Tried to order a record from Discogs, and it was pay by PayPal only.
So, I put in my e-mail address and PayPal password. But PayPal refused to acknowledge my password. It was definitely correct and it was put in correctly, but they weren’t having it. Now the cunts give it the ‘You have logged in too many times’ bit.
Then there’s the ‘reset password’ thing, which involves all sorts of bollocks and nosey nonsense. So screw that.
If they can’t do one simple thing and acknowledge a genuine customer with an authentic password then they can fuck off. I have apologised to the Discogs seller and then told them that PayPal have fucked up and there is fuck all I can do about their cuntish incompetence.
No link, but I dare say there are scores of other complaints and misgivings online about those PayPal cunts.
Tried again three hours later. Again 100% correct password, but it now says ‘Some of your information doesn’t match”. Whatever that sodding means. PayPal are totally useless cunts.
Nominated by: Norman
Cunt of a thing, had to use PayPal to buy an item on an online shop ,wasn’t even a member . They accepted my credit card details for payment and hey presto order confirmed.
The shits then started the emails about , I need to to this that and the other to update my Paypal account. Fuck right off and I don’t want an account
They constantly change there parameters for more fucking security.
They still email me after more than 2 years
I blame Brexit.
Or, check your password. Mine`s an anagram of `ginger`.
Ha ha ha?
Over the last 30 years or so I’ve done a lot of business on eBay (occasionally Discogs) and can honestly say I’ve never had a problem with PayPal. Use it for doing a lot of other online buying too, prefer not to use my debit cards if I can avoid it.
Same here Ruff.
Buy using PayPal a lot.
No issues to date, or should say no serious issues.
And once contacted them over a item not being as advertised and they helped me get refunded.
Boring but true, cant complain.
I’ve always been a bit unsure about discogs Their doesn’t seem to be any protection if you get fucked over ?
Evening Ruff
Evening Fenton.
Yeah, I used to buy and sell on Discogs until a couple of years ago when they started faffing about making it more complicated for some reason. Never really felt comfortable doing business on there anyway, eBay a lot easier and more straightforward.
Hmmm difficult one this. They can be cunts when it comes to faffing about but there is a plus side when it comes to clawing back money from unscrupulous characters. Using a card gives you some guarantees but I’ve got money back twice thru PayPal.
Sorry RTC I must have been typing at the same time a similar comment.
No need to apologise, your comment is substantially different from mine, besides we both posted virtually simultaneously!
I’m a total Luddite when it comes to online shopping, but I use PayPal occasionally, always seems to go OK, except once when goods weren’t delivered. I raised a complaint ( well, youngest daughter did ’cause I didn’t have a scooby), refunded in under a week. Amazon, on the other hand, make a right meal of their complaints process.
They changed their password requirements at some point to not include certain special chars. That might have fudged it if you had some in your existing password.
I’ve heard PayPal make life difficult for people who attempt to buy Mrs Mills or Chas n’ Dave records. Could be that?
Pay pal Fucking Pay pal!
Pal my arse,
Gather up a sand bag and let me tell you a story.
When MRS B mkII and I separated I gave her access to the pay pal account so that items sold went into the joint account (sor of brings me on to MR Loyds TSB but lets skip that).
so fast forward a bit, banking details go out of date, I update them and continue to buy via pay pal, Then the day comes when I sold something on pay-pal
Now in this case it was a top gear racing day and the recepients of the payment were a charity (funny enough a Greyhound charity) so the winning bid went in at £119 and the winner paid, all seems good doesn’t it.
except Pay pal then took £119 from my fucking account and held it.
The charity received the £119 from the buyer good, but can I get my fucking £119 from pay pal, can I fuck!
Pay pal can FUCK OFF! (they wont give the money they took from my bank account back into it because I do not know my ex wife’s dead fathers middle name!
despite the logic that it is my e-mail address and my fucking bank account!, I can not even register with pay pal because my e-mail is on an existing account.
fuck pay pal, and fuck them again!l
Presume you’ve changed your email address at some point M’lud, cos your avatar’s changed (used to be a St Bernard dog, if memory serves?). Hope PayPal never ask me for my wife’s dead father’s middle name – be right up shit creek!
That’s the trouble with these cunts. Every bugger has changed their e-mail details at some point. I started in the 90a with the crappy AOL.Then it was NTL (now also defunct). So when Paypal insist you have an ancient and now obsolete address, it makes things awkward.?
And the what was your first pet’s name fucks me up and all. I had two, a guinea pig and a budgie. But I can’t fucking remember which one I told Paypal about.?
Trying to log into anything is a pain, especially with two factor authentication.
Norman, I suspect you are imperial currency in a decimal world.
I’m no luddite, but that being said, the digital world is moving so, so fast, that I suspect on a handfulo of people truly understand it.
I’m expecting self service checkouts to start electrocuting customers any day now for playing an ‘unexpected item’ in the bagging area 🙂
I’ve had several emails recently telling me my PP login details need updating, the usual phishing which I ignore. PP refuses to accept my preferred credit card, telling me there’s something wrong with it. Like what? They don’t know so just use a different card. Er, no. MBNA say (to paraphrase) “there’s absolutely nothing wrong with your card or your account and PP are a bunch of useless, self-serving cunts.” So I no longer use PP.
Exactly the same here Moggie.
My reaction was the same too. Fuck ’em. Bunch of cunts.
Having spent most of the day trying to contact my GP… saw the earlier nom but was too busy, I’m in a more irritable piss boiling mood than normal, but I reckon this nom is a 50/50. I’ve used it for years through Flea Bay and never had a sniff of a problem. I do know of others who have had some dog ridden issues with PP, but I guess you take as you find.
Boris Johnson on the other hand is rapidly approaching three ‘C’s on my cunt list, along with my non existent GP.
My PayPal account got hacked and I had the pleasure of talking to an incredible amount of utter wank stains. I must have talked to a dozen before I got to one with sufficient brain cells to undo the damage.
Not impressed.
I keep receiving scam e-mails from and the like, inviting me to click on a link to resolve my “account suspension”.
I like to email Mtembe back and tell him to pleasure his own arsehole with a 12″ black ribbed dildo.
What’s stopping you?
Set up a Gmail account, get him to reply to that. Post a suitable response, then block him & delete the account.
Make sure you screen shot it & share.
I could do with a good laugh.
Quiet on here tonight innit?
Someone died?
Like the fuckin chapel of rest.
think it is the realisation that everything is getting expensive and ones money doesn’t have the weight it might’ve had up to very recently.
a kind of lull MNC , a time for reflection with the last of the nuts and berries to be collected for an uncertain winter.
they have fucked us with uncertainty , the cunts
MNC : “Quiet on here tonight innit?
Someone died?
Like the fuckin chapel of rest.”
MNC, no one can afford the electric to runnlaptops & pc’s anymore. (send your thanks to the board of directors at all EU bulk energy brokers, the robbing bastards.)
So far so good, but had a nasty moment recently. Took me a couple of tries before I realised I had tried to log into PayPal with my Ebay password.
With Managed Payments, Paypal is a thing of the past for me.
Ive had this as well. I tried to close my paypal account but couldnt log in. I reset my password and still couldnt log in. Fucking useless.