Just when you think a new box ticking exercise cannot get dafter, I just heard this bull on the radio. I dont need to mass copy and paste, its all in the link above, but…..
This cunting is not aimed to be racist, and it is certainly not against blood donation by any creed or colour. It’s purely about the removal of a basic safety question and the continued bollocks of making things ‘inclusive’. I understand the need for blood donors from all walks of life, but risking lives with the possibility of HIV contaminated blood defies logic. Many people have had their lives ruined by contaminated blood from poorly or unscreened donations in the past, and to remove a safety question about people having had sex in endemic HIV regions seems another step backward to me, not forwards.
They are basically saying it poses no additional risk and will benefit more Blacks with things like Sickle Cell which is perfectly fine. They say the chances of contaminated blood getting through is 1 in 23 million. But I doubt the poor sod that gets given that 1 lot of infected blood will be relieved by such figures (it seems to be an unbelievably high success rate), and of course there are still innocent folk out there fighting for their lives or living with HIV after previous contamination fiascos.
And how many donations WILL be identified as being unusable or contaminated by this move and at what cost? To me this is a backward step in transfusion and blood safety all for the appeasement of ‘inclusivity’.
Nominated by: The Eternally Grumpy Cunt
The way things are going only the unvakzinated will have blood worth having.
I’ll pass on your opinion the Covid Pos thirty-something yr old male that we blue-lighted to resus with a temp of 39 and SARS of 77%, non-vaccinated, who’s now on a ventilator. Your choice, but we’re sick of sorting you cunts out.
Im a vaccinated blood donor. The latest batch went for medical research at St Barts. I have a rarer blood type. So I agree DCI.
And this nom, I don’t know if you give blood but they take a little bag and screen it before every donation.
Unfortunately I cannot donate. Some family have benefitted from transfusions and of course they, and I, are grateful for that. My beef with it all is the bloody ‘inclusivity’ angle again. I probably would not have given the story a second glance or thought if it hadnt been thrust every hour on the hour that it was to make it more ‘inclusive’. A word that just like ‘rascist’ has become so overused it triggers piss boiling switch.
I agree with that point. Inclusivity is a word for taking you away from your day job to improve the lives of spakkers.
I watched the briefing yesterday and it is clear that the majority of hospitalisations are unvaccinated, the ratio increases as you go up the age groups but even in the old farts there are twice as many unvaccinated as vaccinated.
I simply don’t understand why with all the evidence that people are still not getting vaccinated, especially adults, ok the jury is out on kids but not for adults.
Probably a multitude of reasons why people are still refusing the vaccination.
Lack of trust would be one of the main reasons in my opinion.
Perhaps if governments around the world hadn’t lied from day one all in coordination, by deliberately inflating the death tolls of this virus.
For example – falling off a ladder isn’t dying of covid.
Just as a death caused by inoperable cancer isn’t dying of covid either.
The same people terrifying the public are owned by the same people providing the cure. Just as the same people pretending to care about our health are at the same time allowing our country to be invaded.
SOI: twice as many unvaccinated in hospital WITH Covid than vaccinated?
That goes against the feed back globally.
I find anything our governcunts say about Covid, highly suspicious.
I’d guess a lot of those hospitalisations have come from the vaccinated unwittingly spreading the virus through having milder symptoms/being asymptomatic.
Especially the ones not wearing masks, the selfish cunts! ?
Here in Spain British people cannot donate blood.
I am not sure about the whole of Spain but certainly in my region.
They don’t want our blood because of the possibility of it being contaminated by BSE.
It’s their loss.
Basque Country?
Comunidad Valenciana.
The rules are that any British person that lived in the UK between 1980 and 1996 cannot donate blood.
There are further restrictions for people that have received blood in the UK outside of that period.
Rather than fuck around with questionnaires the donation centres here and in the rest of Spain (I have just checked) will just refuse donations from any British person.
BSE which came from France and they actively exported those cattle then pointed the finger.
I’m so glad Napoleon the Corsican is who they support.
Napoleon lost because he relied on the French for support. (that’s a termite ridden crutch if ever I heard one).
True GFWC, BSE was known as JCB in France, for obvious reasons!, garlic scoffing cunts!!!!
Is it racist to give blood if you’re a fascist and it saves joo’s life or a BLM.
Do you need to veganise blood prior to going to vegans in case that blood is in danger of waking up their brain.
Sooooo many effical dilemmmmmmmmmmmas
Blood donation should be safe not a mechanism for diversity.
What a cunt.
What about the blatant discrimination against those with hepatitis?
If I needed a transfusion I would tell the doc I dont want any black blood or chinky blood just good old fashioned white Ango-Saxon blood.
Just to be a cunt MP, what about the blood of Christ?
They have found human blood on the Shroud of Turin Shackledragger. There was a moment when it was thought possible that DNA could be got from it. But it was too old.
Actually evidence of the antiquity of the cloth.
What about Jèwîsh blood MP, is that okay?
Ah, straight from an unsullied choir boy….
But what if you were GCS 3* after a trauma injury and HEMS gave you blood at the side of the road to save your life? And the HEMS doctor was Jewish?
*Unresponsive, basically, fucked.
No Irish blood? ?
Jewish blood? But that wouldn’t mix with my strong catholic blood. They wouldn’t coalgulate.
Jewish doctor? Well he’d want paying there and then wouldnt he? And I’m poor.
Well maybe I would suffer to be helped all the time praying for his conversion.
Maybe a tincture RT.
Considering humans are descendants of Adam & Eve, then the blood in all our veins must be Jewish. It’s not fecking rocket science.
Oi Vey!!!
Miles will be growing his hair into long ringlets and opening a kosher butchers, in celebration ?
Well done Miles!!
The thought of some chinamans blood or some filthy foreigners blood pumping round my system is frankly to much to bare!
Nurse! I feel queasy!
Id rather die than have that shite in me, like running a Aston Martin on fuckin chipfat.
That would be the best of course Miserable-good Yorkshire blood.
Met some of your Red sea friends this week.
The ones with the noses.
I had to go and pick up some stock on pallets and take it to Liverpool.
I made them pay cash upfront when I realised who it was for.
They tried to get something done for free as usual.
But I fucked him off.
I out jewed him!
Half my blood is Scunthorpian, the rest is Felixtowian.
Resus? That’s monkeys. I’m not having monkey blood swirling about in me!
They should remake Galton and Simpson’s The Blood Donor made famous by the perfect comic timing of Tony Hancock.
The prospect of Blood Borne Viruses (BBV) is serious. Blood screening must be ensured and thorough especially in third world shitholes otherwise we will all be contaminated.
If I need a blood transfusion I want British blood. Pure Anglo-Saxon for 14 generations with just a dash of Viking.
I thought “monkey blood” was the red sauce on one’s 99?
Having donated for about 20 years I have no problem with being asked if I’m a bummer, have shagged dark keys in Africa, eaten a toxic burger in 1985 or sucked a cock for money. If it keeps people safe then it should continue. Fuck inclusivity.
I’ve consider a donation but realised that I might end up saving the life of someone I’d quite happily see gassed.
So fuck that.
The blood of champions flows through my veins, unsullied by foreign, untainted by crossbreeding,
Pure unadulterated Englishman.
Its worth more than gold.
Those fuckin parasites down the doctors surgery would love a pint or two!
Always begging.
Probably after creating a army of supermen or summat.
Told them to fuck right off ?
Not saving some smelly Stanley or Clifford Flipperlips with my blood!
Its the sacred wine of Albion.
Don’t care if they’re dying,
Fuck em.
Id rather pour it down the shitter.
I went to give some blood for the first time recently and I won’t be doing it again. You try and help and what do you get, a stroppy nurse with endless questions like, whose blood is that, where did you get it and why is it in a bucket….
From previous conversations on IsAC, I would image most members blood is 40% proof.
Some probably highly flammable ?