This cunts wife is off the scale rich. Why would he want to be a political leader? Don’t get it. He has budget and responsibilities come with that and he acts like a creative accountant.
One thing for sure he is buying voters with Furlough. I’m not against furlough in the entirety, because it has saved people jobs which are of a relevant skill.
However, it’s saved too non-jobs jobs of useless cunts. One of my friends works in a betting office and has spent the last year and a half saving money… Mine and your money might I add. He has managed to save a healthy sum of money now, could potentially move out have children, learn a new profession… What has he done? Smoke dope for two years.
However, he comes across nicey nicey when in fact he is the working man’s/entrepenteurs enemy. He doesn’t have the balls to say get the fuck off benefits if you’re taking the piss/foreign aid budget needs to be completely cut and we actually need to invest in British Industry. Oh no he goes for pensioners on a manifesto promise. The guy is a turd.
Whats in the budget to help people into work today?
Absolutely fuck all. If you started a business in 2019 you’ve been fucked more than having a Russain Hamster in your arse through a tube.
Oh wow he has cut inheritance tax, means fuck all to people who don’t have shit does it Rishi? The guy seems like an absolute chancer.
Politics in this country is more stale than my nans pants since the Amercians Turnt up.
Nominated by: Clown Clown the Cunty Man
The Treasury is full of fiscal lemmings. Their only reaction to a crisis is to increase fucking taxation, never to incentivise enterprise which would have a far better chance of rapidly improving the economy – something we badly need in the wake of the Covid 19 fiasco. Brexit is/was an opportunity wasted (deliberately?).
Instead of incentive for free enterprise, we have more corporation tax and a pay bonanza for guess who? Total bellend cunts.
Covid has seen the greatest transfer of wealth from pleb to rich in a long time. I’m utterly amazed we’re not dragging these cunts out of Parliament to be honest.
37 billion “wasted” on T&T. Dodgy PPE contracts galore. Furlough to buy off the urbanite Borg foot soldiers in media and local government. SME decimated so the corporations and asset stripping vultures can swoop in.
And now the poor and middle classes get squeezed further to fund all this, or rather, to give even greater control to the state via dependence.
All by design. ‘Build back better’ actually means constructing a new castle for the lords out of the deconstructed bricks of your homes.
When are people going to realise the ruling class despise us?
We have to get these cunts out of office at the next opportunity. They may not have an opposition but, if enough of us vote “none of the above”, hopefully we’ll get a hung Parliament such that they won’t be able to carry through all of their plans or create more grief. They have to go!
The Donald cut corporation and business tax when he was in power. He also cut tax to workers pay. This created a powerhouse economy as people had cash to spend in their hand not on the never never on credit cards. We need someone in charge like him. Ok I know he’s had failures in his business but he’s bounced back. As he used to say ‘drain the swamp’ we need successful businessmen not career politicians running our country.
This is all very true. I moved statesude during the Obama regime. Part of the motivation was crippling taxes in the UK. I had a six figure salary and my marginal income tax rate was 45%. I realised the amount I paid in tax was more than the median salary at the time and I saw what it was being wasted on. When the Donald gave me and everyone else a massive tax cut you could see and feel the surge in the economy, and new found affluence. Trump’s economy was a miracle. My marginal rate is now 32% on a salary that would be mostly taxed at highest rate in the UK. Everywhere was booming. I realised it was the first time in my life I’d experienced a true low tax economy at work and I liked what I saw. In that moment I realised that the system rigged by the elites is all by design as another poster said. Obviously they could not allow Trump’s economy to continue as an example of an alternative way and so Trump had to go.
The game is rigged. Only a matter of time before the usurper in the WH riases taxes again and kills off the Donald’s legacy. They’re also destroying the accumulated wealth with deliberate hyperinflation.
By the way, I make way more than MPs and if I was in the UK would be in the top 1% of earners and pay way less tax, why am I not a member of the elite club? Where do I sign up. Nah, on the other hand I don’t think I could handle the brown nosing.
Drain the swamp – it’s a shame our swamp doesn’t have an overflow because half of these cunts would be floating down it already like useless turds in a pipe!
Spot on – there’s an over privileged clueless cunt if ever I’ve seen one.
I hated the BLiar years but I think these cunts (there is a whole cabal of them in this Government) are actually worse. OK, so BLiar was responsible for slaughtering millions but on the taxation front all his stealth taxes seem minor to the pain these current cunts have in store for us. This cunt is going to tax our backsides off to pay towards the “Covid splurge” but the costs of this will seem a mere bagatelle compared to the Net Zero costs about to be foisted on us.
Rishi is indeed a cunt but a cunt amongst many others!
Bliar was the trojan horse who started this rot. Two sides of the same coin, they all dance to the same globalist elite puppetnaster’s tune.
Message to Rishi. ….
I’ve gone rogue.
Get To Fuck.
The grinning Jam boy here sounds just like Bliar, a scrawny turd coloured version of Blair, Alan B’stard with a tan, anyway his Bengal budget is a heap of shit, he must be out planting money trees when he isn’t grinning like aardman plasticine model on the idiot lantern, what a curry cunt!!!
Horrendous Budget. John McDonnell on steroids.
Does this Loadsa Money cunt think we’re all thick ? So the OBS has told him he’s got £30bn ‘available’. Which is because the amount of borrowing he originally thought we’d need has fallen from say £400bn to £370bn. ITS STILL £370bn YOU FUCKING IMBECILE!!
Far less vanity projects (eg HS2, Crossrail, ‘Royal Yacht’); lower taxes for SMEs; £8k extra tax – every year – on 2nd homes; shut down 10 Universities offering pisspoor ‘Degrees’; 10% Parcel Tax on Amazon and co. I could go on. And on.
The day the IMF come in to give us some Greek Medicine is drawing ever nearer. These spendthrift cunts need ejecting….. but who the fuck for?!
* (figures above not intended to be precise but they are of that magnitude.)
The ultimate, unbeatable, vanity project is Net Zero. £trillions to be stolen from the proles to make SWEET FUCK ALL difference to the state of the planet.
Only thing two things that’ll impact the planet are people shite attitudes to actually doing something and an asteroid … so most cunts won’t change and will just run off the cliff … that leaves the asteroid … really looking forward to that ☄️?
May I add the caldera under Yellowstone National Park, they say it’s overdue an eruption and that would be an extinction event. It’s Yogi I’ll
feel most sorry for.
As for people changing attitudes, net-zero won’t make a measurable differrence to the climate one way or another. It is almost literally a piss in the ocean. It will just impoverish billions and transfer that wealth to elites. When they get together in Davos or under Soros’s volcano they must piss themselves with laughter at how they’ve pulled off the world’s largest scam. They must be rolling in the aisles watching the gullible XR and IB cunts ramping up the fear for them free of charge.
Berkshire , I’ve been to Yellowstone and you are spot on. The caldera is bloody massive I do believe 50 miles x 50 miles.
Unfortunately the volcano on La Palma seems unlikely to shear off into a fun tsunami for Florida. I was rather hoping we’d see the demise of Barry Gibb , Beckham and Gloria Estefan but at least Big Don will be ok now.
Isaac, I must express some relief to La Palma not splitting in two because I would be totally fucked by said Tsunami also. I suppose as I’m drowning in I’d have the thought that Beckham’s going the same way to console me.
“The day the IMF come in to give us some Greek Medicine is drawing ever nearer.”
Well spotted Issac – have you read Yanis Varoufakis’ book “Adults in the room” exposing the off stage dealings of the IMF, ECB et all over the Greek ‘crisis’. It’s actually a bit of a ‘page turner’.
Now there’s a thought. Do you think maybe a condition of an IMF bailout would be rejoining the EU?
That would be convenient wouldn’t it.
I have indeed Cunty and a very fine read it was too.
My one criticism is that Yannis’s thesis particularly over debt restructuring / write off seems almost too easy to achieve the desired affect. I’d like to see a point by point counter argument by an independent expert.
It’s all gone very quiet about Greek Sovereign Debt in the last few years despite the extra challenge of Covid and even Tsipras has disappeared I think. I can’t believe they’ve done anything other than kick the can down the road.
Well I might well have stolen Greta’s future but Sunak and that sack-of-shite windbag,Johnson,are obviously planning to steal mine and piss it away to their friends and ridiculous save-the -planet schemes.
They are an utter disaster.
And yet talkRadio tells me a snap poll suggests the majority of the plebs think it’s a great budget.
Few pennies off a pint of beer headlines’ll do that for a lot of people.
Dare say if you gave some lemmings a peanut to chew while they waited to chuck themselves off a cliff,they’d be equally happy.
Yep, meanwhile the pint still costs more after the pennies are taken off because of the deliberate rampant inflation. That’s where the steal occurs.
Afternoon Mr F…the British public almost deserve to get fucked over; we’re so lame, collectively.
And there will be no manning the fuck up until either the lights go out or food starts running out.
Even taxed to fuck as we undoubtedly are, we’re still far too comfortable to revolt.
I reckon there should be a dimwit tax. If you watch ‘Ant and Dec’ or ‘Love Island’, you should have to hand over any spare money to indigenous honky overtaxed men such as us.
Afternoon,Mr. C-E.
I reckon that far too many people are dependent on the Govt. teat….employed by,or in receipt of benefits (fucking child benefit being the worst of all)…they don’t want to see that eventually the Golden Tit will run dry.
You can thank Bliar
He’s a bag of dog shit.
An inept gang of liars.
Hang them from The Magic Money Tree.
I couldn’t have expected anything less from this shitbag Chancellor and his shitbag government.
Doesn’t have the balls to admit how many billions were wasted during the pandemic, all of which has been swept under the carpet like a minor inconvenience.
And yet its now payback time; but not just once, to pay for the pandemic bailout; but also to fuck us with Net Zero Green shite; NIC increases, debt repayments; and a whole load of other shit that will be dumped on the working and lower middle classes for the next 5-10 years.
And like most chancellors, he can walk away when the results are in – “nothing to do with me!” he’ll mumble, as he takes a nice little directorship, or becomes a speaker on the lucrative lecture circuit.
Boris can also walk away unscathed by this disastrous premiership. “Nothing to do with me either”, as he fucks off to the House of Cunts on £400 per day (it’s been increased from £315 in order to cope with inflation etc.)
Quite frankly you’d be better of dead because the next 18 months are going to be bone crushingly painful for Joe and Jane Punter trying to earn an honest living and continually getting fucked over because of it.
It matters not which party you vote for you WILL get cunts. You can’t vote your way out of a corrupted system where both sides are controlled. The only way to hit these cunts via the ballot box and get their attention is to… LEAVE THEM EMPTY!
A mass withold of the vote would be hard to hide, spin or gloss over. It is about all we have as a (viable and ‘legal’) option before proceeding to civil insurrection should the media and govt ignore what can only be interpreted as the public delivering their final warnng!
NO – Fill them with spoiled ballots.
Scrawl a few choice words across your ballot paper, like:
Or wipe your arse on it, but whatever you do, VOTE!
Our forbears fought and died for our right to vote.
Did Magna Carta die in vain?
Didnt Magna Carta play Wonder woman?
Just thinking about Magna Carta gives the horn.
Couldn’t agree more . Spoiling better than not voting. Beginning to look like None of the Above will be on my next ballot paper.
Listening to this Bengal Bay Boy with pob like ears in the budget yesterday made me want to reach out and slap the cunt. Talks like he has a silver spoon wedged up his ass – sideways.
Yet again, fucking the middle and lower income families and only today the IFS reported people will be worse off in real terms.
All this banner waving last year about taxing giant corporates and tech companies more – where was that you Poppadum Prince Cuntfuck.
Bet droopy eye Bezos gave him a good noshing with promises of not taxing Amacunt more in exchange for a ride a ride in his spaceship.
As for Rishi’s wife – money attracts money doesn’t it, most of who are cunts. Someone once said that there are honest rich people out there. The fuck there are, you only get that rich by fucking others over.
Rishi suntan should never of got the job.
Hes more suited to running a corner shop.
Him and his albino boss are running this country into the ground.
Hes lost my vote the tub of shite.
I run a business- all my staff got furlough. I got fuck all.
Luckily I managed to keep it going and am now making up for losses.
All cockwombles
His spending budget was to be expected, the usual shit from Labour still crying over Universal Credit. I don’t get why it was ever increased by £20 in the first place, the bone idle weren’t effected, sitting on the arse is the same covid or no covid. Minimum wage up, want more money get a job it seems there are plenty available.
The labour cunts complain about nothing in the budget about climate change, fuck off, it’s already been said.
Cunt26 is coming, we will all be fucked over, for nowt because China and India will carry on increasing CO2.
Well and truly pissed off about his promise to go back to 0.7% foreign aid, cunt should have reduced it to fucking 0.
All this bleating about the economy from the political types?
But every working man I talk to,
Builders, plasterers, plumbers, drivers etc
All say the same thing.
Busy as fuck!!
This has been my best year yet!!
You’re right, MNC. There’s loads of work, I’m knackered, and there’s only fifty odd money laundering days until Christmas !
What larks ! :o)
Hello Jack,
Its a ‘Boomtime’ far as I can see?
Everyone grafting like fuck,
People having all sorts of work done!
Thats the problem with the Westminster types,
Glass half full.
Moping Mavises.
And when I declare my £20 annual earnings I’ll tell them exactly that!
Fucking hell ! How’ve you managed to earn so much ?
Plenty of people round my way have new motors, some even spending on leccy ones.
Not for me, unless they give me one for free, with free leccy ?
His only Chancellor training must have been watching a Vic Nichols documentary.
Viv Nichols
Trollop from Cas ?
Viv Nicholson even, ffs, the famous Spend Spend Spend loon after winning the pools in 19canteen, though the prize has to go this government.
Someone gets it
For me the Entire U.K foreign aid should be spent on importing hundreds of Great White sharks into that stretch of water that divides us from Europe and saturate the water with Immigrant flavour to give them a taste for greasy dosser.!
You might vilify Boris and Dishy Rishy, UT what’s the alternative? Labour? Don’t make me laugh…
Come back Nigel Farrage
I would never vote labour. I voted Reform UK. Shame they don’t get a word in edgeways because the shit stirring media oligarchs.