Rubbish Song Lyrics & Rap

Looking back, I realise that I’ve cunted songs and performers in various guises; done-to-death songs, boring songs, nauseating songs… I trust that another pop will not go amiss, this time aimed specifically at rubbish lyrics, by which I mean the self-indulgent, pompous, vacuous, or just plain cringeworthy.

This was kicked off yesterday when the wife put on Dylan’s ‘Bringing It All Back Home’. I was able to tolerate his nasal whine for so long, but then came ‘of war and peace the truth just twists, its curfew gull it glides, upon four-legged forest clouds, the cowboy angel rides’.

Now I’m sure that arty-farty types have droned on about the ironic imagery and visionary poetic lyricism of the words (or something), but honestly, I reckon that this song’s lyrics are a pile of pretentious wank.

Not for the first time, this took the missus and I on a trip to pick some of our favourite ludicrous lyrics. She chimed in inevitably with ‘no 9, no 9, no 9…’, and then picked Lennon’s ‘imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can’, from the Rolls Royce radical himself.

Okay dear. I’ll see you and raise you a ‘you consider me the young apprentice, caught between the Scylla and Caribdes’. A perfect couple of lines from that poseur Sting, to which I added a bit of twat cod-philosophy from Neil Diamond, to wit; ‘I am I said, to no one there, and no one heard at all, not even the chair’. Deep stuff, I’m sure you’ll agree.

How about ‘we are stardust, we are golden, and we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden’, said the missus. Mmm, the ‘Woodstock’ generation of Mitchell and CSNY types could take itself a bit seriously at times. I’d include Paul Simon here, for the likes of ‘I have my books and my poetry to protect me’, not to mention ‘what a dream I had, pressed in organdy, clothed in crinoline of smoky burgundy’. Struth.

Then there are those words which initially sound very meaningful, but become less so the more you listen to them. Like ‘Mars ain’t the kind of place to raise your kids, in fact it’s cold as hell, and there’s no one there to raise them if you did…’. Taupin torpor at its best.

Of course I could go on and on, I’ve got a million of ’em. Don’t get me started on the likes of Muse and Lady Gaga, or that infuriating little twit Katy Perry (‘I wanna see your peacock-cock-cock…are you brave enough to let me see your peacock?’).

But I’m limited for space, so I’ll close on the cringeworthy. What could be worse than ‘one day when I was not at home and she was left there all alone, the angels came… and Honey I miss you, and I’m being good’?

Christ on a bike. What a load of old pony.

Nominated by: Ron Knee

And on the subject of shit lyrics, try some Rap, from Miles Plastic


Well I’ve been ‘down with the kids’ recently. Too long to explain. But all about Rap and a very long video of Ed Sheeran and Stormzy performing together. Fuck know what it was called but how very long it was. And it was on a loop. Exorbitant is the word.

I suppose these two are leaders of their generation musically speaking. The actual sound is a feel good ambient sound which doesn’t vary. And the repetitive beat ad nauseam.

You can actually record your own Rap on your phone. A rap app I suppose you’d call it. So the task was to make your own rap recording. I was struck how seriously the ‘the kids’ took it. (More 18 to 20 year olds).

It was very comical. ‘Shhh… I’m recording….’. One fella– ‘Sheff town Sheff town I’ve been down’. He must have been to Sheffield recently. But that as well-they all did it with a black accent. They were all white.

‘I have my destiny in my pocket’ wasn’t a bad line I thought. Intense confessional stuff about ‘ma girlfriend’. But the beat just the same. No variation.

I thought when I was their age I was into Yes. I know pretentious and overlong but certainly it was all about creativity. And it was all about variation and true experimentation.

Came back home and decided to indulge myself in Yes. The first two videos of like vloggers appreciating them. I listened to ‘Awaken’ and ‘The Gates of Delerium’. The hosts of both vlogs two black dudes with dark glasses.

213 thoughts on “Rubbish Song Lyrics & Rap

  1. Grime….trap…..drill…….fucking shite!
    Music by dark keys listened exclusively by spasticated gen Z whiteys wanting to be ‘edgy’ and ‘down with the bruvvers.’
    Cunts, cunts and thrice cunts!

  2. On the subject of shit lyrics, I can’t stand those with lines like ‘baby baby oh baby’. Has anyone on here ever heard a human being refer to another as ‘baby’ ffs?
    As for rap, I wouldn’t wipe my arse on its exponents.

    • Both Marc Bolan and David Bowie talked bollocks on their hit singles.
      But I sort of liked it!
      Same with Lady Eleanor by Lindisfarne,
      Babble really, but good!
      Bob Dylan wrote some great lyrics (masters of war)
      But cant bring myself to admit the wire haired rat faced little cunt is talented.
      As for Rap!!!
      Its all shite.

      • Grandpa died last week
        Now he’s buried in the rocks
        Everyone still talks about
        How badly they were shocked
        But me, I expected it to happen
        When I knew he’d lost control
        He built a fire on Main Street
        And shot it full of holes

        Oh Miserable, can this really be the end
        To be stuck inside of mobile
        With the Memphis blues again

      • Lady Eleanor was a cracking song.

        She sounded like a sexy little whore.

        What did she do ‘with that silken gossamer thread’?

      • Winning, Miserable?


        Bertie will return, I have no doubt.

      • An its one two three
        Open up the pearly gates…

        Hope he’s ok?
        Miss his comments
        And shite puns.

  3. Just been to see a hero of mine, Dick Taylor, founder member of the STONES and Pretty Things. He is 78 and still drinking beer. Stormzy?? What the fuck is that Remember Rosalyn since 64. TOTAL CUNTS.

  4. Fuck all that bollocks, give me some:-

    “Killed by Death” by Motorhead
    “Can I Play with Madness” – Maiden
    “Into the Gates of Hell we March” – Trivium
    “Highway to Hell”- ACDC
    “Paranoid” – Sabbath
    “Mr Crowley” – Ozzy
    “Decrepit Putrification” – Antichrist

    and that wonderful family sing-a-long ditty

    “Bring your Daughter to the Slaughter” by Maiden

    They just don’t write songs like that anymore!

  5. One cunt of a song that used to crack me up was that band starship
    The DJs constantly played in 1984 and beyond
    “We built this city,
    We built this city on rockin roll

    No you didn’t , there’s no concrete dust in your blond perm ,you fag rockers

  6. Decent rap like Will Smith is enjoyable sometimes. Most today is Blah blah niggiz blah blah ma dick blah blah bussa cap blah blah rollin up on blah blah countn cash blah blah niggiz blah blah Dat ass blah pussy blah smokin weed blah blah.
    Pure degenerate shit from low life sub cultures. That shit is in every nation and language now. I hear it in Spanish on work sites.

  7. I can’t control my anger when i hear some Rap Cunt talking through a vocoder with banal childish lyrics

    ( I called her on the cell she said she wasn’t well )

    fuck me is this what it’s come to ?

  8. Nobody has mentioned the fucking nonsense song McArthur Park.

    What the fuck was that all about?

    • The original Richard Harris version was pretty good though.

      That pile of shite re-hash with Donna Summer was truly awful.

      The cake left out in the rain must have been a metaphor for something?

      • Anything written by that z-lister Jim Webb was shite. How could we ever forget ‘would you like to ride in my beautiful balloon, would you like to glide in my beautiful balloon, my beautiful, my beautiful balloon?’.
        Cole Porter it aint’.

      • ‘Up, up and away in my beautiful balloon.’

        Was that 5th dimension? It’s a long time ago!

        Yes, what a pile of crap that was.

        Cole Porter was in a league of his own lyrically, closely followed by Irving Berlin, Gershwin and later Jonny Mercer.

      • The song was about a bird Webb had the hots for who had left him.

        Months later he heard she was getting married… in MacArthur Park, Los Angeles.

        Broken hearted, he went to the wedding and, not wanting to be seen, hid in a gardener’s shed.

        As the open-air ceremony was taking place it started to pour with rain, and the rain running down the shed window made the cake look as if it was melting.


      • Mac Park is just too horrific for words.

        On a lighter note, Bolton’s “how am I supposed to live without you” was the ultimate un-self-aware schlock.

        What’s the girl gonna say? “Fuck off I don’t give a shit”

        Both of these are clearly part of the NWO’s long game to break us.

  9. Let’s face it, rubbish lyrics is nothing new. Lennon and McCartney wrote some shite lyrics in their time, if people can be honest about their sacred Beatles.

    Some Rap has great lyrics but people’s musical preferences often prevent them finding that out for themselves.

    Most music is bubble gum for the ears and not meant to have the deep meaning a lot of people attribute too it.

    Some great lyrics from my youth!

    • ‘You were in a car crash, and you lost your hair’. Great one, Ringo.

      ‘Oh Yoko! Oh Yoko…’
      Oh fucking Yoko indeed.
      ‘And the jailer ma, and sailor Sam, were searching everyone, for the band on the run’. Cosmic.

    • Lennon really did write some crap.

      Imagine is possibly the most overrated song of all time.

      ? Imagine Yoko Ono, sitting on your face yooou hooo. ?

    • Ebony and ivory live together in perfect harmony
      Side by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord, why don’t we?

      Get to fuck Mccartney writing shite like that.

      • On ‘Helter Skelter; doesn’t Macca scream ‘Look out! ‘Cause she’s a cunt!’??

        Morrissey wrote some great lyrics.

        ‘Frankly Mister Shankly, since you ask. You’re a flatulent pain in the arse’.

        ‘Burn down the disco. Hang the blessed DJ. Because the music that they constantly play. It says nothing to me about my life. Hang the blessed DJ.’

        ‘What she asked of me at the end of the day, Caligula would have blushed.’

        ‘How can you stay with a fat girl who’ll say ‘Ohhh. Would you like to marry me? If you like, you can buy a ring. She doesn’t care about anything.’

        ‘Spending warm Summer days indoors. Writing frightening verse, to a buck toothed girl in Luxembourg.’

        ‘And when I’m lying in my bed. I think about life and I think about death. And neither one particularly appeals to me.’

      • Maccas “The girl is mine” with Wacko Jacko.

        With this line “I’m a lover not a farter”


      • Don’t fucking set me off on Macca. I could tell you a few stories but the humourless fucker would sue me.
        Can’t stand the bloke and with good reason.
        ‘Nuff said

        The Rutles were better than the Beatles. Maca wanted to sue them but his missus told him to grow a sense of humor. I thing he’s still trying.

        “I am the Walrus coo coocha choo” Beatles
        “Hey diddle diddle, piggie in the middle, do a poo poo” Rutles

        At least the latter knows its taking the piss

  10. Bobby Goldsboro, See the tree how big it’s grown .
    And the bit where he sings about her wrecking the car but what the heck.

    What the fuckin heck ??? it’s gonna now cost me a packet to get it repaired and i’m not insured .

    • Honey by Bobby Goldsboro makes me feel physically sick every time I hear it.

      Sickly death ballad with lyrics penned by the devil himself.

      • Without doubt one of the biggest vomit-inducing records ever released.
        The cunt should’ve been banged up for it.

  11. Used to love this song back in the late 70s. So edgy for its time, and always a hoot when played in front of family members:

    Friggin’ in the Riggin’ – Sex Pistols

    It was on the good ship Venus
    By Christ, ya should’ve seen us
    The figurehead was a whore in bed
    And the mast, a mammoth penis

    The captain of this lugger
    He was a dirty bugger
    He wasn’t fit to shovel shit
    From one place to another

    Friggin’ in the riggin’
    Friggin’ in the riggin’
    Friggin’ in the riggin’
    There was fuck all else to do

    Captain’s name was Morgan
    By Christ, he was a gorgon
    Ten times a day sweet tunes he’d play
    On his fuckin’ organ

    The first mate’s name was Cooper
    By Christ he was a trooper
    He jerked and jerked until he worked
    Himself into a stupor

    Friggin’ in the riggin’
    Friggin’ in the riggin’
    Friggin’ in the riggin’
    There was fuck all else to do

    Hold on
    Give it some bollocks

    The second mate was Andy
    By Christ, he had a dandy
    ‘Til they crushed his cock on a jagged rock
    From cumming in the brandy

    The cabin boy was Flipper
    He was a fuckin’ nipper
    He stuffed his ass with broken glass
    And circumcised the skipper

    Friggin’ in the riggin’
    Friggin’ in the riggin’
    Friggin’ in the riggin’
    There was fuck all else to do

    Ahoy Jimmy
    Friggin’ in the riggin’
    Friggin’ in the riggin’
    Friggin’ in the riggin’

    There was fuck all else to do
    The Captain’s wife was Mabel
    To fuck she was not able
    So the dirty shits, they nailed her tits
    Across the barroom table

    The Captain had a daughter
    Who fell in deep sea water
    Delighted squeals we knew the eels
    Had found ‘er sexual quarters

    Friggin’ in the riggin’
    Friggin’ in the riggin’
    Friggin’ in the riggin’
    There was fuck all else to do

    • It’s poetry in a sense that stands up and amuses 45 years on,

      Many far more grandiose and self important confections are long forgotten!

    • That’s an old rugby song. The missing verse :

      The first mate’s name was Carter
      By Christ he was a farter
      When the wind dropped
      And the ship stood still
      Carter the farter would start her

  12. re Yes – Awaken, jaw dropping peice of work but unfathomable lyrics but then Anderson’s always acknowledged their impenetrability. Doesn’t detract from the song one iota inho.
    But if you want a real lyrical acid trip you go to the master Robyn Hitchcock…

    WADING THROUGH YOUR VENTILATOR – Robyn hitchcock and the Soft Boys

    …I invite cunters to pick the bones out of this lot

    I fix my fish
    I fool my frog
    I fray my feet
    I drag my dog
    I drag my dirt
    Across the wall
    I squash my ___ just like my grub
    I bang ____ in a pub

    My girl is right
    In greasy silk
    A split tomato in her mind
    A crumpled heart
    Sagged to the sea
    Tomato heart
    Escaping gas
    I think my girl has rubber skin
    Of all the people that I know
    The ones I like I love the best
    The fishes in the sewer pipes
    The highway man in yellow stripes

    It might not now but it will be later
    Wading through your ventilator

    I tang my fag
    You taint your cyst
    The pretty Bob he
    Licks my stamp
    And twists her fang
    She tugs his foot
    We think of better things and laugh
    Her hair’s on my marshmallow pout

    My head is rich
    Enough to burst
    Without me struggling in my car
    Fresh ale and flies
    On melon halves
    You wind up living somewhere cheap
    And die upon a compost heap
    Of all the people I don’t know
    The ones I do I hate the most
    The twisted father of mankind
    ‘S enough to drive a poor boy blind

    It might not now but it could be later
    Wading through your ventilator

    I wading in and that’s a fact
    The meat was cut the meat was packed
    You shredded me with icy strings

    As coiled salami I was led
    Into a holy stocking shed
    My life like antiseptic stings
    A tongue of stalk
    And tender leaves
    And then she’ll eat
    Her skull it _____ and splits
    And like an egg
    It dribbles down your inside leg
    Don’t get me wrong I’m quite okay

    I drank a cat
    I sun a cake
    She throws transistors in my lake
    I threw her head
    Far through the door
    You wonder what I do that for
    They wonder what she think I gots

    Listen baby
    There ain’t nothing in here but my own sweet mind
    If it bothers you we can turn it off
    With my antelope cheek and my raven’s eye
    And my buffalo heart and a crocodiles hide
    And my salmon head wait on a moose’s neck

    A breathing fungus on a hemoraged lawn
    Invented me one summers morn
    I lost you now but I’ll catch you later
    Wading through your ventilator.

    …soooo…. erm… yeahhh….?? fucking brilliant song though.

  13. Any cunt that sings/uses their own name in their ‘song lyrics’

    Craig David I believe is a fan of this particularly cuntish practice.

    I suspect that if he was a singer then Lewis Hamilcunt would do the same.

      • I’ve wondered about that song over the years. How did Stevie Fucking Wonder write such a page of pablum like that? And it was a MASSIVE, MASSIVE hit. 10 million copies, Jeeeezuz. And 1984 was a year of massive selling choons from Jacko, Madonna and, err… Phil Collins. After that Stevie Wonder seemed to lie low. And he isn’t blind according to his friends…

        Another deception that’s been in our faces for 60 years!

      • That key change towards the end of ‘I just called to say I love you’, is cringeworthy on its own.

        What a stinker of a tune.

      • “That key change towards the end of ‘I just called to say I love you’, is cringeworthy on its own.”

        Oh god; pass the barf bag! The sort of thing you hear at a primary school christmas play that was self-penned by the music teacher.

      • Brilliant video. Made me smile.

        Made back in a time when things much simpler.

        Men ogling over wimminz assets etc.

  14. Dylan seems to get off on the fact that people hate him, his voice, his appearance, etc. He’s been trolling humanity since he was 15. He is definitely the one who started the fashion for pretentious lyrics, even though his best songs knock you out, he’s amazing when at his best and is in the mood to sing “properly” and not take the piss, which he still revels in at age 80.

    It’s really hard to write a great song. Try it. If it was easy, we’d all know someone with a million-seller. Most songs are just ephemera for the airwaves. The stuff that gets recorded and pushed nowadays on radio, TV, internet, etc is for an agenda, to dumb down and degenerate young people. The major music corporations don’t know shit from Shinola, bu they THINK they do. In the 1950s and 60s and 70s, the heads of music labels admitted they knew nothing and just let the artists get on with it and out came amazing sounds. After The Eagles and Fleetwood Mac delivered zillion selling albums, the greedy cunts in the executive suites started to try and manufacture rock and roll masterpieces and they made a cunt of it to such a great extent that you ended up with the antithesis of Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Elvis, Beatles, Stones, Who, Zep, Hendrix, Neil Young, etc.

    There are great new songs out there, they just don’t make it to a mass audience. We’ve in a different age.

    • Totally agree.
      My stuff will never sell millions because even if it was good enough, in the music business it comes down to who you know

    • A class act?

      I was expecting Peggy Lee, with a Nelson Riddle arrangement, or something similar.

      What the the fuck was that I just watched?
      4 minutes and 22 seconds of my life wasted.

      Why the straight jacket and the padded cell I wonder?

      Was that supposed to be fluorescent jizz coming out of her mouth?

      I would show her my shrivelled up pea-cock cock cock though.

    • I think she would laugh at it now though and tell me to put it back in my piss-stained y-fronts.

      60 years ago and she wouldn’t have been laughing, when I had 6 inches and a backbone like a string of conkers.

      Mind you, wasn’t she shacked-up with that Brand cunt? If so, there’s hope for anyone.

      • My missus (a truly class act from north of the border) once remarked that it must have like shagging a pipe cleaner man.
        She’s got such a way with words…

      • Met Brand once in the airport lounge at Miami. Pleased to say he wasn’t on my flight or I might have asked for a refund of the upgrade price

    • Strange modern shite to build the sense of nihilism in the youth, just as with Nicki Minaj.

  15. Many of you are going to call me a cunt for this but I don’t care and you can all go fuck yourselves….

    I’m a massive Bob Dylan fan. No other songwriter has ever come close to his lyrical genius.

    There, that’s done. I’ve said it.

    However, I will conceded that he is also a massive cunt.

    • Of course Dylan was great, no need to apologise. And most great artists are cunts, it comes with the territory.

    • Bob is a class act.

      Unique and unparalleled.

      When he appeared in the early-mid 60’s he was like nothing else that had appeared before.

      I can remember hearing ‘The times they are ‘a changin’’ for the first time and thinking what is this? He was nothing like Freddie and the dreamers or Billy J Kramer and the Dakotas, who were all of a similar ilk.

      American or British, all mainstream acts followed a similar form at the time.

      Bob was revolutionary. Poetic almost.

    • Dylan is a mass on contradictions depending on what day you catch him. Jakob, his first son will tell you that! The Dylan biographies all paint a different picture. And Dylan himself will say that he doesn’t recognise that guy in the 60s who wrote those astounding songs. Only now and then does that level of genius shine through today. It will be weird when Dylan dies, the reactions will be all over the shop.

      • Indeed. I’ve seen His Bobness live on many occasions. He’s either brilliant or shit. Just depends how he’s feeling on the night. It’s one of the things that makes him so great, you never know what you’re going to get.

  16. I also love Lou Reed, Van Morrison, Zappa, Leonard Cohen and various other highly intelligent but fucking miserable bastards.

    Cunts to a man but I stand in awe of their talent.

  17. Maybe not in the same league but Van Morrison also penned a good song or two but another utter cunt that despised his audience

  18. I know a mouse and he hasn’t got a house. i don’t know why i call him Gerald ?
    Pink Floyd

      • It’s awfully considerate of you to think of me here
        And I’m most obliged to you for making it clear
        That I’m not here
        And I never knew that we could be so thick
        And I never knew the moon could be so blue
        And I’m grateful that you threw away my old shoes
        And brought me here instead dressed in red!
        And I’m wondering who could be writing this song…

        I don’t care if the sun don’t shine
        And I don’t care if nothing is mine
        And I don’t care if I’m nervous with you
        I’ll do my loving in the winter.

      • Evening Ruff

        What about

        I really love you and I mean you
        The star above you, crystal blue
        Well, oh baby, my hair’s on end about you.
        Terrapin.. Syd Barrett

      • Jugband Blues.

        Syd’s last song ever to make it onto a Floyd album.

        My favourite track off Saucerful Of Secrets.

  19. And another crap band Queen that were once accurately described as a Pantomime version of Led Zeppelin.

    “You say ‘black’ I say ‘white’. You say ‘bark’ I say ‘bite’. You say ‘shark’ I say ‘hey man ‘Jaws’ was never my scene!’”

    Bicycle Race’

  20. ‘ D’ya wanna be in my gang,
    My gang, my gang.
    D’ya wanna be in my gang. …. ‘

    Get To Fuck.

  21. You can pretty much guarantee, that if it’s awful new songs with incredibly dodgy lyrics from artists who are well past, it’ll be Radio 2’s record of the week on the Ken Bruce show.

    Ex Police (cracking band in my opinion) front man Sting’s latest offering is woeful to say the least.

    • I always thought Sting was a right up himself cunt, but I’ve got to say, The Police was a fucking great band to see live.

      • Eva Cassidy’s version of Sting’s ‘Fields of Gold’ is a wonderful take on an excellent song.

      • Evening Ron

        First group I can remember liking as a very young kid but I’ve never managed to see them live.

        Totally agree regarding the tantric sex enthusiast himself.
        Bit of a knob head.

        However, Copeland and Summers plus Stings bass – a fantastic combination.

      • I can’t believe that Sting has never been cunted here at ISAC. He is one of the most pretentious cunts in the rock world. Playing the lute and preaching his jibberish. I could have a conversation with Bono, but not Sting who clearly smells his own farts at funerals.

    • Ken Bruce , now theirs a boring Cunt Herman
      He’s been pumping out the same format for the last 40 years and is obsessed with the 1980’s

      • Evening FF.

        The only problem is that when old Ken is moved on, then fuck only knows who the cunts will replace him with.

      • They could get in Smashy and Nicey gents, except that they’re not enough of a parody for a Beeb radio show.

      • Ken is stuck in about 1981.

        However, he is a consummate professional,- a proper DJ.

        Never talks during or over the end of tracks.

        The music he plays is mainly 70’s and 80’s, but it is good quality.

        I like his level-headedness and dry humour.

        He will be replaced with an annoying sack of shit. That we can be assured of.

  22. Quite a few years ago I remember we had a friend over and we were taking it in turns playing Call of Duty on the Xbox (with headset and mic) and some idiot in the lobby was doing grime rap. It was irritating and we could tell that the bell end doing it was ‘showing off’ and was pleased with his ridiculous set of skills. My friend asked ‘What language is that?’

    The bell end was offended and gruffly said ‘English’ and of course my friend told him it didn’t sound like English in the slightest.

    • That was my experience @Cuntologist. It’s all declaiming. Telling it how it is. But they’re not. They’re actually telling you how it isnt. They live in a fantasy world of gangstas and expensive cars and women. And it really is shallow. They deserve better.

      They dress like black rappers. All in rxpensive track suit gear. Which is a shitfashion.

      They talk like Jamaican yardis. ‘BRO’ THIS AND ‘Bro’ that. They must keep up their street credentials.

      Funny though what happened was when the ‘Rapoers’ went I was left with an older black fella about 30. And he turned the video onto Classic Motown.

      And then as I say in the Nom I went home to indulge in Prog Rock and the two videos I watched were introduced black men celebrating it. My point you just never know.

      I wish Rap would just die. It would be better for all concerned. Then we could move on.
      I feel the youth have bern dispossessed of a proper generation music.

      That’s another thing as well-its been going on for ages now. Decades in fact. And is not producing anything lasting.
      And its just shit and a really vulgar dream caught up with it. In which they are immersed.
      And its so easy to do.

      And it fits with the virtue signalling of today because they can rap their righteous indignation at the injutices of the world.

      What was that when they burnt all the disco records ‘Disco is dead’ or something. We need an event like that ‘Rap is dead’.

      I am not on about just epic prog rock pieces the 3 minute pop song can last just as well.
      It’s not even creating lasting lyrics.
      Death to rap.

      Sorry @Cuntologist you have been on the receiving end of this rant.

      • Well said Miles even if it took me a while to read
        Rap is not Art it’s mostly malevolent rant directed at impressionable youths and we are now seeing the results

        Zero respect,even though that’s a word they seem to use a lot but clearly don’t understand
        Seems to be all about acting tough and looking over their shoulder the fucking infants that they are

        The music scene is dead currently, nothing new in decades as you have pointed out

        Opportunity awaits the brave

      • @ Miles – Rap is very far from being my cup of tea, but each to his own. Nobody’s forcing you to listen to it.

      • Rap and Hip Hop are easy genres to avoid. I’ve probably heard about 30 minutes of those genres in the last 30 years.

      • I wish the children watching the videos knew that everything in them is laid on by the media conglomerate producing it. Not that many artists of the genre are as wealthy as the Snoops and Jay-Zs.

        You’re better off being the producer than the rapper, children.

    • I find it interesting that men are often beaten with the stick of misogyny, sexism, chauvinism, mansplaining, etc.
      Certain songs are trying to be cancelled – Baby it’s cold outside, I’m on Fire and so on.

      Modern Rap music and drill is predominantly ‘muh dick!’ nonsense and often very misogynistic and homophobic. It glorifies gang violence and crime.

      And yet, not a single word of protest from the woke folk. Not so much as a whisper. ?

  23. Mull of Cuntyre.
    Anyone who owns that, truly has a criminal record.
    A more dire example of musical cockwomblery, you will not find.
    Good evening, gentlemen and others, various.

    • Oh my good lord.
      Just when my subconsious had finally succeeded in burying this deep, you’ve dragged it back to the surface Jack.
      That’s my night’s sleep ruined.
      ‘Mull of Kintyre oh mist rolling in from the sea
      my desire is always to be


      Absolute fucking poetry.

    • Can’t agree more Jack.
      how That Cunt Mccartney pulled that dire piece of shit off is a mystery.
      If someone told me they liked the song it would probably get very violent and ugly.

  24. Inspirational lyrics from a 1983 band , number one I think

    “Modern medicine falls short of your complaint
    Ooh, try a little harder
    You’re moving in circles, won’t you dilate
    Ooh baby try

    Hey girl
    move a little closer

    You’re to shy shy

    Manufacturing music for kids ,even then and just before.

    • There were some lyrical masterpieces from around that time M.
      I was particularly impressed by;
      ‘relax, go to it, when you wanna suck chew it
      relax, go to it, when you wanna come’.

      Irving Berlin or Ira Gerswhin would have been proud to have that one in their catalogue, I’d venture to suggest.

    • I have often thought with the mention of GG above and other pop personalities that the whole music industry is…what am I trying to say? It is a form of ‘grooming’

      • Always was as far as I could see Miles
        The rock bands shagged whatever came backstage
        I’m sure most of the groupies didn’t mind
        There is however another breed that deal with teenyboppers and they appear as white as snow( am I allowed say that saying)

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