Alex Scott [3]

Over hyped POC pundit, Alex Scott found out via BBC wankfest ‘who do you think you are?’ That her POC great great great grandfather owned 26 yes 26 slaves. As you can read if you click the link she broke down and cried at this surprising news. We all agree that Slavery was vile but I suggest she reads a history book and realises it was not just whitey who was involved in this barbaric trade in human muscle and souls. But That don’t fit the victim narrative so the tears did flow.

This is the problem with these cunts who are constantly believing their own suitable version of History and how if the white slave traders hadn’t repressed their ancestors then they would have all become architects or something similar.

Alex Scott I’m afraid you have just found out what so many have known all along. Slavery was a stain on humanity but so many people of all races, creeds, nationalities and colour were involved in the barbarity. No one is innocent and no one is solely guilty.

Metro Link.

The Sun Link.

Stirring the pot nicely is Ruff Tuff Creampuff with this: Modern Day Slavery Stats.

Nominated by: Cuntsince1066

72 thoughts on “Alex Scott [3]

    • Ive not a fuckin clue who she is.
      But could hazard a guess at what shes like.
      26 slaves! Oh my!!
      She should pay reparations ?

      My family wasn’t lucky or wealthy enough to own slaves but we always wanted some.
      Get everything these cunts dont they!!
      Jammy as fuck.

      • Great-great-great-great grandad Liberal asked for some from the Fiddler plantation but was told “fuck off peasant…who do you think will pour my rum punches?”.

  1. Top cunting, Watched this shite for brains blubbing about great great grandad being a slave owner. I hope you like the way you were hoisted with your own petard. On a further note I note daddy fucked off after donating two kids.

  2. I bet the BBC are keeping this as low profile as possible, poor Alex oh the shame!

    It just shows what a load of bollocks this stuff really is, what the fuck has Alex Scott got to do with what her ancestors did almost 200 years ago, she can’t change it and isn’t responsible.
    Maybe there will be some common sense applied to all this apologising nonsense and trying to make all white people feel guilty.

    I don’t give a flying fuck about slavery from 200 plus years ago, it happened, all these ‘black’ lovers need to let it go.

    Mind you, if she is feeling guilty I would volunteer to administer a form of punishment ?

    • I don’t think you would; Alex Scott is a beanflicker.

      Ticks all boxes, all BBC boxes old chap.

  3. Shock horror

    Yes that’s correct Alex.
    Africans and Arabs traded slaves with much enthusiasm. (and still do)

    A historical and modern day fact that is unfortunately lost on the wokey cokey cunts.

    Not to worry though. The ministry of truth are frantically airbrushing this inconvenience from history as we speak so as to avoid any further discomfort to the snowflake generation.

    We can’t have da yoof all thinking there was more than whitey who “did all da bad fings in history innit”

    Daft cunts

    • Yes, I can just imagine the wokes wanting to burn or “revise” or be redactive with what her great great grandfather did, for the “Greater Good!”

  4. Well there’s a big surprise!
    All those football punters banging on about how white people need to be educated about slavery 200 years ago, and here we are with “one of their own” finding out what we already knew – that black people were just as much evil slave owner cunts as white people were back in the fucking day!

    Obviously MSM will want to keep this quiet, and there will be no comments allowed on any appropriate forum covering the topic.. However, it does prove one thing – Truth Will Out, sooner or later. And Scott can blub all she wants and defend herself with the default “victim card”. However, she has blood on her hands in a virtual way of speaking; and she her great great whatever was a bona fide racist!

    Perhaps other black celeb cunts should check their own family history and see if similar shit sticks!

    • Slavery was very much of the time.
      You had land needed working?
      Its not a black thing, although youd think so considering all their fuckin whining!
      Jews were slaves in Egypt.
      Vikings took us as slaves,
      The cheeky cunts.
      You have to ask yourself what kind of master youd be at the end of the whip?
      Or like me, sexy?

      Theyre my property!!
      Do what I want with them.

      • Miserable I was watching 12 Angry Men last night and this particular scene-

        And I thought of our upcoming ISAC Christmas Party to be held of course at Mr Fiddler place. And I thought there we all would be and I would stand up to speak. And in my goody goody Christian way I would start to speak about Racism

        ‘everyone’s the same deep down…there’s no difference between black and white (here Freddie the Frog get up and turns his back) there’s bad apples in all races (here CC gets up and turns his back) we just need to live in perfect harmony…(here you get up not being able to stand anymore) and then all the others till I am left alone with only My Fiddler sat facing me. One last attempt – ‘listen to me…we’re all the same deep down…listen to me….Mr Fiddler ‘I have…now please sit down and dont talk any more’. And I slink way to the corner of the room.

      • Evening Miles,
        I doubt very much we’ll all be in the main house at Fiddlers!
        More likely a outbuilding or barn.
        Hes not going to have me around his antique grape shears!

        But yes thats pretty much how itd go,
        You extolling that all men are basically the same despite the colour of their skin.
        Me fetching a rope
        Fiddler loading his shotgun
        The others debating both sides of the argument while building a makeshift gallows.
        More 30 angry men than 12.

      • Yes that’s how it would go Miserable. RT checking the spoons we’re laid out properly. Captain M making sure the that his vegetarian choice was acceptable. You making sure there is a proper supply of Daddies Sauce.
        And poor Miles hanging from the ancient rafters feet occasionally swinging into view.

      • Hehehe ?
        Doubt it really Miles.
        Dick and I probably the most likely to free you before they tar and feathered you!

    • She’s just another half-cast celebricunt snowflake who cannot face the fact that the human condition is a complex one and not everything in life is black and white (pun intended).

      • Talking of half-caasts, I see Obama has Played down the drama at that Loudôun County school, the onel that tried to cover up a rapĕ by a skirt-wearing “gěnder-fluid” boy in a girl’s toilet. He was found guilty on Monday but is awaiting the judgement of another alleged rapĕ at a different school.

        Obama dismissed the parents’ outrage. What a cunt.

      • Why is my post moderated? Aren’t we allowed to mention Lo****n County School?

      • Ahh, balls. You’d think I would’ve known by now.
        Anyway, fuck Obama and fuck gender-fluid attackers.

        Evening compatriots.

  5. The Atlantic slave trade couldn’t have existed without the Africunts selling their POWs to whitey. Dimmos think that whitey skulked around the jungle with a big butterfly net capturing wandering natives (as portrayed in “Roots”.) Fuck me, it would have taken 20 years to fill a slave ship at that rate!
    Poor ,not very bright , Alex doesn’t like the truth. No problem, the BBC will still fill her pockets with our money and it will soon be forgotten about.
    History is what the winners say it is……you cunts!

  6. I like her, I would console her, if for some weird reason she feels she needs to make amends for her ancestors, she’s welcome to be my naked house slave for a week.

  7. Sometimes cunts like this become overcome with guilt at the horrific crimes their families have committed.
    They chuck themselves off a cliff.
    Or get run over by a train.
    Oh dear.

  8. I watched it. The look of horror on her face. They should show it in the schools and universities and educate them properly about slavery.
    The BBC did it’s best to water it down. Only had slaves if you were a Sambo, I.e. mixed race, not black.
    To be fair I don’t mind Alex Scott. Comes across likeable and I don’t blame her raking the money in whilst she can. Certainly pleasant on the eye as well.

    • Love the new avatar pic and absolutely love your screen name. Always makes me chuckle. Cheers – IY.

  9. Can’t be long until the descendants of Sooty slavers demand compensation off Wicked Whitey for depriving their ancestors of their livelihood when slavery was stopped.

  10. Where is Linecunt to defend her, he got on his high horse when she was touted as a possible replacement for Sue Barker on that tired show Question of Sport.

    She got the football focus job instead, fancy that a fucking descendant of a slaver hosting a show connected to BLM, via the knee.

    Resign! Resign! ???

    • Lineker is probably desperately going though the archives to see if any suspiciously large eared plantation owning 18th century honkies have any family history linked to him.

      • No problem. The jug eared fake will just produce evidence of all the dinghies he has paid for in France. The wokie rules don’t apply to wokies, only to the working class who are the implacable enemies of the BB fucking C.

  11. There’s just no pleasing some people. I’d be happy knowing that an historic relative had a bit of stature. She’s a cunt anyway and has far more slaves than he ever will…. the cunts that pay the licence fee and her wages. It could have been worse, could have been Edward Colston. Currently watching Eggheads on TV while having dinner. There are 4 black women on there doing a great job of embarrassing themselves. Thick as fucking pig shit. I don’t know why anyone would want one as a slave.

  12. Saw the last few minutes of this programe and the look of horror on her face in finding out that her ancestors had black slaves was absolutely brilliant. These cunts need to take a good long look at thier own history before condeming us whiteys as the only perpetrators of black slavery.

  13. Black people being taken from Africa and put into slavery was the arse end of a slave trade that existed for many thousands of years.

    The pyramids and temples in Egypt were not built by asking local construction companies for 3 quotes.
    They were built by slaves.

    When people talk about Hadrian’s Wall and the Roman roads in Britain, it was not the centurians that built them.
    They were too busy eating mice drenched in smelly fish sauce.
    It was the enslaved Britons that did the work.

    Every conquering civilization from the beginning of time took slaves.

    At any one time it is estimated that 40% of the Roman population were slaves captured from elsewhere (but not sub saharan Africa, as they never went there).
    During the time of the Roman empire there was an estimated 200 million slaves, from every land that they invaded, including Britain.

    Exploitation had always been around.

    Black people would do well to not concentrate on Black History and look at the bigger picture.

    Perhaps then they might shut the fuck up.

    • To be fair ( not something I make a habit of ) I don’t think it has very much to do with black people, not ones I know anyway.
      It’s all about middle class whitey who hate the posh cunts above them and the trash below them.
      They are desperate for power and they are well on their way to achieving it with their occupation of the major institutions and manipulation of information. History is just information and can be manipulated just the same as the climate change bullshit information and the Chinky batshit flu information.
      Where they might come unstuck is the Peacefuls. They think they can brainwash those cunts but primitive minds aren’t so easily persuaded. Of course, that makes no difference to you and me…..we are fucked anyway.

  14. Perhaps future “Black History Month” rollouts, should come with a few caveats, such as “Don’t check history beyond one generation”, and “if you read anything to the contrary, it is entirely false and written by racist whitey!”

    • The noms today have been very thought provoking, and informative.
      And convinced me that to achieve contentment all I want in life is a handgun and 26 slaves.

  15. Every single person on this planet, whatever your colour is descended from a slave and a slave owner. Get over it. Its boring.

  16. Those ancestry probes everyone is so enamored with these days doesn’t interest me one bit. People just want to see if they are related to someone famous anyway. We’re all related to Adam at some point and he was a pussy whipped cunt.

  17. The BBC must be fucking horrified that they walked her into this.

    Clearly their 100% believe in their warped fucking narrative led them to believe that at the end of this particular rainbow she’d find out that all her ancestors were slaves.

    They couldn’t possibly be slave owners.

    Funniest thing I’ve heard all year

  18. I’ll bet us honkies would’ve made better slaves than blacks anyhow…thinking our way around problems, far more intelligent and far less time spent singing.
    If we’d have started first thing on a Monday, we’d have had the pyramids up before Thursday lunchtime.

  19. I’m just surprised she wasn’t hosting the show.

    She fucking hosts everything else on the BBC.

  20. And if the dark keys can somehow manage to stop fucking moaning for 2 minutes, there just might be a chance of having ‘no room for racism’.

      • Sometimes they die in fires they started themselves whilst stealing things from shops.
        That would be awful.

      • Yes lynched.
        For looking like Lammy with a quiff and her hurtful words about us,
        The master race.
        She was my property?
        Id soon have just 25 picking cotton.
        Id personally put my luger to her frizzy head and give her the Baldwin treatment.

      • They can’t exist without honky and they hate us for it.

        Cunts like this see only race and hate that dark keys have contributed fuck all when it comes to important inventions.

        They’re jealous.

        I call.upon all honkies to strike for a week. They’d be eating each other again by Tuesday.

        I liked ’em more when they sang Camptown Races.

      • Let’s hope the fat black cunt gets sickle cell disease.
        Or gets hit by a runaway chiggun truck.
        Good evening, Thomas.

      • That’s it.
        ‘ Tainted Fluff ‘
        Sabotaging cotton bales by shitting in them.
        Dirty cunts.
        Evening, MNC.

      • Evening Jack, MNC…one can only imagine the sort of depraved filth that Marc Almond has subjected himself to, the dirty bugger!
        He probably been with Jimmy Somerville. There’s a stomach-turning thought.

      • Almond and Somerville? I suspect the esteemed Dr Martin ‘eat da poo poo’ Ssempa would’ve been right about those two.

        They’d have looked like two little kids caught eating the Christmas tree chocolates I bet.

      • Half a dozen lengths of 150lb shark fishing line braided together should do the trick, CB. She looks like she outweighs a goliath grouper.

  21. But she’s a fucking angel compared to Emma ‘coaching buzzwords’ Hayes.

    I was going to cunt new footy coaching buzzwords.

    They go on like the ‘high press’ is a new thing. The fucking Dutch team were doing it in 74. And ‘pressing’ is just closing down your opponents.

    Every fucking team since Adam has done that. It was called ‘closing down’. And ‘transitions’ are just fucking tackles.

    It’s all bollocks.

  22. Evening all.
    This is a jolly nom.
    I wonder if the bleck slave owners had blues practice on a different day to their whipped and bleeding human property ?
    Woke up this mornin’………..

  23. Believe it or not, I hear she’s straight. Has had boyfriends not girlfriends.

    Thinking about it, it must’ve been hard for her in the changing rooms surrounded by tuppence lickers. I bet she hated getting in the team bath.

    She probably wore a deep sea diving suit to keep the wandering hands away.

    Although I’m suspicious. No way would I play in a team full of benders.

  24. Is there a reason for using such a particularly unflattering photo? This girl’s as fit as fuck. I would anyway. And yes I know, she’d rather have minge than cock.

    Yes. This was the picture of her blubbing over her big news. Apparently. Enjoy. – NA

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