DFL’s AKA White Flight From London

My town is now overrun with DFL’s (Down From London types), marching around, snootily filled with the love of their own vegan fart smells. One street, in particular, is an enclave of self-important Guardianistas, situated as close to the local Waitrose as possible, obviously. How else will you be able to buy fresh saffron in a pinch?

They’ve turned all the local boozers into safe houses for middle-class cunts. I hate it. They take out the pool table, paint the walls white, clean the 60-year-old tobacco smoke stains off the ceiling, add some ‘brew dog/punk ale’ and then sit around winging about Brexiters, Climate Change and Capitalism.

I recently went to a local garden party to see I was surrounded by these cunts. A Feminist in mixed company even picked a fight with me because I identified a girl there as having ‘big tits’. It was a fair identifier as this girl was wearing an open chested top that came with a billboard that said ‘PLEASE NOTICE MY BIG TITS’. I merely took her que.

My neighbour 2 doors down is also a tortuously self-advertising Leftie DFL

All the hallmarks:

. About 45-50 years old, looks 65 due to rejecting any unnatural cosmetic upkeep
. Sports an insincere, self-satisfied smile, at other times a needless frown
. Loose-fitting, multi-coloured robes, pashmina scarves, sandals, proud grey hair
. Green Party placard in the window to let you know she’s better than you
. Charges around like she owns the place
. Looks down on us local yokels as ‘interesting’ but in need of much-needed re-education/consciousness-raising/cultural enrichment

You get the picture

Who knows what goes on in that house? A lot of weed, polyamorous relationships, sub-letting and tofu-eating, I imagine. ​

She also has a long-haired greyhound that barks constantly.

It’s fucking annoying.

I wish they would all fuck off back to London, the hellscape they helped create by voting for cunts like them.

Nominated by: Cunty McCunterson

120 thoughts on “DFL’s AKA White Flight From London

  1. Dont get the cunts up this way. Pitchforks and fire would be utilised. Fuck them off to New Mills or some other la di dah cuntrun.

  2. Cunts who have destroyed their own place with their voting patterns are fleeing violence. They are utter cunts on two fronts. They have destroyed where they came from and will destroy where they move to. The same thing is happening in the US. Im moving out of London and want to move to a racist backwater of English men and women. No burkhas, no labour, no pikeys., dogs allowed.Any suggestions?

    • I’d like to move – I think Lincolnshire is quite good, then N Yorks, Durham, Newcastle and N-E generally. Lived in Newcastle for about 6 months in 2004, was great then, hope it hasn’t changed too much…

      • Newcastle is fucking over-run from what I see when I’m driving through,HBH….changed a hell of a lot since 2004.

      • That was for Smug HBH.
        Hehehe ?
        Your welcome to visit.
        Return ticket obviously…?

      • Tried isle of man?
        Nice there!
        CG told me the girls will kiss your winky for a mars bar®
        So go shopping first!

      • Isle of Mann is 50% the cast of deliverance / 50% immigrants.

        Mis-Manx girls are ok until they discover a taste fo 2 things:

        Spunk & Guiness-it fucking ruins em?

        A Manx man told me that?

    • Billy Bragg is one of the cunts who springs to mind. Forever lecturing us on the benefits of diversity and then fucks off to Dorset, one of the few places where even newsagents are white.

      • I remember when Joe Strummer died. The reporter (BBC I think), without a hint of irony, said she was reporting on the radical left-wing singer who championed socialism and the underclass, from outside his 16th century manor house in Somerset!!!

      • Ha ha ha!
        I bit like those champions of working class values “The Levellers”-(a great live band though)-one of them , the guitarist, living in a fucking yacht.
        Power to the fucking people✊

      • Another Jeremy CG.
        All that posturing with dreadlocks?
        Cunts probably got a property portfolio to match the most ruthless of capitalists.

      • This is the exact cuntishness i want to avoid. I dont want to live in a bungalo in Norfolk either.

  3. Parallel scenario is playing out right now in the USA with the same smug fart inhalers leaving California and heading in droves to Texas.

    The irony of course is that these cunts are champions for immigration, and berating those who have concerns about immigrants failing to integrate and thus contributing to cultural degeneration. Now they are the polluters. Bringing their electric scooters, mindless liberal wokery and histrionics, and avacado and facon sandwichs to an American state that is the polar opposite to their fâggy motif cesspit of California.

    Happy to bleed a place dry and pervert it in order to sustain themselves, then move on to the next host when the garbage piles too high.

    This crowd are Yuppie Boomers 2.0

      • Put on those XL jeans and slap on some rogaine, it’s time to raise a fist against the man and all the squares! Or roll around in the mud on acid, either way.

      • LOL – Is that what you imagine people aged between 56 and 75 do?

        Better than whining about how life is treating you so unfair, I suppose.

        PS: Didn’t know you could get XL jeans with size 34 waist. You learn something new every day on ISAC. ?

      • This whole site is people moaning about the inequities of life and stupid nonsense that aggrieves them lol.

        Once again highlighting that classic lack of self-reflection typical of the boomer age bracket. Rock on! ?

      • @MNC ?
        You think he’s some sort of dandified version of the professor from the Weetos adverts?

      • How dare you!

        Levi 501s (W:32 L:30) & T-shirts (medium) 7 days a week 365 days a year, me. Short brown hair (dumped the Howard Hughes look a few years ago).

      • 30 inside leg Ruff?
        Fuck me same as Ronnie Corbett!!
        Not a amputee are you?
        Im a perfect 38inside leg,
        As all adult males should be.
        Are all your siblings Scunthorpe pygmies?

      • Awww you’ve gone and shattered the illusion now.

        “This will not stand. This aggression will not stand man”

      • Only 5′ 9″ tall, Miserable, but my enormous cock makes up for my diminutive stature.

      • There you go then pal!!
        Nowt to complain about.
        Big cock means perfect balance.
        You could do that tightrope between skyscrapers no problem!
        Most of these lads on here?
        Dizzy stood on a stool.
        Inner ear infections?
        Naw, nudgers like cocktail sausage.
        Ask em!
        Say drop em blossom, how you hung?
        Theyll hang their heads in shame.

      • Diminutive compared to MNC. To me you will always be a fine upstanding figure of a man TS!

    • Anyway Chunky what’s with fixation on Boomers?

      I know this will shatter your world view and you’ll probably end up calling me an idiot or, worse but every generation has its good and bad.

      Those two fuckwits Logan and Jake Paul are both millenials.
      Not exactly great examples of our generation are they?
      Or are they Gen Z or whatever the hell it is now?
      I can’t keep up with all these labels that mean sweet f.a.

      • Chunky@
        How old are you?
        Early 20s?
        Ought to be careful on here!
        Give you bloody nightmares son.
        Don’t accept sweets off anyone or accept a lift home.
        Bloody lamb in the hyena enclosure!!

      • Bertie is the Silent Generation 1928-1945 which is why we haven’t heard from him for weeks.

      • I straddle the divide between Gen X and millennial, but always felt a bit too old-fashioned for either.

        There are as many irritating gen X’ers as millennials. No idea on Gen Z as I barely know any.

  4. Jesus.
    Feel so sorry for you.
    You get the stanleys and the flipperlips slowly encroaching where theyre not wanted,
    The yellow locusts too,
    But they must pale into insignificance when you wake to find the cast of EastEnders has invaded.

    “Cor! Lav a duck, alwhite Squire?
    “Lavverly, ows your Shirl?”

    Jesus fuckin wept.

    Luckily we dont get many chimchiminis round here,
    Thumbing their braces and reminiscing about the twins .
    No cheeky little numbers from Oliver! By some budding Danny Dyer.
    And its going to stay that way.
    I told Mike Reid
    I told Ronnie Knight
    And I told Jimmy Pursey.
    Nowt here for you.
    Get back in yer ‘motor’
    And GET FUCKED.??

    • There is a little enclave of old school East Enders in my village, not like the plastic BBC cunts off the telly. One certainly has an air about him and it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if he hasn’t buried a cunt or two in a flyover. I can see why they moved up here to Lincs, it must be like a refugee fleeing your homeland from the invading hordes

      • LL@
        Ive a customer whose a cockney.
        Straight from central casting as a London Cabbie guvnor.
        Hes actually a sound little bloke,
        But a token is ok, dont want floods of them do you?
        Also know a Cornish lad who drives a stackertruck who with wit we call pasty.

      • Mis:
        All the real Cock-er-knees moves to Essex. Or Milton Keynes/Hatfield etc.

        London fell, years ago. The Nazi’s couldn’t fuck it up-thank Nu Liebore for that?

    • But according to ITV, there have been dark keys in Kent in significant numbers since the 50s.

    • Afternoon MNC…serious question for a change:
      As Yorkshire is festooned with smelly påkıs, have they encroached a few miles north to invade Northumberland?
      And what about blacks and yellows…many of them up your way?

      • They seem to stick to city living Thomas.
        Loads in Oldham, Rochdale etc But in the more rural hamlets,
        Villages, Saddleworth etc,
        Not sure why, as for Northumberland I dont thing theres many.
        Not many where I am and none a mile up the road,
        All white?
        but few miles towards Manchester?
        Millions of the fuckers!
        Youd not be surprised to see elephants working in Levenshulme or Longsight.
        But as you all know.
        Cancer spreads.

  5. You cunts! You can moan all you like about us Londoners invading your parochial whippet infested heartlands but wait until you see what’s coming behind us. You’ll appreciate a few poofs and tree huggers once you’ve experienced Abdul and the forty thousand thieves.
    Alan’s Snackbar!

    • I’ve heard that Northern MPs want Boris to put a roof on the M25, and put border checkpoints on all rail and road routes out of the Smoke.

      I think they want something out of “Escape from New York”, keeping the rest of England as pure as poss from the various invasions from down south.

      • All joking aside, a trip into London is now remindful of the Cantina scene, from Star Wars ?

  6. You couldn’t fucking make it up.

    “In David Amess’ honour” The Jellyfish has proposed that Southend now be turned into a City. It is a big enough dumping ground for shit and shankers now. Boris has seized upon this opportunity to turn it into a bigger sink for the dross leaving Londonistan and various dinghy pilots.

    Boris is an utterly objectionable little worm.

    I wonder what David would have made of it?

    • Southend a city? What a fucking joke. All part of the eastward expansion of Stabistan. The foreign hordes have already swallowed up Dagenham, Barking, ilford, Romford etc. Now they are pouring into Essex proper, traditionally the post War refuge of the Cock-er-ney.
      So now the Cock-er-neys are moving into Suffolk and Norfolk and upsetting the straw munching locals.
      We’ll all end up in fucking Jockland freezing our bollocks off defending the new Hadrian’s Wall.

      • Freddie, I’ve worked in all those towns you mention on the eastern side over the years. Many of the white refugees from the East End I met gave the same reason for leaving. When Suckdick was elected mayor they decided that was it, time to bale out.

      • Thanks Hebdo. How ironic then that it was one of those onion headed, peaceful types, seemingly so attracted to UK cities that snuffed him out.

        Its a funny old world, innit?

      • ps. My point was that it was unlikely that Boris made this decision purely on the basis of what David Amess campaigned for. prior to his death.

        Boris never does anything that doesn’t satisfy his own needs.

        Southend has just become a reservoir for even more dross.

      • You’re probably not wrong there, but you just know Boris’ motives never deviate from those of pure self interest.

        Evening RTC.

      • Of that there is ZERO doubt. He must be thinking Christmas has come early this year.

      • I can vouch for a member of the dross in Southend Paul. I had an uncle who moved there from Walsall in the fifties, a complete waster who lived partly off thieving including from his own family. He was fit as a butcher’s dog and didn’t do a day’s work in his life. He lived off his first wife after moving south and when he had worn her out he replaced her with another equally naive. He carked it a few years ago. No loss.

  7. A good traditional country murder rampage would take care of the tofu munching parasites.
    Twelve bore, pitchfork or wood chipper are all equally effective against the middle classes, whichever is slowest and most agonizing…

    Do it.
    DO IT!!

  8. One problem is the cunts carry on as if they are still ensconced in whichever shit hole borough they sprang from. They do not integrate they take over the parish council etc and begin the change. I lived in my present village for 10 years before I met someone who was a local OK I keep to myself but fuck me 10 years before I met someone born in the village. Every new house built and there are hundreds in the pipeline will be purchased by someone from or near London all the previous ones have been. In many of our smaller villages the incomers are the majority. The latest bit of incomer cuntery concerns a chap who moved from London six months ago to a detached house with about acre of land about 1 mile from RAF Conningsby and 1/2 mile from a large boarding kennel (which I use). The cunt has already complained about the dogs barking, the RAF will be next. This cunt had visited the property many times prior to completion so was well aware of the background noise. Basically a fucking twat can’t wait to see what happens if he pisses off the local farming brigade which hopefully he will.

  9. The local newsagent starts to stock The Guardian, Vegan fitness etc.

    Next the pub becomes a fucking gourmet eatery.

    Then the village primary school closes, as they put their vests into private prep schools-but fear not, it will become a Montessori nursery or have various Lesbian Yoga/pillates/wimminz classes.

    Next the house prices will rise, forcing the youngsters to become economic migrants in their own homeland?


  10. Totally OT but whoever posted a link (DF, perhaps?) to Hillbilly Moon Explosion some time ago, thank you. I think I’m hooked. Ta, chap!

      • Good stuff that music. I’m a big fan of music like that
        Cajun, country rock, rockabilly as long as it gets my feet tapping

  11. I enjoyed reading that as I am from London but in my area it’s mostly Polish I hear so those cunts must either be north London type hipster cunts or South West London Cheeeeeelsea cunts.

  12. These cunts are fuelling a population boom in my town. As if services weren’t already stretched enough.

  13. As someone who has been forced into “white flight”, I can honestly say anywhere Caucasians have been forced from (with the exception of China), has invariably turned into a shithole, without fail, but it’s still whitey’s fault, Londonstan is fucked!!!!

  14. It won’t be too long before the BBC rebrands “Eastenders” “DinkEnders” or “DinghyEnders”

    Imagine the characters and dialogue banter for that eventuality!

    • 50 years of colour Television and now, all the programmes are in Black & White.

      • Don’t you mean black and brown, CG? Not too many honkies on telly nowadays, especially on adverts.
        I wonder if the chınkıes that reside in this country are sick to death of seeing an um bongo every time they turn on the idiot lantern?

      • It’s got beyond a joke Thomas.

        How I yearn for the TV of my youth-a couple of Indians in “It ain’t half hot mum” ,one of them a “blackface” whitey), that posh voiced Knee-grow in Rising Damp and Bert Kwong’s Kayto in the Christmas “Pink Panther” film?

        That was ample diversity?

    • Or even Eastbenders for our LGBT friends.

      Coronation Street could become Curry up your Street.

  15. The big problem is that the cock er knees have made a huge pile of untaxed money from the largely unearned practice of living somewhere where all the investment and dodgy foreign capital resides.
    Then they can buy up a large place elsewhere and piss off the locals.
    Faaack orff!

  16. The cunts escape from the shit hole they have created, then try and recreate it where they move to. Fucking total cunts all of them.

  17. ‘There’s no room for racism’ we’re ordered every five minutes by the great thinkers of our time, like Rio Ferdinand and Kenny Daglish’s fat arsed daughter.

    This is a fine sentiment, but I wonder if they’d feel the same after having a refugee housing project built next door to their mansions in honkyville?

    What do you mean your campaigning against them building it? Or that you’re now selling up? I know the value of your property has just halved, but think of all that enrichment they bring? Your going to move because you don’t want to live near a refugee housing project?

    I thought there was no room for racism?

  18. The only cunts cheering on all this unskilled and unwanted mass immigration (apart from idiots) are the ones with extensive property portfolios.

    The replacement birth rate of the white British is low enough to create a reduction in house prices. In effect, the young cunts moaning that they can’t afford to buy a house, will be able to do so if we had strict immigration controls. But because they want a massive influx of third world shite, the demand for property is too high. Supply and demand etc
    ..the property portfolio mob are like pigs in mud. Fuck the country.

    Kerching for these types. And for those with links to large construction firms. Which is quite a few Tory MPs it turns out.


  19. None of the Parking Stanleys or Knee Grows up here in the rural Peak District. One was mates with my other ‘arf – he (not the other Mr. CuntusLituanicus) left because people would stare at him for being bläck. Nothing to do with the fact he was an obnoxious twat with a chip on his shoulder.

    The Chinese family who run the local takeaway are sound. The young lad’s lovely and granny ain’t afraid to give you a bollocking if you don’t have the right cash. Proper old school Chinese.

    Going to Manchester – which I used to in order to go boozing – is like going to the subcontinent. I went to university there in the late 2000s and it’s a right shithole compared to how it was then. Stockport’s a far more savoury solution for beer consumption.

      • Good man, MNC. Glad you appreciate taste amongst fellow cunters.

        I left Leicesterstan a few years ago before the ol’ bat flu hit and ended up staying up here. It’s bliss in comparison. I’ve accidentally left my car unlocked more than once and nowt’s been touched. Good folk up here.

  20. The only solution is repatriation. Sending them back, basically. Born here were you? You and your family still dress like it’s sixth century Arabia? Yeah. Not working out, is it?

    Thing is, there is absolutely no stomach for such a thing. From voters or politicians. Any political party/politician campaigning on such a front would be vilified. The supporters attacked on the street, while the police ignore or join in with the beatings.

    The politicians in question would probably end up in prison. Supporters outed on social media and fired from their jobs.

    Sadly, we’re fucked I’m afraid. Try and escape to as honky an area as possible if you can.

    But only if you don’t want more dross invading our isles.

    Enoch is smoking a big fat cigar in heaven saying, ‘Told you, you stupid fucking cunts!’

    Oh, we were never asked and if we had been, it wouldn’t have been a 52/48 share of the vote. I bet 70% plus would’ve said no to letting all these cunts in to trash our country, drive up property prices, stretch services and increase retirement age for us all.

    But by continually voting in these cunts over time, we’ve (we as a country) brought this on ourselves. Once Blair destroyed the country, Parliament should’ve been filled with 500 Enoch’s. But it wasn’t.

    • Agree with you too Cuntybollocks.
      Repatriation is the answer.
      Only going back a hundred years though.
      Be nice wouldn’t it?
      Quieter, less crowded.
      Doctors appointment?
      No problem!!

      • More chance of growing a new head to be honest.

        Still, in the end they’ll end up spilling into the areas of these rich, out of touch cunts who want more ‘refugees’.

        At least that will be fun to watch.

      • Indeed.
        When your exclusive neighbourhood is swarming with Jedi and flipperlips is selling drugs to little Max and Olivia?
        When you cant sell up because prospective buyers dont like the overwhelming odour of stale curry….

  21. The Labour cocksuckers on Southend Council will love spending all that taxpayers money on new road signs etc.
    Basically everything with “Southend Borough Council” on it will have to be changed to “Southend City Council.”
    These cunts have gone up in the world and they will want everyone to know it. There’s nothing quite so nauseating as a politician with his tongue up his own arse.
    Hello Mr Johnson. How’s the wife?

  22. It’s only getting worse and the small percentage that are vermin ,will reek havoc because all countries are allowing it to fester
    Countries that were civilized and safe at night have succumbed to this shit infestation.
    I hate the way they infest the inner cities with there shit barbers ,mobile cock items ,kebab goat rolls and you are literally tripping over the cunts when you’re in town for a stroll and a peak.
    The look some of them return when you get eye contact is probably the most disheartening part as you know in no uncertain terms they fucking will not respect you even when it is your birth place.
    Enrichment , I’m not smiling

  23. In the States there are rich, privileged Hollywood types leaving California in droves.
    All going to places like Arizona, Colorad, Texas and the mid-west.

    Mainly due to the massive homeless problem in California. There is somewhere around 66,000 people living on the streets in LA county.
    You think the Calais jungle looks like a shithole?
    This is the Mount Olympus of shitholes.

    Many of the rich celebrity types have up and left never to return.
    Many are the SJW crusader types.


  24. They should come to Sheffield, I’ll sell the silly cunts my house and move to Cornwall.
    I’m sure they will love me there.
    Or maybe Aberdeen.

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