Yes, everyone’s favourite dance extravaganza is back. Only this year, Strictly Cunts Prancing will feature the programme’s first all-male pairing. Former Great British Bake Off winner, John Whaite, will be paired with an unfortunate male professional dancer to entertain and educate us poor homophobes racists.
The response to his casting has been overwhelmingly enthusiastic (from the BBC and The Guardian). Whaite himself says he has not received one negative comment and has called it “a great step forward in representation and inclusion”.
I’m sure everyone on ISAC will want to congratulate this cunt in the traditional, time honoured ISAC fashion.
Nominated by: MMCM
In moderation? ?
ITV are allegedly resurrecting The Golden Shower hosted by dominatrix Roberta Monkhausen featuring everyones favourite slebs. Featuring interactive buggery with Bernie the Bolt, a segment on carpet munching with Cressida, swordplay with Mandy and roundly finished off with advanced sheep worrying with Dame Kweer. Scheduled to be aired at 4pm.
Saturday night TV. Always shite. Anything involving that Cowell cunt, or those cunts Ant and Dec, shite game shows, and this mincefest, it’s all soulsapping drivel.
I don’t think I’ve watched terrestrial Saturday TV since gladiators finished, when Ulrika Jonnson had pert breasts and hadn’t had four brats.
She is unrecognisable now. Naked she looks like Tolland man.
The new Fred and, er, Fred…
I wouldn’t even mind a couple of same sex dancers if they just did it, instead of making such a fucking ‘celebration of inclusion’ palaver about it.
Fucking BBC are cunts.
Ginger Roger?
Deserves more likes?
Bummers dancing!!!! What kind of mentally sub normal monkey thinks this shit up.
I hope the dirty fuckers slip and break their legs.
Activists moonlighting as TV producers.
I am certain the US version Dancing with the Stars will follow close behind. I stopped watching this rigged shit “competition” a long time ago. The judges always grade the degenerates on a steep curve to keep them on the show as long as possible. The same with “…Got Talent” shows.
Cunfests not contests all of them.
Have never watched the prog, the ads alone are enough to give one aids.
Always thought it was blatant poovery.
The kindest thing you can do is shoot your television.
I love to read threads like this – makes me glad I ditched BBC TV. If I’m not paying for it they can do what that want. They can have green skinned hermaphrodites dressed in rubber gimp suits lecturing uber woke for all I care.
If you haven’t already I’d recommend:
BBC – bunch of broadcasting cunts!
Gave up on telly ages ago. Pulled the aerial out and I refuse to watch the bastard BBC again. Their ‘Kill Whitey’ shit put the tin hat on it. Frankie Boyle and Sophie Duker should have been burnt at the the stake after that. Pair of cunts.
I won’t even watch Match Of The Day. That twat Lineker and those useless bimbos, Alex Scott and Karen ‘Asthmatic Parrot’ Carney can fuck off.
The less said about Doctor Who(ke) and how its been terminally ruined, the better. And only pooves and wimmin watch that Strictly Cunt Mincing turd. Fuck the ‘Beeb’.?
I wouldn’t mind hanging out the back of Alex Scott. Clare Balding must’ve been driven mad by that lip-hugging suit she wore for the olympics.
You seem to know an awful lot about a channel you don’t watch any more. Me think the ladeee protesteth too much!!;
Can’t say i’ve ever seen an episode of this crap but my nan watches as do the elderly parents of a friend. Not sure the beeb can afford to alienate more of its old white audience but there you go.
Haven’t looked at previous comments but this shitfest of a show even when it was a tart and some male cunt was a total fuckin pile of shit. Now the woke fuckers have got hold of it and we’ve got poofs dancing together, probably rules as well. If rather watch my bollocks being squeezed in a vice and cock spewing blood than watch this pile of useless fuckin was of television time. Typical woke, wank, pc BBC, FUCK THE CUNTS OFF ASAP.
Steady DLP. I’m sure it’s a balanced programme that embracess all genders, whatever their original birth sex, ethnicity, or just those who need a doctors note proving they are actually human.
Don’t know about a doctor’s note (if they can actually get one now the fuckun useless quacks have effectively gone on strike), but the useless quacks will probably give a dispensation note to some woke ponce or dyke twat whilst refusing an appointment to a potential cancer victim.