Rail Delivery Group

The Rail Industry can fuck right off.

This is the latest warning from the Rail Delivery Group (undoubtedly another massively overpaid and largely pointless quango)

News Link

Do you really thing for a minute these self centred cunts give a flying fuck about pollution , city centres or high streets? City Centres and high streets are largely fucked anyway thanks to absurd business rates and taxes. No amount of rail travel is gonna help.

Their own website states they aim to ‘run Britain’s railway as a single team to deliver a better railway for you and your community’.

Yeah, great fucking job you cunts. Pre pandemic the ‘service’ was an expensive, unreliable joke. Some of the most expensive prices in the world, cheaper to fly to most long distance uk destinations and half the time on shit outdated rolling stock.

Now a perfect storm has hit. Covid brought a full stop and many people have realised travelling to work by car is doable and massively cheaper or indeed continue to work from home. They’re wetting their pants realising that the trough is being pulled away and they’re scared of course that the meal ticket is gone.

Good fucking riddance. I for one having suffered years of extortionate prices and wildcat strikes, even if somebody mentioned removing antiquated 70’s perks couldn’t give a fuck. Quite frankly I’d concrete over every track and build more roads just to piss them off.

Nominated by: Bellendiousmaximus

(Which makes HS2 even more pointless. But never fear, expect Boris to offer another multi-billion pound bail out sooner or later – Day Admin)

30 thoughts on “Rail Delivery Group

  1. A rail system that is affordable yet can be run like a normal business is the stuff of fantasy. The Victorian’s and Edwardian’s realised that. The railways cost more in subsidies now than they did pre privatisation apparently, so there you have it. To provide a sustainable alternative to the car or plane, it will always need subsidies. Who in their right mind is going to pay three times more to travel just to save the odd polar bear? Only when all the private rail companies go kaput will the powers that be maybe realise what a fantastic system they have inherited, and provide a public service without looking for profit for once in their miserable fucking lives.

    • ‘the odd polar bear’

      I wonder if ER protestors imagine it like that. They gear themselves up (risking their lives) to stop traffic on the M25 for what? A couple of Emporer Penguins falling over on that Antarctic ice sheet pathetically. Or glued to the pavement hour after hour he thinks think of those poor hungry Hyenas in the Serengeti wandering round with little pickings to be had today.
      That’s the only way they can steel themselves for their struggle isnt it?

      • The M25 cunts are probably the ones with old houses which are difficult (expensive) to insulate so their slogan Insulate Britain is fucking self serving, they want the taxpayer to fund insulating their homes. There was one of the cunts on the radio a few days ago, ‘my 300 year old house’, cunt, knock the fucking thing down and build a modern well insulated house ?

      • Totally agree Sick of it. I am now living in house number eight since I was born. Each successive house has been built more recently than the one before and has been superior in every respect. Would never again buy a brand new house off the builders, but the people who buy older houses are being taken for mugs.

    • Somebody ripped an ER bloke a new arsehole on tv, as it turns out that the hypocritical cunt hasn’t got his own house insulated… “Do you know how much it costs??!”, he whinged.
      And these cunts expect us to shell out thousands? Lack of self-awareness, or what?

  2. Instead of HS2, why don’t they just improve the existing train network, trains and stations? Or is that too sensible an idea for our Government?

  3. The privatisation of the railway system back in the day seemed like a good idea given how unreliable and strike-bound British Rail was back in the 70s.
    But typically like all privatisations it never worked without massive and constant government subsidy throughout the decades!
    And now we have a scenario where lots of people have realised they don’t have to commute to work by train, and can wfh instead. And so the rail groups whinge to government about the massive shortfall in passenger footfall and that they should receive more money!

    Not to mention the farce that is HS2 and Transport For London, and the RMT union.

    Fuck them! Not another penny. If they sink tough shit, that’s what the free market is all about.

  4. “Train commuting is still just 33% of its pre-Covid rate”. That’s made my day that news. Time these train operators got a hot poker up the bum over their rotten, over priced, over crowded and delay ridden services.

    Getting the latest and fully loaded Tesla, hiring a full time chauffeur and building your own electricity power station on your driveway will work out cheaper than their bloody train fares.

    This RDG group sound thicker than that Beth Pigby. A lot of people are still working from home so why do they need to take a train?

  5. Rail, Transport, Energy, Water and Communications have all been sold off by successive corrupt nest feathering politicians who already have so much money they couldn’t sensibly spend it……and what has the UK got to show for it?

    I’ve always thought it was mad using foreign “investors” to build super important infrastructure and the fact that we have sold off most of our national assets to trash like the Chinese, French and the Yanks.

    People’s pursuit of wealth and power knows no bounds.

  6. It used to take an hour exactly to get to the Severn bridge from where I live, but thanks to two zones where the speed has been cut for pollution reasons, it takes another half hour. The stretch of M4 near Newport has a speed limit of 40mph, which is supposed to be variable, but I’ve gone through it at 1am and it was still fucking 40. And, when it’s busy, you will be lucky to do 5mph, as it grinds to a fucking halt, meaning a 20 mile block of vehicles on both sides of the road moving at a snails pace, how can that possibly cut pollution?
    The point is, as I was stuck in this cunting jam last week, I thought to myself ‘are they trying to make driving so shit that you will rather take an expensive, unreliable, overcrowded, dirty skum shovel that the trains are?’
    It’s nearly there.

    • I’m assuming you live on the other side of Portalbot then GJ?, they’ve cut the speed limit to 50 from Swansea to Bridgend pretty, all for the “environment and emissions” and definitely not as a South Wales police cash cow, the cunts!!!

      • I do indeed, the port toilet stretch is a fucking cunt with the average speed cameras, so it’s set the cruise control to 48 and join the crawl.
        What a load of shit.

      • I use that stretch regularly on a trip from Northamptonshire to Swansea. The alternative route on The Heads of The Valleys road is completely fucked even though the Abergavenny gorge is virtually finished, it is 50 all the way from Merthyr to Neath, with bloody little work going on.

        I set the cruise control at exactly 50 on the satnav (52 on the speedo) as according to home office guidleines they shouldn’t do you at less than the speed limit +10% +2 m.p.h. = 57 m.p.h.

      • Take care Wanksock (and all other cunts)! That limit+10%+2mph has been very quietly removed. My last conviction was for 79mph in the sunshine on a deserted rural dual carriageway subject only to the 70mph limit.

      • The heads of the valley A465 has been going on for fifty fucking years and as my brother pointed out this week, with the average speed cameras along large stretches of it, it’s slower than the single lane road it replaces.
        Fucking wankers.

  7. I hope the whole rotten mess completely collapses.
    What a set of cunts.

    Fucking nationalise it or let it stand on its own in the private sector.

  8. The problem with rail is when most people want/have to go to work it’s a rugby scrum, because it’s peak it’s more expensive, travel after 10am or before 4.30pm and the trains are empty and cheap.
    At 33% capacity the rush hour mob must be laughing their arses off, isn’t that what the rail companies want, less peak time travel ?

    HS2, aka P*ki express, what a waste of money, but once we have gone fucking green and no one can afford a car or have the ability to charge the damn thing people will be forced onto trains because the next announcement will be a ban on internal flights, so it’s either the train of bus, which might be a better deal as the roads will be empty as well ?

  9. I haven’t been on a train since I saw “Murder on the Orient Express” starring Kenneth Branagh…the risk of there being a “Second Murder on the Orient Express” if I met that Cunt is just too great.

    • Wankagh is indeed a cunt. I forced myself to watch that, as I am an AC fan, but Wankagh’s posturing about the “relevance” of the film, linking it to “mob rule” (Brexit) was nauseating. In any case, he looks totally wrong for the part. Albert Finney was great in the 70s film, and Suchet is superb. Somebody who LOOKS like Wankagh would make a good Albert Schweirzer. Some decades back, I was informed that Billy Connolly was going to get the opportunity, and we all agreed he’d be good. Sadly, though, the film was financed by Hollywood, and IIRC, Jeroen Crabbe got the job.
      And I can’t stand that Stench woman either. She used to do a lot of Chekhov on stage, and I loathe them both with a passion.
      Rail in GB is a cunt. Other countries get it right, but the biggest prob is that we are running new tech on a Victoria network. All that H2S dosh should be spent on raisi g bridges and lowering trackbed, getting double-decker rolling stock.
      Most of mainland Europe was in ruins Post WWII, and they had the necessity of building new networks.
      Our gvnmnts just wallow in complacency, the cunts.
      Afternoon all.

      • Afternoon,HBH.

        I’ve always liked David Suchet as Poirot and Geraldine McEwan as Miss Marple.

      • Afternoon m’Lord!
        Agreed re Geraldine McEwan. Joan Hickson not bad, but didn’t really warm to her, she seemed a poisonous old trout as a character.
        Always rather fancied Julia McKenzie. When I first turned up in CH, their equivalent of Radio Times had a rather glam woman on the co er, all twinset and pearls, looked very Julia McK. On reading the article, I discovered it was a female impersonator, who started out as a circus act. Dangerously credible.
        A sort of Swiss Dame Edna Everidge, very funny.
        I must get my eyes tested/be more careful…

  10. HS2 is just a vanity project. Just to get more people to London to improve the pay packets of MPs. If you live in the South West, we don’t benefit from it yet still have to pay taxes for this white elephant. I’m actually glad they didn’t put it here ripping up ancient woodland and all sorts and destroying beautiful buildings in the process.

    HS2 Commitee are fucking cunts.

    • HS2 makes no sense to any fucker with half a functioning brain cell. It only makes sense to those cunts who will benefit financially from it.

      When they talk about how much it’ll cost it makes one’s nipsy twitch. But that money is going SOMEWHERE isn’t it.

      The backhanders involved don’t bear fucking thinking about….

  11. I passed my driving test after college which is late for where I live. The amount of freedom i gained means I havent been on a train since.

    I feel sorry for people who never learned to drive.

    • Freedom! That’s the significant word in your post Cuntamus. When I took my test half a century ago everyone recognised and appreciated what a huge measure of personal freedom a driving licence gave you and it was generally regarded as an entirely positive thing. We have moved to a time where people seem not to rate personal freedom and are happy to be subject to the vagaries of public transport. It saddens me to see all these folks in their twenties and thirties who don’t/can’t drive and are so compliant with all this woke bullshit.

  12. Last time I went on a train.
    Took my ( then) 4 year old grand daughter for a sleep over.
    Fucking awful, our booked seats where right by the toilet.
    We did enjoy the theme park!

  13. I have a bias opinion because I work on the inexplicably inefficient railway. I would like to point out that in my 10 years driving the various ancient rolling stock we’re told to deal with, I have never had the privilege of going on strike. Anyway, the current state of the railways is a fucking shambles, the disconnection between all parties concerned is deplorable. HS2 is a complete waste of money, the only journey on the network that is relatively acceptable is York to London and they’re looking at billions of pounds of taxpayers money on making that journey around 15 minutes quicker, ridiculous. Considering I had to travel from Warrington across to Wakefield the other week and it took me the best part of 3 hours, spending the HS2 money on actually making the rest of the railway work would be better than giving Tarquin an extra 10 minutes in bed before his express to the big smoke.

    The railway is far from ideal, but the roads are an even bigger fuck up, I can’t drive anywhere now without hitting traffic, at least now all the illegals have been shipped off there’s less trucks on the road, but there needs to be something to encourage people away from cars. Maybe Abdul’s magic carpets? Or just let every cunt work from home forever, I enjoyed driving to work during lockdown, it was bliss. Maybe we could just have a cull of people? I don’t fucking know, I feel I’ve gone off course. The rail delivery cunts are tossers, they’ve no idea how a train works, they sit at a desk playing politics. At least when everything was public they were all pulling in the right direction, privatisation has meant it’s just everyone trying to line their pockets, it’s a shame it’s only useless, manure smelling, hippy liebour that actually want publicly run services, and no fucker wants those cunts in charge. So don’t expect things to get better.

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