Vive-Le-Cunt for the pint sized French leader, who is still throwing his toys out of his pram, over us leaving his beloved EU. Last March it seems Britain was deprived of 5 million doses of the Astra-Zenica Covid vaccine, thanks to the cheese sniffer:
Whatever your view of the vaccine – pro or anti – this was a deliberate theft and yet another excuse for the shit-faced granny shagger to seek revenge.
On the same subject, somebody has got Sleepy Joe Biden out of his coffin again, to mouth more threats about the Washington view of Northern Ireland. I sometimes wonder if Biden isn’t given the kiss of life by some of the more malevolent Remainers in the Labour Party – what better time to mouth threats through his false teeth than Conference week. Biden was at his most comatose last week.
As regards France, we need to fire a shot across their bows – the cowardly little cunts would be as scared as they were in 1940. As for Biden we need to tell him to mind his own fucking business – even if that business is sniffing young girls hair.
There you are – Macron and Biden: two cunts for the price of one
Nominated by: W.C.Boggs
And we may as well have another nom about the Frogs. This one from Fuglyucker
The fucking French are cunts, as we already know the lazy froggie wankers have
always been cunts but its French fisherman im aiming this cunting at.
These cunts are up in arms because they are not having their licenses renewed to fish off the coast of Jersey after the Brexit deal.
So they are going to try and cut off supplies to the UK via all the ports to try and fuck up Christmas the despicable cunts, bearing in mind they reckon it would be impossible to slow down the constant tidal wave of immigrant shit traveling from France to the UK every fucking day……useless slimy fuckers, it goes to show when its in their interest its a different kettle of fish[excuse the pun]…
Seen in the classifieds section:
Job lot of rifles, never fired, only dropped once, circa 1940. Contact the French army if interested.
All right thinking Englishmen hate the French, what’s not to hate?
Apparently Microbe is a Anglophile!!!
Funny way of showing it?
Always whining and pointing the finger, the little cunt.
Leaving the Eu and stealing submarine contracts has pushed his buttons,
Lets goad him some more!
Boycott all french goods!
Have the pond picnickers sulking, sink a few of their fishing vessels.
Bet that old woman he lives with is bored of his tantrums?
All she wants is 3 naps a day, soft foods, and the heating on.
Instead shes got Emmanuel clambering all over her,
Popping out her dentures and asking for his garlic flavoured foreskin sucked.
Fuckin little necrophiliac
This is what comes from being interfered with as a child. Shagging a milf at age 15 sounds great but it can’t do your mental elf and personal development any favours. Macron has always been a cunt but he’s a Frenchie so you expect that. However, i’ve come to the conclusion that he’s only a slightly bigger cunt than that wobbling bastard Jellyfish in Downing Street.
Shagging older wimminz as a teen, never did me any harm?
Erm, hang on…..
Imagine him and Wayne Rooney on a Saga cruise?
Fucking carnage.
Yeah, Emmanuel and Wayne on the pull. You could make a tv series out of it…..”The Motherfuckers Go Cruising”.
Channel 4 would love it!
Wayne & Emanuel.
A bigger danger to the elderly than the flu and harsh winters
Could charges of biddy fiddling be levelled?
I didn’t know he was banging a granny, from now on I’m calling him cobweb cock.
I hope he dies soon, along with every other french person.
I wonder, when he slides into bed, if she whispers
” come to mummy”
God, I’ve just made myself feel sick.
Boney the IV has shit in the liver over England and the US usurping their submarine deal with Oz, they know that they can’t do anything to America so England cops the brunt of their ire. Just remember how many AIF and British died for France you cunt.
A for the Irish question, unify them under direct Imperial rule. Problem solved.
Best thing we ever did is destroy their fleet at Mers El Kebir in 1940. Churchill cried when he ordered that. I would have danced a jig.
I can remember having a real spring in my step when that Concorde full of the french cunts crashed into a hotel, unbelievable good luck that was full of german cunts ????????????????????????????
LOL … a tad harsh but fuckin’ funny.
Bonyfart Micron has really lost the plot over the past month. He’s so consumed with hatred and jealousy of the UK that he’s made himself and his country look absurd.
He assumed that after Brexit the UK would be so isolated and friendless that it would be running back to rejoin the EU. The first thing that happened to upset that view is that we developed a Covid vaccine and France didn’t. We then got the vaccine into peoples arms quicker than the French and the EU.
Then AUKUS was a real thunderbolt up Micron’s much abused derrière.
One good thing is that the government has at last realised France is not our friend. Steps are being taken to make us a true maritime nation again and to develop other ports and lessening our dependence on the Calais-Dover bottleneck.
I also hope we will review our military agreement with the French. They need it more than we do.
If I were an ignorant red-faced mick, I might feel quite touched that the the EU, and France in particular worried so much about Northern Ireland – but I am sure when the French were surrendering in 1940, neither they or any other EU country gave a farting fuck about N. Ireland.
The only reason they are doing so now, apart from just being as fucking annoying as a bunch of pikeys on your driveway, is they see that as one way of keeping their hooks into Britain until Dame Kweer and Hilary Benn and Sugartits Cooper are in power to take us back into the fascist state of the EU. I suspect they will have a long wait so they might as well STFU now, before they make themselves look even more like puerile losers.
I read the EU with France and Germany at the forefront are making plans for a trade war with Britain.
This could include reducing imports of gas and electricity from undersea pipelines etc.
Once upon a time that would be a precursor to war.
Nowadays I expect a sympathetic opinion piece in the Guardianistan will suffice.
We need to take the gloves off with those French cunts.
Sink the fucking trawlers.
Sink the fucking dinghies.
Show some courage once more.
Fuckin tadpole lickers.
Sink the theiving cunts.
Finish on a high by nuking Paris. Then London.
Strangely a lot of French people do like the English, although it does vary as to what region of France we’re talking about (a bit like North and South Wales and their like/dislike for the English)
Macron is indeed a cunt, but he is playing a cunning game of distraction between domestic and international affairs. There’s an election coming up and he’s worried he might get his arse handed to him given how extremely unpopular he is at home, especially his handling of the pandemic.
As a consequence he is focusing on the EU, Brexit, Ireland, Australia/US trade deals etc. As such there’s a chance he might just cling onto power for a few more years
I am never surprised by the self serving actions of the French. They are cunts; always have been ,always will be.
At least their Senate slung out the obnoxious motion to make the Covids Vakzination compulsory. Read anything about that on the BBC? Thought not. So here it is reported from Italy:
When it comes to France, the BBC tends to concentrate mainly on all those poor women and children who are busily crossing the channel.
Francois Pascal from her days in the very un-pc sitcom of the 1970s
Nothing else matters
“Mind Your Language” I forgot to add
I’ve heard that Emanuel Macron has a penchant for sub Saharan length.
Good Morning
Another poofy French minister who has caught the delight of the BBC. I wonder how he and they would exlain the empty shelves in the USA?:
There’s no problem with the supply chain when it comes to shipping their filthy, Peaceful trash over here.
Fuck off cunts!
Macron’s attitude to the UK typifies that of the EU, not all of Europe, but the EU as a general construct. His impassioned responses to things that don’t go his way are dangerous and the UK should be doing everything it can to sink his political ambitions.
I still maintain that we should cosy right up to Mother Russia … nowt wrong in their approach to thing … not in my view there ain’t. Annexing Crimea … why the fuck not … we’ve done similar. Wiping out a few trouble makers and agent provocateurs … sounds good to me … we’ve done similar. Going about business with a bit of gung-ho adventurism … yeah GYSOT … we’ve done it.
Yeah sidle up to the Bear and give it a hug … that’d change the EU’s perception of what were all about. It’d also stun the snowflakes and we could dismantle their shite agenda.
The Russian fleet in U.K. waters … still fancy fishing near that … still reckon your chances of getting your dinghy past them.
The French are cheese eating surrender monkeys and not to be trusted….lying and being devious is in the Frenchman’s nature.
You can take your string of onions, your cheese and your fucking frogs legs and jam them where the sun doesn’t shine….and I don’t mean Doncaster.
Ring the Channel Isles with dinghies. That’ll keep the fuckers away.
Zut alors!
First the failure of the Pasteur Institutes’ vaccine program and then the failure to get the Aussies to commit to buying their subs,.
A nation in decline.
I read in The Times a day or three back that Doris the Jelly and Microcock used to be on v good terms; says a lot about both of them, really.
In the German press, it said that Micron is considered a wanker in Germany, and little better in France.
The E Europeans within the EU have little time for run-away-someone’s – coming “allies” like the frogs; when you have the Russian bear pissing on your borders, an alliance with proper fighting men like the US is of more importance.
What a cockwomble
I was called a Nazi by a Frenchman once for making him do what he was being paid to do. I said if that was true he would either be doing as I told him and not back chatting, or hiding cowering in his cellar….
The best leader the world has had in decades was The Donald. Didn’t give a fuck, told fucks like Macron to fuck off and he hated the BBC. Viva The Donald!!
Amen! Trumpo took no fucking shit!
The fact he was so hated by the hysterical left was a fucking bonus to!
Donnie Tango had the whole package.
A no nonsense approach to diplomacy
A willingness to make lefties cry
And beach boy good looks.
Sadly missed.
Is it true that Macron is pissed off because Merkel knocked him back for a shag ?
Aye!Dirty granny shagger
Apparently, the French fishing fleet are going to blockade ports to prevent exports to the UK. Good luck, Pierre.
Do you want all your French produce suppliers having it rotting on the docks? Do you think they’ll support you?
Don’t we have pigs galore, turkeys, chickens, beef, lamb, fish farms, etc.
Do you think, for one fucking minute, the majority of the UK could give a flying fuck about the lack of foie gras, truffles & stinking cheese?
The British will not have so many nice things to eat indeed!
Shove your maron glacé up with the Brie.
I feel a War coming on with France, but don’t worry it would be over in 12 hrs even if we sent Dads Army.!
I’d just send my 11 year old granddaughter over to bitch slap the cunt. She’d make him cry like a baby.
Mind, me and a tribe would be standing behind her.