This climate change technology has been around since the 1940s, but has only really come online since the 1990s and beyond.
I won’t go into a long-winded description about what Cloud Seeding is all about (the links below will explain all of that), other than to say its a way of rain-making (precipitation) by injecting clouds with chemicals, such as the controversial environmental “pollutant” silver iodine particles. This reacts with existing water droplets in the clouds that become suitably dense and heavy enough to attract Earth’s gravity, and thus making it rain.
Cloud Seeding has been used across most developed countries around the world, especially in the States and the United Arab Emirates in particular, where they have taken cloud seeding to a new level. They can create heavy downpours whenever and wherever in the UAE they want, especially in Dubai.
Of course one of the first questions one would ask about cloud seeding is why can’t they use it in prolonged draught areas around the equator (Africa mostly) and thus provide much needed water for the people, animals and crops to thrive on?
Well it only works if there’s lots and lots of clouds on a daily basis. And this isn’t always the case in equatorial areas.
So what’s the problem with cloud seeding?
Well its the silver iodine nanoparticles that are the problem, in that they are seen as a health risk to humans and animal life – its a carcinogenic that could cause cancer. (Again, the links go into far more scientific detail than I would want to bore people with here)
So on the one hand we can play God and mess around with the climate by literally making it rain (or snow) at will in certain countries. But at the same time we could be posing a massive health risk to millions of people.
And I quote from one of the links:-
“The potential threat to humans comes when the nanoparticles are present in the air and inhaled—particularly in workplaces—while algae and animals can be harmed when they enter ecosystems, including through wastewater.
And, according to research by Marie Simonin and others, the nanoparticles can also be toxic for some soil organisms.”
Perhaps this is the kind of issue XR need to be talking about because up until a few days ago I hadn’t even heard of cloud seeding. But now that I do know it worries me about exactly what kind of chemicals these scientists have been firing up into the clouds after all these years. And that perhaps it is this kind of activity that could also be a cause of climate change!
So whenever you feel like singing in the rain be warned, you may end up with titanium dioxide nanoparticles in your bloodstream!
Nominated by: Technocunt
Surprisingly I know about cloud seeding a bit,
Thanks to television,.
Theyve used it during wildfires in California and places.
And during droughts.
I also know in America the hardcore tinfoil brigade are terrified of it.
They think its the government sowing mind control drugs.
Its not owt to worry about,
Been around for ages,
Dont need cloud seeding in the North West of England.
We are rain rich.
Only place wetter is Atlantis.
On the lighter side, Kate Bush wrote a song about this, I think the video used a large horn on a hill.
Sampled in modern times by the Utah Saints.
Also, more seriously there is a school of thought that the floods that decimated Lynton and Lynmouth in the 60s were generated by a cloud seeding experiment.
Interesting stuff.
A young Kate Bush gave me a large horn?
I still would-just to see if I could get her to hit those high notes ?
Shes fuckin ace is Kate.
One person I actually like.
I totally agree Mis ?
One of the most talented singers of her generation. The fact that she was fucking gorgeous was a bonus.
The song is about Austrian psychologist Wilhelm Reich (1897–1957), as seen through his young son’s eyes, and a device which Reich claimed could produce rain by manipulating what he called “orgone energy” present in the atmosphere.
The cloudbuster was intended to be used in a way similar to a lightning rod. Focusing it on a location in the sky and grounding it in some material that was presumed to absorb orgone – such as a body of water – it would draw the orgone energy out of the atmosphere, causing the formation of clouds and rain.
Reich conducted dozens of experiments with the cloudbuster, calling the research “Cosmic orgone engineering”.
There have been no verified instances of a cloudbuster actually working and producing noticeable weather change, such as causing rain. Orgone therapy is considered to be pseudoscience…
The Kate Bush Encyclopedia’s take:
Also sung about by Hawkwind in “Orgone accumulator”.
Further reading:
File under: fascinating nutters.
Fucking Lib Dems at it again. Cunts, Probably blame Brexit. If they are cloud seeding I wish they would fucking lay off and take their experiments to some other part of the country. Better still, the fucking Sudan could do with a soaking. No doubt half-term will mean another week of this shit.
Anyway fuck Africa.
The only rain those cunts should get is atomic ash.
I thought it was ‘chem trails’ we had to worry about from the big metal birds in the sky.
Cloud seed the cunts with napalm.
As your resident tinfoil hat expert, it’s my belief that weather mod technology is far more advanced than this. They can use EMF rather than chemicals to do it.
Same bullshit applies. Military and classified projects polluting our environment, not really knowing what the fuck they’re doing. The most famous example being nuclear testing.
EMF, manipulating the ionosphere and other atmospheric layers, could have adverse affects on biology we’re not aware of. Elon Musk is peppering space with 5G satellites too so the whole world can enjoy a good gamble on long term health.
Military funded science is literally one disaster after another. We’re so fucking stupid.
When I was very young I got separated from my parents while on safari in Africa.
I wandered for days and was eventually found, accepted and raised by a group of hyenas.
It wasn’t easy, scavenging for food, avoiding male lions, the droughts etc.
It was a tough life, but fuck me did we have some laughs….
Good one, I always enjoy a good joke.
Apart from the labour party that is.
The old ways of rain making
Red injuns are shite at lyrics aren’t they?
“Hiya, hiya, hey yaya..”
Every song.
Same shite every time.
Like Oasis.
Whys he dressed as a turkey?
Crazy redskin.
That’s the next leader of the Green Party.
Who Dancing Turkey?
He’s better than most theyve offered up!
Hope he scalps Boris .
If he isn’t up to it, Alec Baldwin and his prop gun can deal with him.
Hehehe ?
Yeah, wtf?
“Alec ‘bodycount’ Baldwin.
Ive heard of shooting a film, but….
My next Deadpool picks; anyone working on Alec Baldwins next film.
It’s all in the drums, Injun words aren’t that exiting, Hiya is about the best they can do, no wonder they got fucked over by paleface.
I think the dancer works part time as a Turkey fucker, er I mean plucker.
Did he aim the fucking thing at her
Having been in an gallery that he was present in,
I can say he’s a chippy shoulder cunt
Rumour has it he’s nudged out Tom Cruise for a film called Prop Gun.
Beaked up at a house party as a younger man one weekend (not proud of it, long time ago), we were all enjoying the summer evening in the garden.
It then started to piss down. I (due to my ‘condition’) then rather dramatically, ‘commanded’ the rain to stop.
And it fucking did as soon as I shouted something like, ‘Water from ye Gods. I command thee to stop!’
Yes, I bought some more and the lad on that push bike was busy that night I can tell you.
It’s what governments do, look after their people. If African governments can’t even make a fire to boil off nasty germs in the water, they’re hardly going to invent this level of wizardry, are they?
I had some good news yesterday, the African I was sponsoring died.
Because you didn’t send enough free munnney ,you tight arse
If we all chip in a tenner, you can sponsor a few thousand ??
As part of a charity drive by War on Want ive been sending homemade jams to African kids.
Apple and glass
Cherry and barbed wire
Aspirin &razor blade curd
Bon appetit ?
We think that we fuckin rule all, stop messing around with Nature, we have no more right to be here than a cockroach or Rat, this Beautiful old world will still be turning when we are dust, in fact we are below the cockroach and Rat, in the Words of the Best Rock band ever, we’re on A Highway To Hell.!
Bit of music to start the weekend.
These lads never worried about clouds.
An neither did Mark.
Mark S sister was married to my mate. We used to go in the pub and play dominoes. The pub was like an ‘Early Doors’ set.
His mural is on the chippy wall but you know that I recall.
Even the beeb used a track on Guilt. Folding money.
I heard Alec Baldwin is staring in the new sequel to Top Gun:Prop gun.
The Russians have been doing this for decades.
Notice how it never rains on the Red Square military parades.