Biden’s News Media

The media – yet again.

If you want links do a google search for Trump. 9 months into Bidens presidency that media MSNBC, CNN and the usual cohorts are still full of stories about Trump.

For example:

CNN Trump

Hold on CNN, Trump isn’t president anymore, what about the current presidents mental decline?

Biden’s Mental Illness

Ok there is the odd mention of it but he’s obviously not at the peak of his mental capacity and where are the editorials from the big media hitters in the US? He is the president, he’s the one requiring the most scrutiny right now. Why the fixation on the continued character assassination of the orange one?

Why are they so busy with Trump hit pieces?

News Link

Maybe it’s because Biden is so shit that voters are regretting voting for him, even the dead voters I suspect.

The media are campaigning for the sitting president with very little coverage of the total catastrophe the Biden administration is bringing upon Americans and us by extension.

If Biden was a massive improvement on Trump I’d not really give a fuck but from what we’ve seen so far Biden is a bigger threat domestically and internationally, this makes the MSM complicit in our impending doom.

Nominated by: Sixdog Vomit

38 thoughts on “Biden’s News Media

  1. Biden could shout ‘Wibble, wabble, wobble’ during his next speech and take a big shit on the stage while shouting ‘I want to sniff kids, bitches!’ and the media would say fuck all negative about it

    Like I called him a while back, ‘President Freepass’.

    BBC are almost as bad as CNN with this shite too.

  2. News media doesn’t really exist anymore. I turned on the fucking news yesterday for 20 minutes and 15 of thosw minutes was non stop talking about vaccine this vaccine that are you double triple vaxxed already? Get ready for your boosters already had one get another Biden urges it Ffs

    News is for cunts anyway naked news with a good looking broad with her big tits out reading the weather forecast now thats news

    • Spot on Tits, the ‘news’ is strictly for scaring weak minded cunts into eating an unending buffet of shit, served straight from the arses of our deluded leaders.

      Brain dead Biden is not leader of the the free world. The incontinent hair sniffing zombie is, in the immortal words of Ash, leader of ‘Jack and Shit, and Jack just left town.’

  3. One thing I’ve noticed the Beeb call Bidet president, the former incumbent is just Trump. Fucking drawing room bastards. F.F.S respect the office he held you cunts. I am half expecting the B.B.C’s correspondent to give sleepy Joe a sloppy B.J soon

  4. Forget about boring old man Biden where is the lovely Ms. Jen Psaki at?! She should be president!

    Biden its time to resign you old coffin dodger! Let Psaki be president you fucking old prick you If I had a redheaded woman as beautiful as Ms Psaki I would be a happy man

  5. The media know deep down that because of the “anybody but trump” narrative they delivered before the election, they now look like twats. Their only hope is that Cameltoe Harris takes over sooner or later and they can bash out the “black wimminz saviour” bollocks. They haven’t learned the lesson from elevating Obuma to god like status, only to discover he was fucking useless as president. Enjoy the silence while it lasts. When Harris takes the reins we will all be drowning in hyperbole.

  6. It turrns out that the MSM suppressed negative stories about Biden and his family during the election campaign while villifying Trump at every opportunity. Nothing has changed.

  7. Biden: Hey guys, can I like…get some advice about leaving …erm… whatsitcalled…. Afghanistan.

    General Mark Milley: Obviously you have to evacuate the civilians first, then soldiers last.

    Buden: Rully?

    General Frank McKenzue: Yes, as your top generals, we advise leaving a minimum of 2500 troops until everybody has been safely evacuated.

    Biden: Come on maan, I gots a better idea….

    • You couldn’t make it up, could you Cap?
      Biden and his handlers are the Cunts of the decade.

      • I think the word you’re actually looking for is ‘carers’ CG!
        This guy really looked to be ‘mentally incapacitated’ to me, and they really must shudder at the fact that he has to be let out at all for the sake of appearances.

      • It’s unbelievable. The media did give him shit for a few days, along with saying how Trump had started all this, then resumed their arse-kissing. They are tacit on the border crisis.

        Afternoon gents.

  8. The world stage has become a satire that isn’t even funny anymore
    Nobody with an ounce of common sense takes it seriously anymore

    There might be something coming because I’m not sure how long this pretense can continue , it defies any known logic

    Pandora’s box might open yet

    • “There might be something coming because I’m not sure how long this pretense can continue…”

      It will continue as long as it serves the purpose of those we do not name: those we shall not speak of!
      It’s not complicated folks; just ask the simple question…who owns, controls AND censors ALL distributed/network/social media outlets? Without exception they are hardcore messianic jewish zionists, This is just a fact.
      Next question: who comprises the complete upper echelon of Biden’s cabinet posts? I refer your lordships to my previous answer. This too is an undeniable fact. The same situation applied with Trump, Bush, Obongo, Clitman, way back to Carter, Nixon, Eisenhower, Roosevelt, Wilson…..>>>>>

      “…it defies any known logic.”
      Logic long since fled the field MeCuntry, it threw its hands up and said “fuck this, I’ve had a knobfull, from now on you’re on your own!”
      Without a true understanding of the foregoing it does indeed defy all logic however with the above two facts in hand the narrative is very easy to deduce. Add into the mix a population of committed zionist christians in thrall to an ancient Abrahamic rewrite, a large proportion of whom are fervent ‘rapturists’ praying for the destruction of their OWN FUCKING WORLD???? Welll… how do you shoehorn any logic into that suicidal stew?

      The tiny hatted media couldn’t give a fuck how toe-curlingly inept and embarrassing Biden is, in fact they welcome it. It’s frontpage theatre, controlled opposition and it makes for more controversy, cluttering the media landscape with irrelevancies while the business of hollowing out the US continues unabated in the back room.

      • i enjoyed that.
        what is it about them CC
        there not protecting anyone only self interest
        in fact they are the ones who have brought us to this point of shit
        infiltrated all the houses with there cancer
        Fucking choosen people. the only part in the bible that i couldn’t take and of course The prodigal Son

      • oh and just to add . it feels like something is taking the biggest piss on a global scale with the muppets of power on display in todays world

  9. Slightly off topic but that map of the US in the nom picture reminds me of how extraordinarily parochial the Americans can be in some areas. The right adopts the colour red and the left adopts the colour blue? Opposite from the rest of the world. Their cell-phones use a different standard from the rest of us which is why dual standard telephones are available for travellers. In their domestic electric wiring they use the colour black for live(!). I read somewhere that 80% of Americans don’t hold a passport but then when you live in such a vast country with such a variety of terrain I suppose that’s not so significant. Hope this doesn’t come across as an anti-American rant, in fact my view is the opposite; in 1944/45 over a quarter of a million young Americans died in western Europe in the defeat of the Nazis. The USA put men on the moon and saved the world from fascism at huge expense in lives as well as financially.

    • With the exception of really hi-tech stuff like computers their technology is pretty fucking backward. They have an inherent mistrust of any technology that wasn’t developed in the good ol’ US of A. For example, their cars and trucks have for years been built with totally out of date tech and their adoption of stuff like radial tyres, as opposed to cross-ply construction, happened decades after the UK and Europe.

  10. President Bidet’s Ministry of Truth headed up by that cunt Jen Psucky don’t say one thing that is true. If they say it, the opposite is true. Despicable cunts that can all go fuck themselves to death.

    • “If Biden was a massive improvement on Trump…”? Anybody’s a massive improvement on Trump. Boris Johnson would be a massive improvement. And Trump won’t be running in 2024, he’ll still be locked up.

      • Trump may be a cunt but a bigger cunt than Biden and Johnson??

        That’s the best laugh I’ve had all weekend.

        Sorry I forgot… Biden is busily mandating experimental vaccines on the public isn’t he, which is popular with certain weird cunts.

  11. Biden did not win the US election. Trump did NOT lose.
    The greatest smash & grab, in living-fucking-memory!

    • Biden was installed.
      A bit like a sub standard central heating system by a dodgy plumber.

  12. Just imagine the never ending cries of outrage and demands for justice if Trump had blown up a car full of kids.
    With Bidet it soon blows over.
    ISIS-K my arse.

    The media is a fawning bent cunt.

  13. The entire MSM is a virus far far more dangerous than Covid. Avoid at all costs or cleanse with fire if you come into contact with it.

  14. The reason they are still bashing the Tangoman is they are shit scared of 2024. They know he will run again, he’s a narcissist and cannot handle losing. That’s why they tried to impeach him with only days left in office and why the FBI are trying to stitch him up for tax dodging. They want to make it legally impossible for him to run again.
    They know that even with their bent voting machine they can’t pull that one off again.
    Even worse there is not a single candidate they can put up with a hope of winning. They may as well wheel out Hillary again.

  15. As senile alledged pee do files go creepy Joe Biden isnt the worst.
    But hes up there.

  16. Anyone see the infamous “whipping” incident on the Porous Mexican border? It was ridiculous how the media handled that, any excuse to have a pop at the police. They made it sound like something out of Uncle Toms Cabin.

    “Please massa, don’t whup my po’ black ass. Mercy mercy, lord save me.”

    You have to wonder at the brain capacity of any cunt who swallows this bullshit.

  17. Love him or hate him, none of the dogshit predictions of him bringing about the apocalypse came true…meanwhile Biden has been in less than a year and the economies on the brink, he fucked up the Afghan withdrawal, major cyber security failures, fuel prices through the roof, logistical nightmares, Chinas kicking off over Taiwan, a crisis at the border…and the fucking list goes on.

    On top of that it’s also coming out that a lot of Trumps administration were actively working against him, fucking disgraceful.

  18. I wonder if CNN will bring themselves to say anything bad about Biden if America defaults on its debt? No they won’t, they’ll blame it on Trump.

  19. Biden is a total retard and not even Irish
    Keep your nose out of The Good Friday Agreement ??Keep your nose out of NI ??

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