Modern Etiquette

‘Love you’ Admin.

If she says it again. It’s a girl 3 seats away from me on the bus. She says ‘love you’ after each of her phone calls. The last one ‘see you at yours…Love you’. Ffs. You’re going to see this ‘loved one’ soon.

I find it so cringeworthy.-people signing off their calls with a ‘love you’. Does it matter? I suppose not but it makes me uncomfortable when I hear it.

I mean doesn’t the constant use of it diminish it? I thought you were supposed to say ‘I love’ you on special occasions because you are expressing your most profound feeling for someone. So maybe at the climax of love-making you would say it. Or at a loved-one’s deathbed. Or a tearful goodbye at the railway station.

But not on a short bus ride when you’re going to see the person in a few minutes.
While we’re on the buses what is it with all this thanking the bus driver when we get off?

Each person as they get off ”Thank You’. ‘Thank you ‘Thank you’ ‘Thank you’. If I was the bus driver at the start of the journey I would make it clear ‘You do not have to thank me’.

You never thanked the bus driver when I was growing up in the 70s.

There is a kind of false politeness abroad.

I was interacting with what you would call a ‘soy boy’. Full of over the top apologies when he couldn’t find a book in the library. He even said ‘My bad’. Stop fucking apologising.

But that was good a grumpy old man in the local shop the other day. A young man simply walked passed but said ‘sorry’ to him. The old guy-‘what are you apologising for…you haven’t done anything to me’.

Can you be too polite?

Back to Love. I have male friends who text me and put an x at the end of it. For fuck’s sake. Don’t do that.

Yes we’ve all gone incredibly polite and loving.

I see I have lost a little focus here. Sorry Admin. Thank you so much for reading my Nom. (Feck off, you soft cunt. Love you forever – Day Admin xx)

Nominated by: Miles Plastic

70 thoughts on “Modern Etiquette

  1. I think it depends on what age you are. When I was a sprog in the 50’s, my Mum always said Thank you to the bus driver, so I’ve acquired the habit.

    • Morning all.
      Im surprised at this nom Miles.
      I thought you’d be all for politeness in society?!!
      My old gran always thanked the driver on a bus.
      And I do too, but rarely use public transport.
      As for the ‘love you’ thing,
      I know what you mean but imagine if disembarking from the bus, that girl was tragically hit by a car?!
      The last thing she said to whoever it was mum/dad/boyfriend was I love you.
      Gives them some small solance.

      Nope, I’m all for it,
      Oh and stop earwigging other people’s conversations its not polite!! ?

      • Fucking hell MNC, that brought a tear to my eye.

        I’m popping out for some milk shortly, if anything should happen to me, I just want to tell you all…I..


  2. I hope that soy boy manages to find the book you were after Miles, the Popes travelogue, ‘Roamin’ Catholic’.

  3. False politeness? Well, earwigging other peoples phone conversations is fucking rude if you ask me.

    • Sorry Freddy was writing same thing as you posted!
      You go first.

      See, politeness is catching?

      • Thank you, you Northern Cunt!
        There’s something peculiarly British about over politeness. It’s something that Yanks always comment on and admire. I’ve noticed in shops, young cunts often don’t say please and thank you. It’s something I do automatically and I don’t even think about it until some rude bastard doesn’t do it. It was drilled into me as a kid along with many other things. For example I could never lob litter in the street. It doesn’t matter if it’s 3 in the morning and no cunt could possibly know it was me, I physically couldn’t do it.
        Clearly standards are slipping and, shockingly, it’s people like Miles who are encouraging it.
        This isn’t America and it’s not fucking P*kiland. Not yet anyway.

      • English manners set the standard around the world.
        In India during the days of the Raj, it was emulated,
        We became the benchmark for good manners.

        I call old fellas ‘sir” especially when theyre customers,
        Its not fawning, just respectful.
        But suppose its very old fashioned?
        But it was drummed into me.
        Im only rude when its called for.

        Or to foreigners.

      • There’s a famous, bustling pizza joint in New York where the workers shout, “WHADDA YA WANT?” and you shout back, “GIMME TWO SLICES AH PEPPERONI! Hey buddy, I was next, Jesus fucking Christ,” and you generally can be as rude as you like and if you are an indecisive cunt, you told, “beat it buddy we ain’t got all day, Jesus fucking Christ. NEXT!”.

        Not sure how a blabbering, hemming and hawing, dithering dummy from Blighty would cope with that baptism of foody fire!

      • Oi! Yank! Give me some fuckin pizza and hurry up you septic cunt.
        And fire some gravy on it as well.

        Howd I do?

      • Cunty Gordon:

        An English gentleman would never patronise such an establishment.
        Only the more savage races….

      • Nah, “Yank” isn’t an insult to a non-Southern American. “Yo, greaseball, gimme a your best 12-incher with extra cheese and make it snappy, you guinea bastard.” And they’ll say, “comin’ right, ya limey fuck.”

        I saw it in a video from a Yank chat show, but I can’t recall what exactly it was. It was funny as fuck. Those New Yorkers ain’t got no time for people who don’t hustle and pimp.

    • Some of them are so bloody loud though Freddie – you can’t help it – they WANT you to hear!

      • Fair comment. I remember the first time I answered a phone call on the train. It was very noisy and as soon as I heard myself saying “i’m on the train” I felt such a wanker.
        “Phone you back when I get off” was my next sentence. Phone conversations in crowded places are rude in themselves and should be avoided where possible.
        As for these cunts walking along the street shouting into microphones, well they should be shot. Why would you make yourself look such a complete wanker?

    • Bastards calling other chaps ‘Squire’ a spivvy, mockney, chirpy, and chipper manner common in the immediate post war era is particularly cuntish,

  4. If you choose to travel by bus you only have yourself to blame. Suggest you wear earphones next time.

  5. My particular bete noir are those old tarts on their ladyphones, usually about 60 but still sporting ponytails who constantly say “babe”. Old bags.

    As regards thanking the bus driver – I can’t cunt that – some passengers are so fucking rude to bus drivers, especially dark keys, a bit of friendly politeness oils the wheels.

    • I imagine that the odd thank you is the nearest a bus driver gets to job satisfaction.
      Manners maketh man.

      • But its not the ‘odd’ one. Its every person on the bus. Its too much. It was maybe occasionally said in earlier times…
        Just dunt like it.

      • Just to say though if a foreigner doesnt say it I can get very angry.
        But it could be they dont understand. I worked with a Turkish woman who was astonished how many times she heard it. I asked what do you say in Turkey as a thank you. She said we dont say anything.

      • She lied, before anyone else rushes in to tell you. The short form is sağol / sağolun, and they do say thanks, though not perhaps as often as we do.

      • I think there has been a wake up call in the last two years, on who is actually important in society. People are starting to realise that the seemingly unimportant menial workers are the lifeblood of society without whom we all fall apart.
        That includes public transport. I bet the bus driver had more than enough miserable ungrateful cunts on his skum shuttle that day to offset the few cheery travellers who thanked him.

      • Has it really come to this? Cunting ordinary people going about their day for being civilised, polite and wanting to be helpful?

        Something I was brought up to associate with being British, in fact.


  6. I do notice that those of the younger non-white hue are particularly rude and ignorant, in a way their older generation is not.

  7. This woman wasn’t a jèw by any chance was she Miles?, you didn’t get “love you” confused with “lachyam”!

  8. The yoof of today seem to sign off a conversation with a “Sweet”, “Sorted”, “Nice”, “Cheers” et al

    Or when one is on a noisy train you’ll always hear some loud-mouth bint not only reiterate that “I’M ON THE TRAIN! YEAH! ON THE TRAIN!” but finishes with a “bye! bye! bye! bye! bye! bye! bye! bye! bye!”

    It’s as if the woman and her interlocutor are lacking a clue how to end a conversation succinctly.

    • Fuck! I just said that. It seems we are all in agreement here. Except Miles. That’s what fucking religion does for you.
      Jesus wept!

  9. Superb nom, Miles.

    Fucking fat, sweaty, bovine Karens stuffing their faces with Maccie D while on the blower to fuck knows who. Surely if fuck knows who could see the masticating horror saying ‘love you’ to them, they would heave?

    Good morning, everyone.

  10. My wife and I often sarcastically ‘love you’ as a middle finger that the infectious American film industry lumps on us. It’s a sign of insecurity and shallow attempt to express a feeling. Watch the shit from the States, especially when some Woke actress is saying goodby to the kids.
    Thank you? Even when I’m pissed I say it to the barman or should I say barperson? Shit, typing in barperson is flagged as a spelling mistake or is it trying to tell me the Woke are a genetic mistake?
    Hey Barbara, thanks for the STI, or is that over doing it?

  11. A couple of days ago, I received a text from a customer, thanking me for the job I’d done. She informed me that she’d transferred the money into my bank.
    Now this lady is a very tasty blonde milf, in her forties.
    She finished her text with a few kisses ??
    My mind wandered.
    I got the horn.
    The minx.

  12. You don’t necessarily have to be on public transport to be subjected to some fat slag on the blower to her “Bestie”, they’re everywhere. The supermarket, school drop off, petrol station, pub etc. Thick, obese mutton dressed as mutton types with the very latest phones thoughtfully funded by our benefits system. These tarts are so intellectually retarded, they consider Loose Women as a bit highbrow. Modern wimminz like this are Britain’s Untermenschen.

  13. The only time you say I love you is to get a shag

    Politeness requires, excuse me, please and thank you, maybe a sorry if you drop your guts in public.

    And what the fuck is a bus.

  14. I’m just waiting for the news programmes on TV, such as ITN’s News at Ten, to have its newsreaders greet us with “Wassup, guy!?” and rounding off with a “Keep it tight, it’s bin real, innit!”

      • Today da Boris tell de Babylon ho to tighten up and ting innit fam? What him sayin? What yo sayin Boris yo posh batty boy?

        (You realise that talking like that will have you ending up in jail for cultural misappropriation and implied racism! – Day Admin)

    • Just home from Tesco and put the news on, first thing is supply chain issues, wtf, it hasn’t impacted the entire isle full of Halloween tat. The media tell us there is no food on the shelves but don’t mention there no issue in supplying fucking shit. ?

  15. “Politeness is to human nature what warmth is to wax.”
    – Arthur Schopenhauer

    • Belloc-

      ‘Of Courtesy, it is much less
      Than Courage of Heart or Holiness,
      Yet in my Walks it seems to me
      That the Grace of God is in Courtesy.’

  16. The reason I thank the driver when I use the bus is because I am so happy about completing my journey with out need of the air ambulance or fire service. The roads / lanes in my area are fucking lethal, the surface is appalling sunken and broken in many places 90 degree bends crossing 15 foot deep drains. Many drivers are blind or foreign and come harvest time there are things rumbling about the Klingon empire would be proud to own if it existed. Chuck in a mass of lost visitors, cyclists and pikeys on the rob and it’s a complete miracle that well you get the picture. To me thanking the driver has become a talisman of protection so far it’s worked.

  17. Miles has found the dark lord. When leaving the bus Miles was heard muttering “Jesus loves you, but I think ya a cunt!”

    • Millies? Millicent ? Milly you mean? It’s Miles. But I forgive you Techno.
      Yes I must apologise to everyone for the delay in commenting. I was on ‘Jew-Watch’.

  18. All for politeness, but fuck public lovey-dovey displays. This cunting should be cut in two.
    In the supermarket I was apologised to by a young soldier who had come closer than 1m, I guess – he hadn’t even brushed against me. No problem, I replied, because there wasn’t one. I ought to be apologising to you for being a civvy cunt now, I thought…

  19. Do young Catholic children, thank Father Mcfiddly & co after their “private sessions”?
    Or is it difficult to speak with their mouths full……

  20. It gets watered down if you say it too much. Just like cursing. If you do it too much you no longer have the option to get someone’s attention or emphasize a point. It becomes wrote. I like to strategically place curse words in a statement to add emphasis or convey seriousness. Like a card to play when needed. Same with I love you. I want it to be meaningful if and when I say it.

  21. I’m unfailingly polite but I would never finish a phone call by saying ‘I love you’, because I fucking don’t. It’s just one more Americanism parroted by stupid English people. Why is it that the Yanks feel so insecure that they need to be constantly told that they’re loved? The word has become devalued to the point where it’s almost meaningless.

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