Sir Kweer and the end of Labour as a working class force.
Sir Kweer has come out in support of the weirdos and deviants. Just the thing to regain the working class constituencies.
”Rosie Duffield came under fire after supporting online criticism of a tweet, which referred to “individuals with a cervix” to be inclusive of trans men.”
Thats right. Trannie men can be classed as having a cervix,
Asked about the row, Sir Keir said claiming only women have cervixes was “something that shouldn’t be said”.
Yes, sir Kweer now denies science as party policy.
RIP Labour. What a fucking collection of cunts.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Words fail me for once.
All I can say is that no matter how crass Boris & Co become, there could never beat Keirco the clown with his obscene bunch of poofters, pussy whipped feminists transgender loonies and duckie Peter Mandelson.
The word, “cervix” should never come up in politics. Maybe the health secretary speaking about cervical cancer screening, but not the male leader of the opposition. Most men don’t know exactly what the cervix is. It’s the offside rule mystery for men.
Only black people know what the cervix is because they touch it with their disability tool.
Kweer would no doubt agree with you, Gordon. He didn’t want to talk about cervixes either. But he had no choice.
Asked on the Andrew Marr Show: ‘Is it transphobic to say “only women have a cervix”?’ he could hardly avoid it, could he.
Someone else who would heartily agree with you is Rachel Reeves, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor:
I feel sorry for people when they get ambushed on TV with shite like this, even if it is a politician I don’t like. I would just just take the risk and say, “look, ask me a question about politics, I’m not a gynaecologist!”
They bring the shite on themselves. Woke cunts. They’re only reaping what they and their party has sown.
Starmer should be smart and realise that by saying, “enough of this woke shite! Vote for Labour and I’ll make Britain an amazing place!” he’d go from zero to hero. Won’t happen, but the alternative is that Labour will languish in the loony landscape forever.
Not to worry Gordon. As soon as he takes power he’ll disavow taking the knee and morph into Jordan Peterson.
Yee!!… it’s a little pig… with wings.
There will not be a Labour PM until they get back to reality and start engaging with people who can influence the people, so that would mean staying off the mainstream media and going to the people who are respected as voices of reason, practicality. If they continue to talk to BBC and Sky then they’ll get questions about vaginas, pronouns, racist statues, etc.
As for Jordan Peterson, I vacillate with whether he is a compassionate fool or compassionate sensible sage. I watched a podcast with him a few weeks ago and he came across well, he talked about a young man whom he saved from suicide, it was powerful. I think he has changed since he recovered from being ill for a year and is reigning in the rhetoric now. Can’t be easy being a clinical psychologist who was unexpectedly catapulted into the limelight and received acolytes and haters in equal measure. Most people would lose their mind in his shoes, but he dealt with it and moved on. I’m not a fan of gurus at all, but he seems okay most of the time. He wants to help unfuck-up the world one person at a time, so fair play to him.
Today I am identifying as a mongoose.
I’m sure Sir Keir will have my back; ‘Not all humans are born with a full ticket.’ ?
(The cunt!)
The mongoose is a fearless wee critter!
(2 minutes)
“Come at me, co-brah!”
Fascinating stuff.
The mongoose takes on ANYTHING…
(2 minutes)
LOL … that monstrosity of a so called wooo man Dizzy A-big-butt identifies as one of those. Oh wait no … moose not mongoose ?
Champagne socialists.Fail to represent the working class.Liebour WILL NEVER be in power for years due to Doris the snake and his shit show.Toytown opposition.Gas them all.
I see that the cunt now reckons that the next Bond should be a woman.
Talk about trying to appear relevant to his loony tunes party.
What a colossal cunt.
Someone sensible need to take Keir to one side and have a quiet word with him. Whether such a person exists within the Labour Party is debatable.
I agree.
I hope it’s Hannibal Lecter.
Mandy is very fickle – if he sees Starmer isn’t cutting it, and he takes a fancy to one of the prettier MPs, like Wes Streeting, an ardent Blairite (and Wessy agrees to “entertain” Mandy up the back passage once or twice a month) then he just might tell Kweer “it’s time to go, duckie”.
Unless Harold Wilson or even Clement Atlee can come back, I can’t see the current shitshow exhibits ever winning an outright election for Labour, which is why I suppose they are sniffing out the LibDems and Greens.
Man, the problems facing Britain right now and all we seem to get is frivolousness
flim-flam like this. Semantics on steroids. It’s all just a distraction from what’s really going on in the world. Don’t play into their hands with this pish. Turn away from the mainstream media.
It will just be same old cycle.
Prices and bills which are already going up will just continue until everyone gets fed up with cunts like Johnson and his pals who are more interested in who gets a free 155 bedroom mansion as a perk of the job.
By that time, someone more savvy in Labour will have taken control and the appeal to the people who are feeling hard done by will be huge.
Look at the days of Kinnock and people saying Labour will never be voted in again. All it took was cunts like Major and Co and we had Blair and his load of parasites.
It will happen.
It’s staggering that long-ago-verified cunts like Boris and Biden are driving the Atlantic juggernauts. Of they aren’t, but that’s the smokescreen we get blown up our arses.
Denial of reality is the first sign of madness. Kweer and Labia have drunk so much of the Woke cool-aid that they are blind drunk and totally unelectable. And that’s good news.
I agree-to a point: lack of viable opposition to keep the incumbents “honest”, means we ALL suffer.
Poor Starmzy, Boris has gone and parked his tanks on Labour’s Blairite lawn and nicely fucked him over. I keep hearing that Starmtrooper provides no opposition. Well of course he doesn’t because the Tories have turned into fucking New Labour.
In the meantime he has the Corbynista attack dogs snapping at his heels and he tries to fend them off with all this trannie nonsense. I also hear that several unions have “de funded” the party with more to follow.
He is fucked.
Hes scared of the Trans mafia.
The greasy Quiffed shitehouse.
They all are.
Im not sure what a cervix is, possibly a small wild cat?
But only wimmin have then
Tell those trannys the truth,
Theyre a bunch of confused mentals and should be gassed.
Sit back, enjoy the hysterical mayhem, watch your popularity in the polls increase.
The gods favour the bold!?
They should bring back National Cervix for the young men of this country. Entering the Cervix made my grandfather the man he is today – dressed in pink taffeta down the pub singing, “I Am What I Am” and then balls-deep in the barmaid.
Hehehe ??
As usual the Left are using semantics to subvert social cohesion.
It is true that “Trans men” have cervixes. Why? Because they’re biologically female!
Just as “trans women” have prostates, cos they’re biologically male.
But they’re not men. Only men have prostates.
What do you say to that, Sir Kweer?
Common sense was outlawed in 1997.
‘ I tell you, Winston, that reality is not external. Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else. Not in the individual mind, which can make mistakes, and in any case soon perishes: only in the mind of the Party, which is collective and immortal. Whatever the Party holds to be the truth, is truth. It is impossible to see reality except by looking through the eyes of the Party”. 1984.
1984 was written as a dreadful warning.
Labour and the woke elite seem to have taken it as a manifesto.
Is there still a working class? Seems there is a benefits class and then a class that aspires.
Not much mass production now or indeed factory work in general which was associated with the working class. At least when I grew up I could see why my family and friends voted labour.
Why anyone would vote labour now is beyond my comprehension but as was said above the bunch of cunts in at present are New Labour.
No one calls themselves ‘working class’ anymore. The world has changed. A kid can invent an app and become a millionaire. Create a YouTube, Patreon, OnlyFans, etc monetised channel. Fuck that ‘working in an office or factory’ shite, that’s Third World peasantry life. Self-exploitation via the internet is the future. The Kardashians are comical, but also geniuses of this. You can use your own chutzpah to earn $50,000 to $100,000 per year if you are so inclined. Being self-employed used to be hard, but not now thanks to the webz. Provide your own product or service or just your megalomania and sell to people all over the world. Being an ’employee’ is one of the reasons life sucks, is depressing, disempowering and you end up being surrounded with cunts you despise and can no longer confront thanks to political correctness and snowflakery.
Yes in this day and age it seems the harder you work, the more you’re looked at as a mug, and the more of a mug you feel when you see what taxpayer money is jizzed on.
Woke Labour.
I can see a situation arising where genders will be banned outright. We will all identify as gender neutrals. No more “man”, “woman”, “boy”, “girl”, “husband”, “wife”, “mr”, “mrs” etc. There will be no gender labelling at all!
By that definition everyone will be able to use public toilets because there will no longer be a “men” “women” segregation (apartheid). Everyone will retire at the same age, receive equal benefits and salaries. Everyone can wear dresses, skirts, make-up, shove a tampon down their pants, wear fake tits and on and on it goes
In essence we will all become androgynous drones, and that classic SF film “THX-1138” by George Lucas, will take a step closer to becoming a reality.
I just call people by their first name or if it’s a stranger, I just say… well, I just rape them to get my point across.
THX-1138 is a great, weird wee film. Pity Lucas added all that CGI to it and the original version has never been put out on DVD/Blu-ray. Ending is great, though. A presage to Luke looking at the two suns. Here’s it in HD…
(4 minutes)
Isnt that the Labour party conference nowadays?
Sir Kweer is a man who tells us we all must “listen to the science” – except for when something is scientific fact of course.
The fucking idiot.
On the plus side – he’s at least continuing the sterling work of Mr Corbyn in making sure Labour are unelectable.
Ah, but…references to biological facts are irrelevant to the trans debate. Similarly, the fact that there are only two genders is a detail mentioned only by cunts who are seeking to overlook the new realities. Therefore, Sir Kweer is a cunt who should be imprisoned for hat crimes.
Good morning, everyone.
Fedoras, pork pies, and baseball caps.
The hat-crime laws in Scotland are worse than England and Wales. You can only wear tartan bonnets with wild ginger hair sticking out now. George Galloway has had to mothball his beloved black fedora collection.
Whatever hat crimes are!
Wearing s baseball cap backwards is a hat crime.
Funny the readings at mass yesterday were on this very topic. The first reading from Genesis how it was not good for man to be alone. He needs a ‘helpmate’. So God put Adam to sleep and took a rib from him and fashioned it into a woman. And when Adam saw her he was well pleased.
The second reading was when Jesus was asked about divorce. And in the Old Testament Moses had allowed for it. He said back then the people were ‘unteachable’. But the Father had always ordained that when a man leaves his house and marries the husband and wife become one flesh. ‘Which no man can put asunder’.
But in the midst of the teaching (relevant to this) He said ‘male and female He made them’. They were trying to trick him (a bit like Marr with Sir Keir)
‘Bur He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female’.’
Not clear.
Marr’s question-‘is it transpbobic to say that only women have a cervix?’
is a trick question.
He’s not asking if only women have a cervix but is it transphobic to say so?
He should have answered ‘if you believe that transwomen ARE REAL women then it is wrong to say that only women have a cervix. If you believe that transwomen are not real women then it is ok to say only women have a cervix.
Bit then again the second is allowing for ‘transphobia’. So it is not ok.
Natural history isnt your forté, Miles.
‘And when Adam saw her he was pleased’
I bet he was, tight little arse, nice pert tits, good job he wasn’t a shirt lifter or the master plan would have been down the pan ?
God set Adam up to have sex with a piece of himself, a sort of glorified wank.
Their offspring had no choice but to indulge in incest.
Durty fecker that God cunt.
No wonder the human race is such a basket case.
‘And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man’.
See and when man and woman marry tg6ey necome one flesh again.
The theology works. Is consistent.
Wheteas your evoluutionary theology of we being monkey men (and women) doesnt really.
I’ll bet Adam saw Eve and got a bone of my bones, the randy old yid.
And yet, when people have sex within their own bloodline, mongs, retards, and physically deformed mistakes are the result.
And that’s where religion comes from.
Keir is a cunt so he should know all about a cervix, his dad was a tool maker, not a bus driver.
His only success was pissing off Laura Pidcock.
His dad made a tool.He called him Kweer.
Current state of British politics:-
The Tories – Wishy Washy, gutless, pick ‘n’ mix Lefty/Green party led by a lying wishy washy pussy-whipped cunt.
Labour – Crawling back to the far left thanks to Marxists, BAME, migrants, stoodents, and woke champagne socialists, with a gutless, knee-bending, empty headed clueless cunt as its figurehead.
Lib Dems – Fuck knows where they stand on anything, but in essence they’re like flies circling round a pile of dog shit. They’re far removed from being soft liberals, and certainly don’t believe in any notion of democracy except for their own
The Greens – Used to be about the environment, but have realised most of their green policies have been hijacked by the Big Three, and have therefore moved to the Left and tried to entice the ignorant, the stupid and the social media types to somehow make them more appealing but failing dismally.
Then there’s all the smaller parties that won’t stand a chance of much representation owing to how the current voting system works (The 2015 GE where UKIP won 12% of the vote with 4 million votes, but only ended up with 1 MP)
And that, ladies and gentlemen (shit, can’t say that anymore! How about “things”?), is the state of politics in this country.
It’s frightening, then you look elsewhere to see who’s running things.
‘Creepy Joe’, Putin, Von de Liar, Microbe, the CCP…
Don’t even look at shithouses like Africa and the Middle East.
‘Fucked! We’re a’ fucked, ah tell ye!’.
Don’t worry Ron, there is always the thought of a Carole Vorderman workout to take your mind off things.
Morning LL.
I think I’m going into ‘The Sun’ category for choice of politicians; who cares who’s running things if they’ve got a great pair of norks?
I did vote Libertarian at the last GE.
They’re the only party whose manifesto had any appeal. The old ‘negative’ voting idea of voting tory to stop labour has never appealed to me. Both are authoritarian and now , both socialist. A vote for either is a vote for the status quo of a big surveillance state, big spending, shit education, cronyism and high taxation.
It is a great pity we live in a benign democracy, Just imagine a raid at 3 am and carted off somewhere to meet Uncle T.
Plus these Labour cunts could have a bit of a slapping on the way there. I can dream can’t I?
Not forgetting Sir Kier saying a certain Mr Saville had no case to answer. Plus all the expenses bastards in parliament. Triple CUNT.
Did he really say that about Savile?
Christ on a fucking bike.
Apologies he did not review the case. He is not wriggling out of the expenses fiasco though.
Oh, and speaking of cunts from Labour…
And what are the wimminz and feministas saying about this?
Do they share the notion that any gender can have breasts, a vag and a cervix? Surely that’s sexist!
Usually you cannot shut up gobshites like Jess Phillips or Lisa Nandy about wimminz ishoos but obviously in identity politics 101, trans trumps women.
Not voted for a long time now (brexit was the exception) they’re all cunts the lot of them. Used to always vote Labour the party of the working class, That bunch of wokels have the front to call themseves Labour party, ffs
Despite kiers teddy boy looks,
Right little mardarse isnt he ?
Shadow cabinet full of dewop de shoot deshoots,
And hes scared of the tranalanadingdongs.
Your no reprentative of the Working class daddio!
Not fit to lick the milkshake off my brothelcreepers.
Brylcreem does not a rocker or roller make.
Hes more Showaddywaddy than Sweet Gene Vincent.
I wonder if Eddie Izzard has a cervix?. He has everything else a woman desires – pink lipstick, sensible court shoes, a girdle, a pink beret, frilly knickers…….
Its the beret I find the most offensive.
Forget the lippy and stuff,
He thinks hes a camp Che Guevara.
But just a ducky Frank Spencer.
In all seriousness I couldn’t be held responsible for my actions if he stood at my door in that fuckin beret.
The crackpot cunt.
He actually prosecuted somebody a couple of years ago for “stealing” his beret, so be warned MNC, he’s a litigeous little cunt.
Monty Python came true.
I’m going to phone my doctors and try and book a smear test. I’ll tell them Kier and Stonewall sent me.
Sorry to go off topic but any time now we should have the pleasure of another Jill Phipps event. GBNews showing video of normal people dragging Insulate Britain nutters out of the road then when the traffic moves they throw themselves in front of the moving vehicles. Grab your popcorn lads!
The Labour Party was hijacked only 6 months after its formation, and has existed as a phony representative of the “working man” ( with or without a cervix ) ever since. In spite of recent re-inventions ( Blair New Labour ), the Leopards spots have only be slightly re-arranged. Labour are ( like all party’s ) shite!
So desperate for a shot at power, they garner every fruitcake in the Land to their cause.
The current cunt ( Kweer ) is yet another in a long list of Professional Politician ( which means he and his ilk are ) unemployable in any other capacity. And are only suited to a career of systemic lying and deceit.
If an asteroid were destined to hit earth sometime soon, let it be on top of the Metropolis of Camel Land, and do the rest of us a favour.
They keep saying we need an open ‘debate’ about trans rights but there is no debate, just one way message and now men can walk about female changing rooms with their meat and two veg out or get to stay in a female prison. Slow hand clap.
That idiot Jo Swinson couldn’t even define what a woman is, that is how muddled they are with it all.
I just had a butchers at Youtube-a report on an all male Netball team dominating and winning an Australian state championship, against teams of “all women”.
Surprise, fucking surprise ?
Trannies are ALL devious fucking perverted cunts.
Cleanse them with fire?
I just had a butchers at Youtube-a report on an all male Netball team dominating and winning an Australian state championship, against teams of “all women”.
Surprise, fucking surprise ?
Trannies are ALL devious fucking perv.erted cunts.
Cleanse them with fire?