Petrol Pump Shortages – The Blame Game

Can I give a queuing for hours because some cunt of a cunt put forward a possible issue with a couple of deliveries of Petrol.

Now you have the shit roll hording cunts buying up every drop of petrol…….and for what……..because the cunt next to them is doing the same.

So now, every fucking petrol station from here to fucking there is bone dry.

Well done you fucking panic buying cunts. You have just quadrupled the fucking profits of greedy cunting companies over the weekend, and left the normal everyday folk fucked.

There is some coffin dodging cunt on our street. Drives a 5ltr BMW that goes from one end of his drive to the other every Sunday. The cunt was out filling the cunting thing up.

The UK is a haven for cunts, and most are home grown MSM believing cunts.

Call me a cunt, but I didn’t bother. If it runs out then fuck it.

Nominated by: DryItchyCunt

And then there’s this from Robert Davies

Bernard Looney – CEO of BP that allowed Britain to run out of fuel because he didn’t have the foresight to hire tanker drivers sooner. Now we can’t get to work or school because of this cunt.

Just to add, we are talking about the CEO of one of the largest oil companies in the world here. If not one of his directors, managers, analysts, consultants, advisors, or even regular members of staff didn’t realise this was going to happen then they’re all cunts themselves.

If they did realise and tell him, then he’s the only cunt to blame here.

News Link 1

And additional helpful link from Komodo

News Link 2


“Not only are there very large and even larger shortages in other EU countries like Poland and Germany, which clearly can’t be because of Brexit.

“But actually because of Brexit I have been able to change the law and alter the way our driving tests operate in a way that I could not have done if we were still part of the EU….”

67 thoughts on “Petrol Pump Shortages – The Blame Game

  1. Everything that goes wrong is “because of Brexit”.

    Anything that goes well is “despite Brexit”.


  2. Referendum was five and a half years ago. Businesses have had plenty of time to get used to what Brexit entailed but the dopey sods spent more time chasing BLM and mixed race advertising than ensuring that they are able to meet the needs of their customers.

  3. The remoaner media must be slapping each other on the back at the chaos they have caused. It’s obvious that any media story like this will cause the average selfish, greedy cunt to try and buy up every last example of whatever it is there’s supposed to be a shortage of.
    There’ll never be a shortage of thick fucking bastards that’s for sure.

  4. Car’s empty
    Bike’s empty
    No petrol for miles around
    Incompetence? Or deliberate sabotage?
    Caused by cunts either way…

  5. Around 6 million EU citizens applied for settled status, but we need more ?

    If we had had the ability to control numbers over the last two decades we could have imported ‘Workers’ that were needed rather than Roma scum (acceptable street language ref Angela Rayner) Romanian pickpockets and other totally useless cunts.

    Brexit is always to blame, it’s the default for Remoaners.

    The situation with fuel is simply an issue of panic buying caused by irresponsible media, when every cunt in the country goes out in one day to fill up their cars it is bound to result in empty filling stations, even with double the number of tanker drivers it still would have happened.

    How do you create a panic, just say Don’t Panic ?

  6. Whenever this happens there’s always a story about some cunt storing up petrol in cans, has a little accident and burns his fucking house down.
    So we’ve still got that to look forward to. Hope it’s some cunt I know.

  7. Call me a cunt, but, the garage closest to the station has diesel for us, all we have to do is drive in, they tell us which pump and ‘action’ it, then we can fill the ambulance up. It never fails to make me smile at the people that see us and queue up behind us not realising that they’ll be fucked off at high port! You can hear the shimfing as we’re driving off! Not tried in my car, yet, but, apparently, if you show your badge, we can get fuel. Same as in the 2000 fuel blockade. As I said, call me a cunt?

    • Emergency services should take priority.
      Then HGV and heavy freight.
      Then me.
      Taxi drivers are filling jerry cans and their cabs should be stopped.
      Ive managed to fill up couple of times over this week.
      Once restricted to £30 at the pump.
      Good idea!
      Unless youve got 150 miles to go.

      Hey, get this!
      At Warwick services yesterday on M40, pulls in, “No Fuel” signs everywhere.
      Goes for a gypsy kiss in Costa,
      Comes back out,
      Pumps are open!!
      Filled up?
      On my way back passed it again,
      “No Fuel”?
      A service station running dry in a few hours?

  8. It’ll work itself out soon. There’s only so much fuel you can get in your vehicle of choice. I pass a Shell station on the way to work, a couple of days ago there was a bit of a queue, yesterday no queue and a few filling, today no queue and one filling. Be rayt, don’t panic Mr Mainwaring, we’re not doomed yet.

  9. Just been out on my weekly shopping trip and there’s no queues, no sobbing ambulance drivers or demented Romanians filling up buckets and old bottles….plenty of petrol for all.

    The one thing I have noticed is they have put the price up the cheeky fuckers but hey ho.

    • “no sobbing ambulance drivers”

      Care to explain? I, personally, couldn’t give a fuck if my bus runs dry, preferably on station. My arse will just grace the crew-room chairs, counting my gold-plated pension until the situaton’s sorted. All whilst being paid by sobbing, ‘hard working’ taxpayers.

      • No, but you always keep your pie-holes shut when you need us, though. Hypocritical, in my book.

  10. Kier cunt had a fig about the fuel shortage in his speech to the assembled cunts at the labour wankers conference yesterday.
    A shortage that anyone with a brain can see was caused by media hype and a stupid public.
    So, either he’s stupid, or a cunt using it for cheap political points. Both make him a cunt.

  11. Some cunt in Stockport offering 2 jerrycans of petrol for £50 ono, on facefook!!
    The callous little bleeder.
    Got loads of abuse?
    And called ‘scum’
    Angela Rayner?

  12. The real cause of the HGV drivers shortage is Grant Shapps, Secretary of State for transport.

    During the lockdown, the testing of new HGV drivers collapsed, and no one thought about the trouble this would bring. In a usual January, 3,000 licences are granted. This January, it was just 173. Only 24,600 drivers were approved last year — 17,000 fewer than usual.

    However, Brexit is being blamed instead of Grant Schnapps.

    Schnapps is a colossal cunt.

    • Oh God, I never knew it was as bad as that. What an clusterfuck. Training people for essential jobs was hit hard, but no one ever mentioned this in the maelstrom of cuntitude that went on last year.

      Great name for an alkie politician, though – Grant Schnapps. Right out of In the the Thick of It, that one!

      • Too true….and thick to boot with his pedestrianisation of everywhere, so cars, ambulances and the police can’t get around to answer emergencies.

      • Pedestrianisation can be great, but it requires years of planning which is something governments have to ability to do these days. Gone are the days of 5-year plans. Ghana, in Africa meanwhile, has a FORTY-YEAR development plan! That would melt the minds of our government gremlins.

      • Ghana has a 40 year plan? Not being a dick here, but I’m suspicious of African countries having plans.

        Is it the plan most African countries have? The one where they take a massive loan off the Chinese, the chosen ones then spend the loan on bling, sports cars, designer clothing and houses instead of on the infrastructure it was meant for, and then end up staying as a third world shithole forevermore?

        That plan?

        40 years of syphoning off wonga as quickly as possible, until the next set of cunts take over and do the same.

        And Ghana is one of the better African countries, but I bet dey love dee corruption too, Bwanna!

      • Shapps or Schnapps?! Schnapps is sugary piss overpriced to fuck too

        Wouldn’t buy that when I can get a 12 pk. of beer or bottle of whisky for few more dollars tho most liqueurs in general are overpriced as fuck

      • I’ve not looked into Ghana’s 40-year plan. I found out about it from looking into the chatter on who might be hosting the FIFA World Cups in 2034-2046 and Ghana came up as a possible candidate. I’d imagine that Ghana wants to be a player in the Game of Life 21st Century Edition. I hope that Britain plays too and doesn’t shit the bed this decade and beyond.

      • If his name was Grant Stella-Artois or Grant San Miguel, it would be even harder to take the count seriously!

    • Add in IR35, the cessation of “covid licence extensions” and a massive DVLA backlog and it’s no surprise there’s a shortage of drivers. Nothing to do with Brexit but everything to do with this useless Government and fertile ground for the media to take the piss stoking up panic buying.

  13. Plenty of thick as fuck mouth breathers in this country.

    If the Daily Fail tells them to panic then that’s what they do.

    Add in the toxic brew of foreign rubbish and it’s a reet mess.

    But don’t worry,the army is on the way ffs.

  14. … oh go on then. I blame the Chinese … well why not? If they’d engineered the pangolin/bat pox properly there’d be less mongs around trying to buy up all the fuel so they can go about their cretinous lifestyles. ?? Seriously though … I reckon that post COP26 fallout including legislation is gonna put the mockers on behaviours of the past so we can prolly expect more of this kinda shit real soon. Now there’s a conspiracy theory that’s gonna gain traction. ?

    • Yeah I can see the cunts rationing Petrol to combat climate change. If you need more for your work you have to apply for a special permit. Your allowance can be adjusted according to whether you’ve been good or naughty. Haven’t had your jab? Cut your Petrol by 30%. Attended an unconscious racial bias course? Have 50% bonus for 3 months.
      It would be an excellent method of control. All to stop pollution, improve your health and save the planet. You know it makes sense!

  15. Passed 2 garages this morning. No queues, not even busy. As with the food shortages last year, when you overload a regulated supply chain things run out. Not complicated just driven by half witted cunts.

  16. Part of a strategy to get people into electrical cars no doubt but they costs a fortune, are the complete opposite to being good for the birds and the trees, if they catch fire they take days to burn out and are mainly driven by COMPLETE CUNTS.

    • Oh, and the council round here are “proud to be driving electrical vehicles”

      Of course they are the corrupt cunts, we paid for them while the rubbish is now every three weeks and the potholes turn into Moon craters.

  17. The them you’re a tranny and you need to buy some new butt plugs after your arse gerbil ate your old ones.

    Front of the queue, guaranteed.

    Or put a n i g no g mate on your bonnet in the take the knee position. They’d be falling over to fill you up.

  18. Wayne Couzens has got a whole life sentence.
    I’d have flogged the cunt to death.
    And I’d have done it for free.
    Back on topic …….
    In the 70’s oil crisis, there was a chap at work who decided that it was a good idea to put a large tank in the loft, run a pipe from it, down the outside wall and fit a stop tap and hose.
    He filled it with petrol, you can guess the rest.
    Daft cunt

    • I’m not a grass, but if I had a neighbour doing that I’d ask them nicely first to stop their madness. If ignored, I’d call the rozzers.

      I wonder what this cunt’s neighbours made of it all?

      • Near where we lived thirty years ago a man a few streets away was cleaning something in the kitchen sink with petrol. His wife walked in and reportedly said; “Gawd there’s a smell of petrol in here.” and then lit the gas hob. We heard the bang. Remarkably they were not badly hurt though they lost their eyebrows and most of their hair and the windows were blown out.

  19. The media’s got a lot to answer for in this. Cunted the alarmist newspapers recently for their approach to exacerbating (indeed often causing) a ‘crisis’.
    You know the score;

    Daily Fail, Mirror etc; ‘FUEL CRISIS LOOMS!’.
    Airhead cunts panic buy.
    Daily Fail, Mirror etc; ‘FUEL CRISIS GRIPS BRITAIN!’.

    The Grauniad, The i; ‘FUEL CRISIS DOWN TO BREXIT’.

    Absolute cunts.

  20. Apparently, world coffee prices are spiking.
    But there’s no need to panic …..
    Oi, Where are you lot going ?
    Come back, come back ……
    Wait for me, you rotten cunts !
    ( Cue Benny Hill music and speeded up film )
    Here we go again …..

    • Theres a shortage of Removals firms in the Northwest.
      Itll be worst during the lead upto Christmas.
      Id book now and pay a deposit if your planning on enjoying Christmas!!
      *All deposits are non refundable

  21. Tried to get diesel last night some Uber Cunt rocks up with a diesel fills two containers with petrol. I called him a complete Mong Tard for making a bad situation worse. Cunt.

      • I panic-bought £28 worth of petrol last sunday. It was the fourth garage I’d tried. But I panic-buy everything so it wasn’t anything unusual. I was shitting myself that I’d run out of fuel so I panic-bought a pack of underpants from Marks & Spencer.

  22. I think the Remoaner editors got together over their Covid-safe pints/soy lattes and thought ‘let’s stick a gut punch to the Tories – how about we run this story from Reuters, muhahahahaha’?

  23. Like the so called energy crisis is a manufactured ploy by the big six to eliminate the smaller companies and recover some of their profits, this is the same sort of tactic, use the media to spread the word and the sheeple will do the rest, the price of fuel is rising, mission accomplished, After all the investors need their premiums.
    Like they say theres enough money in the world to feed everyone, there’s just not enough to satisfy the rich.

  24. Heard on the news today that companies want the gov to allow foreign labour work permits. The only reason these cunts want this is so they can pay for cheap labour instead of paying proper wages and better conditions, the money grabbing cunts That’s what’s caused the problem in the first place.

  25. I heard reports of a selfish cunt not only filling up his SUV, but also the jet-ski on the trailer. Having a jet-ski alone, marks him out as a premier division cunt.

  26. the fuel, well I thought when I heard the report on the radio it was a stupid thing to say, almost like “dont look now” because you know what is going to happen.
    Fortunately for me I know a woke garage, they sell everything, crab lines, dream catchers. rubber boats, prayer beads ect….in fucking aldershot!
    They have two signs, one says NO FUEL and the other says NO DIESEL, fucking lazy bastards dont change them round, so NO FUEL is still out the front.
    70L of unleaded please, no problem or Que!

  27. Media + grossly exaggerated alarmist news item + braindead/brainwashed washed public = crisis.

    Formula that works with most things.

    Media and brainwashed/braindead public being a common denominator and the alarmist news item being absolutely anything, varying from a cold bug to bog roll.

    The resulting cuntishness always remains the same

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