Rip-Off Vets (2)

Vets are cunts, well some probably are but the fees they charge are cuntish.

My partners grandsons hound, a lovely Springer Spaniel has been poorly lately, nothing dramatic, no life saving midnight surgery scenarios but a limp in a back leg.

Off she goes to the vet, 3 weeks later still no clue what the fuck is wrong. The vet suspects ligament damage to the knee area, possibly cruciate. The poor thing has had pokes and prods and an x-ray.

The cunt of a vet now wants a CT scan done, to what end I don’t know, the cost of the scan is £600 and the vet says that if it’s what he suspects the cost to mend it will be £4000 bar a couple of quid.

Four fucking thousand! And no guarantee it’ll be fixed.

The grandson promptly told them to fuck off as he’s non too impressed with the lack of certainty in the diagnosis so he’s taken the dog to another vet today. Same shit, this cunt wants 2 more x-rays from different angles and reckons the cost will be about £3600 so a bit less than vet cunt number one.

The fucker only has a bit of a limp, it’s fucking mad as a box of frogs and would probably heal itself if it sat still for a few days.

It seem vets take the piss, I blame insurance, as the cunts know they can charge like a wounded rhino as the insurance pays. His dog is insured but only for £2000. Also that Oirish cunt vet on the telly, he thinks of a number and multiplies it by his inside leg measurement to get to the actual fee.

I suggested having the leg off, dogs seem to manage on three quite well but that went down like a shit sandwich. The bank of nan will be funding. It’s a conspiracy.

Nominated by: Bertram Cuntatious DCO

and supported by Cuntologist

Sorry admin, I have to help! One of my dogs had the same thing – they wanted to do a CT scan after x-Rays showed nothing.

We took her swimming to a hydrotherapy place 3 times a week for a month – sorted. Didn’t pay the hydro fee, went for a ‘fun swim’ much cheaper.

Vets are overcharging cunts.

57 thoughts on “Rip-Off Vets (2)

  1. Vets actually charge more than “human” doctors. It would be cheaper to take that Springer Spaniel to a Harley Street specialist.

      • Easy, fuck off to Bupa or some other private company, then and pay their premiums. Still be us that tip out to you in the first place, and, as we don’t do requests, you’ll still end up at the hospital of our choice.

      • I could see my vet all through lockdown, unlike my GP. I’m not in Bupa as I pay through the nose for the nhs.

  2. When the vets annoy me I change to another. I’m now on my third. I have a health plan for my cat costing £10 a month paid by direct debit which allows me one visit every three months for worming treatment, flea treatment and claw clipping. They still took the money from my account when this visit was cancelled due to covid.
    I took her in because she had a bald patch near her neck as though she’d been bitten, and after two weeks there was no sign of hair starting to grow again. I wasn’t in three minutes. “Probably a horse-fly. No we’re not putting anything on it.” Cost me £28. That’s equal to £560 an hour.

  3. Vets are right robbing cunts.
    I used to have health insurance on my dog but when a puppy she got a upset tummy due to the hot weather.
    The idiot vet put ‘intestinal-gastric problems’
    Which meant any issues with her tummy would then be invalidated on the insurance as a on going issue.
    Same week she hurt her paw (sprain) playing at a waterfall.
    Grand and half in a week the cunt took of me.
    Im now with a different vet.
    But your pets are your responsibility, what else can you do?

    • Anything minor treat it yourself! New dog owners start out like new parents but soon learn what’s important and what isn’t. Most things clear up in a day or two.

      Pet insurance is a complete cunt. I don’t bother with it. Sorry to say but if one of my dog’s gets so badly injured that it needs 20k of surgery, its a case of borrow the neighbour’s shotgun and bury it in the woods.

  4. When I lived in Radcliffe on Trent there was a superb vet- still there. She charged £53 for a 100cc medication for one of my cats. A vet in Derby (part of a large chain so you’d expect economies of scale ) wanted £103+vat for the same. I mentioned this to the Radcliffe vet and she described the Derby vets’ parent company as ‘a bunch of robbing bastards.’

    • Also economies of scale. Your small practice will have far less overheads than the big one in Derby. Also your small practice won’t have an out of hours service. The big one in Derby is the out of hours for the area where pets will get 24 hour monitoring and care and more than just first opinion care

  5. Once upon a time, ex and I had a British Giant as a house rabbit. He’d come to us via RSPCA warden, from Naaarge livestock Market, where he was about to be sold by the kilo. Looked in good health, but we got him insured, just in case.
    Turned out (we correctly diagnosed) that he had ear mites. The vet gave us drops, and we claimed on the insurance. They paid up, but from then on, said that ABSOLUTELY ANY problem from neck up would not be covered. Not JUST ears, but eyes, nose, throat… the lot. What a con. The vets were always OK, though…

  6. A few years back I took my mothers Jack Russell down to the vets as it was looking rather poorly … Into the surgery and the vet took a look and decided he needed further diagnosis ….
    He then opened a side door off the surgery and in walked a moggie and a big black gun dog. The moggie circled my mum’s dog a couple of times giving it a look over … it then went to the gun dog, meowed and the gun dog barked to the vet …. I was astounded.
    The vet then says, ‘That’ll be £500 quid…’ .. I said what the fuck for .. he said … ‘£250 for the Cat scan, and £250 for the Lab report ..’
    I’ll get my coat ……

  7. Vets are robdogs. Many practices are bought up by by bigger robdogs, to charge even more.

  8. You can have a cardiac arrest, someone will call 999, you’ll have the nearest two ambulances turn up, probably a Rapid Response Car if one is available, the Cardiac Arrest Support Team, a paramedic officer, HEMS. If we ‘Get you back’), you may be flown to hospital where a team of highly trained doctors and consultants will be there to continue your care right through to discharge. Cost? Fuck-all out of your pocket, no bill, just taxes and National Insurance contributions. We’ll even do it, not that we’d know either before or after, (the cunts generally keep their ill-informed bullshit away from us, except on Social Media), if you’re a whining cunt, whinging on about the NHS. The point is, how come vets charge so fucking much yet we charge so little for so much more? I think WE should have a charge scale and a card reader in the trucks.

    • Last I checked (about 5 years ago) the average taxpayer was paying approx £5000 per annum for the NHS regardless of whether they used it or not. About 20% of the total tax take went to the NHS.

      Heard a report recently that said that figure was set to increase to around 40% thanks to Covid and lockdown, etc…

      Personally I’d just like to be able to see my GP.

      • Just taking a part of my post, five grand would possibly get you a Robinson R22 with a pilot and a paramedic, not Critical Care, either – only two seats so you’ll be off by road – not the Eurocopter with a Critical Care paramedic and a Consultant on it! Mixed feelings about GPs. My surgery has been open and seeing people throughout, but some are just passing the buck, usually to us. The stuff we’re referring back to the GP is unbelievable.

      • I certainly agree with the thrust of your comment, RTC. Although the NHS is of course “free at point of usage”, to paraphrase DCI’s characteristically vitriolic and incontinent wording¹, the fact is the UK Health Service voraciously Hoovers up money from the public purse like there was no tomorrow.

        However I fear your facts and figures may be somewhat “off the beam”, RTC. If, as you say, the

        average taxpayer was paying approx £5000 per annum for the NHS regardless…


        20% of the total tax take went to the NHS

        this immediately implies the average taxpayer paid £25 000 in taxes (5 years ago). Considering that UK annual earnings in 2016 was £28 195 this seems a trifle implausible, as it would mean a take-home pay of £3 195 after tax.

        Even the British wouldn’t stand for that level of piss-taking by HM Treasury – although they may have little choice in the not-too-distant future.

        ¹ specifically: “Fuck-all out of your pocket, no bill, just taxes and National Insurance contributions”

      • “incontinent wording¹”

        Thought of you, last week, when we took someone in who was faecal vomiting.

      • Thought of you, last week, when we took someone in who was faecal vomiting

        How very sad for you both, DCI.

        I have no idea what “faecal vomiting” might be, but it sounds suitably unpleasant.

        As to you “thinking of me, last week” – that sounds even more disturbing. I don’t ever give you a thought, other than when I look on here and stumble on your remorselessly bleak and ugly invective. I’d be extremely concerned if I did.

        To RTC: The article you linked certainly doesn’t support the statistics you quoted earlier, but does rather suggest the £5000 pp/pa idea I agree.

        No idea either, other than to say it’s a good reason for not reading the Express, or at least not taking it too seriously!

      • “I have no idea what “faecal vomiting” might be”

        I’ll give you a clue – you display the ability with aplomb.

      • I see where your confusion lies. You focused on income tax alone, to the exclusion of the other 70% of revenue that makes up the bulk of the total tax take (income tax accounting for only 30%).

        Be seeing you.

      • You should have said it was purely income tax, RTC; it was not implicit. Even so, I suspect that is not an entirely correct rebuttal of my earlier observation. You were doubtless keeping it simple; I shall try to do the same.

        If £5k pa comes from income tax (alone), which constitutes 30% of the total take, and 20% of the total take goes to the NHS, the new calculation for the average annual income tax paid is simply 30% of £25 000 (and not 100% of 25 000!), ie £7500 pa.

        While not preposterously wrong, as before, I suggest this is still way too high. An average income tax in 2016 of £7,5k off an annual earnings of £28k represents an average of 27%, which is obviously incorrect (but not stupidly absurd). Let me preëmtively say I am aware these are average values (which is kind of the point).

        It also seems from The Express article the £5k pp/pa figure cited is a worst case scenario in the future, not actual 2016 figures. (I may have got that wrong, as I only skim read; it appeared to be largely over-egged hogwash.) As they say in Germany: „Lüge, Betruge, Stastistik“… and they don’t even have The Express’s BS to worry about.

        I still fully endorse your main point, however, which was (as I understand it) that the NHS is a bit of a Curate’s Egg, bloody expensive, and about to get considerably more so.

      • It isn’t so much a matter of what I do or don’t believe, JP, but rather obviously that I am expressing my doubts about the veracity of some of the input on here.

        My comment(s) are largely replies to others’ assertions¹ – which are all too often little more than poppycock, claptrap, or an unfortunate mixture of both.

        ¹ or, if you prefer, “shit spouting”

    • You’re not wrong there, DCI. The pissed-up detritus who rock up in A&E and expect immediate, free treatment. The first words uttered to them should be “and the last 3 digits on the back of the card.” Make the cunts pay.

    • “My comment(s) are largely replies to others’ assertions¹ – which are all too often little more than poppycock, claptrap, or an unfortunate mixture of both…”

      Must be rough, never having an original thought of your own.

      • Here’s a fairly “original thought¹” or at least a semi-serious question Komodo. Don’t you think you take this all a bit too seriously?

        ¹ bit pompous perhaps? Who do you think you are – Plato?

      • Good afternoon, Komodo. It certainly was precisely one of my original¹ thoughts about you!

        My one and only nomination² 2½ years ago provides a fine example of your quite remarkable long-term dedication to this activity here and elsewhere. Rough indeed having so much time on your hands!

        ¹ as in “initial”. Your kind of “originality” I leave to the likes of Roger Penrose and Plato – and perhaps you should too.

        ² most nominations originate(!) in a cathartic venting of anger/frustration/mockery etc – which is fine and dandy … but because I’m not personally permanently pissed off about anything and everything I don’t feel the compulsion

  9. My sister in law was a veterinary receptionist They used to order in front line flea spray for £1.25 a tin and sell it for £18.50. What utter Cunts.
    What’s made it worse is that a lot of Veterinary surgeries especially the group surgeries have been bought up by American companies and we all know what a bunch of greedy unsympathetic cunts they are.

    • Aerosol flea spray must be the worst-ever idea… Some decades ago, parent’s 1st cat got fleas, and vet (who drove a Roller, don’tcha know) produced some overpriced Ciba-Geigy stuff.
      A quick blast in the cat’s direction and bingo! The house was rid of fleas. We didn’t see the cat for a week, either. Every time an aerosol of any sort appeared, the cat disappeared.

  10. The vet I use has a vac for life scheme, £99 gets my cats annual jab against cat flu and other stuff and the three year anti luekemia jab (I think that’s correct but not sure).
    If I pay for it annually it’s around £35/40 each time, so how the fuck can they offer it for life for £99, I am not going to argue, it saves me money.

    • Is it Vets4Pets? We got an offer at the opening of our local branch, at £49 when it was first offered back in 2008, and the cat’s still getting them annually at 14. I also have no idea how that works on an economic level. I can only assume that they get the money back by charging £50 to look at the fucking cat each year then saying its teeth need a scale and polish at £250 plus whatever ‘treatment’ they can make up if you’re fool enough to fall for the polish.

      • Yes, vets4pets, they don’t charge me for the actual visit either, it seems to be all included, I usually get him a worming tablet at the same time for about £5 which is all I pay for.

        @Freddie, no idea what is in the jab but if it protects him from cat flu, he is out and about virtually every day so I think for him it’s essential. He occasionally brings things home, some I manage to rescue and release (mice) at a safe distance but this year he has had 4 rats, thankfully they have all been DOA so just a disposal job.

  11. My vet has a new AMG c class comvertible. He also does a side line in drugs without prescription for cash. Cunt. Vets look after number one – which is why we aren’t flooded with east European bets collapsing prices.

      • maybe depends where you live. We had a few Italians who worked the night shift. But, as mentioned elsewhere, the other vets in town is now owned by some Yank hedge fund or something. Every visit is designed to screw as much cash as possible out of you. All the vets are whipper-snappers who seem to know fuck all and just prescribe x-rays and more tests. I left there after they fucked up with my cat.

  12. A thing I haven’t tried yet is to get a prescription from my vet and then buy the stuff online. My dogs take Nexguard (treatment for roundworm, ticks etc). Its less than £30 a packet off Viovet and my vet charged about £100. I wonder if there’ll be a fee for issuing a prescription or just a flat ‘no’? Cunts.

    • Do it. I don’t remember my vet charging for the prescription but even if they did it was peanuts compared to what they charged to buy the drugs off of them. However, they did charge me £126 to have my dog put to sleep the other week so I guess they got the last laugh.

      • They did also send a condolence card which I wrongly assumed was another card to be opened alongside the other cards for my upcoming birthday. Oh how we laughed 🙄

      • Sorry for your loss; we get so attached.

        I remember a cat I had took to its last legs on a weekend and had to be euthanised on a Saturday – £600 incl. the cremation! I think I got a wooden ashes container included, in the shape of a sleeping cat. Probably contains dead horse and whatever else they put through the burner that day.

      • Yah it was another £300 odd for the cremation and a couple of pots of who knows what to stick on the shelf. Pets eh? They get under your feet when they’re alive and break your heart when it’s time for them to go.

  13. Our little Jack Russell, Daisy (who sadly died this year of a rare neurological condition). Suffered cruciate ligament. When she was much younger (2 years old) we took her to an eminent Vet, who has written and published several books, but I won’t reveal his name as I do not wish to drop him in the dung.

    He remarked that when she gets to around 7 years old she would most certainly suffer cruciate ligament and he asked us if we had pet insurance (which we didn’t). He advised us to get her insured PDQ , maintain the policy religiously and make sure they would pay out no less than £10K for any one procedure. Bloody glad we took his advice, it would have bankrupted us otherwise. The bill for her last year (her 7th year) and this year was not far short of that £20K.

    A good friend of mine over Teddington way is a vet. He really does not earn as much as you would think and he is not a cunt. Surprised me anyway he wasn’t a rich man. Much of the steep costs are levied by the pharmaceuticals.

  14. Reminds me of a neighbour, took his dog to the vets and tried to charge him £2000 for a scan, he said “put the dog down”, vet said “you can’t do that”, he said “it’s my dog”, and if by magic the price dropped to £200 and a few injections!

    Fucking thieving cunts!!!!

  15. Vets bills are extortionate.

    But considering the professionalism and prompt treatment received, it’s money well spent in my opinion.

    Take your beloved pet into a decent vets and it has the best chance of recovery.

    Take a beloved family member into a NHS hospital, and you will be shitting yourself from the onset, whist nibbling your fingernails to extinction. In fact you may as well just roll a fucking dice as to determine what might happen!

  16. I’ve my dog in that Healthy Pet Club scheme. He’s supposed to get a health check every 6 months, with boosters, worm, flea and nail clipping.
    He hasn’t seen a vet for over a year, his meds are posted out & I had to take him to a groomers for his nails.
    He’s due boosters end of this month, but I can’t go in with him because ” not all the staff are double jabbed, yet”
    Oh, do fuck off, you cunts!

  17. Jeezum Priest@
    I had similar thing in that the dog could go in the vets but I couldn’t!
    Dog immediately smelt a rat when got there for her booster shots.
    The vet said I’ll take her,
    A massive growl from a very large Akita showing a impressive amount of dentistry showed him that the best course of action was for me to hold the dog and he give her the shots in the car park!!

    • That’s fucking appalling!

      Unfortunately, my lads a chu with very few nipping teeth. I’m sure he has a go, though. He’s feisty!

  18. Also, I’ve had no bloody rebate on the service they’ve failed to provide, either.

    Cunts, one and all.

  19. One year around Christmas time, my beloved Rottweiler took a drink out of a skanky pond before I could stop him.

    The result was vomiting and diarrhea on an epic scale.

    His regular vet had shut up shop for Christmas, so it was a trip to the emergency vet.

    £130 to walk through the door, with credit card requested before they even asked what was wrong.

    They gave him a jab to stop the vomiting and supplied me with half a dozen pills to stop the shits.

    Turns out the pills were imodium, for which I was charged £36.

    Rob dogs indeed.

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