They blame it on antiquated systems.
They blame it on confusing rules.
They blame it on anything other than their own incompetence.
Why am I not shocked?
Mainly, because this is the level of service I’ve come to expect, total chaos!
I wonder how many people who are owed will die before they sort out this fuckery? It’s already at about 40 thousand.
Cunts! You are going to be a pensioner some day. I hope to fuck you don’t have to decide between heat or meat due to your clones’ incompetence.
Nominated by: Jeezum Priest
Finance has never been my forte
All i know is if i have been paying into the Government pension scheme my whole life something tells me i should get a half decent pension when i get to that age which was 65.
The goalposts have been moved yet again and now i’m being told i won’t get it till i’m 66 or beyond .
What a bunch of fucking shysters.
Obviously they need to keep massaging the figures to keep the hundreds of dinghy parasites that keep washing up daily. My old dear half jokingly tells me that in the not so distant future it’ll be like Logan’s Run where they are euthanizing people to save on resources.
I can’t work out Liberal why they wanted to save so many lives with the Kung Flu ?
Could of save an absolute fortune if they just let the lame and the old croak.
Your right Fenton, I wonder what would of happened on Gordon McBroons watch as Chancellor?
… ‘not too distant future’. LL the chink pox was designed to do precisely that. Not really but hey it could’ve been one hell of a conspiracy theory ?
The way things are goin’ the story line of Soylent Green will be the way to go … don’t tell the illegals thou’ cos they is the main source right now … or should I say ‘sauce’ ???
Evening Fenton.
It was the Pensions Act of 2011 that specified that by 6 October 2020 the state pension age for men and women born after 6 October 1954 would rise to 66. So we’ve known this was coming for some time now.
Furthermore, the Pensions Act of 2014 stipulated that by 6 April 2028 the pension age would again rise to 67, for people born in the 1960s, which includes my missus.
Anyone wanting to find out how old and wretched they will have to be to qualify can do so here:
PS: The reported fuck up only effects people (mostly women) who first claimed their state pension before April 2016, so I’m alright Jack.
Thanks for the info Ruff ???
Would that be mostly persons with a cervix, RTC?
I bet that the powers that be would ideally love to implement a Logan’s Run style system.
Pack of cunts!
Didn’t see your Logan’s Run comment Cuntortionist before I posted above. They fucking would too!
Great minds think alike sir ??
They can get rid of it for me.
On the understanding that I get a full refund of the National Insurance I’ve paid.
These cunts couldn’t run a bath and should all be sacked.
Incompetence is our only growth industry…???
I feel sorry for older people,
I feel sorry for Jezzum
And I’ll feel sorry for myself when im pension age.
Fucked about by Westminster weasels,
The political classes don’t give a fuck about you if your white working class ,
But some cunt floats up on a lilo theyre fast tracked to a easy life?
Fuck that.
We should be marching these cunts (political cunts) to the public gallows at bayonet point.
They betray their own people
Betray their country
And plunder whatever they can.
No worries about heating bills for Boris the pale cunt
No wondering if they can afford food for these leeches.
If youve grafted and paid in you shouldn’t have a care in the fuckin world in a ideal properly ran country.
Not scrimping and scraping.
One of my Dads old pals has just reached 66 He’s been on ESA for a couple of years due to a serious accident If it’s not bad enough that he’s had to wait an extra year for his state pension the wankers have now stopped his ESA and he won’t get any state pension till the end of October ??
I wonder if the rubber boat people go without I doubt it because it would be an infringement of their human rights This country but mainly the Government needs to get a grip and look after it’s own people first Boris has lost the plot either ship up or ship out??
He’s never given a flying fuck.
Hes not got our best interests at heart.
Hes a pirate
A privateer
A carpetbagger.
A career politician out for number one.
The cunt is so fucking low he could walk under a snake with his hands above his fucking head.
If it’s not too late the poor fucker maybe able to change his pension to weekly instead of waiting a month. I did that 7 years ago. It could be an option.
Having just googled it maybe not, it wouldn’t surprise me if there is no option now so 4 weeks in arrears. Absolute cunts if that’s the case
He was telling me it’s now a 5 week wait Absolutely shocking these DWP folk they just couldn’t care less.??
Fucking cunts keep moving the fucking goalposts with pension ages. Moving our pension age backwards. All I want is what I signed up to, not more, certainly not less. As you’ll notice, an MP’s pension certainly doesn’t get worse, just considerably better.
The fucking shysters.
Champagne socialists. I have no issue with paying for elected politicians who improve peoples miserable lives. Not the armed forces. I do have a problem with having to pay for people who haven’t bothered to save correctly and then end up renting some grimey shit den and all their state pension has gone and then has to be topped up by younger peoples taxes. State pension is shit, it couldn’t feed a rabbit.
By not the armed forces, I mean not having a problem.
I am retired and will be eligible for the state pension in January. I have paid into a private pension since I was about 20, have my own house and had to go without many things throughout my life, such as holidays and other non essentials because I could not afford it, mortgage payments household bills etc. I retired slightly early because I had saved and have a private pension fund. What really boils my piss and squeezes my bollocks is when fuckin twats who’ve most probably been on the benefits lifestyle for most of thier lives say that I am priveledged, fortunate, financially well off and should have my state pension frozen or reduced and have my private pension funds raped to help fund the idle fuckers who can but don’t work, and the illegal cunts who come here having contributed fuck all. Well my response to that pile of shit is “Fuck off, I’ve worked hard for everything I have, I haven’t scrounged of the system and just because I’ve planned and saved for my retirement why the fuck should I have to give up some of my hard earned to support a load of idle work shy cunts and illegal bastards.”
Nail on the head, DLP.
My private pension is taxed so I can help keep some feckless tart with several rug rats in Ugg boots & the latest iPhone.
It makes my blood absolutely boil.
I’m wondering if you can get yours weekly should you choose?
When I searched the question the option didn’t seem to be there.
Why should a state pension be paid a month in arrears? Is it a money grubbing way of keeping your last payment after death? ie. up to a month.
Unfortunately, weekly is apparently no longer an option. However, it is paid every 4 weeks, so you get 13 payments annually. I feel sorry for the really old ducks who used to take their pension book into the Post Office.
Anyone remember Post Offices?
I think we have roughly 3 in the whole of Sheffield.
That boils my fucking piss when cunts whine about pensions, NHS, fire, police etc, and how lucky we are to have them and just because you did fuck-all to sort out your retirement, everyone should be brought down to your (low) level in The Great Race To The Bottom. One, they don’t come fucking free, and, two, there was fuck-all stopping you joining any of the services or jobs with a decent(ish) pension, you gurning cunt.
Bah Humbug-you publish sector worker, you!
Changing the subject. Not a big fan of Labour or Angela Rayner but she’d get my juice all over her big juggs to say thank you for calling our Tory scum!
I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to hear that.
I wonder if she will be willing to pull a train for the cunters?
Kicked out of her father’s house at 16, pregnant, council house or flat and benefits, worked hard (lol) to become a bolshy union rep, then straight up the union gravy train (probably shagged her way to the top), council house rough calling the Tories scum ?
Likes a lenth…
Hehe, fancy a crack at Granny Raynor do you Miserable?
Raynor is THAT girl from school. You know, the one that would wank you and your mate off at the same time, whilst also sucking off another of your mates.
She’s not got where she is through talent.
Probably got a cunt like a clowns pocket.
Good evening.
If single I definitely would!!
Ive seen her in person LL.
Funny ive not scuttled her when younger?
Because I wasn’t shy in Stockport and got about!?
She was probably getting bummed behind the youth club bins when I was out on the pull?
But certainly,
Id whisper “they should sterile the poor”
So she bucked like bronco!!
Fuck me-you ARE Desperate Dan & I claim my DC Comics £5 voucher (Membership to the Dennis the cunt club, please).
State pensions were introduced by the Attlee government and strictly for men over 75. Not very many working class men lived to be 75 at that time. It was a piece of showpiece socialism that was fairly harmless economically and sustainable given the numbers.
Over time expansion of state pension combined with longer lifespans made it the unsustainable millstone it is today.
A perfect example of socialism and how it always gets out of hand.
Never mind, there won’t be any pensioners if we have many more years like the last two. Boris the Clown Cunt is working very hardly on your behalf. All the money can then be paid to the Gimmies instead.
I saw a report on this. It dates back a long way and it was said ‘successive governments failed’.
Surely this is a matter of incompetence within the Civil Service and fuck all to do with government.
I have no doubt that the departmental heads got their fucking knighthoods.
There are no mistakes or blame of any kind with the civil service.
Only ‘lessons to be learned’
It was filled by Blair back in the 90s, so that no matter who was in government, his cronies would at the top.
While I feel sorry for the raw deal UK pensioners get I sort of resent their carefree lifestyle.
Lie in if you want, sit lounging about on benches in parks and shopping precincts.
Go for a walk,
Feed the ducks, filling their faces with Werthers Originals.
Jammy cunts.
I’ll work till I drop dead or have a stroke, no fuckin life of luxury for this poor cunt.☹️
All ive got to look forward to is pulling myself along the street in a homemade cart,
Like a Indian beggar, bleeding callouses on my gnarled hands.
Theyre like that Mickey Carroll the Lotto Lout!!
The flash old cunts!!!?
Never mind, MNC. It’s Tax Free Tuesday tomorrow.
Get some in ! ???
Hahahaha ?
So it is!
And back pocket bank holiday!!?
One less immo getting a fitted kitchen off the government.
Good man.
Carry on.
? £ ? £ ? £ ?
My mum has been waiting for her pensions since July. DWP are monumental shit-spastics. Luckily she has savings and still works part-time, but there are folk who retired and have went months without money and have had to get crisis loans. How did this happen in Britain? And it the government just did nothing, said nothing, passed the buck, get tae fuck.I can see the government pension being abolished within ten years. It’s seen as a burden on the state, just as the elderly are by the government. Has there ever been a pro-elderly Prime Minister? And it’s the elderly who votes in high percentages, while the young people who bitch and moan can’t be arsed to walk twenty minutes and tick a box. Cunts.
The Conservatives have always been pro-elderly (at least compared to Labour) because that’s where the bulk of their voter demographic resides.
Perhaps the Lib Dems should be given another go…oh, wait…
I wouldn’t call any government pro-elderly and by that I mean working-class pensioners not the Viscounts, Earls and moneyed cunts in their mansions. They will pay the working folk lip-service, but then do fuck all when they get into power and just focus on their creepy elitist agendas.
Why? Because the civil serpents are lazy over paid cunts. They couldn’t give a fuck with their guaranteed wages pensions.
Honestly the amount of people I deal with who don’t pay the minimum legal amount for their employees which comes out their wages is astonishing. I appreciate that employers have to pay too, but it’s shit sometimes like 1%. Secondly the government are cunts for putting national insurance payments for people. It doesn’t benefit business one bit. It stifles growth. Most US States don’t even pay income tax, they pay sales tax. So if your a fat heffer you pay more. Good job, I say!
Ps I meant business not people.
I’ll bet my future pension pot that pensions won’t exist when I go to collect it.
Be a ‘happy meal’ and a voucher for JD sports Chunky by then.
It’s not 12 months ad on to wait for the state pension from 65 to 66 Add on the 5 week wait till they kick your payments in Thieving Scumbags ?
I’ve been collecting an occupational pension for a few years now. It’s not a full pension, as it was deferred years ago, when I became self employed, but it’s a handy sum each month, which means that I can take a few months off in winter when the weather’s bad and keep the dreaded angina and arthritis at bay, by keeping warm and dry.
I should feel fairly secure, but a lifetime of witnessing politicians of all stripes breaking virtually every promise they’ve ever made, makes me a little edgy, wondering if they’ll snatch it off me.
They’re all cunts, every last one of them.
Politicians never listen, they just pretend to.
Privatise it
I’ve always wondered why pensions are fully taxed. The government always gets its cut. Work hard, retire just so the government can half half. Pensions should be taxed at a lower rate – except those huge pensions City types have, of course.
Off piste, but what do you get if you cross a pirate and a pee dough file?
– Arrrr Kelly
Hat, coat, door.
State pensions were introduced by Lloyd George in 1908 a as nd first paid in 01/011909