“Manic” Street Preachers (3)

Street Preachers are cunts, aren’t they.

It’s bad enough that deodorant-dodging buskers and tax-dodging Romanians flogging the Big Issue clog the High Street pavements. Now we’ve got these loonies.

There they stand, blasting your ears telling us that some god “loves you”, somebody “died for your sins” the only way is their “god”, and spewing all this diarrhoea through a megaphone.

It’s not just the rug-riders outside Brixton Tube station wearing dresses and spitting venom, there was a swivel-eyed Satan-server in my town today, all fire and brimstone, huffing and puffing about his particular magic sky goblin. Get out the way, St.Fuckwit, I’m trying to buy a burrito.

Aren’t these wild-eyed, wacky wingnuts violating the Public Order Act, which bans people from causing “intentional harassment, alarm, or distress.” It sounds like these unhinged cunts are going to go postal any minute.

I like burritos. I like burritos more than god. Burritos are delicious.
Also, burritos are real.

Nominated by: Captain Magnanimous

41 thoughts on ““Manic” Street Preachers (3)

      • I was going to mention WA!
        Fuck me, one looks like a NYC speedo, one looks a bit Jean-Paul Sartre, and the bloke on the right looks like a Viennese WWII black-marketeer…
        I guess it’s Londonistan Very diverse…

  1. Preachers and screamers are just insecure ,the poor souls
    They have to have a strict regime of belief or the world doesn’t make sense.
    Problem is they spend their life trying to convince everyone else
    Annoying cunts they are as well

  2. Arent the fuckers blocking motorway and fucking up city centres the same but in greater numbers? They are convinced whatever horshit the believe is the only way and that everyfucker else is wrong.
    At least you can ignore preachers and tell the Jehovas to fuck off.

    • I love a ranter.
      Someone who spits when talking and eyes bulge manically!
      They mean it man.
      You get your moneys worth.
      Woody Allen above?
      Knows the secret of eternal youth!
      Admittedly doesn’t know shit about appearance, and the only grooming hes familiar with happens in playgrounds.
      Naw,. A proper manic ranting hellfire cunt I like, its wishy washy middle of the road hip vicars im not keen on.
      Call me Tim!
      Get fucked Tim.

      • The ones in America are hilarious, especially those who have been possessed by the devil and start talking in tongues and spazzing out on the floor. Exorcising these demons can only be achieved with a hefty donation, naturally.

      • LL@
        What the fucks a burrito?
        Know its not meat because Maggies a veggie,
        Some sort of spicy buttie?

      • I always thought they were meat, lamb or something but I suppose you can stuff them with veggies. Even the name has me thinking “my arsehole is not going to thank me tomorrow”.

      • The Flying Burrito Brothers were cool, hur hur…

        Especially Sneaky Pete Kleinow, who played that amazing pedal steel guitar solo on Zappa’s ‘It Just Might Be A One Shot Deal’.

        Evening lads. ?

  3. I feel like screaming and preaching for justice and severe punishment since yesterday
    My bike was stolen,outside my mothers house in the driveway behind the car at the garage doors.
    I left it unlocked and went in home and got distracted and forgot to put it in the garage
    When I came out I was fucking fuming
    At the end of the Avenue was a dumped piece of shit for a bike, the scrotes bike obviously
    I bought that bike in 2007 new and built it up with shimano xt groupset carbon fork and handlebars. And fucking wheelset the works
    It was my town bike for quick errands and holidays at the coast
    It was fucking perfect I loved it and it’s only sinking in now how much I already miss it.
    I want to fucking scream
    I drove around like a cunt possessed but to no avail
    It’s a unique bike and I feel so fucking stupid

    The cunt doesn’t know what he has but if I see him on my bike I know what he will get
    No need for sympathy cunters, and sorry for the hijack, just had to get it off my chest

      • I don’t have the money to build to that level at the moment MIs
        It took me a few years to get there with the other one

      • I hope the cunt can’t handle the bike ,it’s very light weight and quick
        Under something i wish

    • No need to apologise Mecuntry and I’ve every sympathy even if you don’t need it. When these thieving bastards are caught we should blind them; that would make them change their ways.

  4. These cunts have been rendered obsolete by the news and TV presenters surely

    Standing in the street like it’s 1830 preaching hellfire and brimstone doesn’t wash anymore. You need a TV studio, multiple displays with SFX and live reporting. You need Chris Witty, you need interviews with members of the public who know nothing apart from what the same TV preachers of doom have told them and Mr Average repeats the gospel back through our screens having applied the same amount of critical thinking a parrot would.

    I guess the message is the same but the saviour has been replaced in the multimedia new age gospel.

    Until we have a 12 year old autistic black LBGT world president and totally eliminate gender we are destined to burn for eternity. The sooner Harvey Price gets Greta Thunberg up the duff the better for all of us.

    • It’s rather surprising that Harvey hasn’t managed to get his disgraceful whore of a mother pregnant.
      The resultant abomination would be born with two heads, each cyclopian, veneers and big fake tits.

      • I recently brought a DVD off this guy selling celebrity porn films. I got the one labelled ‘Katie Prices’ dribbling cunt…

        Turns out it’s a video of Harvey’s 18th birthday party

        Afternoon Thomas .

      • I can see the headlines;
        ‘Katie Price gives birth to Modulok from Masters of the Universe.’

  5. We get the 7th day adventists outside the parade of shops.
    About 7 of them line up with a megaphone and take it in turns to make fools of themselves.
    They all have this crazed look in their eyes and each ones arms are shaking in unison, like they all have Parkinson’s disease.

    • When I was younger we used to live next door to a Jehovah’s Witness couple and their son. They were from someplace in the Caribbean and were very nice actually but they must have acted like some kind of ‘anti-Jehovah don’t shit on your own doorstep’ forcefield as we never got anyone knocking touting for business.

      • LL@
        When I was a kid one of the other kids I knocked about with was a Jehovah witness.
        He never said a word about it,
        Only topic of conversation he had was Kenny Daglish.
        My mum knew his mum and when ever I mentioned this kid my mum would say the same thing,

        “They’re not really Mormons (?)
        Too fuckin tight to buy Christmas presents more like!”

  6. LOL … had one yesterday walk into my driveway and giving it the ‘can I talk to you’ … ‘can I have a moment of your time’ … ‘I’d like to discuss the issues of the world that are causing anxiety’

    Me … no mate I’m busy. No seriously I’m really busy! Look mate which bit of I’m really busy are you not understanding?

    Him … you seem touchy, on edge, how may I help console you?

    Me … ‘fuck off you cunt! I’m working with rapid curing mortar over a deep open sewer. If you don’t fuck off right now and make me get up off of my aching knees I’m gonna hurt you badly!’

    Him … ‘you’re not giving me a chance to speak freely … Is that your wife cleaning the car? May I speak to her?’

    Wife … ‘who the fuck are you and what do want … come any closer and I’ll put the hose on you … now fuck off before bad shit starts to happen!’

    He disappeared round the neighbour’s house and all I could hear was … what? No! Fuck off!

    Anyway, got the manhole cover sorted perfectly in short order and without any traumas (except the brief interruption) so maybe there is a god? ?

  7. My favourite is the silly old cunt who used to parade up and down Princes St in Edinburgh (and probably still does) with boards proclaiming that ‘The end time is near!’ and ‘Repent!’, and various quotes from scripture.
    He was the epitome of the hopeless street evangelist. Don’t know what he thought he was going to achieve by handing out leaflets which ended up littering the street.

  8. Has it ever crossed your mind that Miles might be one of these aggressive headbangers? I’d put fucking money on it myself.

  9. You never see atheists do this, we usually have far better things to do with our lives.
    Sure, there’s cunts with opinions, but to know what they are you have to buy a book, or read an article, or watch a video.
    Mentally ill cunts

    • I like em.
      And the more depressing and negative the sign the better!?

      The end is nigh!
      We’re all doomed!
      Your getting fat!
      Smiling gives you AIDS!
      Gods gonna fuck you up!

      Lovely stuff.

  10. The geezer in the photo…..”it’s going to get worse.”
    Great. I could have told you that cunt. You don’t have to be in touch with god to see that coming.

  11. I’ve only seen one of these unfortunates on my travels. She wasn’t manic, but she was fat, black, holding a placard about Jesus being our Lord and Saviour but not being taken any notice of by motorists driving along the A27.

    Being a good Christian, I took pity, then reverted back to atheism/agnosticism/crypto-Pagan-Buddhism.

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