An ‘It’s all about them’ cunting for the Muslim Council of Britain.
Although they have managed to condemn the murder of MP David Amess, their main concern is hate crime. Yes, never mind their record of murder and atrocity worldwide, the murder of an MP going about his business, threats to teachers, raping of girls and all the rest, nobody must hurt their feelings.
Hate crime. And that will be any opinion expressed about their evil faith and practices. Even taking the piss out of their letter box women is Islamophobia.
”Britain’s leading Muslim organisation is to issue new guidance to help British Somalis and other individuals and mosques deal with any incidents of hatred emerging in the aftermath of Sir David Amess’s death.”
We know that the majority of the cunts will be indifferent to this atrocity and that a sizeable number will support it. But no criticism will be tolerated or the rainbow police car will be round your gaff.
Diversity is our strength.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
The only thing missing from that photo is a firing squad.
Islam The “ Religion of Peace” is anything but. It’s an intolerant creed , a Theocracy which elevates barbarism into a virtue.
Deport the fucking lot of them, nothing but a death cult.
There’s nothing for them here.
Tear down the fucking mosques too.
Get To Fuck.
Gets my vote ?
In a difficult situation, I wonder whether Muzlîms ponder, “What Would Alläh Do?” .before going on a murderous rampage butchering innocent people.
First glance at the photo I thought we were still on slags.
The Christian religion tries to unite people with love and understanding, but Islam has a far more effective way of uniting its followers, and that is by hate.
They have created a common enemy, the infidel. The people that do not follow their religion.
And in their own countries their common enemies are other Muslims that do not follow their particular take on Islam.
The common enemy is there to bond the followers of this insane religion.
When the common enemy becomes complacent and starts accepting Muslims then the hatred must be emphasised, and that will be done by acts of terrorism.
After a terrorist atrocity the Muslims claim that they are being targeted for hatred and discrimination.
They regroup and reaffirm their beliefs.
And so the cycle continues.
The Muslim Council of Great Britain were not elected and have no standing.
Why should anyone be bothered about what they have to say?
Self appointed cunts to whom the libtards kowtow.
There’s no way right minded people take these cunts seriously.
Funny how we never hear of Sikhphobia or Hinduphobia.
Whatever happened to Sharia Watch UK? Banned, I suppose.
Good morning, everyone.
These cunts just need to get on with daily life and helping Britain to reach its economic and environmental goals. Oh wait they’re not interested in anything to do with Britain …
Waiting for the Chancellor yesterday on TV I caught the last couple of minutes of PMQs and that fucking ghastly Zara Sultana creature turned up – gobby, opinionated, smirking, self satisified and she looked and sounded like a schoolgirl. I am surprised Muslim men want a tart like that ding their bidding. I wonder what Mohammed said about that?
Put her in the Christmas cake ?
Morning, Boggs.
I’d rather choke on a crown piece, or for my amusement see one of my cunt relatives choke on a crown piece, it’d be the best Christmas ever but I’d ask the coroner for it back.
It has become a very strange country indeed.
I don’t recall being asked if we should simply give our country away to immigrants.
These cunts want us gone or dead.
Only too late will this dawn on the population,if they bother to look up from Facefuck.
What a shithole.
Islam in any of its guises is incompatible to any society based on Christian ethics.
The only time peace will exist is when the whole World is Islamized and all are Muslims or accept the Muslim rule and pay the tax or die. This is why countries outside the Islamic fold are known as the “House of War”.
The only time peace will exist is when the rest of the planet wakes up, stops appeasing them, and destroys the fucking lot of them.
Apeaceful muslim world? Like Aghanistan where they are still blowing each other up. Yemen, Syria, the Sahara. The fuckers hate each other as much as they hate us.
Have you seen that begging ad for the Yemen? Some dozy theatrical bint, looks like she’s got a vibrato up her, from her weird body antics, jiggling and squirming…
The Yemen??? Eddie Gizzard and Keith Vazeline.
Fuck off.
Mudslime Cunt il of GB is number 1 terrorist organisation. Vile bastards.
What’s bikeshed Ange doing in that photo?
She would have definitely sucked grooming gang cock for a kebab.
None of these cunts are compatible with the west, or any civilization that has advanced beyond the 10th century in general. None should even be on the continent of Europe; they offer nothing and cause division and grief. I’d machine gun the fucking lot of them.
And any Lefty bummers that enable them..
I resent being labelled an Infidel
I never asked for such a tag
It is deliberately offensive by those that use the term.
It is a hate crime by Infidelophobics
Lock ’em up
Get y’sel one o’ these bad lads Fishy and wear it with pride…
I grabbed two at the “Trucks Tanks & Firepower” show in Warks a few years ago… but with neon orange text!
The skinnies are some the worst type of carpet riding cuntbags. Somalia is the byword for an African shithole, if it isn’t famine then its drought or Islamic insurgency and civil war.
Shame on the West for welcoming this invasion. I wish just one country would have said no to these barbarians and then we would have an example of how great things would be without camel dung everywhere.
Japan, South Korea, Bhutan, Serbia, Switzerland or Malta?
Not to mention Poland and Hungary.
Although the eu are using blackmail and coercion against them
And Angela Rayner should show solidarity with the peacefuls by letting them cut out her clitoris with a crudely sharpened spoon.
Stupid cunt.
I’d like to see how well received the Asatru council of Bosnia, Iran or even Malaya would be? A free roast pork dinner with ale and mead for anyone that attends services, dogs welcome. I bet the locals would come down it like Jesus with a hangover at the rapture.
They are attention seeking leeches. You rarely see other ethnic groups causing bother, they just get on with their lives. Chinese, Sikhs, Jews et al. No bother, mostly British to the core. These fuckers are nothing bot trouble making cunts.
These cunts need to sort out their fucking flock, if you live in a shihole country then fine act like cunts.
In the UK, behave like civilised people, British law is above Islam, accept it or fuck off, preferably the fuck off.
There is is reason people hate Muslims, listed in the cunting.
There was a discussion the other day one one of the news outlets about online hate, strangely at the time there were still 14 videos available by that well known preacher of love and peace Anjem Choudary.
“British” somalis? ?
What a disgusting misnomer.
Sub-human primates.
We used to own them, we should’ve let Mussolini keep it.
These fucking cunts also have the cheek to call the Manchester bombing, the Paris attacks, London Bridge attacks “trigger events” for “hate crime”. Mass slaughter of children a “trigger event”? – They always make it about them and too many people help them with it.
Snide, devious, dirty cunts and the politicians love them. MPs laughing and joking the week after one of them gets killed by a peaceful and the solution is to make out it was because people were saying naughty things online. I want to know what the fuck is going on.
Our replacement. The filth in the header picture are our new overlords…
You are correct, the peaceful way is always that of the persecuted innocent. Because of the plague of woke those in positions of power and influence are duty bound to assist the poor peaceful and in so doing hasten the demise of the very system that these wokers cunts are part of. I would state that raping and drugging kids is a hate crime, importing massive amounts of heroin that’s a hate crime, blowing people up is a hate crime, claiming every benefit that is possible to claim then supporting fucking jihadis that’s a hate crime, treating your women like bond slaves is a hate crime one could go on but the list is so long as we all know it gets bloody boring. I would think that the above would be more worthy of being hate crimes than asking Ali Al raperkid if the reason he’s beating the carpet is because the carpet won’t start.
In my various jobs over the last 20 years |I’ve needed to talk to mudslimes over the phone. Sometimes they are fine, at least to my face. The majority are lying cunts, they rarely answer the phone properly. When you ask them who you’re talking to they never answer, just hit with who are you? They frequently pretend to be someone else. It’s seems in their DNA to lie and cheat.
This seems to me pretty strong. They knew him personally.
“Joint statement from all Southend Mosques mourning the tragic loss of local MP, Sir David Amess – Essex Jamme Masjid”
Devious, deceitful, barbaric, manipulative, malingering, glad handing, bottom feeding, savages.
That goes for Rayner too.
Getting up the duff in school, and manipulating herself from fella to fella, to further her career, and end up with a fancy house in Swinton.
I’d still do her though.
But I am not in her wage league of the salary she is attracted to in a man.
Take aim, FIRE. Cunts all in the picture.
This is what you get with “multiculturalism “
A nation of tribes with no common identity or national affiliation.
And totally incapable of uniting against authoritarian government.
Rather handy that…
Somalians are filth. I have seen them infest and destroy once impeccable education establishments, and this has been happening ever since Satan Blair gave them the green light in 97. The Indulging of these parasites caused me to resign in disgust, as I saw these flyblown vermin getting prioritised over good and decent students time and time again. Time and money was getting thrown at these cunts, yet they couldn’t string two words together. They had no intention of doing so either. Yet if one of the cunts got some sort of qualification (usually by examiners going easy on the bastards), they would use that to justify arselicking the whole lot of them. They have been coddled ever since they got here, and it’s still going on.
And Iraq should have stayed under Saddam. A cunt was essential to keep in line all the other cunts. But now he is dead, and the bastards are spreading through Europe like a disease. If Satan Blair and that Bush had a pair apiece, they would have nuked the shite out of Iraq and turned it to glass, and put the whole muslam world in its place. Don’t fuck with us or this is what happens. But, they didn’t. And look what’s happening now….
The yanks’ idea of foreign policy is to bomb the shit out of somewhere then fuck off, declaring how great they are because it needed doing, even though they have no idea why, but not sparing a single thought for the consequences of their actions. Considering that most yanks would struggle to find their own fucking state on a map, never mind some cunt-filled cuntry in the Middle East is proof that they are morons, and currently ‘led’ by the moron-in-chief.
There’s always a but with these cunts isn’t there.
We think it is abhorrent that an MP was killed BUT my bud bud ding son has been picked on from being from Jalalabad but this is OK because UK government give me nice house – no make that two houses for my family because I couldn’t keep my legs shut so had 20 kids.
Even though I have a bucket pussy now he still looks at me like he did when I was 12.
Fuck off