Price cars beyond the reach of most people and force ,expensive heating systems onto people.
The man is a fucking maniac..his “world-leading,green revolution” is out of fucking control…how does he think that people can afford to pay for it all…and what’s the fucking point?
The rest of the World isn’t going to look at us living in our unheated homes and driving our Noddymobiles and think “Ah yes,that’s progress”..they’ll think,quite correctly,that we are fucking idiots..we have gas reserves,the nuclear option….but no,we’ll go for fucking overpriced energy sources that don’t do the job.
Overpopulation is a lot of the problem…perhaps Boris could “do his bit” by stopping breeding like a rabbit and taking a short drive with his whore in a clockwork car off Beachy Head…hopefully he might land on some of the illegal immigrants that he does so little to stop.
PS…before anyone starts with the ” but…but…Jeremy Corbyn” shite…Corbyn isn’t P.M. and even he would have struggled to match the sheer profligacy of Johnson..who,unlike Corbyn and his spending plans, kept remarkably quiet about his Green plans to send us all back to The Stone Age while making us pay for the privilege.
Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler
And endorsed by: Spanky Mc Spank
I have to second this nom, fat cunt Johnson is indeed a gold plated utter cunt who I wish would just fuck off and die.
The price of shopping is the highest I have seen for ages, petrol is now £1.40 a litre and the fat rat breeding cunt is raising tax by his sneaky NI rise. Energy prices are through the roof, the country is full of East Euro and Asian scroungers who take everything and give nothing and he wants me to fork out 30k for a fucking “heat pump” whatever the fuck that is.
I really wish this fat cunt would keel over and let someone else have a go, not that fucking Labour shower but someone in the Conservatives who has more of an idea and doesn’t think with their genitals.
Boris you are indeed a total turd flushing 100% total and utter cunt.
And on more about Boris this time from Cuntstable Cuntbubble
”COP26: PM warned over aid cuts ahead of climate summit”
Yes, the climate bullshit rolls on. Now, not just bankrupting us to achieve fuck all in global terms (while China and co laugh their bollocks off) but using it as an excuse to keep pouring foreign aid money (which we havent got ) into shitholes.
The recipents being:
Pakistan £305M
Ethiopia £300M
Afghanistan £292M
Yemen £260M
Nigeria £258M
Bangladesh £256M
Syria. £223M
Anyone see a country that isnt a corrupt shihole? That doesnt pollute as a way of life? That isnt responsible for it’s misfortunes? That would actually use our money for good causes? Me neither.
Boris is a deluded cunt who seems to think running the country into the ground is worth it to save 2% of global emissions. And ‘senior government climate advisors’ want even more profligacy. Well, their public funded jobs depend on it dont they.
Expect Boris to fold. As usual.
This is how it works……..
Boris says we’re going to do this, that and the other blah, blah, woof woof.
Then he goes home and finds that Carrie Antoinette has read some bullshit in the Guardian or seen some cack on the BBC.
The next day he has changed his mind, u turn, levelling up, green jobs blah, blah woof woof.
The pussy whipped fucking useless CUNT!
Meddling cunts ruin a legend.
Voted out what does that mean in america today? the dead voted him out, the lefties voted him out?
yes this is the legend who made inmates wear pink, and made them watch the disney channel.
targetted by lefty cunts RIP
Do you really think he makes the decision on anything?. He has as much control as creepy uncle Joe.
I’m a Torrie but so fucking ashamed of it at present . This fat scruffy CUNT was not really voted in other than forced in by his Eaton bum boys.
He is far more bothered about getting back to his Wallpaper Gate no 10 flat so he can get sucked off by Carrie Antoinette and then she can fuck him up the arse with her strap on at the same time spouting all the fucking shit she watched on the beep as you say, then he fucks the country up the arse with his Dictator style of what he thinks is leadership, what a fucking CUNT
A very fine and justified cunting.
I’ve said it before that this inept, fat steaming sack of shit Johnson is the worst prime minister this country has ever had and is only going to get worse.
The man couldn’t lie straight in bed as the old saying goes.
Lampost and rope for him and his associates please. Asap
“Build Back Better”
You fucking useless, unfit for purpose, lying, commie in disguise, fat spineless CUNT
If only he could be removed by force…
I want front row tickets when the day comes and these traitors face some mob justice.
‘Build Back Better’- a pointless slogan which was probably produced by some PR agency at vast expense to the taxpayer.
That same 3 word phrase in translation is being crop-sprayed on every media outlet across the planet, Russia, Japan, Australia, US… everywhere. We look to Madison Avenue…
“Better” for whom, I wonder…
We’ve just bought a much more efficient oven for our kitchen.
It comes complete with two people who clap and cheer whenever you turn it on, it’s fan assisted….
COP26, not even started yet and it’s already become a boring load of shite.
Fucking up the lives of people of Glasgow, Wee Jimmy having to sort out bin collections (maybe she would be a good bin man, she is right wind bag so would fit in well)
Thousands of cunts flying in to do…. Well fuck all, they can declare their climate intentions without a fucking Jolly.
Add to it the XR mob will be causing chaos, with Scottish plod standing around like the Met do with Insulting Britain.
Sick of hearing Labour and the leftie cunts banging on about universal credits, the swamp needs to be fucking drained, it’s a joke.
Back to Boris, get your energy security in order, nuclear is the only way forward (yes and even some coal), leave gas for domestic heating and rather than electric cars for Joe public concentrate on public transport and city taxis.
The new E10 fuel cuts emissions and petrol cars are becoming more efficient, hybrids are already popular.
Common sense required, not cock waving.
How does E10 cut emissions when you need more of it per mile? Some people are moaning about a 10% drop in mileage but hey, the more you buy the more tax the fat cunt gets to give to African shitholes.
I’ve gone back to using premium. Using E10 my mpg fell through the floor. Premium costs more but gives better mpg so on a cost per mile basis they probably aren’t much different. Fuck knows what they’ve put in E10, probably donkey piss.
I don’t have any figures but the claims are that the drop in performance is less than the drop in CO2 so the net result is less CO2.
I don’t do many miles so the net result for me will be fuck all anyway, more important is manufacturers making fuel efficient engines.
Learned about octane ratings and mpg back in the late sixties. I ran a small motorcycle to work and back, same journey, same distance every day of the week. Whole week, i.e. five days on a gallon of 100 octane, burned a gallon of 90 octane in four days.
Later, in the eighties learned that supermarket fuel was no good. Several of us ran Sierras with 1.6 pinto engine. On supermarket fuel they would pink like fuck as soon as you touched the throttle. Cure was to fill up with the same octane rating from any of the big brands. I suspect with modern cars the EMU detects the knock and backs off the ignition timing which sort of fixes the problem but must reduce performance.
In 1989 I bought a new Sierra with the 1.8 CVH engine. The handbook stated that it would run quite happily on the newly introduced lower octane unleaded petrol because it had hardened valve seats. However it went on to say that on this great new fuel it would be harder to start, run more roughly, performance would be reduced and fuel consumption would be heavier. Seemed to me that they hit every target with that one!
I’d like to add that this corrupt lying bastard does not give 2 % of a fuck about the “climate” either.
He’s nothing but a useful idiot for his billionaire overlords who are elbow deep in his sweaty stinking arse.
Listening to him spout the “build back better” bollocks which is a blatant exercise in both trolling the public and parroting a sinister agenda that will see your average joe permanently shafted.
I also do not believe for one second this fat bastard had the “virus” either.
Yet another publicity stunt.
I have heard it from a reliable source that the reason that the fat white gibbering blob was hospitalised was to undergo treatment for acute alcohol withdrawal.
I heard that an all.
From one of my customers who is an NHS nurse interestingly enough.
Why does anybody need treatment for alcohol withdrawal, acute or otherwise? I am looking at a glass of the treatment right this moment and the NHS don’t get a look in.
The British version of Nicolai and Elaina Causescau, I know Doris is a history “buff”, he should be looking more at Cold War era to understand that it doesn’t end well for duplicitous cunts!!!
Lead poisoning for them wasn’t it?
Useless and weak like all British politicians. Look at those Frenchies taking the piss, “detaining” one of our boats. That’s a declaration of war! We should be bombing Calais right now with the added bonus of killing all those Peacefuls who are heading over here to sample our endless generosity. But we all know the Jellyfish will fold like a cheap suit the cunt. No shame.
This French thing is pure envy that we’ve shaken off the EU shackles. Also that little Napoleon Macaroon is cock waving to make himself look good for the upcoming elections. I fucking hope the far right get in.
Does waving your cock around make MNC French? I’d have to reassess my thinking about him if it does.
Fuck overseas aid, it’s a waste of money. These shit hole countries never improve. We’d be better off building Durex factories all over these places, perhaps the cunts would get the message to stop whelping even more scroungers into the already overburdened planet. Especially the Africans, population explosion is rife there.
Wise words, wise words indeed BC DCO. Seeing basically the same adverts as 50 years ago not much has changed except the amount they want and the population. A multi generational extraction of urine. Was not the AIDS supposed to depopulate most of Africa in the 80,s 90’s bit of a miscalculation there methinks likewise a few billion pissed up the wall. Why the fuck do we give Pakistan the most foreign aid they got nuclear missiles for fuck sake.
292M Foreign aid for Afghanistan?
Because the Taliban will ensure that it’s fairly distributed to the poor and needy arms dealers.
The West is either run by naive fools, or dishonest con merchants and whoever you vote for you’ll get the same…
This aid gimmick is no more than legalised money laundering….give it as aid and it ends up back in the trouser pocket of various large companies who just happen to have “hard working” MPs and their families as shareholders.
It’s a fucking sham but I suppose it’s better than the charities who employ child shankers and rapists to do their aid work.
Let’s face it, Boris has at least a further 3 year remit before he has to suck up to the electorate again. As a consequence he can do whatever the fuck he wants (or is told what to do) until then, in the knowledge that even if the Tories lose the next election he’ll be well insulated with a probable move to the House of Old Cunts, whereby he can blather and fart while picking up his £300+ per day “expenses”
Career politicians are all worthless cunts. They’re a bit like those cunt car drivers who slam on the brakes for no reason, so you that tailbone them, followed by a compo claim for whiplash – crash for cash I think its called.
Well this is exactly the same for governments and their inept ministers – Ordinary folk try to make a decent living, and then some minister comes along, announces a half-baked policy that is never going to work on his watch, but everyone suffers for it, as well as having to pick up the tab afterwards when said cunt has fucked off to the Lords or some cushy Ambassador for Talking Bollocks
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. This country isn’t about XR, BLM, AR, IB and the myriad of other protesters. They’re all just puppets on a string handled by the elites, the Establishment, the 4th Estate and the extremely rich and powerful.
They sit upon high in their ivory towers, stirring various cauldrons of shite whether its climate change, multiculturalism, gender issues, veganism, energy costs, social benefits et al. Get all the “Little People” riled up and angry, and let them fight amongst themselves, while those very same rich cunts laugh and laugh and laugh.
Will this blind madness never end!?
Well… can’t say we weren’t warned.
This from the Conservative Party Manifesto 2019:
“We will lead the global fight against climate change by delivering on our world-leading target of Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, as advised by the independent Committee on Climate Change.”
“Our world-leading offshore wind industry will reach 40GW by 2030, and we will enable new floating wind farms.”
“We will consult on the earliest date by which we can phase out the sale of new conventional petrol and diesel cars. Our first Budget will prioritise the environment…electric vehicle infrastructure including a national plug-in network and gigafactory.”
“Our plan to deliver clean energy and a carbon-neutral future means new kinds of jobs in new industries; Once we have got Brexit done, we will turn our attention to the great challenges of the future such as clean energy and advanced energy storage. We will make an unprecedented investment in science so we can strengthen research and build the foundations for the new industries of tomorrow.”
“We will invest £500 million to help energy-intensive industries move to low-carbon techniques.”
With fracking ruled out and no plans to build new nuclear power stations, how else would you expect these cunts to fulfil their bonkers manifesto pledges, other than to do what they’re now doing?
And anyone who imagines this country wouldn’t now be in a worse mess under Corbyn is deluded, imo. On top of all the other hundreds of good reasons for keeping Labour out, if they’d won we would still be in the European Union, ffs!
The only figure mentioned is £500 million (perhaps it was meant to be £500 Billion?)…besides,all political parties make grandiose promises that are very quickly put on the back-burner if elected ( usually under the heading of ” the current economic climate doesn’t lend itself..blah,blah..however we remain committed,blah,blah”..) I don’t think we were warned just how messianic that fat blowhard would become under Carrie’s tutelage…up to us indeed to Save the Planet with our world-leading example of how to spend every Cunt’s money on shite that is worthless and pointless.
Good Morning,RTC
I think we are missing a big piece in the jigsaw, Boris’s Dad is big on the green agenda and so is his close chum and friend of many billionaires Lord Zac of Richmond who is a green zealot, its Zac and his chums that are pushing this agenda which all sounds lovely in theory but is totally divorced from the real life of Joe Public trying to save enough to drive his car and heat the house. The best we can hope for is a new grouping on the right of the party (backbenchers) to get sufficient numbers to worry the government to act as a check on their new found love of spending money we don’t have and taxing us like socialist, if they don’t change tact soon it wont end well for Boris.
Why this endless harping on about Corbyn ?…He isn’t P.M,wasn’t P.M,and won’t be P.M….it’s like yammering on that this Country would be worse under fucking Pol Pot.
I can’t see anyone saying that it would be better under Corbyn anyhow or even suggesting that Labour are the answer.
That’s a bit rich, isn’t it? You’re the one who brought up Corbyn, in your nomination!
Morning Dick.
(Yes, Dick’s nomination has been processed and is due to be scheduled for a rollout in the next few days – Day Admin)
@ DA – I was referring to the current nomination in which Dick states:
“before anyone starts with the ” but…but…Jeremy Corbyn” shite…Corbyn isn’t P.M. and even he would have struggled to match the sheer profligacy of Johnson..who,unlike Corbyn and his spending plans, kept remarkably quiet about his Green plans to send us all back to The Stone Age while making us pay for the privilege.”
I’ve no idea what his next nomination contains, does he harp on about Corbyn, perchance?
(Thanks for the correction. To be honest am not in the best of health with a rotten cold, a throbbing head and bleary eyes. And as for Lord Dick’s scheduled nomination – no, he doesn’t take potshots at Corbyn, just a general observation. Although I don’t dare say anymore in case he sets his Hounds on me next time I journey up to “The Norf!” – Day Admin)
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
(Thank you – Day Admin)
Yes,I mentioned Corbyn in my nom. in the obviously vain hope that it would head off your inevitable “versicle and response” reply citing Corbyn as a worse option…I should have known better.
If the answer is ever Labour or Capt Cobb, one would wonder what on earth was the question asked?
Perhaps Q – “Where would you find hundreds of smelly useless brain dead puffs, lezzas and not so-sures in one room”
The problem, only 2 new nuclear under construction, there are several in planning.
The ones under construction won’t come on stream until mid 2020’s, the ones in planning, who knows when they will be built and the Rolls Royce mini reactors 2030 at the earliest.
Current nuclear is 20% of uk generation but some of the plants are end of life so the 20% could be 10% very soon.
Net result, by 2030 we will be at a standstill with 20% generation from nuclear, but not to worry the wind will blow ?
And perhaps by 2040 the advent of Cold fusion reactors?
That would be a bonus, but can’t depend on something that may not happen
If you think that speech was disturbing you should listen to the one he gave at the UN. Promotimg nanotechnology and neural implants.. as if he understands any of it..
Bojo may be a mong but his handlers certainly are not.
It’s not a speech, it’s passages from the Tory Party election manifesto.
My point is we were warned of what to expect. Anyone who thinks we can achieve those nonsensical goals without spending £££billions is naive at best.
One page in the manifesto and not much detail and a date of 2050 which is a good way off yet.
No mention of house sales, lets and mortgages being banned from 2028 unless the house in question has an EPC C rating. (Just one example of the painful shite this cunt Johnson is foisting on us).
We are probably all familiar with the pain that’s coming down the road for the motorist but, even if you don’t drive, if you live in a house you are not going to escape.
According to the analysis by This is Money, 2028 is the key date and following which you might not be able to sell (or let) your house unless it has an EPC rating of C or higher. Or remortgage.
How is this a problem for you? It might not be if you are one of the 40% who live in a modern new build property but, for the rest of us, the costs of upgrading could range from a few thousand £ to many £1,000s decimating the value of your house. I did a straw poll on Rightmove just now and 6 out of 10 houses listed were below EPC level C (six at E, one C and three Bs) – not far out from TiM’s figure of only 35% of housing stock being complaint.
Johnson is indeed a mega cunt!
Next spring we are all, without exception, going to see massive energy bills landing on our door mats. The 250% rise in gas prices will have to be met by the consumer we are told. So what’s Boris doing to help?
Absolutely fuck all, apart from endeavouring to make this country even more energy insecure than it already is. And people think the Labour Party is full of nutters!
Craig Mackinlay MP seems to be one of the very few who are talking any sense
The sooner this useless cunt is removed from office the better. All you hear from Johnson is about the supposed climate emergency. Well Johnson you cunt what about dealing with the real emergencies like illegal immigration, energy supplies, increasing inflation, crime, to name a few. This sodding government have morphed into the Green Party wanting to commit the UK to billions of expenditure on some non existent climate bollocks that will be funded by the good old taxpayer in addition to the congestion and clean air charges already in place. Not to mention the fuckin restrictive practices councils have introduced like bike lanes, LTN’s. And then we have the pox ridden MSM who every time you see the news all they bleat on about is the fuckin climate change. We had years of Brexit, then Covid, now climate bollocks, I wonder what the next pile of steaming crap will be.
The next pile of steaming crap will be what we’re all sitting round, trying to keep warm. I guarantee another EU referendum in the next couple of years after the cold has killed all the Brexiteers, courtesy of this fat wobbly cunt.
LOL … what a loada fuckin shit. Anyone who can’t see where this is all going really is a complete cunt. If the gen pop of Britain doesn’t take personal responsibility for their own actions then any government is going to take advantage of that blasé approach and use it tax the fuck outta of you. Real change is upon us all and their ain’t no going back … that dumb fuck expression ‘get back to normal’ … it ain’t happenin’ … ever.
Too late … no ‘turn it off then on again’ … no stabbing of the reset button. There’ll not be much by way of voluntary sacrifice because of FOMO. That just leaves being forced to comply … deep joy. Boris might be a dick but that Corbyn is an utter cunt that should never have been allowed even close to the control mechanisms of Britain.
Those nice Lib Dems would make everything horrid and hurty go away. At least that seems the essence of their manifesto. Trouble is, the way they would make the horrid stuff go away would be to make everything touchy-feely and a gay shade of yellow.
The Clown Cunt is a useless, helpless, lying sack of dishevelled shit.
I’m sorry to lower the tone of this comments section but I can’t get this horrible image of the cunt and princess nut-nut enjoying a mutual rimming session out of my head.
You’re welcome…
The Chinese produce 350% more pollution than the entire EU! Meanwhile, we’re being asked to eat plant based foods, drive electric cars and stop flying!!
Our society is partly to blame for manufacturing, importing and ultimately buying the items that are produced there…
Climate change: What are the big polluters doing to cut carbon emissions?
The mad fat cunt struck bastard and his crew seem intent on ripping this country to pieces. But who the hell do you vote for? I feel sick. A righteous and timely cunting btw.
Our standard of living has been demolished over the past quarter century.
Now we have this fat cunt determined to virtue signal us back to tilling the fields.
A disgrace.
A shambles.
Oven all of them.
I’m rather looking forward to driving a Fred Flintstone car. I’ll need all that exercise to keep myself warm, as I certainly won’t be able to afford to switch the heating on at home.
Yeah, Boris is a right cunt. Thinks with his bollocks. Always has.
That’s the irony, innit? This fat cunt thinks with his bollocks but has no balls.
I suspect hardly any other country around the globe will give two barrels of CO2 fucks about what Boris and Britain are trying to achieve with his Net Zero bollocks.
The only “Net Zero” I’m certain of will be the bank balances of most ordinary people finding themselves at the shitty end of his Go-Green recycled stick!
The chinese will love it. By putting UK manufacturing out of business with unaffordable energy costs, whatever is still made in this country (if there is anything left, as everything I buy seems to be made in fucking China) will be made by the chinese.
The Chinkies surely will love it – all those lovely new wind turbines being made for the UK using coal powered electricity – they’ll probably have to build a couple more coal power stations to cope with the demand.
That’ll help save the planet – my arse it will – Johnson is an absolute cunt supporting this shite and making the proles in the UK pay for it.
The Jellyfish is fond of quoting Greek and Roman motherfuckers dragged from his childhood Eton memories (I bet he was bashing the bishop back in those days). How about this….
“The wealth required by nature is limited and easy to procure. But the wealth required by vain ideals extends to infinity.”
Epicurus 300 bc
( nothing to do with the pickles)
A wet used teabag would perform better.An excuse of a man.Jellyfish by name and Jellyfish by nature.Push him into the path of a bus.Useless sack of shit.
Makes laugh , we have just figured out how to make really clean combustion engines that can give really high mpg
And now everyone being forced onto electric
Apparently the Jellyfish has just said (re: the Frenchies taking the piss) “we will do everything necessary to preserve Britsh interests”
That’s until Carrie Antoinette has a word in the cunt’s earole. Weak as fuck.
He cannot keep his Johnson in his trousers
Just saw the Pope and President of US of A on the box.
Just for once, it was the Pope that came across as NOT being a piss-smelling, senile old dodderer.
Maybe the Jellyfish will be the 1st PM to cark while he is having a shag. Would be bonus points if it’s not Carrie Pooter.
In fact, I think Lupin would be a good name for the Jellyfish.
It isn’t MNC or one of you other reprobates that’s been harassing Angela Rayner is it?
You should be ashamed of yourselves.