What a perfect example of the utter scum we have lording it over us, this one is.
Yes, this MP was suspended from the Labour party a couple of years ago after she got charged with harassment. In a nutshell, she made threatening phone calls to an old love rival, which included threating to throw acid at the other party, as well as the threat of sending nude photos of the love rival to her children.
Just the sort of fine upstanding individual you’d want running the country.
Of course, instead of backing away from the trough, she stood as an independent…who still voted for the cunt! Almost certainly because her voters are black and for no other reason. Well done, you fucking clowns!
Well, the court has reached its verdict…and she’s been found guilty. She awaits sentencing, but the judge has warned she’s crossed the threshold for jail time.
She’s been whipping out the race card in court and she also tried a domestic violence angle/racist police angle late on, despite the very same bloke coming to court holding her hand lol. I wonder what he made of that?
Expect the mental elf to be the next card whipped out. I hope she gets 5 years, but don’t be surprised if she gets no jail time.
Fuck off
Nominated by: Cuntybollocks
Perhaps she can use her time in jail to take GCSE Geography.
This loon attended no fewer than four universities. That must say something about the quality of higher education in this country.
The party system is to blame for the lazy, corrupt scum that floats through the corridors of Westminster and Whitehall.
Spot on 20! Thats and the selection process clearly to blame
Am I allowed to slide her into your oven please Unkle Terry?Gas mark 6 for 3 hours.Witch.
The mispronounced Belarus was all down to technical issues.
See here
What they saw was a zoom call – I pronounced it perfectly my end and it was not picked up in the other room because it did not come across on zoom – sometimes this happens with zoom. This was not the first enquiry we undertook in relation to Belarus
That’s cleared that up then, here’s me thinking she’s an airhead.
Well, I never knew that zoom could change Belarus to Beroos.
Better tell Bill Gates, give him some ammunition to promote Teams ?
In character references, former Labour Shadow Home Secretary Diane Flabbott said Webbe was “very committed to working to support women”, describing her “warm empathetic manner”.
“I regard her as a very honest woman,” she said.
Former Labour leader Jeremy Cuntbyn said: I have no hesitation in recommending her as a person of good character who makes a positive contribution to our world.”
Corbyn’s quote ‘a person of good character who makes a positive contribution to our world’.
That in a nutshell is why people reject Labour. She may well make a positive contribution to the warped world of Labour but decent people are repelled by this creature.
Indeed. Note he says: “our world”, e.g. the hard-left, Britain hating, Woke world.
That must have helped her a lot…..
That’s some “courtesy calls”…..
“You’re getting acid in your face you fucking slag.”
Unreal. She won’t go to prison, no way. Cunts like her have to upset some rich fucker for that to happen.
The only surprise here is that the Labour Party suspended her.
Surprised they didn’t elevate her to Shadow Home Secretary.
I see what you did there RTC. Shadow. ??
That pic: Jesus, Rhianna has let herself go.
I’ve heard the nmae, “Claudia Webbe” but never put a face to the name or knew exactly what that spastic did for a job. Never knew she was a psychopath.
Just looked closer at the pic above. Yes. She looks super-retarded. She looks like Jade Goody in blackface.
OMG, it can barely speak.
What an excellent clip!
If she’s got an IQ over 70, she hides it well.
I bet some minion set her up to fall flat on her face with that question.
Honestly, I think that MY IQ dropped to double-digits watching her mong her way through that question. Mr Blobby from Noel’s House Party would make a better MP.
‘Jade Goody in blackface’
Fucking brilliant!
Here is the evidence, it’s right in front of your nose, bang to rights.
No it wasn’t me I didn’t do it, sound familiar, just like that fucker Onasanya.
Lying is in the DNA of these cunts, you can be sure she will hang on to her seat until she is thrown out, no fucking shame at all.
Leicester are cunts for voting for this pile of dog shit.
Bring back the Lousiana neck tie parties
An excellent remedy to the current crop!
Mississippi wind chimes.
Strange fruit…
My late old Dad would be swivelling in his grave if he knew the calibre of Cunts that now infest the Labour party or any party . He was an old school Union bloke that would help anyone in need out.
But he was also a fan of St Enoch of the rivers of blood.
He also predicted Enoch’s prophecy.
It now seems Enoch and Dad’s predictions were grossly underestimated.
If we could only turn the clock back to 1955.
Guzziguy, I’d be happy with a time machine so I could go back and shoot Blair, Brown and Mandleson as soon as they came to power.
It takes 1.22 gigawatts and 88 miles per hour as I recall.
That photograph looks as if she was getting an anal gagbang from the Labour fairies.
She is going to appeal her cnviction and no doubt she will be successful and instead get communit-tee service – two hours unpaid work in a KFC branch near her home.
She succeeded gay washing machine, drug dealing Keith Vaz in Leicester East =either their constiuents are very unlucky or as corrupt as they are.
Both!Ha ha
Leicester East is an immo infested cunthole, spot the whitey being a popular local pastime. They would vote for a dead donkey if it was wearing a Labour rosette. As such they are always going to end up with trash like Vaz and this scrubber.
Just look at where the likes of Lammy, Flabbott and Lardbutt park their race baiting arses. All the same.
I believe his twat was the successor to the great Keef Viz after that cunt made himself scarce…?
Gibbon on a gibbet.
Things often heard from the mouths of knee-grows:
“Dint do niffin”
“Thas rayyycist”
“No comment”
Same as the lying ethnic hag from Peterborough. Now they want fast track ethnic police officers. WANT CAN GO WRONG!!
The only way I’d fast-track effnick POs would be to stand them in the path of an oncoming 225, or chuck them on the live rail.
What the fuck is going on with its face …..
Nothing at all Micktor. Had you not noticed, they come that shape as standard?
Yes, this is very much representative of the face of modern Labour; Mentally unbalanced and shit for brains.
But hey, she’s ticking the race and wimminz box so it’s all good ?
Looks like the gormless cunt should fuck off back to Nigeria where politics is carried out using her kind of techniques, if they dont do what you want super soaker full of battery acid the competition, all very 3rd world…
I think that a good old session of Pussy licking is on the agenda in the communal showers.!
She reminds me of that movie, Alien vs Predator, only instead of fighting they fall in love and have little Claudia.
Can someone start a petition to have compulsory iq tests for mps and the results made public. The 10 lowest automatically deselected and by elections held. Nobody wants a thick patronising cunt telling them what to do and think.
That really does look like it was grown in a vat.. by Weyland Yutani.
Good idea for her to play the mental elf card as the “cos I black”
card has really been overused amongst the darker hued members of parliament. Fucking bent cunts one all. Who votes for these mongtards.