MI5 Goes MIWoke

MI5 is yet another woke and unpatriotic cunt:

News Link

It also “celebrated” Pride Month, which for the benefit of those who could care less was in June. Also National Inclusion Week, which we lucky people have just missed. I’m guessing this last has little to do with, say, mineralogy, and everything to do with dividing society into oppressed minorities in need of a cuddle.

Which raises some questions, given that some of our intelligence community’s most notorious traitors were homosexual (Burgess, Maclean, Philby, Blunt) or other candidates for inclusion (George Blake: father Egyptian and Jewish; Ursula Buerton: wimminz and Jewish)

If, in a frenzy of inclusivity, and with a desire to demonstrate its coolness and wokeness, MI5 found itself obliged to hire a quota from our recent citizenry, and then found that IS, the Taleban and/or the Chinese were privy to our most intimate secrets, wouldn’t there then be an outbreak of blame- shifting and buckpassing? The results would be explained as being due to Brexit, I have no doubt.

Utter, incompetent, undisciplined cunts. Like every other cunt organisation subscribing to this cunt ethos. And wasters of time, energy and advertising budgets, paid for by guess who.

Nominated by: Komodo

59 thoughts on “MI5 Goes MIWoke

    • I haven’t watched it but Mrs Cunter has told me that Daniel Craig was referred to as James Bond while a black woman was 007.

      She is obviously going to be the next Bond.

      With that and the news that Superman is now a switch hitter fighting climate change and the deportation of illegal immigrants then the future is not bright.

      I always thought that M15 was a secret organisation.
      Why the fuck would they want to go WOKE?

      • That is true; Bond is no longer 007. You just know that the Bond franchise will go “Dr Who” for the next film. Why not go the whole hog and have the black.lady as a lesbian and a paraplegic?

        The world is now a crazy place which I am gradually being unable to recognise or mesh with.

      • Its not limited to the UK, the CIA has been infected with this cancer too. The Russian GRU and Chinese security services, not so much.

  1. Well while they are playing at being inclusive, at least there were no terror attacks in the UK to worry about,….

  2. They are far to busy trying to find the “far right backlash” to worry about the Chinese or ISIS or munitions abandoned in Afghanistan reaching our shores by rubber dingy. They are probably on here investigating Flatbot hate.

  3. I work at a Naval Base. At 0800 each morning the Ensign is raised and then we all crack on. During the month of June, a group of hatters also raised a huge rainbow flag every morning and then took it down at sunset. What a fucking joke. They were all loving the attention. Fucking hatracks. It seems everybody is giving in to their requests. We will all have to be black or gay soon. Disgraceful.

  4. I went to open a pouch of cat food and i noticed written right across the pack was WE SUPPORT LGBGT.
    So fucking what ? why does a cat food company have to make that statement ?
    Even my cat Gilbert has gone woke.
    Will someone please stop the world i want to get off NOW

    • My tabby cat Thomas is 100% gaylord. He also loves cheese Dreamies, especially those that come in the rainbow/supporting LGBT packs.

      My cat Monty, who sadly passed away a couple of years ago was a huge bastard and tough as steel. Not a gay bone in his body.

      • I stopped buying Dreamies as soon as the gay packs came out. Our four cats ( which include a Monty) now have the Felix treats which they seem to enjoy more.
        The list of woke companies grows but not one of them see my money.

      • We’ve got a mental half Siamese (don’t get a Siamese unless you want an attention seeking, noisy, play with me now meow meow, clingy as fuck half cat half dog thing). ‘She’ probably goes out at night and wears the skins of other cats on the sly. Mental fucker. The Silence of the Cats.

        It puts the dreamies in the basket…

    • What really pissed me off was my Barclays App icon changed to rainbow colours last year all by itself.

      I had just started to investigate changing accounts when it changed back to blue again. This didn’t happen this year. I have to assume they must have had complaints about it. I’d bet only a small percentage of the population is gay and only a small percentage of that likes to prance around like like a poof at a pantomime.

      Most of this stuff is puffed up by the MSM and terrestrial TV. I’m convinced of this. I dropped live TV last year and, apart from the good feeling of not supporting the Black Broadcasting Cunts, I’m not consuming much of this shit any more and it’s great. When I log into Netflix they have a separate channel for “alphabet fans”. That’s great. If you want to watch it then you can but it’s not pushed down everyone’s throat.

      • In your Barclays app have you noticed that in every image for savings, kids, mortgages or car loans that there isnt a white person to be seen? Im amazed their base colour is still blue and not a much darker hue.

  5. Spies have always been of the ducky persuasion.
    Its in the job description.
    Hanging around in shadows
    Peeping through holes
    Wearing mackintoshs
    Dirty little secrets
    Grassing on others.

    Alan Turing cracked the Enigma code because it was german gay slang,
    Fritz,..meet in public toilets…trap2….bring vaseline,…and large sausage….Herman.

  6. Is the suggestion in this nom that traitors are either gay or Jewish or a combination of both?

    For every gay or Jew that’s alleged to have spied for the USSR (hardly a haven for Jews or gays) I can think of hundreds of others that have been loyal to the UK.

    • I wouldn’t of thought gays or Jews would make for good undercover agents?
      Its about blending in,
      Gays are to flamboyant!
      Squealing and mincing about
      “Hello Honky tonk!”
      And a Jewish agent would be easy to spot,
      His nose sticking out from under his fedora.
      Agent 00 hello
      And agent 00 vey

    • “Is the suggestion in this nom that traitors are either gay or Jewish or a combination of both?”

      No. However as homosexuality was at the time of those I mentioned an offence, this was the preferred blackmail route for the KGB: the irony that MI5 is now promoting it was what attracted me.

      As to Jews, I do realise they are not the local hate group, so feel free to find some Muslim traitors, hey?

      • Something, something stanleys – cunts
        something, something dark keys – cunts
        something, something mudslimes – cunts
        something, something pike keys – cunts
        something, something oirish – cunts
        something, something joos – “hey, cool it with the anti-semitism”

        every single time.

  7. If Dame Kweer ever gets into power you can be sure MI5 and MI6 will be ruled over by one of those old men with stubble. a pipe and a Marks & Spencers frock that we saw at the Chimpanzee’s tea party at Brighton last month. He already has a lezza at Scotland Yard and more will follow for all the other regions.

  8. Ironic, is it not, that our greatest traitor of all time, Anthony Wedgewood Blair, is a a Christian heterosexual Englishman?

    No doubt when the Muslims out-breed us and take over, British history will be rewritten and Blair will rightfully be depicted as the Jewish homosexualist he so obviously is.

      • The jury is out till the obituaries are written, and Cherie is too gaga to notice. I dare say stories of a certain “Charles Linton” and his mid 70s visits to public lavatories to persue his hobby of cottaging might head their ugly rears again…….

      • I’m sure if that rumour was untrue we’d have seen pictures and read more about the other guy.

        Especially as Blair was PM.

        Never happened, so I’m on the side that he was hanging about public bogs looking for man action.

        If that was me and I was getting accused of something due to mistaken identity, I’d be releasing public records of the other bloke and details of the arrest. I’m pretty sure, as PM, he could’ve done that very easily. Funny how that never happened.

    • If Charles Linton still endulges he probably uses Psalm 24 as foreplay:
      “Open up, ancient gates! Open up, ancient doors, and let the King of glory enter.”

    • On the news yesterday, the UK birth rate is falling, except for Stanleys and Romanians ?

      The majorities will be Muslim and Roma.

    • It has to be said that when Blair was shoehorned into a job requiring at least the pretence of impartiality – Quartet Representative – Blair’s commitment to Israel was absolute, that he owes his political existence in some measure to Israeli-related funding, that his church attendance is poorly documented, and that on any moral or ethical reckoning we needn’t regard him as Christian.

      Still and all, as a Catholic, his lot are about as likely to outbreed us as our resident Muslims are. Re. which, you’re not above a bit of antimuslimism while purporting to be against antijudaism*. You godda make the right noises, eh, guys? as Blair would say.

      I refer the hon gentleman to the Miranda legend. And anyone who could marry ol’ letterbox features must at least be ambivalent.

      * I would have said antisemitism, but you don’t like Arabs…

      • I do,Ruff. But your contribution was sarcasm. Which is different.

        Never mind Roger Hollis and Klaus Fuchs were both the sons of Christian ministers, and I am happy to drag them in, too.

        Ruth Kuczynski wasn’t.

      • “you’re not above a bit of antimuslimism”

        Where do you get that from? I have never (to my knowledge) posted any anti-Muslim comments.

        Anti-Islamist yes.
        Pro-Britain, yes.
        Pro-Israel, yes.
        Pro-Western values, yes.

        Any “antimuslimism” posts or comments by me you’d care to cite?

  9. For decades after the Cambridge spy scandal, MI5 would ask if a potential recruit was, or ever had been, homosexual. This was in order to avoid any potential for blackmail if said arse bandit was married etc. Nowadays I would imagine it’s a requirement to be gay. Let’s face it, the BBC, foreign office, Labour Party etc have clearly gone down that route, so why not.
    Not so sure about the Jewish thing. I think the mistake is often in recruiting those of mixed nationality who develop, or have, conflicting loyalties.
    Going woke to go broke is all well and good as far as businesses are concerned, but our national security service? We need true patriots, not virtue signallers.

  10. Been doing a lot of thinking lately.
    Being a solid citizen is a waste of fucking time.
    Today’s a new day.
    Fuck it.

  11. What is it?
    A castle of faggits?
    I thought they might have been too busy for such bilge,what with tens of thousands of jihadi sympathisers living on our shores.
    Set of cunts.

  12. Well it’s official, every institution is riddled with wokeness. Fuck me, even Her Maj, the old trout, is spouting the tree hugging bullshit. Security services? That’s a fucking joke…..the only security you’ve got is the security you create yourself, trust me. Or rather, don’t trust me because I might be a wokie spy. See you in the Gulag comrades.

  13. I’m fucking livid. The woman who lives next door has told the whole neighbourhood that I’ve been spying on her.
    I’d go round to her house right now and give her a piece of my mind, but she’s in the shower right now….

  14. Quentin Goldfarb….” The Spy Who Bummed Me and Stole My Wallet”

    Oy Vey, Ducky.

    • PS
      I wonder if the much-missed “Krav” has applied…he was a Gay and a Jew….and as mad as a March Hare…ideal candidate I’d have thought…apart from his hatred of The Dark-Keys,of course.

  15. When I joined the military you couldn’t get in if any of your grandparents were Irish.

    Now they’ll let anyone in and they wonder why our secrets are no longer secret.

    Utterly stupid cunts

  16. A shame they didn’t pay as much attention to those two Libyan cunts who blew up the Manchester arena. Seem to have been allowed to come and go from their dusty homeland more or less at will, despite their claims of fleeing the place because of persecution. MI5 like very other public institution in this country is fucking useless – it’s the new British disease.

    • Worse than that , I’m pretty sure the Royal Navy brought Abedi here from Libya.

      It’s actually our fault that the MEN arena attack happened , if we’d left him there , those kids would still be breathing.

  17. Fuck em. The country is run by lefty green Marxist zealots who pander to ever minority and ignore the silent majority.
    I’m doing my own thing and any cunt that tries to force their shity limp wristed agenda on me look the fuk out.

  18. I remember when i was an apprentice in the early seventies this old electrician I was working with on hearing the news that homosexuality was legal said ‘it’ll soon be made fucking compulsory’ how right he was.

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