Roger Hallam and Insulate Britain (2)

These insulate Britain cunts need yet another cunting, these fuckers need attaching to tow ropes for a leisurely drive around the M25.

Boris the useless fuck up was supposed to have sorted this out with a new law, but as usual a total waste of time.

These cunts no matter what they say are still holding emergency services, they may move eventually like the fire engine i saw on the news the other day, that sat with its blues and twos going until these beardy wierdy fucks eventually got out of the road, in which time people could be dead, or houses burned to the ground.

Their fucking leader doesn’t even has his house insulated, so pot, kettle, black what a cunt he is, and thanks to these twats there is already a woman paralysed after a stroke due to the ambulance being held up.

The law needs to be changed, protesters need to be dealt with Joberg style, if they wont move baton them until they do, water cannon they cunts, they need a bath anyway, arrest the fuckers and send them to Afghanistan, or even better firing squad…..cunts all of em, release the fucking dogs

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Nominated by: Fuglyucker

And supported by: geedee

Mastermind behind Insulate Britain eco-mob says he would have REFUSED to move for crying woman trying to get to mother, 81, in hospital and would block an ambulance with dying patient inside after activists brought three London routes to standstill….

Insulate Britain mastermind Roger Hallam …….

So there we are – the above was posted on The Daily Mail and the cunt didn’t even hide his face, I hope this cunt is attacked and turned into a vegetable – and I mean it – he’s thick enough at the moment but it would be a result to see him gurning in a wheelchair
after people got hold of the cunt.

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And then there’s this from CuntyMort

Right these Mother Fuckers are now pissing me off. Why the fuck Strap on does not get medieval on these bastards is beyond me. How fucking low can you get not allowing a woman to get to her mother in hospital?

As for the prize bastard in charge of these loons saying he would block an ambulance carrying a dying person is not humane in my opinion.

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91 thoughts on “Roger Hallam and Insulate Britain (2)

  1. If I was ever in the unfortunate position of needing to rush someone to hospital and was blocked by this cunt, he would get a wheel brace around the head, then find himself attached to my bumper with a tow rope. A high-speed journey to A&E would then ensue, with a short stop off by the tall chimney to deposit his skinless corpse in the incinerator, where it belongs. The fucking cunt.

    • Well said that man, and my sentiments entirely 👍

      Attach the smelly hippy cunt to a tow rope – 40 mph round the orbital – not too fast so he can fully experience the searing pain of having the skin flayed from his bones by Tarmacs best product 😆
      Best done while driving the oldest and filthiest oil burner you can find. After completing a circuit, stop to untie the frayed rope & one remaining foot. 😂
      As for the rest of the Sussex upper middle class chinless wonders sitting in the road, how about setting up a burning oil drum, like the pickets of old, and render them down to pig fat, one pair of M&S corderoys at a time 😡

    • There is a simple cure.


      Not the useless [athetic EU namby bamby metric one, proper UK imperial bricks. Simply add 10 or more to your boot.

      Stop open boot aim and toss.

      Problem solved.

      Get fucked cunts stopping my journey

  2. I may have mentioned this before, but what is the position on effecting a citizens arrest on these wankers?
    And what would happen if you tried to do it whilst Plod were standing around handing out Earl grey?

    • That’s a very interesting point you raise – could the cops deter/arrest you for doing their job for them?

    • Under common law you have the right to arrest police present or not! you DO NOT have a right to say ‘it’s nothing to do with me’ and walk away, you have a common law duty to uphold that law, thats my understanding of it anyway.

  3. The was a balding, bearded pansy on the ITV London News last evening – the token white interviewee on de noos for de commun-it-ee innit. He had a rather effeminate voice and was totally unbothered that he stopped a woman getting to a hospital to see her mother, who had collapsed earlier in the day. Sanctimionious little cunt. Arrest the bleeders and keep them locked up for 48 hours which the police are entitled to do, I think. If they want to be enviromentally friendly put in three to a cell and make them use a bucket to shit and piss in. How green do they want to be.

  4. I would love to think the woman that was paralysed sues the cunts individually and bankrupt all all of them that were in the road that blocked her treatment.
    That would wipe the smug grins off their faces

  5. Having done a bit of research on these cunts and viewed their antics and comments with interest I feel obliged to make my position clear. If any of these cunts attempt to delay me in my lawful progress or I witness them delaying an emergency vehicle then I will use what means I posses to remove the cunts. The Supreme Court/Cunts can stick article 11 right up their libtard fuckwit arseholes. As one of the Irish regiments disbanded in 1922 I think motto “Clear the way”

  6. 30 tonne dump truck used in quarries fitted withva snowplough.
    ‘Honk honk.. people pâté!’

    • It’s all a load of shit and a complete con, man made climate change does NOT exist. Have a good look over the internet and there’s plenty of people explaining how the figures are fiddled , the cunts that believe or pretend to believe in it are total cunts too. Have a read of ” There is no climate crisis” by David Craig.

  7. Should just run the cunts over.That will reduce their carbon footprint to zero.Bravo to the motorists who just dragged them out the road.If someone dies trying to get hospital is that not first degree manslaughter?

    • They should also be forced to pay for all the lost wages or if they can’t afford it prison.

  8. This cunt could do with having his head reshaped using a baseball bat.
    I remember driving to Heathrow to go on a holiday of a lifetime that had been saving for five fucking years, spending my 50th birthday in style, and being worried that the slip road would be blocked by those cunts protesting about the new runway, which they had been doing at the time.
    I have no idea what I would have done if the thoughtless selfish cunts had done, but I would probably still be in prison for my 70th….

  9. So my take on this, after the glorious moment that ext reb twat was dragged off the train and given a kicking by the general publicmaybe if the police use this non lethal technique.

    I love the idea of riot foam

    • Brilliant Lord Benny. The cunts can’t complian about lack of insulation whilst wearing that stuff.

    • Great stuff.
      That XR cunt getting dragged off the train and shoed was one of the most satisfying bits of film I’ve seen in ages.

  10. No one should be able to impede progress on the queens highway. Anyone preventing a person from lawful travel should do so at the risk of receiving a fucking good beating from those being prevented from lawfully using the roads.

    Emergency services should be equipped with tasers that can be used to persuade these fucking wank stains to move peacefully.

  11. These wankers are just ECO terrorists. It’s not the responsibility of the taxpayers to insulate everyone’s house for free. Pay for it yourself you scrounging cunts.

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