”Nicola Sturgeon’s government unveiled a series of “anti-racist” instructions for primary and secondary teachers on Thursday, which the SNP said were designed to “embed race equality” in classrooms and “decolonise” the school curriculum.”
”Meanwhile, teachers are told that they should recognise that race is “a system that serves to enable capitalism and the current world order”.
The lucky fuckers who inhabit Sturgeon’s paradise are being treated to up -to -the minute, right-on, decolonising of school teaching. Throw in a dose of Marxism and there you have it.
Not for them the iniquity of the Highland Clearances (fuck em, they were white). Never mind the factionalism of Rangers/Celtic. The rampant drugs. A bankrupt economy. The lucky bastards are getting ‘white privilege’ tests for teachers. All courtesy of wee Krankie.
This is what you get when you get 16 year olds voting for a party with a 12 year old’s grasp of reality.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
and supported by Ron Knee
*Admin; may I suggest a supplementary to this most worthy nom. by adding in those smug, self-righteous cunts the Scottish Greens?
The eco-socialist ‘Green Nats’ have cottoned on to the fact that their only chance of a whiff of power is the one that comes from sticking their noses hard up Wee Jimmy’s arse and keeping them there.
About 1.5% of the vote in the Hollyrood election, just seven MSPs, but now a formal coalition gives them two ministers in return for propping up the utterly incompetent zealots in the SNP. Partners-in-crime indeed.
Good luck with that, Scotland.
Rebuild the wall, but not before we dump all the travellers, Nigerians and others in the highlands. See how they like a touch of deep fried woke pie then….
As our once great country slides deeper into the shithole of our own making, I no longer feel a thing. We are way past redemption or correction. I will be leaving this life shortly , and with no regrets at stating what has been totally obvious to us all on this site. Immigration has been no benefit to this Nation, it was a con, and one crafted by our war leaders. A victorious nation, one of one colour of one mind was simply too powerful to Govern in the old way. Our current patchwork of society bears witness to that treachery.
May all politicians suffer strokes, and at an early age, and may the sand dark keys fuck he cunt off Yvette Cooper for her blocking of freedom
Cunts every stinking one of them
Cut loose the skirt wearing caber tossers
Pull back our nuclear subs, navy and Kevin Bridgrs and rebuild Hadrian’s.
Demented raddled harridan. Burn the witch!
As someone born in Scotland i feel the need to express my utter dismay at how vile Nicola cunting sturgeon and the cunting uneducated rabble that is the SNP Illiterati are ruining Scotland. Not happy with buying votes by handing out free prescriptions that the country can’t afford, she’s continually pouring my tax money down the cunting toilet by handing it out to the lazy work shy twats she has for supporters whilst banging on about another independence vote because she can’t accept the majority told her to fuck off.
The streets are crawling with drunks and junkies and the shops are all closed down – well done Sturgeon you clueless Cunt.