from terrestrial channels and not a lot else.

      There is, of course, the odd channel only offering like The Crown – which frankly I find offensive and an insult to the Queen and her family – especially the current series. Rewriting history for a load of gullible Yank’s.

      Do unless you’re a sports fan, which I am not, there’s fuck all worth watching on the subscription channels either. So in the interests of balance, I reckon all TV is crap…

      • Back in the nineties when we were living in Sutton Coldfield a man at the door tried to sell me cable television. He seemed defeated when I told him I had no interest in sport but brightened up when our young daughter appeared in the hall. “You can have cartoons twenty-four hours a day!” he said with a huge grin. He obviously thought he had cracked it. I didn’t sign up.

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