The Grenfell Memorial

Apparently there are rumours that, after 4 fucking years, this burnt out shell of a building will be pulled down. Oh dear, you can’t do that…has no cunt heard of Stephen Lawrence? We need this to stand as a monument to the racism of this disgusting country that every foreign fucker is desperate to get to.

I heard some communidee leader (self appointed obviously) on the radio crying about how he wants a museum on the site to tell everyone about the great people who lived there…blah blah, woof woof.

Do what? We don’t know half the cunts who died there because they were illegal immos, drug dealers and prozzies. The fucking council didn’t have a clue who was living there because they didn’t give a fuck.

So what kind of museum will that be? The kind where the usual slebs turn up on the opening day to get their boats in the media and no cunt ever goes there again.

This communidee leader might try asking who the rich fuckers are who have got clean away with stealing taxpayers money to build this tower of shit in the first place. But, of course, he is just another cunt on the racist bandwagon looking to advance himself.

Pull it down and put up a statue of Chicken George Floyd I say! No point in fucking about.

Nominated by: Freddie the Frog

Supported by Komodo along with useful link

The surviving ex-residents think they should decide when the structurally unsafe shell is demolished in the public interest. And that will only be after a lachrymose and probably hideous memorial is erected. Knocking it down would be diswespeckfuw innit.

Would it be racist to suggest that leaving this charred ruin to cast its sinister shadow over Kensington might also be disrespectful to the poor cunts whose expensively purchased view it is?

Link – covers nom and this addendum:

News Link


63 thoughts on “The Grenfell Memorial

  1. Make it into a council tip.
    Its got a track record of being a dumping ground for shite.
    Have a opening day BBQ.

  2. Grenfell ought to be dynamited to smithereens; it stands as a colossal “fuck you” to the indigenous taxpayers of this once-great country.
    Mind you, all ghastly London tower blocks should be blown up, once they’re chock-full of sponging immos.

  3. Are the survivors still living in their “temporary” plush hotels or has the government/Suckdick built some nice homes for them now?

    • They moved a bunch of them into a brand new block of flats up the road from me.

      Guess what, anti social behaviour, graffiti and crime have gone through the roof.

      The local tesco has had to hire extra security to cope with the amount of theft and car break ins.

  4. Grief-fell

    What a crock of fucking hand wringing shit and yet another example of the white guilt narrative in this country.

    When any building burns and innocent people lose their lives, it’s undoubtedly a tragedy.

    However, call me a cynic but if a similar tragedy had occurred up North in a tower block full of mainly white Brits, would the reaction have been the same?

    Would there have been endless accusations of racism?
    Racist cladding
    Racist first responders
    Racist electrical wiring

    Would cunts like Stormzy and other virtue signalling “musicians” (in the loosest possible terms) have knocked up a vomit inducing charity single?

    I doubt it.

    Good Morning

    • Wouldn’t surprise me of Biden declares the fall of the Two Towers 20 years ago wasn’t down to Bin Lardarse and the Towelheads (they were victims, dontcha know!), but Trump and his evil white racist supremacists out to overthrow democracy and the “greatest country on earth” wibble

    • The Grenfell fire and the Manchester Arena bombing took place within a month of each other. And yet the only one that consistently gets airtime and political pressure is the one that was clearly a tragic accident. The other – a deliberate act of terrorism that claimed the lives of mainly young, white children – has largely been forgotten.

      Makes you wonder, doesn’t it.

  5. David Lammy had hundreds of friends, close friends, in fact best of best friends who died in Grenfell.
    It needs to come down so the land can be used to build a real posh apartment block for well off people, the surviving Grenfell residents, well those who are legal, can be shoved into some shitty place in Tottenham. David will be happy more voters for him ?

    PS, Emma won!!

    • Yes I see our Emma won SOI.

      No doubt the walls of both the Beeb and Guardian offices will be coated in jizz and champagne this morning.

      Wonder if the knickers she wore in the final are going to be auctioned off to the highest bidder/biggest pervert?

      • “Wonder if the knickers she wore in the final are going to be auctioned off to the highest bidder/biggest pervert?”

        Who said she was wearing any?. If she’s anything like Yvette Cooper, she goes commando – just in case Ed balls.

      • The good thing about her, she doesn’t look like a fucking gorilla or a 6 ft wrestler.

        I watched the press conference, proper fit bird ?

    • Somebody told me that mr Lammy or someone who looks like him was seen just beforehand with a bic lighter and a container of petrol.
      Now obviously im not for a minute suggesting David did anything!
      That would be libelous!
      As would the allegations that mr kofi umbongo at number 85 owed David money for 3 bunches of bananas and hadnt paid up.
      All gossip, unproven tattletale,
      And doesnt mean hes a murderer.??

      • There was a rumour that he got some inside information, someone in Grenfell had stolen his stash of Jaffa cakes.

  6. Should a monument be built it should include a plaque (very large) which names all of those who have been found guilty of fraudulently claiming money , their nationality, immigration status and whether they have been deported after their prison sentence.

  7. Fucking museum. Showing what exactly? How racist whitey is? These immos got fucked over by the rich cunts and the politicians just like the rest of us. That’s equality Abdul, get used to it. Half of them shouldn’t have been in there in the first place so suck it up.
    Stick up a plaque and be grateful that the mythical white supremacists don’t spray paint abuse on it like the wokies are fond of doing.

  8. What happened to the £M’s collected from the gullable public?
    Could have re-homed the survivors several times over.

  9. “Nothing is going to happen to that tower unless we say so,” Activist Mr Mussilhy declared, adding that “all this stuff that’s coming out from government is insensitive and disrespectful.”
    Oh you fucking think so do you? You fucking arrogant cunt. What’s really behind this is the whiff of money in your, no doubt enormous, nostrils.
    Get fucked!

  10. Put all the moaning rats in another tower.
    Then dynamite the fucker.

    Turn the vermin into offal.


  11. There’s one cunt who wants to turn it into a “vertical forest.”
    Do what? That won’t be a fire hazard will it? Land in the middle of Stabistan is priceless and these wankers think they are going to build museums and shit on it? You can moan all you like my little race card holding friends but money talks and money rules.
    Speaking of museums……the IMPERIAL War Museum…….isn’t that a bit racist? How come nobody has noticed that?

  12. I want to see Guy Fawkes Night renamed as Grenfell Night….nothing much’ll change,,, a bonfire with a sooty dummy on top,a few fireworks and a hearty barbecue…that should shut Mr.Lammy up with his accusations of racism in this Country.

  13. Has anyone patented this dodgy cladding yet?

    If not, I’m going to make an application.

    Would make me thousands, and save the country billions.

  14. I was down the local boozer last night, and I heard some one at the bar (probably a tourist from down south) suggest that the chalked white horses that adorn the hills of Wiltshire, should be “grassed over” due to colonial/racist overtones given that they date back some 200+ years ago.

    No idea if it was the drink talking or whether he was deadly serious (typical hipster features – man bun, beard and specs). Don’t be surprised if the BLM or XR end up vandalising some or all of them in the same manner they did our statues.

    Wouldn’t it be interesting if someone sprayed graffiti on the Grenfell Tower! Imagine the faux outrage!

    Also nice to know we have a new British tennis champion in donkey’s years, even though she really isn’t British. Can I be the first to sniff her knickers please?

      • The good news here is that Wokegate, Saint Raheem or Saint Marcus won’t be BBC Sports Personally of the Year.
        Linekunt will be gutted but even the BBC can’t fix this one.

  15. The 9/11 museum in New York is filled with amazing pictures and videos of the events and testimonies of those involved in that fateful day. It is a poignant and verifiable record, and therefore, we know all about those who were caught up in it.

    With Grenfell, how exactly wouid a museum work? We don’t know anything about most of those who died/involved because they were either here illegally or sub letting illegally.

    To find out what happened would take a ‘no stones unturned’ investigation, and would mean putting the automatic setting of ‘blame whitey’ to one side for five fucking minutes. Good luck with the local council trying that!

    Seeing as the usual chippy suspects have drawn their own conclusions, I’ll draw mine.

    They died because of greedy peaceful landlords sub letting their flats to illegals, cramming as many as they could into one flat too.

    They died because some of these folks did not know how to live in the West and created fire hazards on a regular basis.

    They died because their (mostly ‘diverse’) labour council did the job on the cheap (cladding) to syphon off a few quid for their other (ahem) ‘projects’.

    The ‘museum’ will be filled full of chippy anti white racist bollocks from race baiting cunts, who are after a few quid.

    Yes, yes allegedly etc.

    • And for those here illegally, working for cash in hand (less than minimum wage/no tax, NI etc) , they’d need to ask who was benefiting from this or who was pushing for more ‘diversity’ and ‘migrants’ and why.

      Easier to say ‘blame whitey’ though innit, bruv?

    • Burned down by an immigrant with a dodgy washing machine. Couldn’t make it up, I’m sure they will blame whitey somehow.

  16. This cunt, Mussilhy knows that as soon as the tower is demolished and the debris is taken away, Grenfell will fade from people’s minds and so the astonishing money-making machine will dry up sharpish.

    I daresay there are a lot of people making capital out of the tragedy. And it is a tragedy that people perished in the blaze, but this gives no-one the right the build a lucrative career on the back of it.

  17. Surely the solution is obvious gentlemen>

    A big black statue of Dianne Abbott and Dawn Butler, both stark bollock naked with their arses in the air, offering their back passage to a dark man, with a canoe tucked under his arm.

  18. It must have been terrifying for the Dark-Keys….Dark-Keys are frightened of inbuilt fear from their days up the jungle when a forest-fire was a real threat…they are,of course,also terrified of water so when the firemen started spraying the flames,it must have blown their minds..caught between a rock and a hard place…perhaps that’s why some reverted to jumping from a great height?…hoping for some banana tree branches to break their fall, perhaps?

  19. We have a few chimania in our garden, one in perticulat is metal, tall, thin and black, we call this one Grendfall as it really can become a towering inferno, it’s gobbled up a fencing panel a night.
    That’s the result of hearing to much of their winging, tragic as it was, the constant bleating for years made me go from not caring, to not giving a flying fuck to outright piss taking, so now Grendfall gets a regular mention in our house every time I load it full of wood and throw a match on it.
    That’s the extent of how much I care about a load of benefits scroungers and goat fuckers, I can’t believe these cunts are still going on about it, it just goes to show you can never do enough for these sponging fuckers…

  20. Memorial my spotty arse!! How’s about a nice restful ‘garden of rememberance’ with picnic tables, seating, public barbecues that sort of thing, that’d be nice.
    But what’s this?? from the firm JAA Studios… they want to clad the shell in black and make it into the fucking monolith from 2001!

    The accompanying corporate cunt-waffle betrays the motivation at work to instill permanent white guilt…

    …an homage to the victims as it is a glaring, shaming reminder to those who could have easily prevented the tragedy from ever happening….it’s a sentiment that keeps the reality of the outcome prescient in our minds.

    So we have to pay ‘homage’ to the scum housed therein? We must feel ‘shame’ for their deaths?? And here’s the piss boiler as JAA Studio’s team stated:…
    “We cannot afford to forget—the city needs its scars, and it learns from them, just as a child does.”

    Patronising fucking wank-sticks… and what is the architectural fixation with black cuboids? The 9/11 memorial plaza (mentioned above) is another baffling edifice until you decode the symbology of it. It’s an inverted Black Cube beneath a larger perimeter void and looks like a massive tefillin has been smashed into the ground. “errr…wassa tefillin Chops?”
    It’s the little black box that practicing orthodox four b’ twos strap to noggin and forearm when they do prayer containing texts from Deuteronomy and Exodus which they hold to be their dog given title deeds to Palestine. Now given that 9/11 was an Israeli led co-op with Saudi and US intel (which by now cannot be denied with a straight face) that ‘memorial’ becomes the ultimate two fingers. a sort of “yeah we did it and don’t you forget it.”

    Black Cube is also the name of the private ‘investigation’ organisation of former (and probably current) Mossad operatives, spooks and hitmen that former Israeli PM Ehud Barak reccomended to Harvey Weinstein to put the screws on his victims. They didn’t pick the name because it sounded cool!
    As JAA Studio’s team stated:
    Fuck’s sake that Weinstein’s an ugly cunt…

  21. About 4am a loud BANG
    Down it comes and a load of rubble Let’s see how Queen Dawn Butler thinks of that ??

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