My town is now overrun with DFL’s (Down From London types), marching around, snootily filled with the love of their own vegan fart smells. One street, in particular, is an enclave of self-important Guardianistas, situated as close to the local Waitrose as possible, obviously. How else will you be able to buy fresh saffron in a pinch?
They’ve turned all the local boozers into safe houses for middle-class cunts. I hate it. They take out the pool table, paint the walls white, clean the 60-year-old tobacco smoke stains off the ceiling, add some ‘brew dog/punk ale’ and then sit around winging about Brexiters, Climate Change and Capitalism.
I recently went to a local garden party to see I was surrounded by these cunts. A Feminist in mixed company even picked a fight with me because I identified a girl there as having ‘big tits’. It was a fair identifier as this girl was wearing an open chested top that came with a billboard that said ‘PLEASE NOTICE MY BIG TITS’. I merely took her que.
My neighbour 2 doors down is also a tortuously self-advertising Leftie DFL
All the hallmarks:
. About 45-50 years old, looks 65 due to rejecting any unnatural cosmetic upkeep
. Sports an insincere, self-satisfied smile, at other times a needless frown
. Loose-fitting, multi-coloured robes, pashmina scarves, sandals, proud grey hair
. Green Party placard in the window to let you know she’s better than you
. Charges around like she owns the place
. Looks down on us local yokels as ‘interesting’ but in need of much-needed re-education/consciousness-raising/cultural enrichment
You get the picture
Who knows what goes on in that house? A lot of weed, polyamorous relationships, sub-letting and tofu-eating, I imagine.
She also has a long-haired greyhound that barks constantly.
It’s fucking annoying.
I wish they would all fuck off back to London, the hellscape they helped create by voting for cunts like them.
Nominated by: Cunty McCunterson
I don’t mind these rah cunts moving down to my neck of the woods, (Devon/Cornwall border) as long as they pass the entrance exam , namely being buggered senseless by the doubly incontinent village idiot.
can understand the angst..
being a laandon boy myself, who lived the impoverished northern life for two whole days back in 1985, I fink I deserve a dong for my efforts. ??
My nan lives in a village where the average house price is nearly a million quid.
a few townies have moved there from Londonistan over the years but fail to adapt, and waste hundreds of thousands building stuff without planning so it gets taken down.
Arrogant fucking idiots.
Is it just White Cockneys that are fleeing Stabsvile, Wind Rushers and Stanley’s seem to love the Dump, the U.Ks capital, one of the most famous, is rapidly becoming a third world shithole, I could care less if I never set foot in the cesspit again.!
The reason the well off are leaving london to those poor true white working class british people is coz they are fed up with getting mugged , raped, assaulted and threatened by the Winstons and Delroy’s and the othe golly gangs that have taken over like a terminal black cancer of arrogance, black privilege and anti white hate. The only white cunts left are the retarded white whores who were mong enough to think having a “Brahhn Baby” would be trendy .
Londistan is a shit hole filled with black shits and seriously dumb white whore shits who wonder why they have been left holding their 4 half cast cunt sproggs coz cunt daddy went off with 7 other blonde white trollops and got all them up the duff too.
White whores never ever learn.