Zarah Sultana, MP (2)

Labour MP in tears due to Islamophobia

News Link 1

Zarah Sultana, MP for Coventry South, said she received messages calling her a “terrorist sympathiser” and “a cancer everywhere you go, and soon Europe will vomit you out”.

The 27-year-old from the West Midlands made her emotive speech at a Westminster Hall debate on the definition of Islamophobia.

Still, she can console herself with the £45K expenses she claimed including a £500 a night hotel. Socialism and victimhood dont come cheap.

News Link 2

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

48 thoughts on “Zarah Sultana, MP (2)

  1. Too late…Paķis are as deeply entrenched in western society as a particularly determined tick covered in superglue.

  2. Sick of hearing about their kitchen updates and new boilers for these cunts.

    Expenses should be limited to travel (they can have an annual train card on loan, no first class either) and £5 a day food; that’s plenty. If they need a secretary they should get one from a pool of real civil servants, not family and friends. If they need equipment it can be from a vetted list of reasonably priced goods, so no £200 headphones, get the ones out of Tesco for £5.

    Cheaper in the long run to build a block of flats and they can stay in that whilst in London.

    • Good afternoon Cuntologist.

      The MP’s who have the temerity to claim expenses for porn are my personal favourites.

      Guy Fawkes night isn’t far away so fingers crossed.

      • Afternoon. There’s a nice pool to pick from for the guy’s face this year:

        Hancock, Starmer, Rayner, Sturgeon, Sunak, Nadim Wotshisface, Gavin Williamson, Priti Patel, this back bench trougher…

        So much choice!

      • I went to stay in a hotel suite recently and had the family with me. I said “Is there satellite TV? I’d like to watch the cricket later.” The receptionist said “Yes, we have all Sky and BT Sports channels.”

        “Great”, I said. I then leaned over the counter, so the kids couldn’t hear me, and whispered “I’ll need the porn to be totally disabled.”

        Shocked, the receptionist said, “I’m sorry. It’s just regular porn that is available, you per v ert.”

        Heard it on here from some cunt I think, can’t recall who.

  3. What a total cunt. If you don’t like it or can’t take the heat luv, fuck off.

    Crying one day, then drinking a £100 bottle of wine on us that evening.

    Piss off. Mine’s a vindaloo with chapati and pilau rice. Fuck off and make it snappy.

  4. This silly little cow ought to grow up, fuck off and get herself a proper job, behind the till at Lidl.

    She only got selected because she is the right sex, the right colour and because she was young. Is she a lesbian – then she’d tick all the boxes.

    • Not a phobia, it’s a fact, Islam is a cancer, Muslims are blight on western society. Trying to ignore the cunts didn’t work, trying to integrate the cunts didn’t work.
      I am afraid having a few who try to look ‘Western’ doesn’t make up for the majority who hate the infidel.

      Getting upset about abuse, she needs to talk to anyone who publicly doesn’t buy into tranny shit to find out what abuse is really like.

      To use an acceptable street word from a certain politician, the peacefuls are Scum and the never ending P*ki grooming scandal is back in the news. Ooops, can’t say Muslim men or of P*ki origin cos that’s racist even if it’s true.

      Fuck off you cry baby and think yourself lucky you weren’t shipped of Pakistan to marry your fathers cousin.

  5. If she loves Islam so much why dosent she go join politics in Kabul. They are all for Islam there. Love to see her claim those expenses there.

  6. Fuck off. If she was a proper carpet kisser she would be shacked up with some dirty immo popping out mini bombers not living it up at the taxpayers expense. She is in more danger from her own sort than some spaz sending her e mails calling her the cunt that she is. The bitch has a wafer thin majority of 401 so next time the Imam might decide not to give her the dead immo votes he keeps in his pocket.

  7. How unlike a peaceful politician to be corrupt and to milk the system. At least she didn’t take bribes off the CCP (yet) like Senator Sam Dastyari and state MP Shaoquette Moselmane.

  8. She is as thick as 2 short planks, until it comes to money. Another socialist, what’s yours is mine, what’s mine is my own. Vile bitch.

  9. Another fan of “Old Peaceful” fiddling expenses and playing the victim card when she’s anything but. The meeting she’s in there is her trying to get Islamophobia defined as a “racist” crime. Which is basically the start of a blasphemy law (for Islam) With criticising Islam or Muslim practices meaning you’re “racist”. Fuck off with the tears.

  10. I’ve had a gander at some of the cow’s expenses. £1200 for a phone, £25 for a yoga class and £700 for a digital camera. She also had to refund £2800 to some cunt who paid her for “consultancy fees.”
    This from a bitch crying about poor starving children living in “Dickensian” conditions. Fucking champagne socialist.
    She also has a tweet history full of anti semitism and wishing death upon prominent Jews and Tony Blair (that one’s ok).
    Oh yes, a right little hypocrite grifter this bitch is.

    • I just had a look at MP’s expenses too. Top of the league is some peaceful called Khalid Mahmood from a dump called Birmingham. Claimed £250,773.38 in a year ffs. Something is very wrong with our politics. It’s rotten to the core. Guess his party.

    • I was under the impression that people claim expenses for money they spend to do their job. Yoga classes? Digital camera? David Bailey she ain’t.

    • Phone stopped working so obviously had to buy one of the most expensive ones on the market, fucking cheek of it. 500 quid a night hotel? Fuck right off, you can stay at a Holiday Inn, you want any better? Pay for it your fucking self, cunt.

  11. £500 a night expenses are you kidding me Where was this ? It’s about time these MPs were given the riot act again Fiddling your expenses is a criminal offence Labour are particularly aggressive on fiddling but it’s not just them if found out kicked out of Parliament Just for the record if they have forgotten YOU WORK FOR US NOT WE WORK FOR YOU ??

  12. Many more MPs would have gone to prison over the 2008/9 “expenses” faruds – had the DPP at the time not been Dame Kweer Starmer

  13. The Express, yes that fucking fake news rag declared that Labour are over taking the Tories in the polls.
    I fucking hope not , i would rather have the raving loonies or independence for Cornwall than this bunch of fucking Hypocritical cunts .
    Not to mention the illiterate Par kis and Ne Gros that infest this mob.

  14. When will we ever learn that all multiculturalism produces is a nation of tribes.
    And what a bunch of corrupt self entitled tribes they are.

    On a lighter note , i want to fucking strangle that smug eyeball rolling cunt Kevin Maguire then dangle his rotting corpse off the Tyne Bridge.

    Good afternoon all

      • I was reading the other day how the new Afghan government have hired 4 cranes and displayed 4 corpses that had been hanged as a “warning”.

        Let us hire 4 and dangle Adonis, Starmer, Mandy and that old whore Rayner as a warning to the rest of the stinking mob of Labourites. I’d suggest Westminster, Soho, Brighton and Manchester.

  15. It would be interesting to hear that she had been crushed underneath a double decker bus whilst distracted on her taxpayer funded mobile.
    I’d want to see footage as well.

    The filthy cunts.

  16. The Government should buy an old Travelodge inlondonand have it as a hallsof residence for when mp’s are at Westminster. That would stop all this house flipping shite and massively reduce the expenses gravy train.

  17. The cunts claiming 250k a year expenses need locking up, the piss taking cunts.

    And anyway, can any of us claim 1st class travel expenses or money to rent/ do up a second home? Or for a new fucking laptop or music player?

    Absolute fucking piss take and it needs to end.

  18. Islam is not a race ,it stinks so fuck off you crybaby bitch.
    Fucking piece of shrivelled dried up grape.(geddit)
    Why are you here? What’s the point of your meaningless existence ?Who likes you apart from the electorate of Cuntventry South?
    If you can’t hack it you worthless shit-sack why pursue a “career” in politics?
    P.S. You ain’t half ugly.
    Do you get the impression that I don’t like you?

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