Roger Hallam and Insulate Britain (2)

These insulate Britain cunts need yet another cunting, these fuckers need attaching to tow ropes for a leisurely drive around the M25.

Boris the useless fuck up was supposed to have sorted this out with a new law, but as usual a total waste of time.

These cunts no matter what they say are still holding emergency services, they may move eventually like the fire engine i saw on the news the other day, that sat with its blues and twos going until these beardy wierdy fucks eventually got out of the road, in which time people could be dead, or houses burned to the ground.

Their fucking leader doesn’t even has his house insulated, so pot, kettle, black what a cunt he is, and thanks to these twats there is already a woman paralysed after a stroke due to the ambulance being held up.

The law needs to be changed, protesters need to be dealt with Joberg style, if they wont move baton them until they do, water cannon they cunts, they need a bath anyway, arrest the fuckers and send them to Afghanistan, or even better firing squad…..cunts all of em, release the fucking dogs

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Nominated by: Fuglyucker

And supported by: geedee

Mastermind behind Insulate Britain eco-mob says he would have REFUSED to move for crying woman trying to get to mother, 81, in hospital and would block an ambulance with dying patient inside after activists brought three London routes to standstill….

Insulate Britain mastermind Roger Hallam …….

So there we are – the above was posted on The Daily Mail and the cunt didn’t even hide his face, I hope this cunt is attacked and turned into a vegetable – and I mean it – he’s thick enough at the moment but it would be a result to see him gurning in a wheelchair
after people got hold of the cunt.

News Link

And then there’s this from CuntyMort

Right these Mother Fuckers are now pissing me off. Why the fuck Strap on does not get medieval on these bastards is beyond me. How fucking low can you get not allowing a woman to get to her mother in hospital?

As for the prize bastard in charge of these loons saying he would block an ambulance carrying a dying person is not humane in my opinion.

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91 thoughts on “Roger Hallam and Insulate Britain (2)

  1. This psychotic warped cunt already has a bent nose, wouldn’t lose any sleep bending it the other way.

    • Steel toe capped Dr Martens, size 10, applied scientifically to face and body, would see this scum just right.
      If you could get past his Plod minders of course…
      “Constable, protect the millionaire” as always…

  2. I think Hallam is the walking, talking skidmark who was grilled on some “current affairs” prog and squealed that his house wasn’t insulated, “Do you have any idea how expensive it is??”

    I hope he has an accident involving a steamroller.

    • No a steamroller accident would be too quick.

      Would love to set a pack of honey badgers on him.

  3. They’re not sufficiently r!ght-w!ng for the full baton-charge treatment. It’s softly-softly unless you’re a load of working class wh!tes protesting against l0ckdown.

  4. Good to see motorists taking the initiative and scraping the scum off the roads. Fuck the police enablers.

    • It will be an interesting court case should irate motorist find themselves in court for hitting one of these cunts.
      ‘ The police were failing to uphold the law so I decided that I needed to take action’. Sounds like a reasonable defence to me.

  5. What gets to me about these protester, and terrorist, cunts is that they always have a go at the plebs. Never the elite. The elite patently couldn’t give a flying fuck about the plebs and so there’s never going to be any chance of changing things. It’s simply about fucking people about.

    Block a major arterial road and what will the Government do about it? As long as it doesn’t affect themselves sweet fuck all. (Try to block access to the COP26 virtue signaling fuckfest in a couple of months time though and I’d bet they’d be shifted in minutes – unless they were well tooled up!)

    To have any chance of altering anything they need to up their game considerably and maybe that’s what defines them: useless fuckwits the lot of them!

    These cunts had a bit more go about them and didn’t inconvenience the average Juan or Juana:état_attempt

  6. I believe that our very own Unkle Tel has the perfect solution where these skidmarks are concerned.
    A thorough kicking should be delivered first, naturally.

  7. Could blocking an ambulance be classed as attempted murder?
    Oh no, wait. They’re middle class aren’t they…

  8. Selfish bastards.Drive over them in a Sherman tank.Waste of oxygen.Doris and Co are all spineless.Especially Curry Patel.Fair play to the people who moved them.

  9. If he really did say he’d deliberately block a dying patient then he needs arresting. Simple fucking as.

    Public order act, blocking the highways etc. I’m no lawyer but surely the book can be thrown at this fucking cunt at this point?

    If we had a real police chief of the rozzers, instead of a lezza obsessed with woke shite and employing rapists, then we’d get somewhere.

    Me? I’d have the riot squad deployed. Tear gas. Batons. Horses. Massive hose pipes.

    Followed by a bit of ‘He fell daahn the stairs, Guv’ shenanigans then cells shared with proper nutters and charges.

    Get into the soft cunt.

    • I would simply tell them that they are welcome to lock whatever they want but the police ain’t sticking around to look after them and won’t respond to any reports of protesters rightfully getting their fucking heads kicked in.

  10. I felt really sorry for the lady who was trying to get to her mum who had been rushed to hospital.

    I would have driven over the cunts.

  11. Three points of order:

    -blocking her Majesty’s highway has been an offence for decades-all this talk of changing laws is unnecessary.

    -disrupting the ability of people and organisations to go about their lawful business, stopping essential services is an act of terrorism, punishable by jail time.

    -these are just useful idiots, like XR, BLM etc-distracting public attention from much more important issues-like uncontrolled illegal migration, grooming gangs, loss of civil liberties and of course, poisoning schoolchildren.

    Climate change is the next stick to beat you-hence the police enabling them.

    I noticed that as soon as they blocked the junctions on the M25, that affected the really wealthy (9 & 10), they were moved in lightning fast time🤔

    • “these are just useful idiots, like XR, BLM etc-distracting public attention from much more important issues-like uncontrolled illegal migration, grooming gangs, loss of civil liberties and of course, poisoning schoolchildren.“

      Fits the elite’s agenda perfectly. The class divide has never been larger yet fuckwits like these purely add more chaff for the elite to avoid being picked up on the working class’s radar.

      It goes back to my point earlier: don’t attack the plebs you fucking halfwits attack the elite if you are committed to trying to change something (which you clearly aren’t!).

  12. Bring back the SPG … they’d sort ’em out. Quick slap upside the head with a baton. If they’re glued onto something just rip ’em off … drag them away and use ultra strong superglue to stick them in the meat wagon. Get ’em to the old nick and then rip ’em outta the van again and glue them in a cell … just outta reach of the conveniences.
    If I came across that lot I’d beat the livin’ fuck out of ’em. Cunts!

    • Because they’re posh twats and a few are relatives of MPs and Lords, no doubt.

      Be a mere pleb and try blocking the highway against grooming gangs and see how sympathetic the authorities are then.

    • My point is, there’s laws in place already, Johnson, you cunt of biblical proportions.

      • Yes DCI, they’re all aware of them I’m sure.

        They’re protecting their own.

        “One simply cannot give young Tarquin and Tabitha a criminal record. They’re reading classics at Oxford, wot wot.”

  13. From the Insulate Britain website:
    “Humanity is at a pivotal crossroads: accelerated human-caused global heating is threatening to destroy human civilisation”

    From the UK Gov website:
    “The ice cores show that, over the last 350 years, greenhouse gases have rapidly increased to levels not seen for at least 800,000 years” and “Climate models show that humans have left a greenhouse gas fingerprint causing climate change.”

    From me:
    What caused the implied high levels 800,000 years ago? We didn’t have fossil fuels, factories back then.

    Are these models like the SAGE models that said in April 2021 that lifting curbs in June would push the NHS to the brink? Mmm.

    • It was those pesky Africans, cuntologist:

      They illegally entered Europe, Scandinavia and Asia, on dingoes made from woolly mammoth bones and skins, driving out indigenous creatures with their umbongo shabby behaviour.
      They made many species extinct as they slaughtered them for fast food-pushing the horrendously white polar bear, to the point of extinction and melting the ice with numerous BBQ’s.
      David Lanny has a friend who was there…

    • Correct. Only yesterday the Daily Wail had a piece about a Giant Rhino that lived in Dorset. Not sure which street, but it lived happily in the very warm climate at that time. So, apparently , only 100,000 years ago, Dorset was the go to place for your summer holidays and of course , the obligatory bit of rough on the side. Global warming eh. Bollocks.

    • There is an argument to be made there, I agree. But it is just that. An argument.

      What are FACTS are that: China produces 27% of man made emissions, they are currently in the throes of building 43 new coal powered power plants and the UK’s total output rests at the level of China’s annual increase. Ergo the UK achieving “net zero” will make no difference to the worldwide situation whichever side of the first argument you are on.

      So why tax the backside off the UK plebs to achieve “net zero” then? Virtue signalling and jobs for your posh mates can be the only answers there.

      Is there an alternative to vote for? It’s virtually impossible to break into the FPTP voting system so tactical voting to achieve a hung Parliament is probably the best we can hope for. While the fake Conservatives are embellishing their navels at their annual conference the Reform UK party held their own event where they announced a policy of pegging UK emissions where they are now. If they do field a candidate in your area I’d recommend voting for them even if they haven’t much chance of being elected.

      • Maybe the plan created at Davos was to ensure China becomes the world’s only manufacturing centre, whilst the West is kept indoors, owning nothing and being happy.

      • Reform UK have a couple of good slogans too:

        Tory Green Plan = Net Stupid
        Reform Uk Plan = Net Smart


  14. These bastards need proper jail time in a real prison not some open prison Butlins. Never happen though, no judge is going to put away cunts from their own class. Worst scenario is a couple of hundred quid fine, paid for by George Soros.
    We can only hope some heroic members of the public give them a good kicking like that pair of cunts at that train station. If I had the opportunity I would also piss on the cunts before the useless coppers turned up.

    • Fucking Soros, is there anything that fucks over Western society that his gnarled hands are not all over? He is now donating cash to keep Austin PD in Texas defunded.

      I listened to Candace Owens make the point that the Dems want to federalize US law enforcement but they have to make American cities into crime-ridden violent shitholes before they can do that; hence defund the police and the first steps to a socialist state. When you say it out loud you sound like some Piers Corbyn type wacko but maybe they are banking on it being so unbelievable that it cant be true.

  15. I really don’t understand it.

    If this bent nosed, scruffy cunt is so passionate about insulation then why not form a company with some equally fanatical people and provide insulation at cost price.

    That way they could, well….. Insulate Britain.

    If his intention is to force the government (ie the tax payers) to pay for a basic improvement on other people’s houses, then his organisation will never get much support.

  16. In fact, my first and only order from a megaphone would be, “Deploy the steamrollers!”

  17. I can only imagine if The Great Drive at Windsor were blockaded, the result!

    The entry to Downing St. The Mall. and of course Chequers.

    I cant help but feel that things happen by design, and that we will shortly find out when the clamour for Drakos becomes deafening.

    • Same as what happened when the pie keys moved outside her property.

      They were moved on in minutes. Suddenly, the cops couldn’t say “We have to tolerate such diversity and be inclusive with our traveller friends, therefore we cannot and will not move them on.”


  18. A communist agitator and Stalin sized cunt.
    I would be delighted to see a reformed Special Patrol Group crack their fucking heads open.
    The leader of these parasites needs baton then oven.

    Our Police Farce is a homosexual pantomime.

  19. See that Hallam cunt? If he glues his hands to the road jump up and down on his fingers and hear him scream. He won’t be able to wank himself off for months.
    Fucking cunt.

  20. In my dream, I am driving a 16 wheelerat a speed of 58 mph ( always stay lawful y’know) Suddenly, ahead of me, a group of demonstrators sitting in the road blocking the entire motorway. “What should I so”? I cannot swerve. There are other motorists to consider. I brake, but the brakes have little time to take effect. The entire group become embossed on the Tarmac, and leave some awful skin marks!
    The carnage is appalling.

    “Drive on” says the copper in charge.

    Well….you can dream can’t you?

  21. I’d like to see these wankers hold up a coach load of Millwall cunts on their way to a game.

    “Looks like we are going to miss the match boys”

    “Oh no we’re fucking not.”

  22. I remember having to lag the attic. That soft….stuff… you rolled out. The dust and the heat I recall and that stuff burning my hands. I hated the feel of it. I had to get out in the end.
    Not a professional job.

      • Aye-cleanliness is next to….

        Maybe he had lent them to Father Mcfiddley, for “football” practice😉

    • It has come on some way since then Miles. I am insulating my house as part of the renovation works I am doing. It isn’t as itchy as it used to be but gloves and mask are still needed. Best done on a cooler day like today.

      A thick 400mm blanket in the loft an dtucked well into the eaves. The Knauf EcoRoll is expensive but fucking good. Heating seldom clicks on now. It won’t take too long to recoup heating costs at the rate everything is heading north.

  23. One of the cunts was on the ITV news last night being interviewed. His rationale was that they were campaigning for this against global warming and people around the world were dying as a result. The interviewer asked him if the cause was then sufficient reason to block an ambulance where someone could die. Cunt had no coherent answer for that, naturally.

    Had I’d been the interviewer, I’d have brought up some figures regarding CO2 outputs around the world and made the cunt squirm and stammer. I think the interviewer went far too light on him.

    These cunts at a loose end need to be rounded up and made to do litter picking on the verges of the motorway, under the watchful eye of a warden armed with a sjambok.

    Crusty cunts.

    • Like somebody said on here a while back “the UK achieving net zero is like a man with an axe stuck in his head taking an aspirin to fix it” – it ain’t gonna help in anyway whatsoever! These MSM types never bring up the subject of China though. They always stick to their agenda to support this net zero bollox.

    • A barbed wire coated sjambok ofcourse PM, then nail him to a cross, hed look just like Jesus then!, the cunt!!!

    • They’re all of a certain type aren’t they?
      Rodger the soap dodger and his crew.
      Middle aged posh cunts with pony tails or dotty old feed the pidgeons cunts from middle class homes.
      They need a fuckin good battering is what they need,
      A good old fashioned broken jaw to focus their minds and set them to thinking.
      Apparently hippies dont like to be set on fire?
      A zippo held to the ponytail gets their attention as does a fuckin good spanking with a shovel.
      Clear the roads.
      If the coppers are to gay to do it,
      Do it yourself.

  24. This plank’s not their spokesman anymore but he represented them well as he is a clueless and doesn’t sound certain of his own opinions.

    Hoo-ee, what a cunt.

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