Simon Woolley – Another Race Baiter

(Woolley showing off his Knight Bachelor medal from the Queen, a medal historically associated with the nasty old Empire. Hmm! – Day Admin)

.Simon Woolley, an over privileged Dar Key has come out with this:

News Link

In the Guardian.

”Britain’s drug laws are racist and cause “high levels of mental health harm” among black people, a former No 10 race adviser has said.”

”Despite white people reporting higher rates of drug consumption, black people were more likely to be stopped and searched for suspected drug possession and were more likely to be arrested, charged and imprisoned for drug offences, he said.”

This systemic racism is down to the fact that blacks are more likely to be criminals and dealers than whites. And far more likely to be violent. Murder and violence stats in the cities bear this out. This applies wherever in the world you look.

It’s time these cunts took responsibility for their actions. And this Wooley cunt is just another of the Whitehall chumocracy.

I wonder why cunts like this live in this vile racist country instead of fucking off to Jamaica or Nigeria? Is it the cost of the 24 hour armed guards they would need on their properties?

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

58 thoughts on “Simon Woolley – Another Race Baiter

    • Race Adviser?

      Erm Shumacher the cunt and set light to him with a plank of wood under your car and then smack your sorry self into a coma.

      That kind of race adviser?

    • Spot on. Although I’m sure I saw him on the telly in the 80s pushing a piano up some stairs.

    • Blimey, good call, I wonder why Bert isn’t with him, I thought they did everything together.

  1. Just a thought Simon,
    But how about not messing with drugs?
    Im not a expert on the cultural ways of the flipperlips but its not required to be a fuckin druggie im sure?
    Is wooly your real surname?
    Does it describe your thinking or your coconut matting hair?
    I hope you all overdose you feckless cunts.

  2. Rashford, Lenny Henry, Dame Doreen Laurence, and now this cunt (probably a load of others). All of them slagging off Britain, colonialism, the Empire, Churchill, and indigenous white people, and yet are quite happy to take an MBE, a Knighthood, a Damehood and other Empire-associated medals!

    It’s a pity these cunts don’t stand up to the Queen just before receiving their medal, and telling her to shove her racist knighthood up her starfish. But they never do. Can’t imagine why!

    No doubt Lammy, Butler, and Flabbott will receive gongs when they finish becoming MPs and go grubbing for a promotion to the House of crotetchy, piss smelling old Farts

    • The only fuckers around who benefited from slavery and colonialism are the fucking royals and noble landowners. The hypocrisy of these cunts taking baubles is breathtaking.

      • The only ones who really benefitted from slavery, was their relatives hundreds of years later, as they can lpay the victim, get all the sympathy and have a hissy fit any time they like and get away with it I’d make a severe example of Dame Lawrence and Keith Vaz for example by deporting them for getting on my fucking wick. As for Lammy, hang him and hoist him up on Joyce Grenfell Towers as a warning.

      • This goes back to my recently published nomination about “White Privilege” back in Victorian Times.

        98% of the white population didn’t care about slavery back then, and they certainly didn’t get involved with such activity as they were too busy struggling to stay alive in their own poverty.

        And yet they get swept up in this huge generalisation that white people are to blame for everything!

      • The taxpayer didn’t that what I’m certainly sure about. The government banned something which had already been banned but humans are fickle.

  3. As members of this site keep saying ‘ If living here offends you find somewhere else to live.’
    It ain’t rocket science.

  4. Baron Woolley of Woodford no less, esteemed member of the House of p*ncing old cunts. Appointed by Mavis May, need I say more? Professional race baiter and Establishment tool.
    Claims to have been stripped searched for drugs. Not in this fucking country mate.
    Just take your £315 a day, tax free, and shut your cakehole you fucking know nothing twat.

  5. Fuck me, does nothing ever satify these moaning silverys? Your racist moan moan fucking moan. If you dont like it here fuck of to Umbongoland. CUNT.

  6. They always seek to subvert and undermine,never mind if a drug dealer,politician or film star.

    Smug cunts like this are both cowards and traitors.


  7. Perhaps our laws on murder and knife crimes are racist too?
    Every thing is someone else’s fault.

  8. What these cunts are saying is that African origin citizens should be able to deal drugs, rape and murder with impunity.

    Next time some black kid is murdered ask his mother if she wished his killers had been stopped and searched.

    The most dangerous drug in this country is the long term addiction to immigrants.

  9. “….black people were more likely to be stopped and searched for suspected drug possession and were more likely to be arrested, charged and imprisoned for drug offences, he said.”
    Erm, would that not be because they’re guilty? Fuck me sideways!
    Enjoy the gong and it’s associated perks anyway pal. But remember, your acceptance of it is laughably hypocritical to most of us, seeing as you hate Britain and it’s history so much. It’s a bit like Anne Frank’s relatives gleefully accepting the iron cross from Adolf Hitler. Cunt!

  10. There should be a Queen’s new years honour ‘for services to racism and race baiting’

    These cunts would have more letters after their name than Jimmy Savile

  11. Utterly bored by these chippy cunts, the best thing is seeing the type of conversation you’d find on IsAC spilling out into the ‘real world’.

    They’re too thick to realise that crying wolf doesn’t work in the long run, then again it is probably all about the immediate power grab.

    In any case, they can fuck off and take the fawning white quislings with them.

  12. I’ve said before, in my spare time I often go to crown court to watch the cases.
    The number of dark keys and peacefuls is way out of proportion to our population and drugs are involved in I’d guess >90% of crimes.
    As the septics say do the math.

    What a humongous cunt

  13. Here is a thought for simple Simon, maybe if Blacks didn’t deal drugs and carry knives they wouldn’t be stopped, searched and arrested.

    The latest respect gimmick championed by David James, a ‘special’ coin for grassroots football referees, call take the knee or white privilege.

  14. “Despite white people reporting higher rates of drug consumption, black people were more likely to be stopped and searched”

    White people need drugs to cope with the alarming increase in third-world scumbags within their homelands.

    • Given the shit show that passes as modern life in 2021, I’d imagine a huge percentage of law abiding decent white British folk will be consuming anti depressant pills like boiled sweets on a long drive.

  15. Unfortunately we’re now stuck forever with weapons grade cunts like this. As many before have said, ‘nobody asked me’.

    Morning all.

  16. Just did a search on him, get this he was raised by white foster parents who looked after him until he left school and became a car mechanic in London, he only did this for a few years before going to University to study politics and since the 90’s has spent all his time on political movements and causes (not a real job), therefore he has over 40 years spent less than a handful in gainful and useful employment, he should have stuck to fixing cars, a far more useful role for our society, what a massive sponger, in the oven please!

    • I bet it’s been a nice little earner for him as well. Now shining the arse of his suit in the Lords I believe; one of the best sinecures in the country.
      Fucking wankspanner.

  17. From what I remember most of the darker hued patients that suffered from psychotic or schizophrenia type disorders were proven to be users of large amounts of weed. Problem became worse when skunk became the favoured toke. As for systemic racism causing our minority brothers to suffer mental elf issues, from my own experience I can state categorically that the premise is bollocks and the purveyors of this falsehood are typical money/bandwagon jumping cunts who if this was such an evil racist society would be following the Horse Guards picking up shit not getting awards from the monarch. Fuck him and hi bike.

  18. I happened upon ISAC a few years ago. Back then I found the postings entertaining, the topics were broad, comical, sometimes even informative.

    Sadly in recent times it’s just descended into a bitter bitch-fest largely revolving around race in one guise or another. On one occasion 8 out 10 consecutive posts related to race, even the 2 that didn’t, had replies that tried to focus the discussion on race.

    Everyone is of course entitled to an opinion, I for example agree there is too much emphasis on positive discrimination; including race, I detest virtue signalling, I agree social media is destroying the fabric of society and have views on the agenda of the MSM. I am a beneficiary of the Great British immigration, my gdad joined the merchant navy in the WIndies, then HMRN, my dad HMRM.

    I’ve worked all 22 years of my adult life and been fortunate enough in my line of work to earn a fair wage, live well and pay my taxes (40%). Do I agree with all government policy and where society is going, of course not. Do I get hung up on any one thing I cannot change, likewise no – what is the point?.

    As I’ve gained life experience I’ve learned it’s all about perspective, we’re all consumed in our own little bubble and what we perceive affects us, we all think we’re righteous and more important than the next person. Truth is it’s pure ignorance. Humans are animals and we’re all flawed. It may be fair to judge or be judged on the things we’re empowered to choose, I’m not sure it makes any sense to judge on the things we don’t – .i.e. where or the colour you are born. Nobody chooses the life they are born into. I feel fortunate to live in a country that is not in a state of civil war, has decent infrastructure, is secular and honours human rights – can I begrudge someone fleeing a country that has none of these, not really. Is it their fault they are likely born non-white?.

    ISAC is turning into what seems like a desperate, closet, last bastion for sad middle-aged white men, which is a shame. You’re not going to change anything whinging in some anonymous postings on some obscure forum, it may offer you some temporary comfort and solace. In all honesty, I’d stick to what you can change, keep an open mind. Unless your going lobby your MP or are willing stand behind your views publicly and take action, these race rants are pointless as they are needless. Stick to the broad satirical postings I beg, you’ll feel better in the long run ??

    (Thanks for your well measured contribution. I had to edit it in order to throw in a few paragraphs for better clarity. But you make some salient points, which to be honest would have been better served as a separate nomination. – Day Admin)

    • Toby-you have just called us sad, middle aged, white men, desperately clinging to a last vessel for those who long for the country of their birth.


      Ps: say hello to Lammy, for us…

    • Toby,
      You are correct that we aren’t going to change anything by ranting on this site. But this is a place for blowing off steam, and getting it out of your system.
      The fact that racial issues are boiling everyone’s piss at the moment is a sign of the times.
      The cuntishness concerning blacks in particular has grown out of all proportion since the death of George Floyd, with every man and his dog determined to portray all white people as privileged, slave driving, Nazis.

    • Some of the rants are a reaction to what many see as the slippery slope to the very things you mentioned, I prefer to keep Britain as a liberal democracy and freedom to say what you like as long as it isn’t incitement to violence.
      How do you know that some on here don’t lobby their MPs, I have written to my MP several times and had a positive response.

      I don’t see how cunting this bloke doesn’t qualify as legitimate, saying drug policy is racist is just pure race baiting and deserves to be cunted. He would have deserved to be cunted if he was white.

      Thank you for your concerns but I don’t need to told what to post or read, it’s my business.

    • Racism being fought with racism deserves every bit of ridicule, besmirching, insulting, and condemning in the most sarcastic and lude manner possible. Making race an issue when it’s not = racism. We here at ISAC detest that. Every ethnicity has it’s brand of human garbage and that is the target of our wrath. To quote Chris Rock for example: “I love black people, but I hate nigghiz!”

    • Is it their fault they are likely born non-white, you ask Toby? No, but is it ours either?

      Are we entitled to a homeland where we can live as we please without having our culture and ancestry constantly pissed on by chippy, entitled immigrants, who have contributed nothing going beyond a handful of generations?

      Europe is the birthplace of whitey; if anyone wants to sing kumbaya and celebrate diversity then they should probably head to one of the colonies.

      I don’t think many people judge others on ‘the colour of their skin’, at least I don’t, I judge them on their collective cuntitude which is unmistakable and relentless; hence the number of ‘race-related’ posts on IsAC.

      That being said, you are quite correct that I am desperate, I am sad, I am not quite middle-aged and I am white, but it is my children I feel sorry for, who are half-English. They will be taught that your windrush grandfather is as important to study at school as Alfred the Great. Complete bollocks obviously. Us Oirish have done more for Britain than any immigrant of a darker shade and nobody gives a solitary shit and you won’t see any of us on posters this month.

      But other than that, yeah, some good points made Toby, I’d rather rant about a diverse and inclusive range of subjects.

    • Toby:

      If you feel so strongly about the nature of the nominations on IsAC, then put your money where your mouth is and get typing.

      I look forward to reading and contributing to your nominations?

    • Some good points, but I would also respond by saying that the majority of BAMEs do not speak for these minority wokes – at least not the BAMEs I’ve associated with over the years.

      Ever since George Floyd met an untimely demise race has become centrepoint for social interaction/discussion. Helped somewhat by a sympathetic MSM even though they choose not to highlight his alleged criminal activities.

      Not only MSM but also the woke and the middle class inteligencia, who have sided with BAMEs for no other reason than to take potshots at the “lower orders”

      As a consequence this has disenfranchised the indigenous majority who face all sorts of abuse and ignominy if they go against the current narrative.

      This cannot be right. Why should the minority dictate to the majority? And how can this be reversed? My BAME friends find this not only embarrassing and patronising but also divisive.

      In essence this isn’t to do with gender, race or ethnicity. I believe it is more to do with class and keeping the proles of all creeds in check, while the Establishment stir the shit from their ivory towers, knowing full well they are well insulated from the same kind of turmoil we face on a day to day basis.

    • I happened upon ISAC a few years ago. Back then I found the postings entertaining….

      The site certainly was primarily satirical when I found it around two years ago. Certainly at that time an overwhelming majority of both nominations and comments were relatively good-humoured, if robustly worded, pops at a wide range of irritations, frustrations or perceived inequities.

      More recently I too have noticed a marked change, to which Toby refers. Not only has there been a proliferation of “race rants… pointless as they are needless”, more significantly there is a hardcore of contributors whose repetitious “bitter bitch fest” on a remarkably limited number of topics which is starting to define the site.

      This is not because such contributors are new here; most of them long pre-date my awareness of the site. It is not, as Toby suggests, a new fixation with what used to be called “race relations” either. The change has been that many, but obviously not all, of those regular contributors who countervailed against this stiflingly bitter and impotent anger with their “broad, comical, sometimes even informative” contributions have gradually gone silent. They have unfortunately not been replaced.

      • Is it not possible that, in 2021, because social media, mainstream media and those who control the levers of power, have made every single issue, be viewed through the “lens” of race, that subsequently, the pushback, will be the same?

        Or us that too simplistic?

        Similarly, could it be that these “posters” who have become silent, have done so because you “cannot defend the indefensible”?

      • More simplistically still, I suspect many of those contributors either got bored or had basically run out of witty things to say. The (ex) posters I was thinking of were not bothered about “defending the indefensible”. They were just here for a bit of lighthearted banter about a wider range of life’s annoyances.

        I agree with you about the “pushback”, CG. The change I have noticed is that a much greater proportion of stuff on here is from posters who appear to be genuinely and uncontrollably angry.

        If that, in turn, is due to agendas being successfully pushed by “social media, mainstream media and those who control the levers of power”, as you say, it seems to me curious that isacers should take so much notice of such tripe, despite their avowed cynicism.

      • Hebdo:

        Even more simplistic-where else can they vent their spleen?

        Hopefully some of these “posters” will come out of the shadows and inject this lighthearted banter. Which is what brought me here, in the first place.

        I see IsAC as a virtual pub-a cross section of cunters,
        I don’t have to agree with everything they say but I enjoy their contributions-something the “woke” cannot countenance, as they rarely leave the comfort of a “safe” echo-chamber.

        Get nominating.

      • As CG has already pointed out, you want to talk about something else then getting a nom in

        When I am not interested in a topic I don’t read it, let alone the comments.

        And yet here we all are.

      • In no particular order, some of those we have lost:

        Quick Draw McGraw
        Rebel Without A Cunt
        Shîtcake Baker
        The Empire Cunts Back
        Richard 1
        Willie Stroker
        Cunts n’ Roses

        Great cunters, one and all.

        We will remember them.

  19. Rock and a hard place I tell ya because I hate violent nword thug scum and this Simon cunt is giving false totally made up out of thin air statistics

    I am very much in favour of new drug reform and the legalization of almost all drugs minus the really really bad ones of course meth, fent, crack etc.. I Don’t want to debate it Don’t have the time for it quite frankly there’s beer to be drank and pot to be smoked

    So I’ll leave you with one of my favourite punk rock songs that sums up my thoughts on the matter good morning and good day cunters

  20. These whinging, chip on the shoulder dark key mutherfuckers piss me right off.
    The tried and tested, ‘Woe is me ‘cause I is blek and have been/am still being subjugated by the white man’ malarky is so fucking old.
    Does one ever hear Jews moaning about their inhumane treatment throughout history and the fact that an estimated six million of them were killed in the Second World War? No – never. They remember it but choose to get on with their lives.
    Talking of which, do we have Jewish History month?
    For that matter do we hold Asian history month? Do we fuck!
    ‘White privilege’? More like black privilege!

    • “Talking of which, do we have Jewish History month?”

      No, but the Yanks do –

      Possibly something to do with the notion that the US has 10X the proportion of Jews in its population that we do.

      However, we do have rather a lot of holocaust memorial stuff. HM Day – which has rather belatedly been expanded nominally to embrace other mass-murder events, the forthcoming (hideous) holocaust memorial erection in Westminster, as well as the existing one in Hyde Park, The Imperial War Museum Holocaust Exhibition (London), Beth Shalom Holocaust Centre (National Holocaust Centre and Museum) (Nottinghamshire, England), and the The Holocaust Exhibition and Learning Centre, Huddersfield.

      You’d hardly believe we were on the other side!

      And – get this – a government department!

      Ok, that’s the Holocaust, not Jews. What crime will you be accused of if you deny “the” – there’s only one – holocaust?* That’s right, antisemitism. Not antiromanyism, not homophobia, not anti- Resistanceism. The holocaust is wholly owned by Judaism, and boy do they lose no opportunity of letting the goyim know it.

      *I don’t. It happened. And it has happened again since, and it will go on happening, independently of sanctimonious reminders not to do it. Humans are cunts.

  21. Toby and Hebdo..
    Some good points there.
    .Have nominations changed over recent times to reflect a change in the world?

    (Indeed they have, especially with the advent of the Woke, a hatred for anything remotely right of Left, Brexit, Trump, and a reinvention of identity politics via MSM and Social Media. As Admins we try to find a good balance of topical nominations based on what comes in. We bin a great deal that fall well below the waterline. But on the whole the site reflects a WYSIWYG in the real world and a response to the tunnel vision of that same MSM and SM – Day Admin)

    • The quality of noms by Ron Knee are excellent, the Markles series were brilliant.

      You are right about the changing world, the Trannie debates, Covid, climate protests, terrorists and don’t forget that cunt George Floyd.

    • Aye.

      The posts are simply a reaction to all the anti white shite going on in recent times. Kids being taught that they’re privileged and racist due to being white. It’s fucking sick. You’ve got race baiting politicians pushing this shit which is good for their careers (race baiting is an industry now) but not for society.

      I’d like nothing more than for everyone to get along, but it’s but possible with these race baiting cunts. You (general ‘you’) may not be interested in race, but race is interested in you.’ This is both sad and true

      You can sit there thinking it’s fine for all this anti white shite to continue, but how’s it going to be for your kids or grandkids if they become a hated racial minority? It’s not beyond the realms of possibility, all things considered.

      So no, get fucked actually those moaning about posts on here. If we don’t call our these race baiting cunts for what they are, then we’re paving a dangerous road for future generations. And maybe even for ourselves, the way it’s being intensified recently.

  22. What is gratifying is that this deep down this cunt knows that his mob are most likely to be involved in knife crime, drugs and rape, moan all you want Dick head the stats prove a point. So fuck off.!

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