(White Privilege by the bucketload – Day Admin)
The Met Gala
Recently, a bunch of overpaid woke celebs got together in the colonies to wallow in their own crapulence, in an event which cost 30 grand to attend.
Highlights include Alexia Ocasia Cortez (Democrat Party bigwig) wearing a ‘tax the rich’ dress. A dress that cost 35 grand. Is she just really thick, or just giving everyone a big, ‘Fuck you, you little people!’ ?
The attendees, which included the likes of Whoopi Goldberg, were all immune from catching or giving anyone Covid, as they were all maskless, while the minimum wage slaves serving them all had to mask up. Interesting.
The article attached has some interesting photos from the event.
The cunt factor in this shenanigans is off the fucking charts.
Nominated by: Cuntybollocks
All lovies .Oven please
Yes but the luvvie who made that dress is wanted in several states for tax evasion. Cunts.
As I said on my blog, I’d pay 30k NOT to be surrounded by the type of twats who go to this sort of thing.
Starmer trying to reconnect with the working class…
Trying to connect is he ? I suggest a three pin socket.
I’d like to quote Sybiul Fawlty’s remarks to Mr. O’Reilly. the builder about Starmer’s latest remarks:
“I have seen more intelligent life than you lying at the bottom of a pond with it’s legs i the air”
You are dead right about Angie, too. Just shows she can open her mouth as wide at 40 as she could open her legs when she was 15. I reckon it was a Tory who knocked her up She makes Jess Phillips look as refined as Dame Barbara Cartland.
Looks like something from The Hunger Games.
As for that bellend in the top left pic.
Good Morning
Well I support them, it’s quite right that they should use this high profile event to really tell the world that being rich means you can go to a posh event a look like a CUNT.
More of this ?
Tax the rich?
These cunts ARE the rich.
Drone strike, nerve gas, rampaging assault rifle enthusiast, anything but please eradicate these worthless cunts without delay.
It’s America after all…
The only thing worse than a Communist is a wealthy Communist.
Fucking Bolshevik billionaires.
They mean the rich “little people”. That’s why Emma Thompson thinks it’s fine to fly first class to XR demonstrations while telling everyone else about carbon emissions. Harry and Meghan also don’t think they’re hypocrites because when they say we shouldn’t fly there was never a point in their mind where that would apply to them. CUNTS. They might even be the worst two…
Thompson needs enclosure in an airtight space, and the emissions from a tin of Uragan-D2..
Or introducing to a Thompson Machine gun
Imagine the hysterics from these cunts if you decided to turn up at this place with a MAGA hat on wearing a White Lives Matter t shirt whilst eating a steak.
Where’s Michael Ryan when you need him?
I hope that next years shitfest is undertaken on a cruise ship packed with the woke slebs and their hangers on. I propose a cruise of the Labrador Coast in the months of March/April ( and the 11th April being the preferred )
This will coincide perfectly with the increase of Bergs in the souther currents of Labrador, and perhaps we will witness a marvellous re-enactment of “Titanic” with a cast of thousands of stars, each frantically fighting to reach a boat!
What a fucking relief that the world could be relieved of these fuckers in the course of one splendid evening.
Nice idea – for a belts & braces approach put Ebola in their drinks as well just to be sure…
Watching them trample their own children, and each other, to preserve their worthless existence would be marvellous entertainment.
James Cameron could make a film about it, except the cunt would probably be on the ship himself.
As he slips beneath the waves someone could whisper “that’s for making Avatar, you cunt” ???
If ever there was a need for a suicide bomber…
Like a gangster’s feast, like Stalin and Molotov, sitting around stuffing themselves with fine wine,brandy and the best food while the minions starve. And they laugh while doing it .
Looks like a gathering for ancient Manhattanites to purchase young bottoms to molest.
Looks like the class of perceived victimhood 2021.
The epitome of Cunt Magnet.
That bloke in the photos -top left -looks really duckie in that blue outfit – what a pity it wasn’t in pink, Dae Keir would have looked lovely in it for his “make or break” speech on Wednesday.
An ‘interesting ‘ outfit for Keir would distract the audience from the drivel that he intends to spout on Wednesday.
The title of the news article says it all, ‘An Out of Touch Clown Show’.
These vacuous cunts sit there preaching to us about tax and climate change while getting paid millions and arriving in a 7 litre limo….. Fuck Off!
Is that BBC sports personality of the year, Lewis Hamilton in the background, top right pic there?
Looks like he’s really embracing the oppressed half of his heritage these days with that dubious effnik barnet.
Bless him, he only discovered he’d been a victim of lifelong racism last year whilst daydreaming on board his yacht.
However, where’s his face mask and how come he’s not down on one knee.
Your favourite Lewis Hamilton wore a netted skirt and Kim Kastrashian went as death it would seem, and some bloke had a green baby as an accessory. Plenty of other weird outfits, too long to list. They all look like they’re pushing agendas.
This site thinks they’re part of a satanic elite but does show some of the worst outfits that aren’t on the nom news link, including Hamilton’s outfit.
Jesus H Christ that link could damage your mind.
These “sleb” cunts are just trolling the normal folk at this point with this type of shit.
Seems like the shitshow that is the last couple of years has emboldened the so called elites to be more egregious than ever.
We already know you’re a load of fucking freaks who engage in lord only knows what when you’re not too busy producing crap.
It’s not just these non entity cunts either.
Barry Obummer’s recent 60th bash was another example of one set of rules for you proles and another set for us CUNTS in trolling.
Fucking hell I didn’t realize so many blokes were in frocks.
Disturbing link.
Their blatant hypocrisy is absolutely fucking jaw dropping.
The Cortez cunt claimed she’d borrowed the dress off a friend.
It was pure coincidence that it was a perfect fit.
Just fuck off.
What an absolute shower of CUNTS. Meghan Rapinoe ugly “soccer” cunt. Fuck off! AOC: When they say “tax the rich” they don’t mean them, they mean the rich “little people”.
I’m pretty sure in the next 30 years cunts like this will start trying to withdraw the right to vote, or you’ll have to pass a “correct think” test before you can. Unkle Terry get the oven on…
Didn’t that drooling old Attenborough cunt declare that only “significant” people should be allowed to vote?
Hope a tiger eats him ?
I wonder how much jizz was spunked into their posh grub ? By the vengeful proletariat, attending to their every whim.
I’d have given myself a fucking hernia, squeezing out every last drop.
Known in the catering business as “Winner’s Sauce” after the late film director and restaurant critic, who unknowingly guzzled gallons of it (allegedly)
That’s brilliant BB
Hope it’s true.
Shades of Marc Almond
They’d have had a few chocolate drops added too had I been there.
Yes they are thick Cuntybollocks.
Here’s an example.
I remember watching years ago the concert to free Nelson Mandela, Whitney Houston was there and when asked her thoughts on Mandela’s incarceration her reply was
( It must be really horrible to be in prison on your birthday)
They only attend these events because their agents want them to get maximum exposure. If they shut their thick gobs they might just get away with it.
I am frankly crestfallen that I was not invited to this wondrous event.
I even had my outfit all ready to; A binbag with, ‘Fuck lefties!’ painted on the back and a hole cut out to expose my wanton cock through.
Bunch of cunts!
I’ll bet that slag wearing the Tax the rich t-shirt has a few mill hidden in some offshore account. What a fucking tool and moronic that you’re making a statement (with undertones of helping the poor) while wearing a $30K dress – fucking grow up you tart, no one is impressed.
Fucking hypocrites, all of them.
Like a bunch of flies round a cows arse these cunts couldn’t wait for their me, me, me moment.
In these very troubling times, I’m just grateful that we have these absolute clowns to bring a bit of joy into our otherwise weary lives.
They are so hopelessly self-deluded, so lacking in self-awareness, that they can’t even begin to comprehend what figures of contempt they are to most of us ordinary stiffs.
Eleven out of ten on the wankerometer.
Great spot, Cunty!
Its also emerged that the designer who made the ‘Tax The Rich’ dress is being chased for tax arrears in multiple states as well as owing property taxes on a $1.6m home in the Hollywood Hills. They really are tone-deaf cunts.
Looks like the ISAC Cunt of the Year Gala.
If Unkle T ovened every attendee the negative effect on the world would be fuck all.
Never really knew what the Met Gala is for so just looked it up. Its to raise money for the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute in New York and estimates are that it makes $15 million per event to save a bunch of old clothes. A worthy cause I’m sure you’ll agree…
Time for tumbrills and guilotines methinks!
Isn’t it rich? Isn’t it queer? Losing my timing this late in my career where are the clowns? Send in the clowns Don’t bother they’re already here…