”Nicola Sturgeon’s government unveiled a series of “anti-racist” instructions for primary and secondary teachers on Thursday, which the SNP said were designed to “embed race equality” in classrooms and “decolonise” the school curriculum.”
”Meanwhile, teachers are told that they should recognise that race is “a system that serves to enable capitalism and the current world order”.
The lucky fuckers who inhabit Sturgeon’s paradise are being treated to up -to -the minute, right-on, decolonising of school teaching. Throw in a dose of Marxism and there you have it.
Not for them the iniquity of the Highland Clearances (fuck em, they were white). Never mind the factionalism of Rangers/Celtic. The rampant drugs. A bankrupt economy. The lucky bastards are getting ‘white privilege’ tests for teachers. All courtesy of wee Krankie.
This is what you get when you get 16 year olds voting for a party with a 12 year old’s grasp of reality.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
and supported by Ron Knee
*Admin; may I suggest a supplementary to this most worthy nom. by adding in those smug, self-righteous cunts the Scottish Greens?
The eco-socialist ‘Green Nats’ have cottoned on to the fact that their only chance of a whiff of power is the one that comes from sticking their noses hard up Wee Jimmy’s arse and keeping them there.
About 1.5% of the vote in the Hollyrood election, just seven MSPs, but now a formal coalition gives them two ministers in return for propping up the utterly incompetent zealots in the SNP. Partners-in-crime indeed.
Good luck with that, Scotland.
Scotchland is 97% white. Any bongo or peaceful dumped in Scotchland heads south on the first train out of the shithole of Glasgee toon. We need separation and a hard border so and the virtue signalling cunts can deal with their own immigration. Cunts.
It’s strange; there are parts of Glasgow where any gimmegrant from some Third World shithole should feel right at home.
Same for Brum sadly; danger tourists might like to consider a wander down Alum Rock Road sometime…
You could solve immigration in a stroke by building a nice immigration centre in Aberdeen where they have to stay for 12 months. No peaceful or dingy sailor would want to stay in the place. One weekend would depress them so much they’d want to stay in France.
Fiddling whilst Rome burns.
Before the Greens congratulate themselves too warmly, the need to remember what happened to Clegg’s Lib-Dems in th election FOLLOWING their term in government. They carried the can, as will the Jock Greens.
Call them Nationalists, Greens, Liberals or whatever. Th World over, what is really meant by the titles (Democrats – USA?) is extreme Socialism. The ONE SINGLE way of doing things that has NEVER worked. yet still these fuckers tell us it will. Brainwashing of schoolchildren is, of course, par for the course.
mickey C, didn’t Sir Winston Churchill have it? – and look where he said it:
“Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.” —Perth, Scotland, 28 May 1948,
Probably WC – I’m sure he did. But these days, with the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust, removing the name Winston, AND removing all pictures of the great man from their website because of his views on race, who is going to take notice? Certainly NOT the lefties and woke – they all need pissing on!
”Nicola Sturgeon’s government unveiled a series of “anti-neoliberal” instructions for primary and secondary teachers on Thursday, which the SNP said were designed to “embed economic opportunity” in classrooms and “purge maoist thought” from the school curriculum.”
”Meanwhile, teachers are told that they should recognise that neoliberalism is “a system that serves to enable division in the current world order”.
I wonder how much she cost Soros?
Sounds like the start of Scotland’s answer to the Chinese Cultural Revolution
The sooner wee jimmy gets her independence the better. Re build Hadrian’s wall, encourage them to join the EU, ” they don’t like the English being in charge, but are happy for the Hun to rule them”. Tell them to use the Euro…? and watch the pain engulf them….?
The foundation’s are there! A nice 3 meter metal fence with razor wire shouldn’t be so expensive!
Fuck the lot of them, give them what the deserve! A shorty dark country full of cunts.
Please knock off all the talk about rebuilding Hadrian’s Wall. The border runs along the Tweed, not the Tyne. Why give Scotland the English county of Northumberland which they could never take from us by force? Fuck them.
I think the wheels are slowly jamming on the ScotNazi bandwagon, and that many more people in Scotland are waking up to the dangers of the Turdgun.
However, she will NEVER stop wittering for “Indyrefx x”… Even as her snuffbox disappears beyond the curtains (hopefully very soon), an ominous cackle will still be audible.
I’ve met with many school teachers, not by choice I can assure you
They by and large go with whatever is put in front of them
Teachers are generally childish
They are the reason we now in the West have shit for political discussion
They teach your kids you would think but not anymore
They Preach your children
Ground Zero is the American education system. They gave us political correctness and now wokery. In some schools they have already started to segregate black and white children as part of ‘anti-racism’ measures as well as separate university graduations ,its like they have regressed sixty years.
If I had kids, a state school would be the last place they would be taught.
Schools and Uni’s now are a training ground for the Communist party.
This madness has been sloshing around the world of academia for at least 30 years.
I noticed the creeping political correctness in education from an fairly early age. I must have been in year 7 (1992/3) when I heard children (of teachers) saying things were racist when they clearly weren’t.
Eg: stating that an Air India airliner had crashed was racist.
At college in the late nineties and early noughties there were the cohorts of ‘liberal’ middle-class girls telling people what they couldn’t say.
Very tolerant, very liberal, unless you dared disagree. a friend of mine argued a lecturer of her own seminar because he said women had certain natural qualities for motherhood.
She resigned, as did two other of the sisterhood.
The fat bloater in Westminster seems to want fund any low life from any shit hole, well send them all to Nicola Nazi, she can decolonise them, oh I wish they would fuck off, the sooner they are independent the better.
Schools are for learning, the 3 R’s (not the eco definition), a bit of history, geography, sciences, not be brainwashed by some woke fucking nonsense
Biggest racists in Scotchland are the anti-English scotch nazis.
And before anyone says ‘we are not all like it’, all we hear or see south of the border is the wee fishwife sturgeon continually stirring the anti English rhetoric. Until there is a loud and constant balanced voice to hers regards their nearest neighbours coming out of jockland, then all are tarred with the same brush.
English referendum now.
Wah hey!
Porridge nazis?
How can anyone hate the English?
“Front ranks…fire at will”.
Knock, draw, release ?
Scotland. Can’t leave the UK so detaching from reality.
Love it
The sooner these cunts fuck off into the Bruxelles Mafia the better.
They can gladly take the Welsh and those painful Irish cunts as well.
All parasites.
Aren’t the SNP n*nces also going to recognise 6 year olds as trannies without their parents knowledge or consent? Some kiddy fiddler policy like that anyway. All part of the woke educational brainwashing spreading throughout the West.
I was watching some Yank vids the other day, secretly filmed by pupils in their own classrooms. They showed teachers spouting all sorts of commie shit but one in particular grabbed my attention. She was telling them that their parents were thick as shit and they are much smarter than them. Don’t listen to your parents, they are old, stuck in the past and DUMB.
It grabbed me because that’s exactly what kids in Nazi Germany were told in schools and in the Hitler Youth. Your parents belong in the past (a shameful past obviously) you are the future, you are the New Germany! You tell adolescents stuff like that and, understandably, they lap it up, can’t get enough of it.
Very very sinister.
When the kids were off school and learning online during the first lockdown, kids were told to ‘make sure their parents were out of the room’ before they launched into their indoctrination programmes. I think most parents have no idea they are being taught by Antifa sympathizers, Marxists and Greta Thunderpants.
I cannot remember the precise context, but a Tavistock Clinic employee recently WON their case against the Clinic. IIRC, she was subjected to her career being stuffed when she started to complain about the clinic’s dubious practices.
Am sure there was also another case, something to do with media bias (?) about a fortnight ago. The judge agreed, and said there was indeed bias, or something similar.
This is what I meant when I recently posted that there is at least a bit of a pushback against wokepuffinery..
I MUST make a note of precise details… .
I live in Scotland. I have contempt for the SNP, especially Sturgeon, she’s just an empty-vessel ideologue in overpriced high-heels. Glasgow is going to shit, literally. There is sewage flowing down some once-prestigious streets and flooding basements with piss and shit. Fly-tipping of garbage all over the place, so there are rats the size of rabbis cutting about and scratching people who get Weil’s Disease (which can lead to meningitis), junkies everywhere, 1300+ drug deaths last year. I could on all day. And these cunts want to privatize Scot Rail? Are they serious? I wouldn’t let these shiftless spastics touch a MODEL train-set.
Scotland should be a industrious, fun but quiet wee place and it was until the SNP came in and starting screaming for independence and taking un down many garden paths. No one you meet ever REALLY wants independence, no intelligent is ever PASSIONATE about it, deep down we all know it would be a disaster economically, let alone the other aspects of day-to-day life, but money is what it always comes down to. And the SNP suck giant donkey balls with money and economics. Us Scots used to be masters of money, almost like the Jews.
There is a growing hatred for the SNP among those who used to love them. Nobody want to love a Scandinavia-style Scotland which is what they envision. It sounds great, but we all know it will be a hellish shit-show with Sturgeon becoming a lifestyle tsar in command of an army of computer surveillance geeks who can ruin your life with a mouse-click. Bring it on, you bunch of useless fannies…
“Rats the size of RABBIS,” aye that’s right! Rats the size of RABBITS.
That’s me on the Anti-Defamation League blacklist… again.
Oi vei! That’s a big rat already!
Good to get some perspective from a Scotsman.
I’m sure Cunty is right. The amount of Scots that genuinely want independence is a minority. Even those that vote SNP don’t all want independence- they just like a government that causes mischief with those twats in Westminster, and I can’t blame them.
I’m hoping that eventually the Scots will tire of Wee Krankie. Or am I being optimistic?
Honestly, in Scotland you very rarely come across someone who is passionate about Scotland having to stand alone in a post-Brexit, all-bets-are-off world economy as it stands this decade and beyond. The stock market cunts are currently scrambling to rearrange their portfolios so the idea of ANY COUNTRY becoming independent this decade is comical. You don’t pursue paradigm shifts when the world is in flux and no one has a scooby what is going to happen in the economy, industries, healthy care, etc. Sturgeon doesn’t even speak to the captains of industry or people who can actually move and shake Scotland, she lives in a bubble of retarded ideology. She never give a shit about deep ecology or gender issues or any other woke shit, she just uses those movements as she tells herself, “och aye, this will sweeten the deal on independence,” err… no it won’t you fool, it is alienating people. There are basically ZERO pros for independence, it’s all CONS, just like the SNP.
Fire Sturgeon? Hmm. Hard to say. She’s another Nixon/Blair/Boris type who genuinely believes she was destined to rule her country. Don’t think she’s prays to Yahweh for favours like Dick and Tony, but she’s a “destiny” type of politician so the concept of not being leader and shuffling off to do some gardening and wine-tasting is not in her DNA. She wants glory for herself and Scotland, we the people just want a quiet, easy, fun life.
All my blood is Scottish. Im far to embarrassed to admit it in public.
Full-on cultural Marxism. Please leave the union in the hope of rejoining the EU as possible.
Any Scots who are horrified by this and represent the spirit of David Hume, come and join us. You’re an inventive bunch and wise with money.
Bring Whisky.
Being woke will run its course,
And become a unfashionable embarrassment,
Like denouncing neighbours of witchcraft,
Fellow actors of being communist spies
And wearing leg warmers.
All crazy shite runs its course.
Like a mild fever.
Some are immune (us) with strong metabolism and healthy immune system (me) others go full on bugeyed accussing 6yr olds of hate crimes.
These people are weak and caught up in it all.
Cant help being weak I suppose?
But when the dust settles they shouldn’t be forgiven or forgot.
They should answer for their actions.
And a dose of medicine administered.
Either orally by steel toe cap
Intravenous by bullet
Or nasally by zyklon B.
This health message was brought to you by the Miserable foundation and the good people of Astra zeneca.??
Burn the hag
I feel so very, very sorry for Scotland.
You sold your soul to the Devil.
Heard that fat bastard Blackford in the Commons earlier. Usual shit ….. how the Jock poor are being robbed and starved by the wicked English. Honestly, who votes for this obnoxious cunt?
He’s a disgrace to Parliament (and that’s saying something) let alone Scotland. I would give them independence just to get shot of this wanker.
The cunt should be locked in a cage to starve to death.
Put it outside a chippy.
…with a deep fried Mars Bar…just out of reach.
You’d hear the shrieking and bawling from several streets away.
Nicola Sturgeon’s real manifesto
– mass immigration (yet nobody likes the rain so it won’t happen)
– concrete over the Highlands
– put up as many wind turbines as possible (anyone seen this shit in Scotland recently? ffs)
– join the EU
– keep doing a shit job with finances
– pass ridiculous woke laws to make it look like you’re doing something
– keep wanging on about independence like a broken record
– ensure all SNP MPs turn any debate in The Commons into some shit about Scotland
Yet people still vote for this? She needs a Gaddafi moment (@RTC) but she’s not alone/ There is an ever growing number of them across the world, from Johnson to that shit-cunt in charge of Victoria, Australia. They all need to be booted out of their jobs and made to work cleaning toilets. They can flush their woke bollox and their ‘crap’ policy ideas down the toilet while they’re at it.
She reminds me of Biden. Incompetent, woke, hasn’t got a clue, hates England and pretends she’s a leader without properly beeing elected.
Hoo-ee, what a cunt.
I asked a sweaty why they vote SNP. He said it was probably due to the name containing the word ‘Scottish’. Nazi Nicola knows her stuff, clever cunt.
One day, if they are not careful, the Scots will wake up to find themselves citizens of Wee Jimmy Krankie’s Socialist Republic of Fan’ Dabi’ Dozi.
Then the fun will begin, with the hard border across Scotland’s biggest trading partner, the worthless devalued currency, the exodus of banks and large businesses to England, the bankruptcy, the IMF intervention, the failed EU application, the brain drain. All in a country with miserable fucking weather.
What a prospect.
Surely we’re better of together?
Ireland would be fucked too. There’s literally no good things that breaking up Britain would bring. Just a feeling of, “FUCK YOU ENGLAND!” among the jakey bastards in tracksuits. Business folk would be crushed waking up to 51% YES and the future of Scotland as a backwater of Europe/world for ten years as Sturgeon finagled her way into the EU by selling us down the Marxist river would cause riots. Britain is an ancient land and we are one people at heart, very diverse in characters from Lands End to John O’Groats but basically the same tribe these days.
The woke just shout louder.
Lets get em!!!
Rise like lions after slumber
In unvanquished number.
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you
Ye are many- they are few.
Bit more cos im dead cultured me.
The old laws of England
They whose reverend heads with age are grey
Children of a wiser day,
And whose solemn voice must be
Thine own echo- LIBERTY.
I like that…may I borrow it?
Oh Mr Whistler I wish I’d said that!
You will, Oscar, you will.
Its yours 3Strokes!?
Help yourself mate.
The Bard of Stockport.
Barred from Stockport.
Good to see you made use of Fiddlers library whilst you were caravanning there, Miserable.
Fiddlers library?!¡!
Your joking aren’t you LL?
Two copies of ‘field and stream’ magazine and a copy of Razzle with pages missing doesnt constitute a library!
No, ive remembered that Shelley verse as im some what of a renaissance man?
Naw, its on a album by The Jam.
Compared to Creampuff Manor, its the British Library. A dog-eared copy of ‘British Mushroom Foraging’ and that was it.
You’re forgetting ‘The Boy Next Door’ by Enid Blyton… which coincidentally went missing around the time you last left our employ, LL. ?
Nicola Sturgeon
There’s a moose loose aboot the hoose
Loved that add from Maynard’s fruit gums
Lorna Slater. A poundshop Jacinda “cheval” Arden. Please ( and I live in Edinburgh ) can someone nuke Scotland.
I have met and worked with any number of talented and hard working Scots across the south-east of England and therein lies Nicola’s problem; Scottish independence will greatly encourage the brain drain while the wasters and dead-beats will stick around.
FACT, and very happy to endorse it. The reason I finally left Scotland was that I couldn’t find work matching my skills and qualifications. It was an economic wasteland 15 years ago, and with a politico-economic illiterate at the helm, that will continue.
Krankie, that is. I didn’t mean Johnson…which was an oversight on my part…
If Turdgun succeeds, Scotland’s population will just be NEDs, off their spotty faces on wreck the hoose juice.
People will flee, as they did when The Wall went up in Berlin.
Give the little lady her* due. Beside Sturgeon, Alex Salmond looks, somehow…honest. That’s quite an achievement.
What a fucking chancer she is. Years on, there’s still no idea of how the country is to finance itself when ‘independent’ in the Neues Reich. Poor bloody Scots (in whose excellent country I lived happily for thirty years). If they vote for independence there’s going to be a very hard landing.
* Possessive pronoun: its. Sorry.
There are only two good things to come out of Scotland.
The M74 Southbound and Tunnock’s Caramel Logs.
And Tunnocks Tea Cakes
Maybe add Walkers shortbread to the list as well.
….and Laphroaig.
And Bagpipes.
Scotch Pies and Aberdeen Angus steaks.
Karen Gillan
Scotland is well and truly fucked. The SNP and Greens are a match made in hell. The Greens cannot think at scale. I absolutely detest them.
I don’t get this Marxist nonsense. They are all middle class Tartan Tories. It’s not that they believe in equality or socialism. They want to be part of the European Union and all that entails. The problem with the Scottish Parliament is that it doesn’t have a House of Lords to ensure proper scrutiny of laws and prevent them passing stupid or unenforceable laws.
Imagine The Greens siding with a party whose White Paper and policies for decades was entirely based on the *** value of oil *** and yet that’s what they’ve done. They said it’s Scotland’s Oil. No it’s not. It should belong to the British, American and Saudi companies who actually dig it out of the ground and pump it and refine it into something you can actually use. Otherwise it just sits there under the ocean. You cannot make this up.
The SNP have tasked The Greens to remove every gas boiler and gas cooker by 2033. Well they’d have to give me £20,000 in grants to do up my house to meet those standards and because I work that isn’t going to happen. Fuck off.
The best thing to come out of Scotland was Kirsten Imrie ???
And she still ended up on drugs and sleeping in a park.
Aye, yer can take the lassie oot o’ Scotland…
The best thing to come out of Scotland was Kirsten Imrie ???
I ♥️ Scotland really.
Gutted they don’t feel the same.
The heartless bitch.