“The Matrix” – A Trans Allegory

(I could have uploaded a header pic of Kenzie Lutece, but realised that the image of Carrie-Anne Moss’ arse was just too great! Her arse is The One – Day Admin)

“The Matrix” is one of my all-time favourite films (okay, the sequels stank the place out, but that’s another story).

I’ve watched it many times over the years, drawn back to its intriguing, complex narrative, fine script and acting, and stunning visuals. Oh, and to the mouth-watering sight of Carrie-Anne Moss’s stunningly tight little arse. Especially to the sight of Carrie-Anne Moss’s stunningly tight little arse.

It appears, however, that there’s a more deeply philosophical interpretation of the film which has eluded my understanding until now. “The Matrix”, I’ve learned, is a trans allegory!

I’m deeply grateful to one Kenzie Lutece for this staggering insight. Lutece is a self-styled “trans, Jewish and leftist”, who writes of the film that while “the messages about ‘breaking from the systems of oppression’ are generally applicable (the battery metaphor is obviously ** capitalism), much of the movie’s symbolism and language is ‘explicitly’ trans”. Anyone seeking a more detailed presentation of this thesis may care to try the link below.

There’s obviously something to this; I mean, haven’t the Wachowski brothers now come out as the Wachowski sisters?

Be that as it may, I’m deeply indebted to Lutece for deeping my understanding of the complexities of the film. That “The Matrix” is a trans allegory is something that I really needed to know, and this will indeed take my enjoyment and appreciation of this classic to a new level, as I’m sure it will yours.

**obviously? yeah, right.


Nominated by: Ron Knee


54 thoughts on ““The Matrix” – A Trans Allegory

  1. Criticism can make anything out of anything – particularly film criticism. I expect that Raging Bull will soon be described as a brave transsexual film and the Dam Busters as a metaphor for smashing through gay barriers.

  2. Keanu Reeves should’ve told the Wachowski bumlord freaks that he wasn’t interested in the pointless new Matrix film, he can’t need the money.
    It’s going to be utter wank, even shitter than the 3rd one.

      • But it’ll pale into insignificance next to the shit wokeness that is the new Bond* film, don’t you reckon, RK?

        * imposter Bond, not the real James Bond

      • I heard the next Bond will be a Black lezzer with learning difficulties in a wheelchair .
        Her Nemesis will be a trans sexual window licking Sociopath.

      • He was poorly for a while,
        Didn’t make any films.
        Nasty rash on his leg.
        The studios sent him to a skin specialist.
        ” Is it psoriasis doc? Gee thats totally bogus!”
        No. Says the doctor.
        “Exema? Oh dude thats rad!
        Just a cream right dude?”
        No says the doctor.
        “Bummer man” says keanu mind racing.
        “No you need to take these pills one a day for your condition”.
        “They like painkillers dude”?
        No says the doctor.
        “Theyre creosote pills.
        You have dry rot you wooden cunt.”

  3. Anyone want to comment on the true message behind Planet of the Apes? I mean the Chuck Heston version.

  4. “If you’d told us the truth, we would’ve told you to shove that red pill right up your ass.” – Cypher

    Shortly after taking it, Neo gets deepthroated by metallic mirror goop. Starting to think maybe there’s something to this nom ?

  5. Carrie-Anne from the original ‘Matrix’ was, and is, my favourite action heroine; that perfect combination of sex fantasy and bad-ass. What an Emma Peel she would have made for an ‘Avengers’ reboot at the time.
    For anyone who’d like a reminder, here she is in action;


    • If you fancy more of Ms Moss I recommend the 2000 sci-fi film Red Planet.
      She even looks good in a space suit…

      • Thanks BB I’ll check it out.
        Moss doesn’t come into the ‘so beautiful it’s actually tedious’ variety of Hollywood actress. She comes into the ‘so hot you would all night’ category. Imo of course.

  6. All forms of art are of course subjective.
    Having said this, such twaddle, out there allegories and pretentious would be analysis doth caus’eth my piss to boil over!

    • You can do it with loads of films eg the Clooney ‘Batman and Robin’ has to be a gay allegory; I mean, how fucking camp was that?

  7. This could be quite a fun game. Pick a film, twist the narrative subtext to suite a trans allegorical mold. You can do this with literally any film involving a character that has come-of-age, ascended the skill tree, or ‘transformed’ into a more powerful, actualised version of themselves.

    Harry Potter, Avatar, Star Wars etc.

    Let’s just call this what it is: its paying protection racket money to the Woke mob by retroactively claiming fealty to the cause. AKA disengenious bollocks.

    We all know it had nothing to do with being trans whatsoever.

  8. I watched about 20 minutes of the first Matrix film, years ago on tv, it bored me rigid, almost as crap as that other over-hyped crap, Blade Runner.

  9. I just looked up the Wachowski cunts and he wasn’t joking, they went full tranny, the fucking degenerate freaks.

    The Matrix was a good film with a clever idea for about an hour or so, but then went shite in my opinion (just another shitty action movie from about an hour in). Overrated. That’s what I thought when I rewatched it for the first time about 10 years after the cinema release. The sequels were all fucking terrible.

    And those freaky fuckers?

    I hope their mum is dead because the shock of her two sons going tranny would kill her.

    Once regarded as mental illness (quite rightly) now lauded as ‘brave’ and other such fucking bollocks.

    This new one will have Ru Paul doing slo mo fighting and them sucking of Neo who will then grow a fanny.

    Load of shite.

      • The Matrix??
        My missus loves it!
        I fell asleep after about 45min.
        Its fuckin rubbish no matter if its about hermaphrodites or
        Freaky twins.
        I hated the slow bullets
        Hated the slow Kung Fu
        Hated the robot octopuses
        Even the credits annoyed me.
        Keanu should concentrate on Bill an Ted rather than this bag of shite.

  10. According to rumours, Matrix Ressurection will reveal that Reeve’s character isn’t “the One” but that it’s actually Trinity instead.
    Surprise fucking surprise… ?

  11. The Matrix Reloaded. In the scene with Monica Bellucci (Persephone) in the tight dress…the dress is so tight and see through, you can properly see her minge through it. Watch it, you’ll see what I mean.

  12. Here’s an allegory: the machines represent the encroaching wokeness and the Nebuchadnezzar is the last stand of those who refuse to go along with that alternate reality. Living in reality is to be in war that most cunts don’t even know is raging all around them as they choose to remain blissfully ignorant (asleep).

  13. Although David Icke reckons we live in the matrix and everything we see is computerised images (the moon and Saturn are both fake too).

    He’s minted from all that bollocks too. Tickets to see him aren’t cheap and he packs out venues. His books sell well too He’s either a clever conman or a complete mental. Hard to know which.

      • He definitely went mental in the late 80s I think it was (the turquoise shell suit son of God bollocks on Wogan).

        He had a cushy gravy train job at the BBC. Threw it all away after what appeared to be a complete nervous/ mental breakdown.

        He believed the delusions.

        The question is then if he realised he’d fucked his broadcasting career up for good. You can’t do ‘This Morning’ and do a piece on funny cat videos if you’ve said you are the son of God, and the Queen is actually a man eating space lizard who lives in a cave. No coming back from that.

        And with a (no doubt) big fucking mortgage to pay and no cunt wanting to employ him, he realised he could cash in by taking advantage of mentals.

        I’m not sure, but usually after a psychotic breakdown due to stress etc, I believe the patient gets better – although I’m no doctor.

        I’d say 50/50 on this.

    • I’ve watched one of David Icke’s long boring monologues, He talks for hours and says fuck all.
      His disciples all say ‘ David was right about this and that’
      He talks absolute bollocks and should of been put in a rubber room years ago.

      • Agreed.
        A good course of electric shocks followed by buckets of icy water.
        Straighten up and fly right.
        And burn that purple tracksuit.
        Its cultural appropriation of scousers.

    • Icke moans about ‘repeaters’ but is there any record of him mentioning living in ‘The Matrix’ before the film was released?

      Still, anyone who can bounce between Her Maj, a hollow moon and G.W.F. Hegel in their Oxford Union address is an entertainer in my book.

      • Wasn’t his act prior to the Matrix all ripped off from “V” and “They Live”? He’s a con-man, and a plagiarist to boot. Old Bill and HMRC should be enquiring into his affairs with a view to getting a confiscation order. That’ll give him something to moan about the mad twat.

  14. Nothing is going to inspire me to admire trans cunts just for being a trans cunt. If the Matrix had been openly based on trans cunts no normal cunt would have watched it.

    I doubt many cowboys rushed to see Brokeback Mountain. Trans people are like sewer rats too me, I know they exist but I don’t mix with them and if I do find myself in the vicinity of one I want to exterminate it.

  15. Agreed, Ron. The Matrix never gets boring. Guns, leather coats, more guns, secret agents, more guns, telephones. There is even some philosophical shit and martial arts for more thoughtful cunts.

    Trans allegory? Maybe, didn’t notice. But then, like most people, I am not fucking interested in the whole alphabetti spaghetti cock/cunt mix up mess.

  16. I went into BlockBusters and asked to rent Batman Forever…the bloke behind the counter said “Only for two days”.

  17. Loved The Matrix back in the day, and still do today.

    Trouble is everyone’s a media studies expert these days, and they therefore have to throw in some pseudo-sociology into digging out some real-world meaning behind a film.

    They do it with lots of old classics, not least Star Wars, Indiana Jones, LOTR, Batman and most other blockbuster films that are dominated by white males as the heroes, and everyone else is just an afterthought.

    Therefore the Matrix franchise will probably go through the same woke washing machine and new meanings will be dangled on the clothes line for all to see and accept!

  18. I can’t stand this load of pretentious, cod-philosophical arse. Its premise is one of the dumbest in science fiction; use humans as batteries.

    The machines would get much more energy by burning fucking wood.

    ‘combined with a type of fusion’.

    To quote a certain Scotsman on Youtube, ‘Fuck off, film!’.

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