Sadiq Khan (31)

Another cunting for the Concorde-nosed , idiotic little Norman Wisdom wanabee, Sadiq Khunt, who, inone of his innumerable TV appearances calls for crimes against wimminz to be categorised as “hate crimes”:

News Link

If this cunt was to do his job properly, instead of playing to the gallery and being a social justice warrior and putting on the curry powder and Max Factor to have sofa chats, we might not have record levels of knife and gun crime in London and less murders.

This midget menace must be an inspiration to children – even if you are only 5ft tall you, too, can become “important”. If this is an example of Labour control, it makes you groan to think of what Dame Keir would do to fuck up the whole of Britain and not just London.

Nominated by: W.C. Boggs

42 thoughts on “Sadiq Khan (31)

  1. Nasty, anti British, odious, condecending, self important andcan all round useless tool. Whats not to like?

    • ‘and an’ not ‘andcan’. I wish there was an edit option for us with sausage fingers that only realise the error after posting. Daft old fart.

      • Wasn’t the terminus in On The Buses called Town End?
        Saddicks version would be Knob End.

  2. He needs police protection because of his colour and religion. HE NEEDS POLICE PROTECTION FOR BEING AN ARROGANT USELESS CUNT.

  3. Quite aside from his gross incompetence, underhanded and devious ways, vote rigging, Bame appeasing, cravenness and general woke spouting oiliness, the thing I hate most about this excuse for a man is his fucking creepy and insincere looking smile.
    It’s a sight that instantly necessitates a merry beating with a sledgehammer.
    Cuntius maximus!

  4. Our country is stuck with cunts like this. Too many peaceful enclaves around the country to stop them. He is the tip of a very large and looming iceberg. They breed far quicker that us and stay in their ghettos hence there will always be peacefuls in charge and holding public office. Too late to do owt about it now.

    • Precisely this.
      Bravo sir.

      What a fucking mess this country has become and there is boatload more to follow.

    • The Authorities (Including MI5) have long been aware of an insidious policy of “Soft Ji@had” which is a means of taking control by stealth. When I emailed the odious little CUNT Khan about his views on this topic, more than a decade ago, he claimed to know nothing about it, despite being a key player in the U.K. The technique includes becoming School governors, local and national politicians and any similarly unwanted (by those with common sense) post which comes with a modicum of power. The campaign is very well established in the U.k.. Along with prolific breeding, unchecked immigration and well established sleeper groups of wannabe martyrs, Khan and his kind wiill eventually take over the country, as planned, whist politicians and the police will feign surprise. The CUNTITUDE of our “strong diversity” will be our ultimate downfall.

  5. Sukdik is a hate crime! Despicable little cunt he is. Generally I don’t wish harm to anyone but I do make exceptions!

  6. He could spend his evenings setting fire to orphanages in London and his days injecting his electorate with the AIDS.

    It wouldn’t make any difference. He’d still win because he’s a smelly pa

  7. Virtue signalling non-entity who in 4 years has bankrupted London with his excessive congestion charges. I’m planning on hoisting a Khan Blimp on the Herts/Middlesex border to express my contempt for this son of a camel-shagger.

    • Sorry, that was the wrong link, this is the correct one:

      “Four in five people killed in Greater London were men. Women more likely to know their killer and be killed at home.

      Gender – the murdered:

      In 146 cases, the gender of the victim was known (one of the victims was an unnamed child). Of the 146:

      80% (117) were men;
      20% (29) were women.

      The number of women living in London is slightly higher compared to the number of men; 4.49 million are women and 4.48 million people living in Greater London are men.[5] As such men were over four times more likely to have been murdered in London in 2019 than women.”

  8. If only he were born a foreskin on the end of a Jewish cock….the circumcision would have been worth seeing.

  9. Tells you a hell of a lot about where we are, when a man as incompetent and unpopular as Sadiq Khan can be elected and then re-elected in England’s capital city.

    The size of his nose increases in size in relation to the man’s insincerity.

  10. Despite being a useless cunt he continues to win mayoral elections.
    So what does that say about:-
    the voters
    the opposition?

    • I tells me that the postal voting is rigged and there is no viable alternative.

      The Tories put Shaun Bailey up as their candidate…. Because he is black.

      Now do you see how utterly fucked London is, when we are a minority in our own capital.

  11. Can we just award the cunt a lifetime cunting and use the space saved for more original cuntings? Or have a Sadiq Khan Shit thread to absorb the cunts incessant cuntishness?

    And what Technocunt said.

  12. He’s running our nations capital. Let that sink in. The rich irony of London being the least representative symbol of our country is not lost on me.

    And it’s because snivelling virtue signalling cretins like Sadcunt Khan are messing it up by putting feelings before facts. Everything he does is a snidey attempt to cover his true lack of caring.

    If I lived south of the river I’d walk down to his office, wait for when he pops out for a stroll and boot that manlet right into the Thames.

  13. The Khan Cunt is a skunk in cunt’s clothing. Aided and abetted by the Dick Cunt, his record on knife crime is fucking criminal.

  14. Just the sight of the CUNT makes me feel sick. His voice, the way he looks, his behaviour, his all things to all men opportunism. He’s an utter disgrace. The cunts who buy his virtue-signalling must have shit for brains not to know what he’s really like or to see how he’s stitched London up. He’s a nasty, snide, duplicitous cunt with all the trappings of Old Peaceful. Anyone who can’t see it is fucking dangerous.

  15. The enemy within this little cunt has single handedly turned our once great capital into a branch of the Asian Sub continent ??

  16. Yeah it’s all about the demographics. After 5 years of this British hating, fucked up skidmark we still can’t get rid of the bastard. The white working class are very much a minority in the capital, the immos and the libtards easily outnumber us.
    Coming to a city near you.

  17. Too right Freddie. The only thing Suck Dick has successfully done is piss off all white indigenous folk.
    He has done fuck all in fighting crime, more like encourage it.
    I canseemore nominations ahead for everything he does and everything he says. Little despicable cunt, I fucking hate him.

  18. None of my whitey comrades voted for this cunt in Londonbabad…

    Wish this cunt would just fuck right off.

  19. It must be bad for genuine Londoners. Seeing places like Newhamistan becoming as bad as Luton. Just like Paris, the English capital has become a hive of Third World human filth.

  20. When I was a student in London in 1972 and some cunt said that in 45 years time the city’s Mayor would be a Pack-hee he would have been laughed out of court and had his arse thrashed.
    What the hell has happened to this country?!

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